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High level of vitamin D, minimal apical scaring of lung. Had smoking habit. Could it be TB? Got exposed to porcelain dust. CT scan showed small patches of infiltrates on lung. Worrisome Kidney transplantation done. Urinalysis showed large hemoglobin. Should I be concerned? Missed taking yaz pill. Having unprotected sex. Is there any possibility of pregnancy? Pain, stiffness in neck, stiffness in back, pinching sensation near spinal chord, dizziness following Shirshasana. Is it due to Shirshasan? On seroxat for social anxiety. Started gaining weight. Can CBT therapy helps me to overcome seroxat? Have nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, back pain, fever. Found small cyst on ovary. Ovarian cancer? Painful rashes on inner thigh. Tested clear for herpes. Suspected for folliculitis. Prognosis? History of fibroids, menorraghia, depression. Noticed vaginal bleeding. What am I suffering from? Burning sensation in stomach. Cat scan shows markedly atrophic pancreas. How to stop the stomach pain? Having discomfort in buttock in the morning. Is this due to rough edges on pelvis, muscular pain? Diagnosed with breast cancer. Getting anxiety. Taking lexatans. How to overcome this problem? Epigastric pain, fever, pale stool. Tests show enlarged liver, gallbladder polyp. Advise On medication for chf and emphysema. Liver has grown an extra duct. Is it symptomatic of liver failure? Bump on head. Skull X-ray done. Scheduled to undergo MRI. Advise treatment Have enlarged lymph nodes in neck, weight loss, night sweats. Family history of lymphoma and leukemia. Worried Getting red bumps on side of torso in a particular month. How to get rid of this? Have biliary atresia. Getting sharp pain in heart when breathing deeply. Any complication? Headache, stiff neck, back pain, fever. Had wisdom teeth removed. Taking Amoxicillin and ibuprofen. Is it normal? Got hit on head. Noticed dilated pupil. Feeling nauseous. Worried for serious brain injury Burning sensation in eyes. Is it after effect of a stomach flu? Numbness in hands, chest pain, constipation. X-ray, ultrasound came fine. Had intestinal prolapse surgery. Advise Is it safe to take losartan, triamterene, zetia and pantoprazole before echocardiogram? Pain while urination, leakage after urination. Suffered from UTI. What could this be? On metformin for diabetes. Taking diovan. Experiencing hair loss, gastroparesis symptoms. Side effect? Have red itchy bump on bottom. Tested negative for MRSA. Fungal infection or yeast infection? Irregular periods, sore breast, pain in lower abdomen, vomiting. What is it? Nursing mother. What food and medicine should I take? Why am I having wrist pain when putting weight on it? Have herpes, constipation and noticed blood in stool. Is this an emergency? Swollen stomach and feet. Has Gall bladder carcinoma. What does it indicate? Have cold, noticed white crusty lumps at the center of tongue. Any ideas? Started getting headache along with blurred vision. Required cure? How to reduce triglyceride level ? Stopped taking paroxetine. When can I start sam-e with 5-htp? Has wound, scab seems to continue to fall off resulting in open skin. Is there a permanent way to heal it? 27 year old. Hair started getting white. Is there any treatment for this? Diagnosed with acute Hep B. What treatment should be done to get cure completely? Missing period. HPT negative. Taking home remedies. Worrisome Using skin lite creme. What are the side effect of this medicine? Can I skip hizentra subcutaneous for CVID for few days? Stomach feels tight in the morning. Reason? Have pain under rib cage, hurts to breath deeply. ECG and x-ray done. Taking asprin. Thoughts? Diagnosed with genital herpes in buttocks and anus, swollen glands in neck, bleeding gums following fondling with an escort. Can saliva transmit HIV virus? Have ugly nose, lips and face. Will this be cured after surgery? Child has fever, cough. On amoxicillin. Chest x-ray done. Found pneumonia. What to do? Started getting panic attack after taking mucinex dm. Cause for concern? Have genital warts in groin area. No improvement after taking aldara. Any effective treatment? Have itchy and puss leaking skin on butt crack. What is causing this and