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Tested clear for acute HBV. Liver test normal. Have bier spots on arms and legs. Underlying cause? Taking amoxicillin and prednisolone for mild chest infection. Cardioversion to be done. Will it be postponed? Developed itching around waistline. Not cured by benadryl. Easy way to get cure? Having pain under breast. No injury, x-ray normal. What is the underlying cause? Taking qutan, benfage plus for seizure and anxiety. Having headache and developed GERD. Any ideas? Feeling uncomfortable in spine and hearing clunk sound. Reason? 50 years old. Felt strange sensation in clitoris. Cause of concern? Diagnosed with partial HELLP syndrome. Quadrant pain increases after alcohol. Any relief? Diagnosed with isemic collitis. What diet should I take? Crt-d installed. Discomfort around the line of incision and sharp pain on shoulder. Normal? Have pulsitile tinnitus. EKG, neck MRA, neck CT normal. Had GERD and TMJ. Any suggestion? Noticed whitish patch over upper lip. What could it be? Have chronic hives. Feeling breathing difficulty and have blocked throat. How to overcome this problem? Child has red bumps all over body. What cure should be done? Have white dots on side of frenulum. No pain or itching. Applied podophilotoxin. Medical cure? Bruise appeared on belly button. Tender to touch. Any solution? One side of stomach feeling harder. Is it possible under normal conditions? Taking alteril. Having breathing problem, burning sensation in stomach and bloody diarrhea. Remedy? Have PCOS. Taking clomid and trying for pregnancy. Got pregnant, started spotting. What's wrong? Taking strepsils for sore throat. How many drop of betadine should I use for gargle? Missing period after protected sex. How to find pregnancy? Pill to abort baby? Swallowed chrystal meth. Having severe heart burn. Is this the onset of a heart attack? Type 1 diabetic. Noticed dark line on foot. No injury. What could be the cause? Have migraine and feeling nausea. Found presence of protein in urine. How to get rid of this? Noticed discoloration and numbness on toe. Should I be concerned? Got hit on eye. Having blurred and double vision. What should be done? Overweight. Have soft bump on inner thigh. Is it safe to remove at home? Taking isotroin to cure acne. White patch popped on lower lip. Side effect or vitiligo? Child having severe dry cough. Suggest some medicine Large scar on inner thigh after surgery. Noticed clear fluid oozing from it. Proper cure? Planning for a baby. Found low amh and high fsh. What are the side effect of IVF and IUI? Noticed white skin tag inside labia minora. How to remove this? Prescribed telminorm, crestor and dibal plus for hbp to be taken at night. Any advice? Child suffering from high fever, headache and stomach ache. Widal test done. Treatment? Bone marrow test done. Squid test showed high liver iron levels. Found iron deficiency. Worried for leukemia Had hirsuitism. Have ovarian cyst, irregular period. Took medicine. How to cure this completely? Diagnosed with eczema on scalp. Suggested to apply olive oil on the scalp. Any treatment? Neurocysticercosis cured after medication. Stopped taking eption. Any precaution to be taken? Diagnosed with atrial fib and paroxysmal svt. No relief from sotalol. Safe to take amiodarone? Trying for a baby. Taking antibiotic for H pylori. Alternate treatment for H pylori? Looking best treatment for H Pylori infection Had unprotected oral sex. Noticed dark spot on penis head. No pain or itching. Any cure? Suffering from severe asthma. Feeling congested and coughing up mucus. How to cure this? Having severe bilateral wrist pain. Any solution? Have freckle like dark spots on feet, ankles and calves. How to get rid of this? Have varicocole. Not having strong erection. Medicine to increase sperm count? Have high tsh level. Found normal antithyroglobulin antibody, high antimicrosomal antibody. Is thyroxine safe? Treatment for constant itching in hands, legs and stomach? Reduced sex drive, impotence, hbp and high colesterol. Taking medicine. Will this be cured? Planning for pregnancy. Taking clarithromycin for sore throat. Any effect on fetus during pregnancy? Trying to conceive. Have irregular period and noticed spotting. HPT negative. What's going on? Having lower back pain and found small bruise on lower side. What's wrong? 69 years old. Experiencing dry ejaculations. Taking BP medicine. Related? Taking novelon for irregular period. Should I take ECP after having sex? Having chemotherapy for lymphoma. Found terminal lymphoma. What to do? Have fistula below thighs. Temporary relief from medicine. Will it be cured by operation? Have painless lump on shoulder. No swelling. Worried for cancer Sperm analysis done. Reason for low motility? Medicine and food to increase motility? Treated for precancerous cells of cervix. Have scar tissue covering cervix. Cervical cancer? Missing period. Pregnancy test negative. Suggest a safe medicine to get period Have poor ovarian reserve. Should I go for IVF? What are the risk involved? Having irregular bowel movements and headache. Using cremaffin. Any advice? Pregnant. Have got severe swelling on feet. How to reduce this swelling? Having fluttering sensation in upper abdomen, diarrhea and indigestion. Should I be concerned? Had unprotected sex just after period, took norlevo. Started bleeding with severe pain. Normal? Taking coversyl