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Had a bladder biopsy, bled clots afterwards. Had an arm exercise, no cancer, Emergency anyway? Can I start with daily supplements? Are they safe? Very skinny. Wish to gain weight. Is endura mass safe? Suggest a diet? Leg amputated below knees. Had a heart bypass. Why do my buttocks itch? Is it varicose vein? Does an X-ray that says no deformity mean I was born normal? Loose stools, gastric problems and leg pain after laparoscopic spleenectomy and cholysystectomy. How long the medications have to be continued? Child's hemoglobin reduced. On folvite. Further bone marrow study required? Suggest type of food? Can a neck ache be something serious? Why hasn't paracetamol also worked? Tumor recurrence, four tumors connected with root tissue. Should I go for partial neph or radial neph? Cold hands led to pain in arms, elbows and legs. Blood tests show iron deficiency. No arthritis. What can help? Retching followed by bowel movement, lightheadedness, heavy nose, mucus. Should I be worrying too much? Bump on head on parietal side, hurts when touched. Can it be a cancerous tumor? Occasional heartburn, blood in stool and constipation. Taking Metamucil. Past colonoscopy normal. History of hemorrhoids Treated with prednisone for Bullous pemphigoid. Having blateral neuropathy and osteoarthritis. On Clobetasil. Side effects? Red, itchy glans after sex using vaginal lubricant. Canesten provides temporary relief. Do I have a yeast infection? Semen analysis report, prescribed tab Curam. Should i be worried? Heart palpitations, mild chest pain, pins & needles in left arm. EKG, blood tests & chest x-ray all normal. Taken Oxycodone. Why palpitation? Need information on the musculoskeletal changes in the human body from childhood to adulthood 33 year old with chest pain, palpitations, pain in the left arm. No history of cardiac problems. Could this be myocarditis? Pimple like growth under left breast with black dot, pituitary tumor removed long back & attained menopause. What could it be? Heart skips a beat. Should i worry? Going to have an insemination, taking lortab for knee pain. Does lortab affect sperm count or motility? High blood pressure, on BP medication. Suggestion? Dry cough, gets frequent cold. Need Suggestion to boost immune system. Pregnant, extremely sore left breast, itchy & hot with reddish patch on it, hard area inside breast, discharge from breast. Suggestion to overcome this worry? Mucus discharge from anus area since a month, irritation. What could this be? Swelling in the ankle, diarrhea, weight loss. Cyst found outside the liver in biopsy. Malignant? Undergone radiotherapy for prostrate cancer Diagnosed with encephalomalacia in the right frontal lobe extending to frontal horn of lateral ventricle, colloid cyst removed long back. Serious? Going for a dental procedure. How long does Valium take to start working? Hospitalized due to the poisonous reaction of Prednisone. Taking Clonidine. High blood pressure. Cure? Had high blood sugar level, came down after taking janumet & with diet control. Now prescribed galvus & stop janumet. Right medication? How can i grow a mustache and a beard ? Ear itching, chapped lips, body rash. Negative for herpes. Had yeast infection. Could this be something other than yeast? Taking Xyven and Lamitor. Have depression. Is this proper medication? Abdominal pain even after surgery, abdominal lump. Could it be adhesions that grew in placed of the removed ones? What is the reason for having swooshing sound in ear while bending down? Unprotected sex during ovulation period. Taken emergency contraceptive pill. Chances of pregnancy? Dry itchy nipples. Discharge on scratching. Eczema? Severe headache when there is change in daily schedule. Reason? Scheduled for abortion. Used Methamphetamine. Will it interact with anesthesia? Excessive weight gain, stomach pain and diarrhea after appendix removal surgery. Should be concerned? Pain in the testicle radiating to leg, frequent urge for urination. No lumps and no UTI. What are the causes? Norovirus stomach infection. Can Z-Pak get rid of this? How do we end the infection cycle in the family? Is there a possibility of HIV contraction chance by the use of a contaminated condom? Addicted to weed and smoking. Feeling suffocated due to reduced oxygen intake. Need tips on de-addiction. Chances of danger to lungs? Pain and burning with mild bleeding