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Had anal intercourse. Got external hemorrhoids. Experiencing liquid leakage. Any treatment? Suffering from asthma and occasional chest infection. Found hard lump under armpit. Prognosis? Getting hot flashes and dizziness. Pain and numbness in arm. Taking neurontin for seizures. Worrisome Have serum sickness. Feeling fatigue, lightheaded, pain in spine and throat. Blood vessel related? Swollen sublingual veins with painful lump on it. Temporary relief by antibiotic. Any effective cure? Child has crick in neck and severe headache. Not cured by ibuprofen. What's causing this? Heavy drinker. Noticed changes in voice with high pitch. No fever, cold or cough. Any thoughts? Why do I yawn continually? How to get rid of this? Taking lipitor for cholesterol. Urine test done for wbc and rbc. What does the report suggest? Is it safe to give nyquil to 10 year old? Is it normal to have a low grade fever just before period? Stopped taking effexor. Suffering from low mood, fatigue, weight gain and back pain. Medication? What is hepatic cysts? What are the treatment available? Having abdominal pain with inguinal hernia. Noticed white bubbles in his stool. Required treatment? Not able to retract the foreskin. Which specialist should I consult? Have red eye with watery discharge and sinus drainage. Easy way to get cure? Took plan b few days after unprotected sex. Started implantation bleeding. Chances of pregnancy? Have osteoporosis. Is it safe to stop taking fosomax while on calcium and vitamin d? Suffering from erectile dysfunction and found pus cell in semen. Are they related? Have cluster of pimples at the base of throat. How to get rid of this? Undergoing radioactive iodine treatment. Have dry mouth and altered taste. Worrisone Abdominal pain, blood in urine. Found swollen lymph node in abdomen and kidney stone. Worrisome Taking pepto bismol for diarrhea. Have sore knee and swollen toe. Are they related? Have loose penis and testicle. Could it be due to masturbation? Child having fever and cold. Not cured by hicet and crocin ds. Safe to give meftal p? Feeling light headed with normal pulse rate and blood pressure. Any advice? Can Hep b vaccine produce infection by contact and can milk come out through ear after feeding? Dark, itchy rashes on buttocks and sore bump outside anal area. Took medicine. What's going on? Suffering from irregular, heavy and painful periods. Taking cerazette. Is it safe to double the dose? Stopped taking BP medicine. Getting electric shock feeling in chest and head. Cause and cure? Soles of feet become warm while urinating. What could be causing this? Pandas disease. Stool test showed protonzoa infection and gamma strep and e-coli in gut. Remedy? Trying to conceive. Treated for scabies. Have rashes on vagina with smelly vaginal discharge. Cure? Constipation, cramps, nausea, sweating and shaking just before onset of menstruation. What's wrong? Taking omeprazole for burping problem. Getting strange colored stool. Thyroid test normal. Cause? Have swollen eardrum and experiencing severe hearing loss. How to overcome this problem? Pap smear showed changes in cells and positive for virus. Copolscopy to be done. Worrisome Pap smear showed changes in cells and tested positive for virus. Copolscopy to be done. Worrisome Felt swollen lump and bruise around belly button. Could it be swollen lymph node? Taking akurit 4 and pyri 10 for tuberculous lymphadenitis. What diet should I take? History of diarrhea and bleeding. Colonoscopy showed red and swollen lymph node. Any ideas? Treatment for liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and renal failure? Chances of getting HIV from kissing HIV positive partner? Child has swollen lips and tight skin on face with burning sensation. Any solution? Undergone angioplasty for a heart stent. Looking for cure, exercise and diet plan Trying to conceive. Diagnosed with cervical polyp. Should I get my fallopian tubes tested? What does mild anisopoikilocytosis and predominantly microcytic hypochromic mean? History of bilateral inguinal hernias. Have celiac. Getting back pain, constipation and losing weight. Treatment? Suffering from moderate back pain. MRI showed loss of normal cervical lordosis. Do I need surgery? Mild upper abdomen pain with no heartburn or blood in stools. Do I need endoscopy ? Had flu vaccination. Started coughing with no fever, no energy and no pain. Any solution? Have poliosis. Few white hair appeared. Any treatment? What are the possible aging problem after 80's? Why do I feel weakness after intercourse? Pregnant. Used lotion for itching. Lab test showed elevated bile acids and elevated liver enzymes. Risk? Is flucloxacillin effective to treat STI infection? Feeling cold and reddish elongated area appeared on spine. Looking for treatment Diagnosed with shingles. Have sore and swollen blisters between buttocks. Is this common? Treatment for high blood pressure, knee and back pain? Had unprotected sex. Applied alcohol to clean pubic area. Got diarrhea. Chances of getting HIV? Does fruits and vegetable help in hair growth and strengthening of hairs? Newborn developed jaundice just after birth. Started phototherapy. Any complication? Is it abnormal to have blood flow around clitoris during menses? Have sore palate and noticed white spots on it. What is the cause and cure? Feeling sore between toes. Looking for home treatment Having knee pain. MRI showed vitamin deficiency and small baker's cyst. Any treatment? Tooh extracted and wearing essix retainer. Will this affect future bone