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Have a broken metatarsal and distal fibula. Got wide stripe of bruise across the top of my foot. Normal? Broke my distal fibula. On elavil for cold feet. Having sensory nerve reaction. What can be done? Have hard movable bump on bone behind ear. Worried for cancer Had molar extracted. Have sinus problem and tingling sensation all over face. Taking antibiotic Got snake bite. No antivenin was given. Have limited taste and no smell at all. Time for recovery? Taking fluconazole pill for infection. Noticed slow improvement. Is this ok? Small pea sized lump under the skin on the inside of my elbow. Had nodular melanoma removed. Related? 21 years old, having anxiety with headache. Is there any treatment? No bleeding after taking MTP kit. Is the fetus safe? Child prescribed with antibiotic and steroid. Side effect? Stopped taking pill. Getting mood swings, fatigue, loss of motivation and cold sores. Normal? Having pain in back, legs and hand joint. Facing problem of increased levels in uric acid. Cure? Have palpitations. ECG, cholesterol and blood pressure came normal. What could be wrong? Undergone c-section, gall bladder and appendix removal. Started bleeding from anus. Related? Having severe pain in chest. Lost appetite with weight with nausea. Musculoskeletal pain or something else? Experiencing dizziness while standing, blocked ear after doing yoga. Taking lexapro, wellbutrin Had unprotected sex. No flu,rashes,lymph nodes. Having blood in stool. HIV? Trying for baby. Took Siphene and inj HUMOG. Got Methotrexate injection after a positive pregnancy. Use of the medicine? Overweight. Taking metrolol for blood pressure. Doing exercise. Should I take prescribed medicine? What does Gasping for air indicate? Have BRCA 1 mutated triple negative breast cancer. Prescribed taxotere and cytoxan. Chances of recurrence Pain during urination. Bladder infection or something else? Got itchy scab on penis. Having regular sex. Partner on minera birth control. Fungal infection? Infant has acid reflux problem and burping a bad smell. What treatment should be done? Had vertigo and constant tingling sensation in neck and scalp. Any ideas? Have ruptured ear drum. Diagnosed with double ear infection. On amoxycillin. Itching and pain started Prescribed cymbalta for fibromyalgia. Facing sleep problem. Side effect of medicine? Have small itchy white bumps on testicle. How to remove this? Can I take wellbutrin after taking prilosec and baby asprin? Lost my child suddenly. Getting headache, tightness in throat, cough. Any medication I need? Taking librium for anxiety. Getting hot and cold flushes. What is the recommended dose? Had a uretheroscopy, stones removed followed by. Taking Morphine, Oxycocodone. Reason for pain?. Red spot appeared below knee. No pain, itch or burn. What could this be? On Blood thinners due to a drug eluting stent, and suffer from ED. How can I increase my sexual libido? Have a hard foreskin which goes back with some effort when not erect. What needs to be done? Swollen feet. History of kidney problem. Taking antibiotics and a strong anti- inflammatory. What to do? Took levonelle after unprotected sex. Started spotting and noticed blood in urine. Any thoughts? Irregular stool, got a extra skin in anus, no bleeding or itching. Hemorrhoids? Suggest some medicine for retinitis pigmentosa Having irritated and mildly painful clit. How to restore the size and sensitivity to my clitoris? Why am I having severe abdominal pain? Giddiness when lying down. What could be wrong? Suffering with sinusitis. Temporary relief from antibiotic. Suggested for surgery. What to do? Child got hurt. Getting stomach pain and bruise. What should be done? Diagnosed with rectal cancer. Why am I having smell of alcohol without drinking it? Stinging and burning sensation while having intercourse. On minera coil. Reason? Stent put after a heart attack. Having shortness of breath. Reason? Have urinary infection, swollen spleen and infection in throat. Are they related? Have had sudden and extreme redness of cheeks. Using an over the counter hydrocortisone. Problem? Taking medicine for high bp. Have herpes simplex II. Getting bad vagina smell. Related? Diagnosed with sinusitis. Is it safe to