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Pain in lower jaw near the chin after breast reduction surgery. Painless soft tissue present. Are these lymph nodes? Difficulty in talking after the treatment for Non-hodgkin's lymphoma. Side effect of chemotherapy and radiation? Speech therapy is not working On chemotherapy. Taking Erbitux medication. Elevated bilirubin levels. Advice? Sudden indigestion and nausea, upper endoscopy, hiatal hernia, anxious feeling in my stomach. Gastric cancer? High blood pressure, acute pain in the head and eye. Treated for Temporal arteritis. Have breast cancer. Chronic microvascular ischemic changes in the MRI Severe pain in the back and leg. MRI showing mass in kidney, lumbar spine curvature and hemangioma. Anything to be worried? Diarrhea after taking Mercilin pill. Is it safe to take contraceptive pills while lactating? Premature ejaculation, pimples on genitals. Is this due to cannabis? Am I stressed? Does smoking cannabis affect PCOS? Need low GI diet Diarrhea, abdominal distention, discoloration of the stools. Having flu. Remedy? Fever, chest congestion and headaches. Taken expectorant and aspirin. Are these symptoms of flu? Suffering from breast cancer. Having weakness, body aches and loss of appetite. Are these symptoms due to cancer? Taken hydroxycut for weight loss. Having anxiety, nervousnes, loss of appetite. Will these symptoms go away? 3 month old having a hernia repair surgery. Scrotum turned blue. No bowel movement. Chances of hydrocele? Lump in the upper arm after blood draw. Should be concerned? Sore throat, dry cough and sinusitis symptoms after travelling. Taken Ibuprofen and nasal decongestant. Need antibiotics? Had concussion, passed hospital tests. Now have fever. Is this a coincidental fever? Llow dose tironisnt, TSH level, no sweating, exercising, headache, bloated Tingling in fingers, benign fasiculation syndrome, EMG, MRI, spot on scalp Severe headaches if not eating properly. Treatment options? Taking contraceptive pills. Missed a period. Given Sysron-n for withdrawal bleeding. Chances of being pregnant? Cholesterol deposits in gall bladder. Are gall bladder flushes necessary and safe? Is it advisable to take probiotics? Will oral sex lead to infections? Severe hair loss. On a healthy diet and exercise regime. Any side effects for the hair transplantation? What is the normal reading of Gamma GT in women? Underweight. Need tips on weight gain. Are protein supplements and whey protein safe? History of jaundice. Need diet advice Ear bud stuck in the ear canal. How to remove it? Lung cancer, undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Will I be in a lot of pain before I die? Bleeding after injecting Methamphetamine to the neck. Reason? Pain in the calf and back of knee after long travel. History of Crohn's disease. On Imuran, birth control patch and amitriptyline Vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite and fatigue. Medication? History of crohn's disease. On birth control. Pain in leg, calf, back of knee. Why has this happened? Itchy lesion over the glans near corona. Diagnosed with candidiasis. Using mometasone furate. Permanent cure? Swelling in scalp, hair loss. Blood report and biopsy normal Treatment for brown crusty nipples Soft lump on the testicles. No pain. Part of epididymis or need medical check up? History of migraine, headache, taken depakote and cymbalta. Dose? Loss of erection and difficulty in ejaculation. Solution? Pins and needles sensation in breast, breastfeeding, pronounced veins, swelling. Why is my skin reacting like this? Liquid filled capsules in stools. No change in diet or illness. Causes? Suffering from anxiety and agarophobia. Need advice on tapering Xanax. Chances of seizures on stopping medication? Pimple at the bottom of the testicle. Pain in the lower abdomen, back and groin. What should I do? Feeling pressure in the nose, puffy eyes, frequent cold and cough. Symptoms worse in cold weather. Allergy? Sore throat, enlarged cervical nodes, no rashes, positive strep test, bloating. What is wrong? Prostate burning. Erection weak, no semen, pain in abdomen. On doxy. Do I have varicocele? Increased heart beat, sleeplessness, have GERD and hiatal hernia. Could this be hormonal at all? Cirrhotic patient, sinus infection, allergic to penicillin and Sulfa. Levofloxin or Erthromycin? Lipoma at the back of the ear. Is this the reason for my head ache and neck pain? Sore throat, blocked nose, cough. Bleeding from nose when blowing. Should I see a doctor? Pain in the abdomen, migraines, nausea and