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Taken Amoxicillin for molar extraction. White zit-like spots around extraction. Discomfort. What can this be? Mild pain on touching tip of penis, loss of appetite Have bulimia, blood in vomit. Worried Nausea, weakness, sleeping a lot, loss of appetite. EKG showed atrial flutter. Vomiting in afternoon. What can this be? Why does my vagina smell like a fart? Bald patches on scalp, itchy pimples, flaky scalp, yeast infection in scrotum. Is there fungus in scalp? Premature ejaculation, sperm in urine, weakness, dilute semen, pain after ejaculation. Suggestion for remedy? Metallic taste in mouth, no other symptoms, in good shape, exercising regularly Is there anything inherent or endemic to Abilify that makes one gain weight or is being hungrier just a side effect? Am pregnant, pinkish discharge, clots, cramping. History of molar pregnancy. Any better suggestions? Movement in back near rib cage and shoulder bone, like a string pulling. Any explanation? Runny nose & cough. Suggestion for antibiotic for early recovery? Abdominal pain, CT scan normal, grunting while breathing. History of surgery. What do I need to do? Throbbing & pulsating pain in right side of chest. What could cause this pain? Bump on right labia, goes away after periods. What could it be? Knee injury, painful, pins and needles down leg. Any suggestions? Have hypothyroidism, PCOS and menorrhagia. Taken Novelon, Meprate and Siphene. Hesitant to take pregnancy test Sickness and diarrhea in child. What should be done to get relief? Pimple on thigh increasing in size, pus, applied Soframycin. Should I take some tablets? Vaginal bleeding after a fall on tailbone down stairs, pain in bottom of stomach, coccyx pain. Cause? Have epilepsy, taking Eptoin, planning to conceive by IVF. Can an epilepsy attack happen during pregnancy? What does it mean when I feel my tailbone when I sit down and lean back? Not painful but annoying pressure High blood bressure, scheduled to have root of front tooth removed. Should I cancel the appointment? Planning to have a baby. Which vaccines should we take? What precautions to take for trouble-free pregnancy? Undergone aortic valve replacement, taking Eritel. Cannot have erection. What can be the reason and is there any treatment for it? Did not take vaccinations during childhood, compiled list of vaccines. Are they suggested for an adult? Diagnosed with high leucocytes, low neutrocytes and increased Uric acid. Are they related? Blood in urine, burning urination, vaginal burning. Taking Butabil. Worried about bladder cancer. Can this be the cause? How do i grow hair longer & how often should i shampoo? Intense pain in lower left leg Mucus like brown discharge post ovulation period, planning for pregnancy. Had ovarian cysts. What can cause the discharge? Does intercourse help in regularizing irregular periods? Had protected sex, no pleasure, slight warmth, taking Sertraline and anti-depressants Semen analysis report, recurrent miscarriages. Should we get worried? Pain on back down leg, burning & stabbing pain in foot. Had back surgery as sciatic nerve compressed. Advise for cure? Am diabetic, have glaucome, no vision in left eye, distorted lines in right eye. Can this be arrested before I lose it completely? Giddiness all the day & mild headache. Had low hemoglobin post delivery. Didn't take prescribed medication livogen & shelcal. Diagnosed with spondylolisthesis on L15 on S1 with mildly exaggerated lordosis. What does this mean? Pain during sex, have cervix inflammation, ultrasound showed anechoic area in ovary, have chocolate cyst Had meniscus surgery, knee drained, cortisone shots, MRI shows arthritis. Should I get a lower back MRI? Pain behind left eye radiating to head, neck, temple & above ear, stiff neck. Taken motrin. Could this be TMJ? Copper coil fitted, bleeding, cramps, nausea, dizziness, headaches, tiredness, lower back pain. Taken Diclofenac and paracetamol Want to know about medical centers in India where hepatitis B infection treatment is possible Pain in the abdomen, nausea, bloating, chest pain. Is this acid reflux disease? Partially collapsed Gall Bladder detected from ER overnight, intense abdominal pain. How to treat it ? Can I drink alcohol ,smoke cigarettes , weed while on fluconozole for yeast infection ,macrodantin for UTI ? Abdominal pain, vomiting. Abdominal scan, hepatitis, blood test done. Ursodeoxycholic, Pantocid, Polybion taken. No