in the vagina after intercourse. Is it normal? Is there a chance to increase the height at the age of 24? Reddish watery eye with itching. Is it a stye or conjunctivits? Taken Carbimazol for overactive thyroid. Scheduled for thyroidectomy. Pregnant. Will the surgery affect the baby? Does marijuana swell the meninges and could that cause seizure? Had meningioma removed, taking Keppra White discharge and burning in the penis, pain in the testicles. Taking augmentin and vibramycin. Infertility chances? Unprotected sex before surgical abortion. Is it possible to ovulate immediately after abortion? Chances of pregnancy? Is Roxid for UTI safe in pregnancy? Is my bone mineral density in normal range? Chances of Multiple sclerosis relapse? No insurance. Advice? Bleeding during and after intercourse, pain in the abdomen. Had taken depo shot in the past Dizziness, excessive sweating, pressure in the head. History of panic attacks. Taking Zoloft, Zanex. Are the symptoms due to infection or panic attacks? Rashes on face while on Ketosis diet. Can I use steroid creams? Effect of ketosis on immune system. Advice? Frequent urge for urination, pain in testicle and groin area. Urine test normal and no lumps Taking Klaricid for sinusitis. Have fever, body ache, muscle pain. Can paracetamol be taken with Klaricid? Diagnosed with Peyronie's disease. Having a fibrosis on the base of the penis. Will Vitamin E and Ubiquinol help? Bleeding after Implanon implantation. Given birth control pills. History of cysts in ovary and endometrium Superficial skin gap after vaginoplasty. Appears to be healing. Do I need an episiotomy to fix this? Yellowish mucus discharge from rectum after eating sushi, stomach pain, diarrhea. Not responding to Immodium. Taking metamucil. Medication? Collar bone fracture after injury. Severe pain while coughing. What is the treatment? Is there a chance of getting HSV on genitals through oral sex? Positive for HSV1 Unexpected erection after using penis stretcher, lump in penis. Do you know the diagnosis of my problem? Infant having severe cough with breathing difficulty. Is this bronchial cough? Is mental or physical stress a contributory factor to anteroseptal infarct? Unprotected sex before surgical abortion. Is it possible to ovulate immediately after abortion? Chances of pregnancy? Unexpected bleeding and discharge after menstruation. Not on birth control. Chances of pregnancy? Severe pain and swelling in the leg after injury, difficulty in sitting and sleeping Painful itchy anus. Cure? Can Protagard be taken with Xatral? Dosage instructions? Fatigue, irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, dizziness, palpitations, facial pressure, breathlessness. Is it thyroid? Diagnosed with genital warts on one side of penis. No tests done. Right diagnosis? Diagnosed with Acute LVF, treated with diuretics(Inj. LASIX). ECG & blood test reports. Is the diagnosis & medication correct? Bruise with lump on the ribs of a 3 year old. Getting bigger. Should be worried? Stiffness in neck, pain in shoulder and back. Posture related pain? Having cellulitis in the urethra. Taking bactrim, azithromycin and cipro. Having yeast infection after taking antibiotics Done Cervical spine MRI to see the cervical spondylosis changes. Syrinx present.. Need image analysis of the report Pain while opening the mouth after an injury to jaw. No problem in talking. Is there a dislocation? Should I advance my periods or postpone it with pills? Medicines have been prescribed for both Underweight. Need tips on gaining weight in healthy way. Not interested in protein powders Taking Ramipril. Pain in the leg joints. Tried Naproxen to reduce inflammation. Due to the medication side effects? What is the reason for having twinges in the groin area? Coughing, epileptic seizures, taking Omnacortil, Frisium and Levipil. Is there any inter-effects of medicines taken together? Child with ADHD. Need medication? Urge for bowel movement after eating, fatigue. Diagnosed with fatty liver. Overweight. Suggestions? Is there a natural way of enhancing the breast size? Parotid swollen, cold, dry breath, foul taste, acne on head 24 year old having pain and swelling in the testicles. Medication? Urine test showing leucocytes and pus cells. Treatment? Unprotected sex before surgical abortion. Is it possible to ovulate immediately after abortion? Chances of pregnancy? Diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes. Remedy? Having