take Montek LC? Got pulled muscle. Having bruise and extreme pain. What should I do? Had allergic reaction to quinine. Taking pill for leg pain. Having stomach and bowel problem Why my penis doesn't stand straight? Child knocked his teeth after a fall and got lip injury. What can be done to reduce the swelling? Child has runny nose, sore throat and ear pain. Bilateral ear infection? Ahat is bilateral fibroadenosis with mild bilateral duct ectasia in both superior quadrants? Is it okay to drink water before CT scan? Have adhd, ocd and bipolar. Taking zoloft, adderall and testesterone shot. Thyroid test done. Suggestion? Have Intermittent low-grade high fever. History of depression and schizophrenia. Liver function test came normal Unable to maintain erection and have premature ejaculation problem. Cause and cure? Planning for a baby. What are the tests that should be done to confirm that we both are healthy? Is it safe to take pulsatilla, thiosinaminum and hypericum perf 200ch before stapedectomy surgery? Child with hearing difficulty. Do we need to get her listening tested? Ultra Sound showed presence of water in lungs. Infected with tuberculosis and started AKT-4. Why chest pain? Infant on nan pro formula feeding. Got fever and fits. Is it related to fever seizure? Taking homeopathic medicines for typhoid. Reason for the high fever? Taking Ddolonex dt for severe menstrual back pain. Unsuccessful iui. Medicine affecting TTC? Cecal ulcer biopsy showed Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA. Taking INH and OD tab R-cin. Proper treatment? Having pain at iliac fossa, fever in evening and enlarged lymph node at inguinal region. Prognosis? Got red color urine, discomfort while urination. What does this suggest? What does L4-5 posterocentral disc protrusion impinging upon the ventral aspect thesac mean? Feeling always tired, dry tongue and tired eyes. Blurred vision, palpitation. What these symptoms suggest? Have kidney stone. Took medicine for lower waist pain. Reason of giddiness? Met with an accident. Experiencing fatigue and upper neck pain. What is affecting my sleep? Getting dull headaches and blurry vision. Blood test came normal. What could be this? Having irregular period. Got pregnant. How to calculate conception date? Having pain in chest, uneasiness after having alcohol. Anxiety or food allergies? Have severe hiccups after receiving two cortisone shots. What can I do? Left shoulder pain, tingling in both hands, headache, breathing difficulty. Have asthma. Due to stress or low potassium? Having irregular period. On birth control pill. Started getting blurred vision. Hormone related problem? Noticed red flat blotch on penis after unprotected sex. Should I be worried for balanitis? What is the cause for echogenic foci endometrium? Is this cancerous? Developed chronic sore throat, spongy lump at the base of neck. Mono negative. Any thoughts? Taking medicine for thyroid and bp. Getting cough and breathing problem. How to control thyroid? Having severe pain in lower limb and sleeping difficulty. Suggest some relief Have swollen foreskin, red and itchy penis tip. What is the underlying cause? Having gastrointestinal problems. Having headache, tiredness, dizziness and unable to sleep Not taken treatment for hypothyroidism. Recent test showed normal tsh and high esr. Any thoughts? My shoulders and arms hurt and I am tired and feel weak all the time. Reason? Have ovarian hyperstimulation, had infertility treatment. Having pain while pooping and shortness of breath Can taking ezetrol cause joint pain, memory problem or erectile dysfunction? Have severe dandruff, hair fall and rough hair. Looking for solution Had oral ulcer. Noticed white spot on tongue. What could it be? Toddler has tachypnea, respiratory distress and laryngomalacia. Breathing rapidly while passing stool Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, nausea and headache after smoking marijuana. How to get relief? Treatment for renal cortical cyst, prostatic cyst and prostatomegaly? Abdominal sonogram showed cholelithiasis, fatty infiltration of the liver. Required treatment? Menopause, osteopenia. Having arm numbness and pain all over body after a fall. Taking diclofen Have headache, itchy skin, nausea and started vomiting. How to get relief? Have fatty liver with slightly elevated enzymes. Nausea and swollen abdomen after taking nexium Feeling tired and having sleeping difficulty. How to treat this problem? Had a herina repair and Inguinal repair. Getting pain over my inguinal scar. What can be done? Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy, have edema in ankle and less kidney function. Any solution? 92 years old. Accidentally took second dose of 25 mg l-thyroxin. Is this dangerous? Have liver cirrhosis. Done with LFT test, Hematology test and ultrasound. Prescribed with MRPC test. Treatment? Taking ramipril for high bp. Have white spots on tongue. Diagnosed with candida. Prescribed nystan Having irregular problem. No improvement after taking duolton. Any effective treatment? Is it safe to take Lortab and Delsym at the same time? Getting chest congestion Pain and bruise in ankle. Nerve conduction test and MRI came normal. Snapping/popping ankle? Missing period after taking ipill. Pregnancy test negative. Should I be worried? Having twitching sensation on inner calf and and pain on knee. Taking medicine. Anxiety related? Child with fever but good appetite. Anything to be done? Child with fever and pain in feet and leg. Taken advil. What should be done? Had sex with HIV infected person. Having lots of anxiety. Is P24 test good? Having headache, dizziness and muscle weakness behind eye. How to treat this? Gained weight on tummy. What can be done to reduce it? Took antibiotic for sinus infection. Having severe headache, mucus in stool and feeling tired Child with single petachia. CBC came normal. Would a CBC rule out leukemia? Missed my birth control pill and started have brown discharge. Due to missed pill or pregnant? Had sex What does slight flair T/2 hyperintensity adjacent to the left frontal horn asymmetric means? Took susten for delayed period. Is it okay? Taking viagra to have intercourse. Prostate operation done. Facing trouble in passing urine and bowel movement. Have red bumps between my legs. What is this? Diagnosed with HSV2 infection. having back pain and constipation, shingles. are these the outbreaks? Have pain to the left side of my umbilicus with nausea. What could be the reason? 32 years old with hypothyroidism and allergic. Planning to go for general health check up. Advice? Vegetarian, want to take multivitamin/calcium supplements. Any side effect? Child having chronic constipation. Taking duphelac syrup. Is anemic. Treatment for gastric problem? Taking metformin, glycerin for diabetes and advil for arm pain. Palm of hand turn pale yellow Developed a huge bruise across upper left buttock and have a large hard painless lump. Sciatica? How to take misoprostol after taking of Mifegest? Delevoped rash on vagina area after shaving. What could be done? Got pigmentation on neck. How to get rid of this? Can home ovulation kit show inaccurate result if someone is already pregnant? Had cyst removed from the middle of my calf muscle, got hit on nerve. Why I am getting leg pain? Took contraceptive injection. having headache, sore breast. HPT came negative. Pregnant? Have chest cramp up to the neck. CT scan said no heart attack and no blockage. Can i take paracetamol? Having severe pain around ear. No relief from nerve and muscle relaxants. What's wrong? Having stomach ache and loose stool with mucus in it. Taking orni-o. Should I continue this? Taking ciprocom for prostatitis. Having pain in penis, semen in urine and ED. What to do? Experiencing itching and tingling sensation close to vulva and anal. Related to benign brain tumor? Why am I getting headache and nausea during hunger followed by vomiting? Getting pain and cracks on foreskin during intercourse. Looking for solution Have pcod. Missing period, started spotting, feeling nausea and fatigue. HPT negative. Underlying cause? Passing hard stools followed by bleeding. Should I be concerned? Can nyquil or Benadryl cause hair loss? Having pain in abdomen, testicle, penis and when urinating after sex. Worried for chlamydia Experiencing dizziness, weakness, burning eyes and hair fall. No relief from multivitamin. Prognosis? Took benedryl. Having lower back pain, sensation of bladder fullness. Worried for BPH or prostatitis Got genital warts after