delayed periods.Not pregnant. Had UTI in past. Can stress be the reason? Pain and burning inside the knee and calf while sitting and standing Diabetic patient on TB medication. Nerve pain in the legs. Prescribed with Remylin D. High sugar levels after taking this medication. Side effect? Itchy purple spots with pain on leg. What is the reason? Painful bumps spreading on the legs and feet. Difficulty in straightening the leg. Any suggestions? Any home remedy for dry, chapped lips? Tried moisturisers Feeling pressure in head, dizziness. Side effects of minoxidil? Have a bulging disc in the lower back Pain in the abdomen. What is the reason for not opting a robotic surgery for kidney cancer? Unprotected sex after two days of periods. Took i-pill. Chances of pregnancy? Swollen bruised incision after c-section. How long will it take to heal? Will there be a scar? 25 year old having grey hair. Due to change in weather? Done CBC test, low hemoglobin level. What is causing my hemoglobin level to drop? Done tests on mid cycle. Kindly let me know whether the results are normal or out of range Can I try HCG drops without hurting myself? Weight problem, arthritis, taking Inderal and Lovastatin Ectopic pregnancy and ovarian growth. Done Evacuation and Laparotomy. Can Doxycycline and Flagyl be taken together? When can I conceive again? Light spotting and then bleeding, had unprotected sex. Can I be pregnant even though I do not know whether I had a period? What is the ideal fat percentage required to have in a muscular body? How to measure it? Can bone marrow transplant be done with low blood count? Pain in rib cage, pain near kidney and liver area. Liver had lesion. WBC and bilirubin high. What is this? Pain in the ear, shoulder and hips. Difficulty in carrying weight on shoulder. Treatment options? Having medium hiatus hernia. Concerned about the teeth damage due to acid reflux 1 year old not interested in eating solid food, underweight. Diet advice? Lymph plasma leaking from surgery stitches, painful, sleeplessness. Have skin cancer. Can you help? Periodic attacks of vomiting, stomach upset, headache. Diagnosed with migraine and given Indermal and Tryptometer. Side effects? Piercing pain in mid chest. Cramps in calf muscle or stomach muscle. Tayo hasn't worked. Musculoskeletal pain? Have psoriaris, discoloration on face. Could this be due to my psoriasis? Done PSA blood test, nausea after taking Pamsvax. Would I better off taking Saw Palmetto or should I take the prescribed medicine? Hip bone catching when moving leg sideways, no pain. New to kickboxing Child has cold and ear infection, fever, spots on neck. Are these symptoms related? Muscular cramps, dark complexion, smoker. Want advice on lab report and Vit D deficiency Pain in the lower abdomen and watery stools after eating, weight loss. Has diabetes. Gastric bypass done. Not responding to Flagyl High fever with kidney pain Severe cough. Has fever and allergy. Allerid syrup led to midnight cough, dry cough. Suggest medicines? Had unprotected sex but no ejaculation, taking Loestrin. Should I take Plan B? Need advice on CBC test results Late periods, light pink spotting, medium flow. Pregnancy tests negative. Is it possible that I am pregnant? Back pain, diarrhea. Taking pain medications for spinal condition. Any ideas? Hernia in upper abdomen. Operated for prostate. Has heavy breathing, LV system dysfunction, weakness. What is wrong? Taken Endogest for missed periods. Taken Susten. Have bleeding. What is happening and why? Bumps on neck. Could be acne. Hair growing out. Why has it remained for years? Been masturbating since years. Why do I now have weakness? Has my face lost shine? Did skin exfoliation and arms waxing. Red marks and blood oozing was visible. Why are there scars? Loss of hearing. Treated with steroids first time. Second time did not work. Also have dizziness and blurred vision. Why? Anemic. HB count abnormal. Passing semi formed stools, lots of gas, sometimes red. Took iron supplements. What can it be? Dry cough, itchy throat. No phlegm, no fever, no weight loss. Took cefuroxime but no relief. Is it due to cold? Have diabetes, hypertension, asthma. Treating varicose veins. Can leaking capillaries in legs be caused by Ecosprin? Small, hard, whitish lump under foreskin. Feels like an opening, like hair follicle. Are they warts? Am pregnant, light spotting, cramping, no history of miscarriage. Should this necessitate an earlier appointment? Itchy bleeding vagina, difficulty in urination, abdominal discomfort. Had genital herpes. Is this an