relief. Treatment? Are hemoglobin and testosterone levels related in males? On high protein diet. Taking supplements which contain caffeine, appetite suppressants. Feeling dizzy, nausea. Diet side effects? Sore throat, sinus drainage, excessive salivation, bumps on tongue. On antibiotics What is the meaning of low neutrophils? Ringing in the ears, reddish spots on the skin, dizziness, bleeding gums. What could be the problem? Will using copper coil cause melasma? Confirmed UTI. Urine culture positive. Enterobacter Aerogenes and leucocytes present. What is the reason for repeated infections? Overweight with chronic back pain. Taking methadone. Swelling and rashes on body. Used hydrocortisone. Help? Difficulty in erection and intercourse. Need help Discomfort and tightness in urinary tract and vagina, burning urination, pink lips, no discharge, had partial hysterectomy Pregnant with ultrasound showing uterus thickening normal. HCG levels high. No bleeding or cramping. Miscarriage? Having vomiting and loose stools with fever. Taken Meftal. Fever persisting On coversyl, aspirin and betalog. Can painting raise the blood pressure readings? Abdominal pain, fever, chills, constipation. Taking ibuprofen, miralex, magnesium citrate, bactrium. Normal white blood count. Taking prednisone before surgery. Swollen testicles with pain. Side effect? Semen analysis & semen culture report. What medication should i take for cure? Diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse. Is my ALT level in normal range? 3 year old having fever, diarrhea and vomiting. Taken brufen and panadol with entamizole. History of mosqito bite Pain in knees due to uncomfortable shoes. Took advil. Not helping. Had a gout incident. What can I do? Second degree Sunburn and severe itching. What is the remedy? Painful lump to right side of mons pubis. What could this be? Have had asthma. Started to develop tinnitus. Had vomiting, sickness. Can I have hiatal hernia? Suggest tests Shifting neck pain. Allergic since childhood. Suggestion? Soreness and mild swelling on the nose after injury. Feeling a lump. Bleeding from nose. Advice? Having diabetes. Taking Cetapin. Lumpy or loose stools, abdominal pain. Medication side effects? Hearing sounds in the ear. Advised for MRI CP angle. No dizziness or vertigo. What are the other reasons? What are the non-surgical methods for increasing breast size Need advice on safe sex. How to use oral contraceptive pills? Need advice on teeth whitening procedures Painless swelling in the scapular muscle, hard and enlarged armpit. Reason? Numbness on the thumb, feeling cold. Will it heal of its own? Suffering from sinusitis. Taking zithromax, cetrizine and zinnat. Having headaches and sensitivity to light Dry mouth, acidity, heaviness in stomach, snoring. Taking Amlong for hypertension. Need medication Elevated creatinine levels in blood test. History of acute renal failure. Need treatment? 3 year old having chicken pox. What are the medications to soothe the soreness from lesions? Can I get an appointment with regard to an infection? Need medication for severe acne Pain and discomfort while muscle stretching. Is it normal? Headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea. Had lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis. Permanent cure? Reddish skin rash on the anus. No sore lesions. Can this be herpes? MRI saying straightening of lumbar curvature, diffuse disc bulge, nerve compression. Pain in the back, leg, groin area and penis. Are these related? Difficulty in getting erection and loss of interest in sex Severe gas problem with shivering, fatigue, joint pain and dizziness. Ultrasound and IFT normal Laparoscopy done for fibroid removal and vaginal dilation. Delayed periods. Taken Deviry. Can I plan pregnancy now? Suffering from CKD. Need information on stem cell therapy in India Abdominal pain, dry heaving, low platelet count, negative hepatitis and viral load test for HIV. Is it Lyme disease? How can I get rid of the acne marks? Recurring back ache. Normal x-ray and blood test. Is this due to a slip disc? Do I need an MRI? Sore throat and cough for a month. ENT prescribed Rupanex, Neksium, Alaspan, no help. ECG normal. What to do? Tender lump on the neck. Not painful. What could it be? Diabetic patient having yellowish urine. Why? Took emergency contraceptive pill after unprotected sex. Missing periods. Chances of pregnancy? Yeast infection after sex, rashes on penis. Tests normal. What is the