grafts and implant? Stitches done on head after injury. Concave dent appeared. Is this normal? Have diabetes mellitus. Abdominal ultrasound showed mild fatty liver and cholelithiasis. What to do? Trying to conceive. Stopped taking pills. Why am I not getting pregnant even after unprotected sex? Rashes and bruise appeared on back of upper thigh. Should I be worried for DVT symptoms? Have slight fever and headache. Taken calpol. Should I take any alternate medication? Took medication for cellulitis. Noticed darkening of skin on infected area. Should I be worried? Have hypothyroidism. Taking tyroxine 100mg. Experiencing blocked ear with discomfort. Related? Noticed slightly raised dark bruise on hip. What cure should be done? Took paxil for anxiety disorder. Had unprotected sex. Missing period and feeling tired. Concerned Had protected intercourse. What are the risk of contracting HIV or STD? Non smoker and light drinker. Have red and swollen tonsils. Should I be worried for throat cancer? Planning for a baby. Semen analysis done. What are the findings and treatment required? Getting cramps in legs, arms and hands. Taking medicine for BP and cholesterol. Concerned for ALT level Diarrhea after gallbladder removal. How to prevent this? Took ipill after unprotected sex. Got period and missed for next month. Any suggestion? Suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis. Test showed low TSH level. Will this cause problem in conception? Pregnant. Will it be safe to take a lie detector test? Taking augmentin and rocephin for sinus infection. Have yeast infection in groin. Cause? Facing frequent urination problem. Blood and urine test normal. What is causing this? Pus cell and albumin found in child's urine. Should I be worried for urine infection? Treated for Afib. Taking altace, flecainide and bystolic. Will this cause any affect on heart rate? Missed taking pop pill. Having light pink mucus, lower abdominal cramp and back ache. Concerned Prescribed percocet for pain after oral surgery. What should be the time interval? Screening test done for syphilis. What are the findings and should I go for syphilis shot? Have hemophilia. MRI found cyst on tailbone. What are the treatment available? Treatment for diarrhea, stomachache, pain in back, penis and testicle? Child having headache and feeling lightheaded. Should I be concerned? 44 years old. Why am I feeling on and off lightheaded? Have hiatus hernia. Feeling nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Taking nexium. Any suggestion? Trying to conceive. Started spotting with slight cramps after intercourse. HPT negative. Worrisome Child has fever, loss of appetite and ear infection. How to diagnose these symptoms? Have dandy walker malformation. What is the cause and treatment available? Feeling dizzy and have vision problem. Could it be meniere's disease or vestibular problem? Suffering from hair fall, back pain, white discharge and shoulder pain. Treatment and precaution? Taking lipitor. Found high bilirubin level. What should I do? Have heavy painful periods. Taking gynera to delay period. Is it safe to take primolut? Suffering from obesity. Getting sharp pain and burning sensation on upper thigh. What to do? Having lower back pain. Not cured by volini and brufen. Suggest medication for cure Have jaundice, infected with herpes zoster and painful blisters near eye. Safe to take painkillers? Cast on fractured tibia. Slipped and put pressure on leg. Will this cause any problem? Have swelling on upper nose. Any solution? 16 years old. Increased heart rate after doing exercise. Is there any problem? History of migraine headaches. Feeling taste of blood and lightheaded. Easy way to get cure? Used same condom for blow-job and penetrative sex. Risk of HIV? Treated for neck sprain. Started sneezing. Prescribed flexura d for viral myalgia. Safe remedy? Having dizzy spells with popping sound in ear. Have lichen sclerosis. Due to estrogen dominance? Looking best doctor for fissure treatment and rectum ulcer Child started behaving naughty. What should be done? Pregnant. Ultrasound normal. Got a little brown discharge. Is this normal? Feeling of blocked nose and lump on back of throat when suffering from cold. Any relief? Have high and lose libido. Taking azor, bystolic, lovaza and xanax. Safe to take benicar? How common is action tremors and how to control it? Have swollen gums, white patches around tongue and purple spots on roof of mouth. Treatment? Have severe dandruff and hair fall. Not cured by ketoconozole. Looking for solution Severe panic attack, fear of death and concerned of having cancer. Does anxiety cause any mouth illness? Took medicine after dental check up. Facing gastric problem and stomachache. Safe remedy? Suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar 2. Why am I experiencing anxiety? Fatigue, weight loss and hair loss. Have raised AST and ALT level. Worried for red vomit and stool Taking norco. Feels like to have panic attack. Side effect of medicine? Tested for thyroid stimulating hormone. What are the findings? Hypothyroid patient. Feels like something struck in throat. Should I be worried? Pregnant, getting white vaginal discharge. Taking folvite, susten and vitamin. Tips for normal delivery? How to get rid of dry cough? Blood sugar, cholesterol and thyroid profile test report above normal range. What are the risk? Have a hard grape size external hemorrhoid which is increasing in size. Not over weight. How to get cure completely? Started taking asomex and lasix instead ramipril and olmeg. Noticed increase in