outbreak? Upper stomach discomfort, headaches and bad breath. Have constipation. What does this mean? Slight spotting in menopause, prometrium, endometrial thickening, headache, slight chills, crampy feeling, stretchy vaginal mucous, provera Had sexual encounters, used condom. Concerned about herpes. Am I at high risk? Lower back pain, pelvic & knee discomfort, burning urination, nightfall. Taken medications for gonorrhea & treated. Is gonorrhea back again? Chest pain, tests normal, taking Rythmol and Torpor. Concerned about continuing throbbing pain Bilateral PE from birth control. WBC and platelets high. Had cold, was on Z-pack. What is wrong? Dry cough and sore throat after surgery. How to make it stop? Infant has fever. Could have contracted typhoid. What should be done now? Want to wean off blood pressure medication. Taking Diovan for stress-related BP. Have unbearable side effects Cold feeling after eating sugar. Headache, fever, BP high, have palpitations, dizziness. What has happened to me? Bloating, odd taste in tongue, belching, constipation, itching, hair fall. Enlarged liver. Can a parasite cause this problem? Stroke, persistent vegetative state, brain stopped functioning, MRI, EEG, improvement in eyelid Frequent urination in winter. Why can't he have a hold on it? What can be done to avoid wetting? Should I smoke marijuana after taking Zopiclone? Stabbed in the eye. Scratched cornea. Had to take medicadit drops. Why does it still hurt? Are particles still stuck to eye? Can you please suggest me a morning-after pill? Child has less weight and is not eating properly Annular disc bulge, tinnitus, blurred vision, sensation loss. Is there an injection to strengthen spine? Lump in the anterior neck, now has bad breath. Has a nodule on thyroid. Insist timely evaluation? How to proceed? Is there anything that can be done to prevent pregnancy apart from using condoms? Do not want to use birth control pills or IUD Got acne after taking medication for spondylitis for back pain Why do I have premature ejaculation? Have hyperprolactinaemia due to pituitary macroadenoma. On dostinex. Gynaecomastia and weakness returned. How to help myself? Itchy pink bumps on hands & legs, looks like allergy. How to treat these? Back pain, have arthritis in knee, degradation of patella. Want to reduce weight. Will moving out of cold countries help arthritis? Why are there orange lumps during ejaculation? Why do they itch? Low erection, planning for pregnancy, stressful worklife. Taken fludac as prescribed. Erectile dysfunction? Should I take Becosules? Had mitral valve replacement. Taking Multaq, Cardace, Acitrom and Ecosprin Adenoid tissue enlarged. Child snores, has fever, cold and cough frequently. Should the tissue be removed? Is medical marijuana available in UK as treatment for Parkinson's disease? High BP. Did blood tests and renal doppler. On metosartan and Amlo. Are they safe? Have bilateral varicocele, semen analysis showed oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, abnormal blood test. What is going on? If a breath test was forty-six, how many units of alcohol would have been consumed? Chest fluttering, no pain, not near heart, can see it moving EKG showed abnormality, no smoking. No family history of heart problems. Should I be concerned? Am I at risk of gonorrhea or chlamydia after exposure of wound to toilet bowl after bowel movement? Born with pilonidal sinus. pus discharge. Surgery recommended. Not able to do surgery since hole is not seen. Why? Condom damaged during intercourse. Taking pills for hormonal problem & taken contraceptive pill. should i go for any other pill? Had herniated disc surgery, taken cortisone injections. Back and shoulder pain, painful breathing. Could this be another disc issue? Dizziness, fever, abdominal pain, high heart rate and body pain. Is this an infection? What is the natural medication used in herpes infection? Reddish fluid filled bumps on the penis. What is it? Suffered cut by shaving razor. Could I get infected with Hepatitis C? Diagnosed with paramesenetric lymph nodes in iliac fossa, HIV infection. Can Clavam be used for stomach infection? Is it safe to massage feet & hands after an angioplasty? Fatty liver disease, gall bladder removed, high bilirubin, started new diet plan. Should I be worried about this? Abscess in thigh and spine. Culture showing methicillin resistant staph aureus. Taken keflex and bactrim. Presence of ketones in urine Knee pains during sitting, bone pain. Why is this happening? Tired, light inner eyelid, blood work normal. Should I be concerned