unprotected sex. Tested negative for hiv and vdrl. Suggest some cure Veins become more noticeable. What could be causing this? Is mitral valve prolapse considered as heart disease? Mirena iud removed due to heavy bleeding and abdominal pain. Now missing period. Normal? Have visible vein above belly button. Is this normal? Feeling cold, shortness of breath and loss of appetite. What is the normal bp for an individual? Smoker and occasional drinker. Passing loose stool with small pieces in it. Medical cure? Have high bp, feeling cold and mentally disturbed. Prescribed oleanz. Is this safe? Taking novalgin for migraine. Having pain and weakness on knee. Side effect of medicine? Surgery needed? Had intercourse with tampon in. Developed foul vaginal odor and vaginal discharge. Worrisome Detected with lymphoma. What treatment should be done? Applying cloben g around anus. Noticed redness and started burning around it. Due to cream? Have low energy, constipation, anxiety and fatigue. Feeling lethargic. Looking for cure Child has asthma, fever and started breathing fastly. Suggested budecort and xyzal. Safe? Have dry, white itchy skin on leg. Not cured by anti-fungal cream. Any permanent solution? Have deformed penis. Is there any solution for this? Will I be able to have intercourse? Have rapid heart rate. BP and stress test normal. Prescribed propranolol. How long it takes for cure? Poison ivy on penis with swelling. Using benadryl and calamine lotion. How to treat this? Having numbness in arm and finger. History of muscle twitching and vibrating. Are they related? Developed red spot on cheek after facial. Using apexicon cream, doxycycline and desonide Taking lupron. Feeling weak and started sweating. What is the underlying cause? Mild fever, fatigue, weight loss, joint and muscle pain and high ESR count. Taking penicillin and dolo Had sex with a hiv positive partner. Should I be concerned? Taking lyrica for back pain. Having sore muscle, stiffness and weight gain. Any relief? Child got hit on throat, now has fever. No discomfort or breathing difficulty. Should I be concerned? Have bad hemorrhoids. Having diarrhea and a terrible burning sensation. Take fiber food. Cure? Feeling heaviness in head and getting vomit sensation. What is causing this? Having mild heaviness at the back of head due to cervical issue. Is there any permanent solution? Had surgery due to an impact on nut sack. Noticed a small pea sized lump on the right side. Reason? Have lump under skin close to vaginal opening. How to cure this? Skin turns yellow in sunlight. Tests came clear. What could be the problem? Feeling dizzy and noticed lump on side of neck. Are they related? Any cure? Ultrasound shows thickened endometrium but no gestational sac. What is the problem? Knee replacement done. Facing walking difficulty and lump appeared on foot. How to cure this? Experiencing severe itching around the entrance to vagina with dryness. Was on IUD. Diagnosed with herpes Diagnosed with cervical spinal stenosis and fibromyagia.Having bowel movement difficultie. Taking nerve root sleeve cortisone injection Addicted to masturbating. Few bumps appeared on penis. Any cure? Took tylenol along with cold medicine and lortabs. Should I be concerned? Have normal bp, pain in shoulder and collarbone. Feels like swallowed air. What wrong? Head on collision. Have painful hematoma on stomach and gastro intestinal issues. Concerned Experiencing mild chest pain. Should I visit ER? Feeling constipated. Getting relief after taking yogurt powder. Will this cause any side effect? On desval, frisium, ciplar for epilepsy and cholecalciferol granules for vitamin D deficiency. Any thoughts? Have a cardiomyopathy with a very low ejection fraction. Feeling dizzy, kicking feeling in heart. Reason? Planning to conceive. Will it be safe to take thyronorm? Start exercising after a cesarean section. Any complication? Have dry lips and skin started peeling. How to prevent this? Had gallbladder out. Have hepatitis c. Took tylenol with codeine due to sore teeth. Any risk? Have bald head. Tried minoxidil. Should I go for hair transplant? Laproscopic surgery done. Experiencing tiredness, stomach ache and spotting after periods. Advice?
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