potassium level. Reason? Ejaculating less semen and unable to satisfy partner. What should I do? Suffering from anemia. Test showed raised ALT and AST reading. What are the complication? Developed swelling and pain in scrotum area. Temporary relief by antibiotic. Could it be hydrocele? What are the chances of finding gram positive cocci isolated in semen culture? Anemic and have colitis. Gallbladder removed after delivery. Why am I not getting period? Have UTI, bladder infections and IBS. Taking azo for relief. Any side effect for long use of azo? Started sweating, vomiting and diarrhea after intercourse. Swollen lymph node in neck. Chances of HIV? Twisted ankle. Noticed swelling and bruise. Getting burning sensation in calf muscle. Is this normal? Have itchy vagina with white liquid discharge. Temporary relief after medication. Permanent cure? Having lower abdominal pain. Why do I feel like urge to urinate all the time? Gastric bypass surgery to be done. Trying to lose weight. Should I go for surgery for weight loss? Got osteoarthritis. Started losing weight and feeling weak. How to gain weight and strength? Took lisinipril. Feeling bloated and getting burning sensation in stomach. What to do? Reoccurring bacterial vaginosis. Have back and abdomen pain. Chances of having Pelvic inflammatory disease? Child passing mucus in bowel movement. Is there any effective medicine for cure? Feeling nausea, bloated, noticed increase in appetite and tender breasts. Should I get tested for pregnancy? Having pain in jaw and chest. EKG, ECG and blood test normal. Took klonopin. What's going on? How to get relief from upper and mid section abdominal pains? Missing period. Should I be worried for pregnancy? Took ipill after unprotected sex and unwanted 72 after second exposure. Missing period. Worrisome Noticed blood in urine. Took medicine for kidney infection and augmentin for back pain. Worrisome Had unprotected sex. Got vomiting and diarrhea, weight loss, inflamed groin and lymph node on neck. HIV? Getting pain in leg. Found lipoma in ultrasonography. How to treat this? Having pain under ribs. What should I do to get relief? Child has red and swollen ear with fluid discharge. What should be done? Have prinzmetal angina. Why angina is not detected in ecg? Hit my head, have black vision with dizziness. History of CHF and PPH with enlarged spleen. Serious? Getting burning sensation while urinating or ejaculating. Tested negative for chlamydia. Concerned 62 years old. Have flu with fever, mouth sore and rashes on forearm. Any treatment? Having headache and noticed bump on head. Should I be concerned? 41 years old, smoker. Getting irregular period and noticed urine leakage. What's going on? Feeling of some thing struck in throat. What should I do? Taking vytorin after blood test. Experiencing low libido and erectile dysfunction. What's going on? Have sore and swollen eye. What is the cause and cure? Can hsv2 infection lay dormant for years without showing any symptoms? Getting pain between hip and ribs. Should I be worried for liver or kidney damage? Sensitive and sore clitoris after oral sex. Is this a sign of STD? Applying xylocaine for fissure problem. Not cured. Suggest diet plan and permanent cure Getting loose stool in hot weather. Noticed tiny bits of red in stool. Should I be concerned? Have pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Taking ramipril. Why do I feel hot and dizzy while walking? Getting headache, stomachache and itchy rashes on legs. How to get tested for schistosomiasis? Pregnant. Have nasty cough, sore throat and nasal congestion. Not cured by rubitussin. Safe remedy? Getting whitish smelly discharge along with redness on vagina. Could it be yeast infection? Getting change in taste during menopause. Normal? Noticed big and sore dent on foot. Should I be concerned? Child having fever. Dose of tylenol to be given? Why do I feel tired and get dark circles under my eyes? Missed period, started spotting and getting morning sickness. Pregnancy symptoms? Have inflamed and sore eye. What is causing this and required treatment? Tasted and smelled copper just after forehead injury. Bruise appeared and getting headache. Safe remedy? Have Itching in nose with frequent sneezing. Looking for solution Undergone ASD closure surgery. Got fever and taking calpol. Any suggestion? Tested and found areas of bleeding on retina. What kind of test and treatments is required? Have prostatitis, calcium lump on testicle and enlarged lymph node in groin. What is the problem? Have sinus pressure and constant runny nose. What medication should I take to get relief? Took ipill after unprotected sex and found pregnancy. How to calculate conception date? Noticed white coating on penis head and hurts while pilling foreskin. Related to fungal infection? Infected with mite. Have lost eyebrows and eyelash. Any medication? Experiencing pregnancy symptoms. Can adderall cause low HCG levels? How to find conception date and paternity? Noticed blood while wiping. Is this serious? Started spotting after depo shot. Is this common? Had lame arm, feeling nausea and have bulging veins. Any risk of stroke or a heart attack? Facing difficulty in passing urine and noticed mucus in it. Tested normal for prostate. Any solution? Paralysis on half of body. Vomits white fluid after dinner. What is causing this and treatment? Got cough after using bleach at home. No headache, sore throat, chest pain. Any infection? Have enlarged liver with normal enzymes. Suggested heptar. Any advice?
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