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Test showed low HDL and blood traces in urine. Any solution? Have shoulder pain, bloodshot eye and feeling mild lightheadedness. How to get relief? Have high blood pressure of 159/105. What should I do to lower this level? Post menopause. Noticed light brown urine. What is going on? How does the diathesis-stress model relate to a sexual aversion disorder? Noticed dark lines under finger nails. What is causing this? Is it safe to take ecosprin 75 in pregnancy? Having frequent urination after abortion. Test showed few epith cells in urine. Any medication? Suffering from severe migraines, nausea and blurred vision. What should I do? Schizophrenia and parkinson patient. Scan showed lacunar infarcts in the brain. Should I be concerned? Got hit on groin area. Should I be worried? Felt a hard and sore growth under skin near breast. What is causing this and cure? History of hirschsprung's disease. Facing difficulty in passing stool. Any cure? Started getting light brown spotting. Faint line seen on HPT. Could I be pregnant? Can primolut n affect the baby in pregnancy? Is portable ekg safe for 15 years old? Have itchy red rashes on penis. Tested positive for HSV1. What are the risks? Have asthma and anxiety. Is it safe to take propranolol 10 mg? Test showed specific gravity 1.005, urine osmolality 106 and blood osmolality 285. Any suggestion? Can I use xylocaine spray when trying to lose virginity? Feeling pain and uncomfortable on testicle. What is causing this and cure? Have autistic spectrum, swollen glands on neck and loss of appetite. Any suggestion? What is causing fever and uncontrollable shivering in the stomach area? Developed liquid filled cyst in mouth after dental work. What is causing this? Why am I getting headache, smell and taste urine? Have itchy bruise on leg. How to get rid of it? Feeling nauseous, loss of appetite and burning sensation in abdomen. What to do? 22 years old. How can I increase my weight? Smoked marijuana. Started feeling anxiety, muscle stiffness and loss of balance. Parkinson's disease? On medication for hypothyroidism after delivery. What should I do to control weight gain? Started feeling pain and irritation in eye. Any thoughts? Infant having frequent motion, congested breath and blocked nose. Given rinifol. Any solution? Suffering from constipation. What medicine should I take? Feeling burning sensation all over body and have BP of 90/60. What's wrong? Missing periods after protected sex. Noticed spotting and feeling nauseous. Should I be worried? Have neck pain. MRI showed moderate changes of cervical spondylosis. Any advice? Diagnosed with acute hepatitis b. Will this cause any change in menstrual cycle? Smoker. Suffering from sore throat and lack of sleep. What treatment should be done? Have a hard bone like lump on finger. Should I be worried? Why do I get short memory loss after intense masturbation? Where should I go for eye and migraine test? Having pain and sores in mouth. Suggest a remedy Can coughing interfere with the thymus? Have had knee tendonitis. Experiencing pain in back while bending. Are they related? Pregnant. Blood test showed ALT 148 and AST 67. Should I be concerned? Have microcytic anemia. Do I need blood transfusion? Why do I get cuts on hands after washing dishes? Suffering from hair loss problem. Any remedy? Child has cold, cough, runny nose and loss of appetite. Safe to give antibiotic? Took domstal o and rantac 150 for hyperacidity. Started suffering from anal bleeding. Any remedy? Getting sweat urine smell with burning sensation. Tested positive for UTI. What should be done? Noticed slight yellow color on the baby's body. Is this harmful? Infant having cold, raspy cough and fever. What medication and cure should be done? Started bleeding after periods. What is causing this and suggest some cure? Have fatty tissue lump above tailbone. How to get rid of this? Have itchy, red spots on legs and stomach. Tested negative for HIV. What could it be? Toddler has white patches on face. What treatment should be done? Feeling nauseous, dizziness, heart palpitation, breathing difficulty and stomach ache. What is the problem? Started constipation and abdominal pain after taking vicodin. Is this normal? Getting irregular periods and not interested in intercourse. Is it hormonal or psychological problem? Suffering from hair loss. Is it safe to use tugain 5? 