required cure? Had cortisone, novocaine injections near shoulder blade. Now unable to lift hand, breathing problem. Normal? Chronic bone and muscle pain. Vitamin B12, vitamin D deficiency, high CRP and ASO in blood. Taking calcium tablets. Suggest something for early relief. Treatment for sudden onset of slurring of speech, disorientated behaviour and dizzy spells? On topimax, cymbalta and italin. Passing cloudy urine. What is causing this? Taking panjon for headache. Have vision problem, feeling dizzy and neck pain. What to do? Feeling nausea and having strange sensation in stomach. All medical test normal. What is wrong? Nursing mother. Tested positive for pregnancy. Planning for abortion. Looking for suggestion Taking glycomet for diabetes. Sugar level is controlled. How to lower triglyceride and LDL level? Tiredness, raised blood sugar. Diagnosed with kidney stones. Taking Defcort TM, frusecal. Advise Having leg pain and back pain when breathing deeply. What is going on? Have numbness on neck, jaw and face. Easy way to get cure? Taking alcohol. Got blood clots on lungs. Taking warfin after delivery. Looking for suggestion Diagnosed with ice pick headaches, pain in the same place, tenderness at the site of pain. MRI came clear. Advise Child is getting tired, dizzy, stomach ache. Taking probiotics, fish oil and vitamin tablet. Required cure? Pain in shoulder blade, arms chest following a golf swing. What can I do about it? Need information on nexium Child has asthma, antibiotic resistant infection. Started clindamyacin. Safe medication? Developed post inflammatory hyper pigmentation. Red patches appeared. Looking for cure Have tonsil stones after having a sinus cold. Feeling pain, discomfort around mouth. Any suggestion? Sore breasts, abdominal pain, movement in stomach, breast grown in size, irregular periods. HPT came negative. Could I still be pregnant? Having itching around anus. How to treat and cure this? Have stage 3b cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Hysterectomy done. Pap done. Found cystitis. Concerned Dark brown spots on roof of mouth. Have smoking habit. Is it cancer? Took omeprazole for intestinal ulcers, sulfatrim for UTI. Found high creatine level in urine test. Side effect? Have problem of shakiness in legs and hands when doing any work. How to overcome this? Feeling pressure on head, watery eyes, buzzing in the head. Had vertigo. Took motion sickness pill. Advise MRI done. Worried for the findings. Is this a sign of multiple sclerosis? Taking prednisone, hcqs from last few years. Undergoing ivf treatment. Should I continue hcqs? Numbness and bruise appeared on thigh. Cause and cure? Have polycyst ovary. Will it be safe to take birth control and perform intercourse? Have severe ear pain. No relief from pentids. Can I take zerodol-p? Noticed white patches on penis and discolouration in semen. What is wrong? Can taking protonix cause stool to be lighter in color? Missing period. Experiencing abdominal pain and breast pain. Any possibility of pregnancy? On focalin. Feeling tightness in chest. Is this normal? Feeling fullness in stomach, noticed bump above belly button. Have acid reflux. Could it be hernia? Suffering from insomnia. Temporary relief from alprazolam. Chronic pain syndrome on leg. Any cure? Taking amoxicillin for an ear infection. Started getting unpleasant smell. Is this normal? Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, sagging skin. High cortisol level. Tested negative for tumor. Suggest ways to reduce cortisol Have pink scar on penis. What could be causing this? Experiencing pain and burning sensation on anterior forearm. Should I go for emergency cure? Missing period. HPT negative. Can I take mensovit plus to regularize my period? Trying to conceive. Undergone follicular study. Trans-vaginal ultrasound done. Am I pregnant? Diagnosed with MGUS. Have anemia and low white cells. Blood test done. Required treatment? Pain in lower abdomen, back ache. Pregnant. Ultrasound done. Need help in understanding report Increasing breathlessness. Diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, heart failure.What is the correlation between oxygen saturation and dyspnea? Have red blotches under the skin of lower legs. Feels bruise and hurts to