headaches, dizziness and nausea. Feeling strange smell. What could be causing this? Lesion on the penis with scab formation. Used hydrocortizone. Need permanent cure? Breast pain, fever, blood in milk, infection Difficulty in ejaculation. Taking prilosec for acid reflux. Smoking addiction. How to correct this? Diarrhea, stool with mucus, CAT scan showed impacted rib cage, had congestive heart failure. Was the stool contagious? Dizziness, neck and back pain. Pain while lying down. Vertigo or kidney problem? Trembling lips and mouth. Have Parkinson's disease. Using DBS. Any other options? Bloating and acid reflux Taking Meprate for PCOS, spotting brown discharge, nausea, abdominal discomfort, negative pregnancy test. What is wrong with me? Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Is Armour thyroid or Erfa thyroid better medication? Irregular periods. Had unprotected sex. Need help in preventing pregnancy What kind of hypertension medication has less sexual side effects? Neck pressure, fatigue, loss of appetite, stool, ptosis in eye, weakness. No lymph nodes, drop in BP Painful sex, sore vagina, itchiness, white discharge with pink tinge. Is that normal? Calf pain, twitching, positive for Factor II and MTHFR, had gall bladder surgery, palpitations. Possible blood clot? Taken Dolonex for tooth ache. Developed swollen face with itchy rashes. Immediate remedy? 15 months child became lethargic, pale yellow after a flu vaccine. Diagnosed hemolytic anemia. Effect of vaccine ? Can a person get chlamydia from body fluids? Have been tested negative from chlamydia Need advice on blood test report. Concerned about the SGPT levels Delayed periods. Worried about pregnancy. How to avoid pregnancy in early stage? Diagnosed with IBS. Taking spectrum digestive enzyme supplement but gas is still present. Can gastroenterologist be wrong? 15 year old having fatigue, mouth breathing. Allergic to pets and dust. Enlarged adenoids. Surgery advised. Second opinion? Severe bloating, frequent candida infections while using Champix for smoking cessation. Alternate options? Painful reddish lump in the middle of the palate. Reason and treatment? How much will a complete health check up cost? Where is it the best? Presence of brown tissue in the cough. Reasons? Had been treated for cancer all type having T cell. Has returned. What treatment should be provided now? Is there a permanent cure for premature ejaculation? Concerned about the weight of the child. What is the ideal weight for a 3 year old? Pain on left side chest, below armpit. Muscle related? Psychosomatic pain? PVC benign in healthy heart? Red bumps on genitals, dandruff in penis and shaft. Yeast infection? Red spots on eyelids, fungal infection On anti amoebic medication. Need probiotics and B complex vitamins to be taken with it? 60 days pregnant with high TSH. Doctor advised DNC. Advice ? How to remove post inflammatory hyperpigmentation? Tried clearz plus, triglow Suffering from shoulder pain. Working on computer for a long time. Tried physiotherapy. Cure? Diagnosed with Hepatitis E. Elevated ALP levels. Can I take normal diet? 2 year old with stomach ache and itching in the anus. Medication? Pain during intercourse. Advice? Frequent throat infections. Having irritation in throat, itching in ears, fever. Treatment options? Back pain after playing cricket. Pain while sitting and sleeping How to remove dark circles under the eye and tanning on the neck? Dark circles, pigmentation on forehead and neck. How do I remove them? Severe lower back pain after excessive physical activity. No injury. Causes? Sudden weight gain, lower back pain. Need help Ringing noise from ear after swimming, mild hearing loss. Infection? Taking Vyvance for ADHD. Medicine not effective for the whole day. Need dosage correction Does prolonged use of Rozat reduce sex drive in men? Infant having lesions in the anus. What does it mean? Having one testicle. Abdominal CT scan advised. Chances of cancer? Child getting frequent tonsils infections. Can Clavam be used? Painless lump in the scrotum. What could it be? RBCs present in semen analysis. Is it normal? Is it safe to take Pentocid for long time? Use of pentocid with alcohol Back pain, applied heat pack, memory loss. Is it due to masturbation or night shifts? Pressure inside ear and pain. Have herniated disk. MRI and ultrasound showed bilateral