6 month baby on solids and breastfeed. Noticed brown coating on tongue. What should be done? Having throbbing sensation in throat and chest. What should I do to get relief? Took misoprostol for abortion. Is it safe and what are the risks? Suffering from stabbing chest pain. What is causing this? Took expired anadin and cafeine capsule. What are the risks? Noticed sore bruise behind both knees. What is the cause and cure? Had ruptured ovarian cyst. Having pelvic and abdominal pain. Could it be cancer or IBS? Can a person live a healthy life after removal of the ileocecal valve? Have swollen eyelid after mosquito bite. What to do? Have fever, cold, ringing ears and memory loss. What am I suffering from? Have tingling fingertips and a heavy numb arms. Looking for cure Had unprotected sex. Feeling sore and uncomfortable in vagina. What are the chances of STD? Have cough. Noticed yellowish lumps on tongue. What is causing this? Have low grade fever, white tongue and feeling nauseous. Any treatment? Operated for perianal abscess. Noticed pus leaking from wound. Do I have fistula? Missing periods. What should I do to get periods? Having semisolid stool and upset stomach. Not cured by medicine. What should I do? Which type of chair should I use to avoid back pain? What is safe period and side effects of sex boosting medicine? Took pill after unprotected sex. Noticed white discharge in urine. What is causing this? Suffering in hypertension. What treatment should be done? Have white spots on the back of throat and feels sore to swallow. How to get cured? Have fever and canker sore appeared on tongue. What could be this? Test showed gamma gt reading of 78. What should I do to lower it? 3 month old on formula fed and having foul smelling gas. What should I do? Have raised lump on stomach, inner thighs and genital area. Not cured by antibiotic. What is this? What causes dizziness after gall bladder surgery? Have pimples on face and started increasing after contracting herpes. Any medication? Using neutrogena sunblock on face for pigmentation problem. Any suggestion? On cymbalta for anxiety. Experiencing morning sickness, headache and dizziness. What's wrong? Have enlarged spleen and getting burning sensation. What should I do? Chances of contracting HIV from vaginal fluid? Have had twinges between breast and armpit area. Got early periods. What is going on? Found blood in stool. No weight loss or anemia. What is the problem? ECG showed right-precordial repolarization disturbance. What are the risks? How does the substance abuse affect a sexual aversion disorder? How to diagnose sexual aversion disorder? Got negative combo test. Rashes appeared all over body. What are the risks? Had unprotected sex after periods. What are the chances of pregnancy? 27 weeks pregnant. Is it normal to feel movement in lower abdomen? Have itching under breast and oily discharge from butt crack. What cure should be done? Got head injury. Feeling nausea, headache and sore throat. Any complication? Experiencing itching on penis head with white substance on it. What treatment is required? Having severe pain during periods after abortion. Side effects of unwanted kit? Took misoprostol 200mcg. Not getting periods. What should I do? Have had tooth cavity and having pain. How to get relief? Eco test should mild basal hypokinesia with mild MR with LVEF of 60 %. Should I go for surgery? Have normal BP. Why am I fainting and loosing body control? FNAC test showed colloid goiter. Looking for advice What should I do to reduce tummy and waist size? Is there a link between soft drinks and joint pain? Started spotting after periods. Scan showed a bit of free flowing fluid. Worried about cancer Have had typhoid. Having UTI. Are they related? What happens if 22 tablets of dolo 650 is taken at a time? Have mild fever, runny nose and coughing up yellow mucus. Should I be concerned? Having pain and pus in ear. Can I use candibiotic ear drops? Smoked weed. Missing periods. Pregnancy test negative. Any suggestion? Test showed ALT= 243, ferritan = 623, GGT = 177 and cholesterol = 5.88. What does these value mean? 91 years old have vascular dementia and alzheimers. What causes swelling of body? Having severe lower back pain and hurts to inhale. How to get relief? Vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. Can it be diverticulitis attack or gall bladder attack? Taking azifast 250 mg for acne treatment and found pregnancy. Side effects on baby? Have little bumps on palm and finger. What could this be? Have chronic infection. USG showed enlarged heterogeneous epididymis. Any permanent cure? Having stomach ache and diarrhea. What is causing this and cure? Had aortic replacement surgery. Having painful cough and phlegm in chest. Is this normal? Having pimple and acne problem.What should I do to get rid of it? Noticed strange painful marks on foot. Should I be worried about STD? Have tiny itchy bumps and patchy discoloration on lower ankle. What is this? Having back pain, abdominal pain, burning sensation in stomach and diarrhea. Worrisome Have bilateral apical pleural thickening. What does this mean? Felt rapid heartbeat for few second. Should I be worried? Have painful hip and unable to sleep. Rashes appeared in waist and hip area. Any solution? Got scratched by dog. Cleaned with antibiotic. Noticed redness and soreness. Any risks? IV