problem for infection and rashes? Covered the mandibule and took the skin off the bone harvest leg. Why is his bruise in chin not healing? Dry cough, shortness of breath, sore back and chest. Sore rashes on the body Took misoprostol vaginally for medical abortion. Stomach cramping, bleeding and diarrhea. Is this a proper medication? Painful lump on the side of the head. Flaky skin. What is it? Taking Lasartan for hypertension. Red colored spots on the thigh. Due to side effects? Vaginal discharge with odor. Prescribed with metronidazole. Stomach feeling hot. Proper medication? Had marijuana, beer.Trouble in swallowing. Please advice? Feeling lightheaded due to low BP. On cholesterol medication. Need to go to ER? Suffering from erection problem. Advice ? Okay to take oxyelite pro and methorexate together? Double stent in left kidney. What are the precautions & details of procedure for removing the stent? Elevated rash on scrotum, itchy & develops dry skin. How to get relief? Pregnant. Frequent urination. Pus cells in urine. Prescribed with Ceftum. Treatment? Pregnant. Why does she feel empty stomach? Why does she have runny nose, fever. Is it miscarriage symptom? Can I satisfy my partner with a small penis size? Irregular periods with dark discharge. No cramps. Should I got to a doctor? Taking crisanta for years. Had unprotected sex. Chances of pregnancy? How to avoid pregnancy? Numbness in fingers and toes. Could it be a pinched nerve? Will excessive masturbation lead to infertility? Persisting shoulder pain. Difficulty in lifting things. What to do? Took Finax for hair loss. Had protected sex. Delayed periods due to medication side effects or pregnancy? Fever, urine leaking, vaginitis. Ultrasound, blood, urine, test done. Taken Septran, Metrogyl 200, sitz bath. What could be the reason? Pregnant taking increased amount of sugar. Will this lead to diabetes? Need help with hair loss? Bulky anteverted uterus with thin and irregular endometrium and ovarian cyst. What does this mean? MRI showing degenerative lumbar spine changes with pseudo disc bulge, bilateral neural foramina narrowing. Surgery needed? Dependent on Alprazolam and Zollfresh for sleep. How to get rid of this? Obese diagnosed with Hepatomegaly with fatty liver. Feeling numbness in feet and hands. Are these related? Pregnant with high FSH and low AMH. Prescibed with ovacare, progynova, ovigyne. Are these safe? Non itchy non painful lump in the anus, vaginal itching. Is it hemorrhoid? History of breast cancer. On estrogen blocking drugs and Arimidex Have diarrhea. History of Spina bifida. Cure? History of pneumonectomy due to TB. On home BIPAP therapy. Is there evidence of CHF or Pulmonary hypertension? Trying to conceive. Got an IVF treatment. Have low egg count. How to increase AMH level? What to do further? Fleshy red sore bumps in the pubic area. Can this be STD? Scratching on skin. Sensation of movement on body. Why did I have lumps on body? Are they scabies? Tight penile foreskin, planning for circumcision. What are the precautions to be taken after surgery? Extremely red cheeks and exhausted after outdoor visit. Can fatigue and energy be treated differently? Warts on face removed by electrocautery. Scars are remaining. Can I use Bantan cream? Getting treated for Potts disease with syntacdsr and combitul. Is it safe to continue medication? Have irregular bladder control and UTI Loss of appetite, nausea and weakness along with fatigue. Took Amikacin injection. Had a root canal. Am I okay? Reduced sexual desire and lack of erection. Due to excessive masturbation? Hormonal reports normal Painless bruise on top of the foot, fatigue. Reason? Got the periods even while on Clomid. What else should be taken ? Continuous light spotting with stomach cramps, 8 weeks pregnant, back ache. Is it miscarriage? Severe pain at the time of entry during intercourse. Causes ? Blood work shows elevated bun/creatine ratio, sgot, sgpt. Should worry ? Positive pregnancy test, medical abortion done with mifeprex, diarrhea, vomiting. When does bleeding start? Had PVC's, on toprol. Having headaches, tiredness, pain in right side. What can it be ? Sharp pain on the hands while stretching, pain in the wrist. Suggestion? Dr. prescribed Trazodone for insomnia after having baby. Severe anxiety, taking Zoloft. Side effect of drug ? Red eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion after bringing a pet cat. Do we get asthma as allergy reaction to cat ? 