for blood pressure. Will it be safe to take cialis along with coversyl? Rib removal surgery done. Large, hard and tender bumps appeared under the incision. Concerned Pregnant. Planning for abortion. Is there any medication or natural remedy for abortion? Have prostatitis. Started itching around anus after taking cipro. Allergy test negative. Any relief? Ultrasound showed minor cyst and having lower abdomen pain. Found high ca 125 test. Worrisome Medicine for G6PD patient with fever? Depressed and started behaving abnormally. Is this an ocd or bipolar disorder? Switch from cymbalta to viibryd. Getting headache while coughing or sneezing. What to do? Pregnant. Got cold. Will it be safe to take paracetamol? Have one testicle. Trying to impregnate my wife, but not getting success. What to do? Have blotchy and red face, under chin and chest. What could be causing this? Have white dry skin and sores around vagina and anus. How to treat this? Feeling nausea and stomachache. Gallbladder removed. Diagnosed with pancreatitis. Taking remeron and zoloft Chemotherapy done. Taking cipro. Feeling weak and getting twitching sensation on face. Any ideas? Have rosacea. No relief from accutane. Is there any alternate medicine? Fell down on back. Bruise appeared from spine to hip area. How to get relief? Infant has large red bumps on various parts of body. No fever. How to remove this? Red rashes appeared. Is this related to the mononucleosis? Having pain and feeling bruise on elbow. Hurts to move arm. Cause and cure? Taking coumadin for blood clot. Getting severe pain. Safe to take double dose of medicine? Having pain in neck. X-ray normal. Easy way to get cure? 47 years old. History of miscarriage. Chances of getting pregnant? Having isolated pain on face, getting headache. Prescribed medicine for shingles. Hairline fracture in skull? Noticed bump on uvula in mouth. Have pressure in upper hard palate and ear. Is this serious? Had unprotected sex few days after period. Took levonerogesterol. Started spotting. Pregnant? Itchy brown bumps on shoulder started spreading all over. Could it be warts? Have high hemoglobin, hematocrit, wbc and low platelet count. Am I at any risk? Have fatty liver grade 1. Taking budesonide for asthma. What is causing red spots on arms? Started vomiting, feeling lightheadedness and fatigue. What am I suffering from? How to cure numbness on penis and testicle? Which doctor should I consult for breathlessness, eye infection and fast heart beat? Having pain in hip, leg and thigh. Looking for relief Child having throat pain with red splotches on it and runny nose. How to overcome this? Have swollen lymph node behind ear. What should be done? Had hysterectomy done. Having severe pain. Ultrasound normal. Any complication? Taking antibiotic for chest infection. Feeling weak, irritated and started sweating. Suggestion? Experiencing nausea, vomiting and passing bowel movement immediately after eating. Prognosis? Infant struggling with nausea and vomiting. Is this something other than stomach bug? What does scattered subcortical areas of high signal in frontal and parietal lobes means? Severe urethritis after having intercourse. Taking antibiotic. Should I be worried for herpes? Have dry lips and sores on corner of gums. Used fungal cream. What am I suffering from? Took somac for acid reflux. Feeling bloated and gastric discomfort. Is this due to prednisolone? Recurring fits after an accident. Developed itchy red rashes after taking zeptol cr. Underlying cause? Baby has pink spot on back. What could be causing this? Facing erection problem while trying for sex. What could be causing this? Have bump on inside of arm. No pain or itching. Should I be worried? Can vigorous masturbation cause bleeding from the penis? Noticed swelling on foot after using cocaine. Should I be worried? Should I increase the dose of fentanyl 50 mg patch to 75 mg to get relief from pain? Have cough and spots all over body. No relief from antihistimine and codeine. Concerned Have flaky eyelids. Could this be psoriasis? Suggest a cream without any side effect Salivary stone cured using salt water rinse. Have swollen gums with white bumps. Related? What happens after taking cardizem er 5000 mg, lisinopril 20 mg and metoprolol er 25 mg? Having diarrhea with mild body temperature after eating in mexican restaurant. Looking for cure Baby having dry skin. Not improved after using alovera imf moisturizer. Any effective remedy? Having neck pain. How to get relief? Have psoriasis. Having muscle twitching all over body, pain in neck with swelling. What's going on? Have severe dandruff and hair fall. How to cure this and regain hair? Doing workout. Diet plan to build muscles? Planning for a child. Is there any cure for blighted ovum? Started jogging. Noticed swelling and pain on lower leg. Taking vitamin b12 and vitamin d. Any thoughts? Developed myalgia and low grade fever. Having abdominal pain and feeling nausea. Any solution? Have hair loss problem and acne on face. Looking for ayurvedic medicine Does taking griseofulvin for fungal infections for a long time cause elevated esr level? Had scar tissue removed from ovaries and tubes are open. Trying to get pregnant. Any thoughts? Have saturated fat around belly. How to get rid of this? 37 years old. Found shrinkage of brain. Prognosis? Suffering from tb meningitis. Developed loss of vision. Will this be cured? Having