opiate drug user. Noticed redness and stiffness in wrist, thumb and arm. Should I go to ER? Feeling tired, dizzy, shortness of breath, body pain and having diarrhea. What is the cause and cure? Have stomach pain, inflamed urethra, frequent urination and bleeding tooth. What's wrong? Noticed lump on shoulder. What could it be? Got hit on arm. Getting pain in arm and tingling fingers. What to do? Why am I having swollen tonsils without pain? Having lot of pain in hands, knees and bottom of feet. Any treatment? Have twitching eye. Can it lead to a stroke? Is it normal to discharge some amount of fluid before having sex? Have raised and itchy rashes. Looking for cure Lump appeared on knee cap and it is sore to touch. What should I do to get relief? Feeling fast heartbeat and have pain behind eye. How to get cured? Having stomach ache and feeling nausea. Test showed enlarged lymph nodes. Any solution? Experiencing pain in toe and abdomen. Any advice? On medication for migraine. Detected with kidney stone. Can I take potrate syrup? Pregnant and have hashimotos thyroiditis. What should I do to manage the synothroid? Diagnosed with migraine. Is it safe to take divaa-od 500 and serta 25? Have red spots and rashes on penis head. What am I suffering from? Is 2 peg of alcohol in a day dangerous for health? Got head injury. Started nose bleeding and breathing from mouth. What should I do? Have sore breast and severe stomach cramps after embryo transfer. Is this normal? Took pill after unprotected sex. Started abdominal pain and blood discharge from vagina. Pregnant? Have small painless lump above jaw. Worrisome Child feeling stubborn and fearless. Is it safe to give divalpoex sodium 125 and paroxetine 12.5? Noticed painful bump on vaginal lip. There is no vaginal discharge. Any home remedy? On acitrom after small intestine surgery. Getting headache and feeling breathlessness. What to do? Given humog and ovitrelle vaccination. What are the chances of getting pregnant? Used anesthesia for dental procedure. Experiencing erectile dysfunction. How to improve the condition? Getting cold or flu symptoms like low fever. Could it be reye's syndrome? Noticed burst vein in leg. What treatment should be done? On insulin for gestational diabetes. Fasting sugar level is 105. What is the cause and cure? Have IBS. Test showed ast 52 and alt 40 . How to get cured? Have headache, started vomiting and diarrhea. What am I suffering from? Diet plan for 2 months old Diabetic and have high cholesterol level. Are avocados good for health? Fetal heart rate 112-118 at 6 weeks pregnancy. Is this normal? Suddenly started pain in throat and jaw. How to get relief? Noticed bubbly urine. Is it stress related? Taking levipil 500 along with encorate crono 200 for epilepsy. How long should I continue this medicine? Getting frequent urination, burning sensation in leg and kidney stone. Any treatment? Suffering from malaria, headache and leg cramps. Tested positive for blood culture. Required treatment? Feeling fatigued, body pain and have swollen face. What am I suffering from? Stroke patient and feeling difficulty to pass motion. Looking for cure Noticed bruise on inner arms and thighs. What could it be? Got hit on ear and have hearing problem. What treatment should be done? Infant having cold, cough and breathing problem. What medication should be given? Pain below rib cage and have degenerative arthritis in back. What cure should be done? Got injury in ankle. Swelling appeared and hurts to walk. On ibuprofen. Any thoughts? Suffering from mild to severe nausea, dizziness and inner ear problem. How to get cured? Feeling nausea, dizzy, thirsty and stomach cramps. Have low vitamin D. Any advice? What are the chances of getting pregnant from a handjob? History of anal fistula. Having pain and pressure below tailbone. Worrisome Have headache and bloody mucus after sky diving. Should I consult a doctor? What are the symptoms and cure of hepatitis? Diagnosed with gastritis. Is it safe to take franxit? Have osteoporosis. What treatment should be done? Recovery time? Felt a hard lump in tonsil area, have on and off ear and jaw pain. Any remedy? Feeling dizzy, nausea, shaky and stomach ache. Have thyroid disease. Any ideas? Having headache, blood pressure 173 over 84 and pulse 84. Should I consult doctor? Had unprotected intercourse. Feeling nausea and missing periods. Possibility of pregnancy? Pregnant. Had food cooked with cologne. Side effects on fetus? Started taking vitamin c powder. Noticed color change in stool. What could be the reason? Applied cast on broken tibia. Experiencing muscle spasms and twitching in leg. Should I be concerned? Have had seizures. Have a cyst on pineal gland and feeling bruised in head. What to do? Have cough and cold. Getting phlegm with metallic taste. On steroids. Proper medication?
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