about anemia? Can Oxy elite pro be taken with Sprintec, Losartan and Iron pills? Watery eyes, sneezes, coughs. Mother took pepto bismol for cold and breastfed. What can be done now? Pet scan report. What is the next treatment? Child has partially blue arm. Could this be methemoglobinaemia? Taking Loestrin. Had intercourse. Brown discharge. Negative pregnancy tests. Concerned that I am pregnant Using dildo to masturbate. Why did dildo have a pinkish red fluid? Enlarged vein in arm, painful. Had liver transplant. Should I be concerned? What does hepatitis A ab reactive mean? Trying to grow taller. Is there a supplement that will help achieve height? What is the recovery period of Mastoiditis? Used a nedi pot without boiling the water. Should I seek medical attention for brain amoeba? Problem being lean & thin, not underweight. Need guidance for a perfect diet. Spreading pink spots in the eyes of a 4 year old. No pain or irritation. Should be concerned? Could not hold erection after marijuana and alcohol. Is this serious? Is something wrong with me? What is the purpose of Movon? Child gets cough and cold frequently. How can I prevent it? After masturbation experiencing bloating, constipation, fever, headache, frequent urination, ankle pain. Why didn't antacids, pantocid help? Borderline ECG, suggestive of ischemia. Had spine surgery. Want to have surgery to remove implants Child having fever. Urine test showing pus cells, ultrasound reports showing kidney and liver enlargement. Need advice Has G6PD deficiency. Prescribed similac advance milk. Is it safe & what is the right diet chart? Epigastric discomfort, esophagus burning. Could this be making my arthritis symptoms worse? Small cut on finger, microscopic blood cells. Infected with hepatitis c or HIV? Coated tongue, greasy taste in mouth, blocked throat, taken Nystatin drops for viral infection Yeast infection after laser hair removal. Took difflucan. Is this normal? Will it last long? Heart flutters, chest pain, numbness in hand and dizziness. Due to stopping the flax oil consumption? Abdominal pain during sex. What is going on? Underarms hurt after severe cough. Sensation of vessels popping. Muscles start to hurt. What can be done? Kidney stones formed due to blood pressure medicine removed. Body pain now. Is that related? Taken bath salts, anxiety, numbness, tight jaw. When can I say that my craving is mental and not physical? Pricked by needle. What are the chances of disease transmission? Unexplained bruising on back of legs. Have been treated for allergies. Have sneezes, nose bleeds. Why? Pain in rib. Had fracture in rib. Taken injections, nerve blocks & done acupuncture, not completely healed. How to get relief? Groin pain radiating down leg, no pain while lying in bed, nodule in groin but not painful Fever, body pain, ringing in ears, lightheadedness. Is this an emergency? 26 year old having sagging testicles, difficulty in erection. Advice? When is sexual intercourse possible after ureteroscopy? Fever and vomiting after laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cyst in a 14 year old. CT scan report, blood test and X-ray normal Vertical line between eyes and top of nose. Why does it keep coming back? Sacral pain, MRI showed disc bulge, hypertrophy of joint facet. Numbness in toes. Will the sacrum pain go away? Can a strained pubococcygeus muscle affect erection? Child has fever, cough, harsh breathing and dirt in eyes. Had crocin syrup. Why is she urinating frequently in drops? How can acne be effectively prevented? Bumps on thigh and waistline, painful, pus-filled. Had cyst above buttocks, difficulty walking Stiffness in neck and back, difficult to balance while walking, ringing sound in the ear. Brain MRI normal. MRI CS showing disc bulging No erection, lost sexual feelings. Have dizziness, headache and body pain. Suggest remedy? Facial swelling and pressure, swollen salivary glands, tests normal, cysts in breasts. Worried about cancer Why does heart rate rise when walking up stairs? Small red bumps on cheeks, sometimes have white heads, area is dry and sore. Chances of eczema? Had stomach vrius, now have herpes on buttocks. Is this the end of the virus? Am I at risk of HIV infection by skin-to-skin contact? Back pain, CT scan showed kidney stone. Back, testicle and groin pain after passing stone. Constipated. Any ideas? Endoscopy report showing ulceration of esophagus. Hiatus hernia, reflux esophagitis. What the the treatment options? Bump around anus and vagina, itchy, sore
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