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Took steroid shot for bronchitis. Noticed elevated blood pressure level. Looking for solution? Child has tonsils and adenoids removed, grommets inserted into ears. Developed cough. What's wrong? Getting palpitation, neck pain and losing weight. Cause and cure? Swelling and pain on ankle after a sprain. X-ray showed no fracture. Should I have an MRI? Chances of getting pregnant with precum but no penetration? Noticed bumps on penis during erection. Easy way to remove this? Got relief from cough. Started feeling dizzy and sick. Reason? Took roxid 150 for throat infection. Suffering from diarrhea with mucus in it. Medication? Toddler suffering from cold. Will it be safe to give lactogen milk? Bitten by german shepherd dog. Took tetanus shot and anti rabies vaccination. Any suggestion? Have cold, coughing up blood, getting pain in rib and shoulder. Chest x-ray clear. Lung cancer? Child has cough and stuffy nose. Is this cold or allergy? Should I give ambroxol? What should I do to reduce triglycerides level? Had unprotected intercourse during ovulation period. Started bleeding. Any chances of pregnancy? Have pain and swelling on elbow with bruise on it. Could it be a blood clot? Started getting irregular period. What is causing this and required treatment? Irregular period with clots, cramps and bloating. Ultrasound showed cyst in ovary. Are these fibroids? Have irregular teeth alignment. What are the treatment available? Feeling sick, loss of appetite and have lump under armpit. Looking for solution Perimenopausal. Noticed SI joint pain and stiffness in back. How to overcome this problem? Had penile implant surgery done. Pain and swelling on testicle. Took ibuprofen. Any complication? Noticed carbuncle on wrist and spots on lower lips. What treatment should be done? Experiencing sore throat, pain in jaw and painful ear popping. What am I suffering from? Started bleeding after unprotected sex. Is this a sign of pregnancy or infection? Taking prothiaden to reduce nerve pain. Will it be safe to take cymbalta? Pregnant. Started getting sharp pain on temple area. How to get relief? What are the symptoms of chronic microvascular hyperintensities. Prognosis? What are the ways to increase breast milk after delivery? Started bleeding heavily after sex. What could be causing this? Frequent fainting. Diagnosed with CA of right posterior lobe. Taking levipil and shelcal. Dangerous? Treated for pneumonia. Noticed blood in mucus with sore throat and chest tightness. Any idea? Toddler on breast milk. Passing gas but no bowel movement. What should I do? Suffering from chronic dandruff, anxiety and headache. Is it safe to take nexito? Have carcinoid in the small intestine. What are the treatment available? Had sex after period. Started spotting and noticed small clots. What's going on? Suffering from severe migraine. Prescribed migranil, combiflam kyrab and fynal oz. Are these safe? Noticed red sore on penis head after masturbation. Should I be worried? Had kidney removed. Have high cholesterol level and tested for egfr. Should I be concerned? I am active triathlete. Getting irregular period and felt movable lump on spine. Worrisome How long is a cough contagious? Noticed painless lump on back of head. Should I be worried for cancer? Have charcot marie tooth type 1a. Noticed redness and swelling on toe. Worried for fracture Raw ring appeared inside lips and getting burning sensation. How to get rid of this? Getting frequent erections and forced urination at night. Any advice? Worried of contracting leprosy infection. Will it be safe to take rifampicin? Took sythroid, getting hyperthyroid symptoms. Started taking armour. Will this cause liver damage? Took sythroid and having hyperthyroid symptoms. Started armour. Will this cause liver damage? Have rashes in crease of arm and getting warm sensation. What could be the cause? What is the average penile length for a 24 year old? Developed rashes, lymph node on neck and sore throat. HIV test done. Are the findings normal? Feeling fatigue, tightness in chest and shortness of breath. Family history of A-Fib. What's wrong? Have crohn's disease, migraine and getting headache. No relief from imitrex. Alternate medicine? Shortness of breath, fluctuating heart rate, chest pain and dizziness. What am I suffering from? Test showed positive ana titter. Have swollen nodules in toes. Blood work done. Any suggestion? Took cipro for few days. Getting anxiety, tingling sensation, ringing ears and kidney pain. Nerve damage? Getting paraspinal muscle spasm. Treatment for cervical lordosis? Took medicine for fever. Started getting headache and runny nose. Precaution to be taken? Have ankylosing spondylitis. Noticed swelling and pain on knee. What medicine should I take? Have fatty liver and hbp. Test showed elevated ALT level. How to control this level? Not getting sex drive after an operation. Blood test came normal. Any hormonal imbalance? Pregnant. Stopped taking progesterone. Suggested to drink glucose. Worried for gestational diabetes Found elevated liver enzyme level. Having deep tissue massage for scoliosis pain. Liver failure? Had flu. Getting spasm in the calves muscle. Not cured by medicine. Any suggestion? Have moles. Will it turn to melanomas after going out in the sun? What does congenital central stenosis throughout lumbar spine means? Have lump behind