7weeks 3days pregnant according to lmp. Ultrasound shows 6 weeks 3 days. Probability of miscarriage ? Had unprotected sex, ejaculated outside. But wiped and went inside again. Chances of pregnancy ? Diabetic, cholesterol, lipids, chest pain. Ablation for afib, ostial blockage in LAD. Can the blockage increase? Chest pain, palpitations, swelling in the leg. Have Hypertension, COPD and Asthma. Remedy? 4 Months, twin pregnancy expected, white discharge. Immediate doctor consultation required? Vaginal rashes with itching, pain during sex. Remedy ? Fell and hit head and tail bone, ct-scan ok, pain in the head continues.Please help. Milky discharge after taking bath, a month old pregnancy. Anything to worry ? 35 year old female, been on subutex, opiate addiction. Will my thyroid/metabolism kick back to normal? Chronic yeast infection since 2 yrs.On Canestan, flux pill, estrogen cream. Pain still persists. Any suggestion ? -14 and -12.5 reflection error for left and right eyes respectively. Will lasik surgery help? Sore anus, diarrhea sometimes, a discharge and lot of wind. Could have spread through the water ? Poly cystic disease of kidney, put on high dose of antibiotics, recurrence of infection. Light dose of antibiotics is the right treatment? Feeling nausea since a month, no vomiting. Reasons ? Sinus infection, prescribed az PAC, dull headache, scared of mennigites. Please advice. Had unprotected sex , took an ipill. Periods have become messy, dark blood with clots. Is it normal ? Father-in-law suffering from mild hepatomegaly, lost apetite, weak. Please advice. Treadmill test shows positive,recommended for angiogram.Angigraphy suggests no need for angioplasty.Please suggest appropriate tests. 10 year old had a hard hit on head. Feeling dizzy, threw up, sick in stomach. Is it safe to fly ? Had GERD problem, was on medicine for a month and the problem had gone.Now it is back again.Endoscopy is required? Junction that connects foreskin and penis gets torn during intercourse. Any tips ? Flu like symptoms, chesty cough, constant beating sound in ears, nausea, dizziness. What could this be? Flu like symptoms with very chesty cough, sound in right ear, dizziness, dry mouth. Is it ear infection ? 5Th week of pregnancy, cramps, sharp abdominal pains, sqeezing.Is it normal? Catch cold very easily which sometimes lead to fever. Any reasons ? Suffering heavy body pain during periods. Any solution to relieve pain ? Anal itching when I started Lipitor. Is there any connection ? Have CFS , low testosterone levels. Dr suggest Clomid. Are there any side effects ? Head bang, tender and sore, few headaches.Should i be worried? Twitch or pulse on rib cage below breast line. Put a patch, feels better. Anything to worry ? Right groin sharp pain, lasts 15minutes, happens frequently.Please suggest. Eye number is -2.5 in both eyes, fed up of lenses due to headaches, eye infection.Wanted to know about laser? Pain in the left testicle, repeats every half an hour. Had stent placed in heart artery. Amy suggestions ? 11 Weeks pregnant, two older kids got herpangina.Will this virus get to the baby thru me? Been diagnosed with hand tremors, prescribed propranolol. Can tremors be due to Nuvaring ? Was using Nuvaring, am pregnant now. How is it possible ? Dizziness and sore breast with bloating is a sign of pregnancy? Why do I have itching? Is it infection? Ruptured left illiopsoas 18 months ago, retracted to upper tendon and calcifed, displacing adductor. Seeking surgeon advice Red or light brown rash above right cheek bone, predominant when hot or tired. What is it ? Suffering from cancer since 2 years. Medical report attached. Is the treatment correct ? Prescribed with Nacfil and Obimet to increase fertility. Diagnosed with PCOS. Trying for conception Headache in cold weather, stuffy nose. Due to weather change? Ticklish sensation in stomach, fluttering above belly button. Not pregnant. Going for ultrasound. Suggestions? Itchy spots on the forearms, shoulders and legs. Started as acne. What are these? Is immune suppression from lamotrigine reversible if the drug is stopped? Why did I become neutropenic while taking Depakote? Is it illegal to refuse perscribed medication for mental health? Took Ipill. Had regular period after sex. Have uterine fibroids. Take Ipill again after unsafe sex? Can Colchicine be taken with Diclofenac for gout? Suffering from blisters in armpits and thighs. Medication?
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