mastoiditis. Further? Light period after taking Unwanted 72, lengthened periods, headache. Why is this happening? Retained products of conception removed, prescribed Pantocid and Misoprostol. Is antibiotic coverage sufficient? Developed fatigue, stomach discomfort, anxiety after fainting with hair loss. Why is right chest paining? Do testing? Worried about abdominal aortic aneurysm due to stomach pulse. Heart palpitations, back pain, no abdominal or chest pain Skin is hot all the time, blood test normal. Could it be stress? Have morphea on back. Had diabetes, easily fractured. Takes doxycycline for acne. Methotrexate has side effects? Ectopic heartbeats, taking Seroxat for anxiety attacks. ECG normal. Can medication cause this? Stomach pulse with palpitations, back pain, high BP, no chest or abdominal pain. Worried about abdominal aortic aneurysm Can I take St. John's wort, gaba pill, multivitamins, omega 3 in one day? Can you smoke weed after an endoscopy? Problem passing urine, bladder pressure, bladder pain, no constipation. What is the remedy? Attained menopause. Minimal exercise. Why are upper thighs, buttocks, legs paining? Elevated levels of ALT and protein in urine. Should I be concerned about the levels and are the cholesterol readings in range? Can coconut oil be consumed, if on warfarin ? Can a broken bone cause weakness and flu symptoms? MRI showed dessication, thecal sac impressions at disc margins. What does this mean? Infant has large belly button. Is there a hernia belt appropriate for babies? Swollen tongue, teeth indentations, have hypothyroidism and hypertension, take Synthroid and Metoprolol. What can be causing enlarged tongue? Cyst next to clitoris. Painful and under the skin. What can be done? My neutrophil count is risen and I'm pregnant. What does this mean? Done semen analysis. Suggested to take oligocare. Is this an infection? How can I get fair skin? Pain inside of rectum and lower back. Had a large bowel movement, blood noted. Is it a hemorrhoid? Had surgical abortion after unprotected sex. Is it possible to get pregnant again after the procedure? Sand-like particles coming from hard lumps on chin, white balls popping out of raised areas. What is this and what can I do about it? Had unprotected sex after surgical abortion. Can ovulation occur after termination of pregnancy? Is it necessary for a doctor to hit a patient in the face if the patient is having a frontal lobe seizure? Small hemangioma on lumbar vertebra with lower back cramps and leg pain. Does this require surgery? Have follicular study, taken readings. Will I be able to conceive? Is follicular study done up to the day of ovulation? Had a cystoscopy. Experienced burning in prostate urethra area. Is that normal? Will ejaculation be effected? Neck swelling and pain, sonography showed mattled lymph nodes with cystic degeneration in chest, lymphadenopathy in neck. Treatment? New born's blood results stated total bilirubin, SGOT and SGPT to be abnormal. Treatable? Taking iron for hair loss, have regular periods. What else is the reason for hair loss? Over weight. Had a cesarean delivery. How to reduce weight? Child has delayed milestones, has seizure. Now has fever, cold. Is sinarest sufficient? Can spermatocele cause infertility? Have epididymal cyst. Would I have trouble having kids? Would it be safe to stop using Anxinil for depression? Heavy eyes, heaviness in head and weakness. Why? Missing periods. Taken Progynova and estrogen. Why there is no periods after HRT? Puffy eyes, one eye smaller than the other, pressure on one eyelid. May I know the cause? Is it safe to take Stablon for IBS and anxiety? Will taking alcohol be fatal? Blue-black scar on tongue, not painful or itching. What could it be? Child has stomach pain and low body temperature Do I have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Done C-peptide test. Want to know about diabetes in detail Had abortions twice before, through medicines and surgery. Can there be another abortion? Will it be a risk? Child has blocked nose, breathing through mouth, taking Nasonex. Diagnosed as allergy Dark circles below eyes. Have seven hours sleep. What measures can be taken? Leg and arm swelling, rednned, numbness, tingling sensation, sneezing. Also have jaw pain. Is it TMJ? Wrist pain, x-ray and CAT scan clear, massage therapist diagnosed ligament tear. Would HBOT help?
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