ear and feeling tired. What should be done? Red and itchy eye with swollen eyelid. No relief from norfloxacin eye drops. Conjunctivitis or allergic? Have pain and swelling on ankle. Facing walking and sleeping difficulty. Any cure? Rashes and burning sensation on scrotum. Used quadriderm-rf ointment. How to get rid of this? Have elevated cholesterol, GGT and HDl level. Prescribed liptor. Is this medicine safe? Have sore throat and mild fever. Suggest some medicatine Child has cold and cough in winter. Diagnosed with allergic problem. Safe to give telekast-l-kid? Child has throat infection. How long does azithral take to cure? Felt lump on back of neck. Which specialist should I consult? Have sore throat. Looking for homeopathic medicine Liver abscess removed by surgery. Having digestion problem. What is causing this? Is it possible to contract HIV from genital contact? Acidic feeling in throat after oral sex. Getting sinus and flu symptoms. Negative for hiv. Cure? Have gum infection and viral meningitis from shingles. Taking erythromycin. Will it be cured? How to know if I am suffering from flu or strep infection? Urine test, blood test, chest x-ray, eye test and ECG done. Are the findings normal? Had leep procedure done. Started feeling weak, cold and fainting. Is this due to LBP? 74 years old. Not getting proper sleep. What should I do? Took zithromax and levaquin for a sinus infection. Not cured. Any alternate treatment? Is it safe to go for colonoscopy while on sudafed? Having pain in rib cage after eating. Reason? Having pain in shoulder. What is causing this and required treatment? Diagnosed with gastritis and hiatus hernia. No relief from nexium. Looking for proper cure Treated for BP and SVT. Having frequent episodes of prolonged weak urinary stream. Prognosis? Taking nexium for gastritis and hiatus hernia. Feeling bloated. Looking for proper cure Took high dose of fluoxtine along with vodka. Should I visit ER? Taking medicine for bladder infection. Developed joint pain and severe itchy rash. Any concern? Treatment for chest pain and fast heart rate Taking clomid, sitrodin, progynova for increasing of follicle size. Need help to read the report Developed grooves in skull. Is this normal? What treatment should be done? Have redness on leg with swollen ankle. What is causing this? Is this curable? What are the treatment available for multiple lumbar discs and nerve root compression? Abdominal scan done. Have calculus in kidney. Will it be cured by medication? 23 years old. How to prevent hair loss? Toddler has creases on ears and acrocyanosis around mouth. Worried for heart problem Red and itchy vagina after protected sex. Looking for cure Had unprotected sex. Tested negative for STD. Feeling weak, vomiting and spinning head. Reason? Had bone spurs and thermal ablation. Laser back surgery done. Why am I having back pain? Child facing difficulty to pass stool and urine after spinal cord surgery. Will it be cured? Removed copper t for heavy bleeding. Having chest pain and headache. Safe to take loette? Taking treatment for arthritis. Getting severe pain all over body. Any advice? Surgery done to remove grade 3 meningioma. Gliosis found on MRI. Degenerative condition? Body feels shaky. What is the cause and how to control this? Pain in head and coughing with phlegm. Blood test done. Which specialist should I consult? What are symptoms of kidney sludge? How to get rid of this? Have headache. Can I take paracetamol and codeine effervescent while on rivaroxaban? Noticed bumps on penis only during erection. Worried for herpes or hpv? Taking treatment for hypothyroidism. What will be the effect on married life? Suffering from anxiety, depression and erectile dysfunction. Taking fluvoxine. Can I take viagra? Have itchy and fleshy bumps on labia. Do I have herpes? Have fatty liver, arthritis and hbp. Developed tingling sensation and numbness on tongue. Treatment? Have carcinoid in the small intestine. What treatment should be done? Feeling dizzy and tired with pale complexion before period. What is causing this? Have black pimples on cheek. Rice like grains comes out after popping. Cause and cure? Noticed puffiness around eye in the morning. What's wrong? Does tums or rolaids affect blood glucose test results? Former smoker. Having bad taste and spitting blood. Found burst blood vessels in throat. Treatment? Noticed purple lump on bottom of eyelid. Hurts to touch and feeling dizzy. Concerned Took overdose of panadeines. Experiencing cough and fluttering in heart. Any complication? Noticed purple blotches on upper thigh and under arms. How to remove this? Overweight. Pain between vagina and anus. No relief from neosporin. Negative for STD. Safe remedy? Child has dark bruise on lower back. What should be done to remove this? Have lbp. Feeling bloated and burning sensation in stomach. Should I consult a doctor? Have itchy leg. Do I have any deficiency? Shortness of breath, mild arrhythmia, pulsing pain and tightness in chest. Should I visit ER? Have dry eye irritation. Noticed loose membrane in eye. Will it be cured on its own? Smoked marijuana and had alcohol. Started feeling nausea with numbness and fainting. Any advice? Abnormal bleeding with clots after vaginal delivery. Should I be concerned? Taking medicine for sacroiliac pain. Lung stopped working after taking entonox. What's wrong? Itchy rashes appeared on hand, feeling mild pain at the back of neck and head. Proper treatment? Post menopausal. Started frequent urination with sore between leg, labia and rectum. Prognosis? Have severe dandruff, noticed patches on forehead and cheek. Any cure? Started bleeding with severe pain after taking abortion pill. Safe to take meftal spam? Getting fainting spells. Not cured by encorate. What should be done to get cured? 