back pain. MRI showed lumbar disc degeneration with prolapsed intervertebral disc. Is this serious? Chances of pregnancy by fingering with precum on it? Had intercourse. Red bumps appeared on penis. Partner on suppressive therapy for hsv. Herpes? What does multiple level cervical disc bulges with degenerative change mean? Why am I able to ejaculate during intercourse but not during masturbation or oral sex? Stopped taking pills for breast cancer after chemotherapy. Reason for mild increase in ESR level? Having fluttering sensation in groin area with no pain. What could be causing this? On 1500 calorie diet. Have gained weight and getting GERD symptoms. Looking for cure Can I use marvelon as a morning after pill? What should be the time interval ? Have painful swollen nodes behind ears, hearing loss after applying pressure around it. What's wrong? Have pcos and mitral valve prolapse. Unable to bend thumb. What could be causing this? Have prostate cancer. Radiotherapy done for lymph nodes in back. Any exercise to improve muscle strength? Had unprotected sex. Started bleeding before period, tingling sensation on stomach. Worrisome Have darkening of skin due to razor shaving. Looking for solution Having stiff neck, headache, dizziness and morning memory loss. What's wrong? Got scratched by dog over the cloth. No tear on skin. Do I need rabies shot? Have shaky hands, pain in inner thigh and tingling sensation in arm. Cause and cure? Child feeling sick and vomited after eating. Could this be some sort of allergy or intolerance? Vaginal ultrasound showed pocket of extra fluid around embryo. Does this increase chances of miscarriage? What is gastrointestinal problems and amebiasis ? Scheduled for liposuction and general anesthesia. Had alcohol. Should I be worried? Swelling appeared after inguinal hernia surgery. How long will it take to get cure? Have leaking pilondial cyst on buttock. Worried for HIV infection if cyst is touched with vagina Abdominal pain, mucus in stool. Found swollen lymph nodes in abdomen. Given ibuprofen Had robotic surgery and full hysterectomy done. Have swelling and mild pain. Underlying cause? Baby has stomach problem. Is it safe to take enterogermina ? Child having redness and pain in one hand. Could it be related to bath? Should I be concerned for high GGPT level? Missed period. Pregnancy test negative. Experiencing hot flashes. What's going on? Noticed brown mucous discharge and frequent urination after having sex. Safe remedy? Have runny nose and found small trace of blood in mucus. Is this due to dry weather? 46 years old. Chances of getting pregnant and delivering a healthy normal child? Have normal BP and high pulse rate. Feeling breathless and dizzy. Is this a cause for concern? Is diabetes a genetic disease? How to avoid this? Fell down on knee. Bruise appeared and feeling cold. Should I be concerned? Treatment for stuffy nose, light headed, missed period, tiredness and fullness of breast? Started spotting and lower abdominal pain after period. What's going on? Trying for a baby. How to calculate ovulation period? Suggested to use trigaine shampoo. Is it safe to use on regular basis? Have deterioration in the lumbar discs and getting constant pain. Will it be cured without surgery? Have cold. Not cured by ansthalin and monticope. Looking for safe and effective cure Pregnant. Suggested for orofer s iv injection. Am I anemic? Have rashes between thigh and scrotum. What could be causing this? Penis tip exposed after sex. Sensitive to touch. How to pull the foreskin over penis tip? Shoulder pain when waking a long distance. Underlying cause? Started sweating with vomit sensation after smoking and having wine. What's wrong? Feeling weak and pain in legs after masturbation. How to overcome this problem? Have constipation and rapid heart beat. Relief after taking bayer crystal aspirin. Safe remedy? Post dengue weakness. Is it safe to drink beer? Suggest exercise and diet plan Tiredness, swollen lymph node on neck, raised wbc count and bumps on inner thigh. Any ideas? Have sore throat, feeling tired, headache and dizziness. How to get rid of this? Having ear pain and twitching sensation on eye, lips, chin, cheek and forehead. Related? Having pain and redness above fingers nail. What's wrong? Weight gain, sleepless, irritable before menses and have acidity. Looking for relief How does harm reduction fit as a philosophy of social policy? Radiation done for tongue cancer. Noticed skin growth on stitched area. How to prevent this? Child had IBS. Started vomiting and having stomach discomfort. Is this an infection? Diabetic. Taking prescribed medicine. Are these medicine safe? Feeling tightness and pain on inner thigh. How to get relief? Took valtrex. Burning sensation on affected area is not getting cured. Can I take a second dose? Having kidney pain, loss of appetite and feeling tired. Blood test done. Any thoughts? What is the normal height and weight for a 15 months old? Taking baby aspirin. Experiencing constipation and have bleeding hemorrhoids. Worrisome What are the precautions to be taken during pregnancy? Started estrogen patch. Developed ear ache, acute sinusitis and red dots on palate. Any thoughts? Have dry cough and throat feels irritated. Is this due to lack of water? Noticed circular pattern on knee cap. No lumps or raised areas. What could this be?
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