47 years old. Started burning sensation on tongue. Related to menopause? Have chronic hepatitis b and getting back pain. Is this due to liver problem? Had unprotected sex. Developed bump on penis, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. STD or HIV? Started bleeding with clots after using dildo. How to overcome this problem? Have had sore throat, cold and breathing difficulty. No relief from erythromycin. Effective cure? Noticed swelling on hand. No relief from ice and benadryl. What should I do? On lisinopril for BP. Feeling dizzy while laying on my back. Any guidance? Taking quetiapine and lamitctal. Missed quetiapine and had unprotected sex. Chances of pregnancy? Mastectomy done. Finished herceptin treatment for breast cancer. Chest x-ray done. What are the findings? Getting electric shock across chest and pain on fingertips. Taking paracetamol. Any suggestion? What is hypertrophic lichen planus? Have strep throat and coughing up phlegm. How long does z-pack takes to work? Is it safe to use hydrogenporixide along with antibiotics for ear infection? Had co2 laser on face. Getting sores and inflammation on face. How to cure this? Experiencing lymph node pain in neck, arms and groin. Negative for HIV. Autoimmune disease? Testicle pain. Color doppler scan showed presence of varicocele. Will it be cured by medicine? Hydra cell surgery done. Have swollen testicle and lower abdominal pain with fast heart rate. Reason? Getting excessive saliva, abdominal pain and nausea. Easy way to get cure? Infant has fever, diarrhea and rashes all over body. What's going on? Severe pain in shoulder, numbness in fingers and facing difficulty to raise arm. Prognosis? Suffering from acne. Hair started appearing on neck and under eyes. Prognosis? Have no uterus. Feeling intense heat, nausea and severe ovarian pain. What am I suffering from? Feeling weakness, excessive thirst and fast heart rate with salty taste in mouth. Required treatment? Feeling tightness in chest. ECG normal. X-ray showed early stages of cervical spondylosis. Any solution? Have cyst in ovary with brownish discharge in period. Had hysteroscopy. Taking deviry. Any suggestion? Worried for loss of appetite and gas formation in stomach Have burning sensation on foot. How to get relief? Sprain on ankle. No fracture seen on x-ray. Got fever and headache. Is this normal? Scab on anus bleeds while having bowel movement. What cure should be done? Found raised sore on ankle. What could it be? Toddler cry before and after passing stool and urine. Concerned How to control hair fall and skin getting darker? Taking medicine for diabetes. Having runny nose. Is it psychological or side effect of medicine? Cause for reddening and bleeding from glans? What could be the reason for missed period without sex? Suffering from irregular period after delivery. Tubal ligation done. Is there any complication? Having severe pain and noticed white color in stool. Cause and cure? Having headaches, hot flashes, puffy eyes and blurred vision. Not cured by indomethacin. Safe remedy? On medicine for seizure and depression. Having diabetes and erection problem. How to cure this? IVF procedure done. Took progesterone IM Injection. Developed numbness at injection site. Cure? Have severe anger issues and pain in chest. How to get relief? Doing stretching exercises. Developed pain in achilles tendon. Treatment to cure completely? Had enlarged lymph node on thigh. Reason for pain in middle back and change in urine color? Infant has swollen knee with red, blotchy rash on legs and arms. How to cure this? Stopped smoking. How long does cotinine stay in blood system? Experiencing tooth ache. Root canal done. Reason for headache, nausea, fever and bloating? Broke humerus bone. Have brace on hand. Getting pain with swelling. Taking advil. What to do? Inhaled bleach. Getting headache and burning sensation in throat. Looking for relief Suffering from hypogonadism. Taking sustanon 250. Can I impregnate my wife? Infant start teething. Passing loose stool. Prescribed medicine after stool test. What to feed my baby? Got hit on nose and started bleeding. Bruise and small bump appeared on nose. Concerned What happens if high dose of crocin tablets is taken at a time? Getting numbness on finger. What is the cause? Taking medicine for GERD. Test showed low thyroid level. Feeling tired and fatigue. Perimenopause? Have fever and throat pain. No relief from medicine. Have runny nose and tiredness. Any advice? Suffering from prostatitis, having difficulty in urination. No relief from medication. Any treatment? Used cast for medial malleolus fracture. Ankle hurts while walking. What treatment should be done? Experiencing hot and cold sweats, severe back pain and nausea. Cause and cure? Blood done for hemoglobin, urea and esr level. Are these in normal range? How accurate is pcr test at 18 days post exposure? Have increased heart rate, hot flashes in chest and raised BP. Is this due to anxiety?
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