touch. Remedy? Urge to pass stool after eating. Tested negative for H pylori bacteria. On unienzyme and rabium Missing period. Which tablet should I take to get period? Taking medicine for BP for a long time. How to stop it? Used common toilet. Chances of getting HIV infection? Small skin colored bumps appeared around nose. Is there any cream available for cure? Pain in abdomen, frequent stools. Endoscopy done. Is anything serious? Can you suggest changes in diet? Have performance anxiety erectile dysfunction. Can I take ayurvedic medicine along with cialis? Suffering from dementia, diabetes. Now sleeping all the time, not eating properly. Life expectancy? Changes in bowel movement, constipation, diarrhea following anal sex. Have I injured colon or rectum? Suffering from diabetes. Can I use viagra for erection problem? Getting sexual desire all the time. How to overcome this? Any effective home remedy for eczema? Addicted to masturbation. Noticed seminal discharge during straining. Is this serious? Chances of HIV infection from using common toilet seat? Swelling inside the site of ear piercing. Is it scar tissue? Child has dermatitis, itching all over body. No relief from ointment and lotion. Any cure? Recurrent lymphadenitis. Nacrotizing lymphadenitis after biopsy. What is it? Have numbness on face and arm. EKG normal. Got pressure in head after taking metprolol. Worrisome Trying to conceive. Have pcod. Took duphaston. Follicle size growth is less. Safe to take apcod power? Body itching following protected sex with sex worker. PCR RNA test came negative. What do you suggest? Drinking honey with water. Started getting eruption on face. Any lotions to reduce the scar? Grey hair in beard. Advise medicine Taking losanorm for high blood pressure. Is this curable? Laproscopic surgery done. Taking medicine. Had unsuccessful iui. Chances of getting pregnant? Bloated feeling. Diagnosed with epigastric hernia. Scheduled to undergo surgery for repair. Any remedy for the bloated feeling? Recurring liquid filled rash above tailbone. Putting hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on it. Permanent cure? Sick in stomach, tiredness, diarrhoea, white stool, sore and stiff muscles. Is it flu? Bump and bruise on forehead following fall. Suggest treatment Took morning after pill after unprotected sex. Why am I getting gas pain? How to avoid pregnancy? Mole, beauty marks on leg. Suffering from anxiety. Advise medication Have hives on chest, leg and stomach. On claritin and levicitiricine. How to get rid of this? Can thyroidectomy surgery affect the results of blood alcohol level reading? Anxiety and depression after weaning off of effexor. How long will this continue? Prescribed with percocet for pain. Have previous sensitivity to codeine and vicodin. What to do? Have chronic sinusitis. Getting green discharge, fatigue and chills. Proper diagnosis and cure? Heart palpitation. What is the cause? Dependent on methadone. What should I do to overcome this? Vitamin b12 serum test done. What is the normal value? Is swollen face a side effect of taking Qvar or lisinopril? Started gaining weight rapidly. How to reduce this? Fell down on elbow. Bruise appeared and getting pain after few days. What could this be? Less bleeding on first day of period. Reason? Pain in lower back, bulges in spine. On narco. Advise Recurring rashes.Cortisone creams not effective. Advise medication Got positive result for xanax in urine test. Taken methadone, benadryl, loracet. How is it possible? Feeling weak, tired and low appetite. Can anxiety cause debilitating physical symptoms? Testicle feels hard at one end in the morning. What could be the cause? Have low BP. Was in drug induced coma. On anti seizure medicines. Are these the cause of low BP? Sperm analysis report suggests non liquefaction of the semen. Is there any chance to get this better? Prostate is purple in color, started shrinking and has blood blisters on it. Required treatment? Poured undiluted savlon liquid on penis. Will this cause skin irritation? Rash and swelling in breast. What could it be? Blood test done. Diagnosed with cirrhosis of liver. What are the findings in the report? Pain, swelling bellow knuckle in middle finger. What could have caused this? Pregnant. Tested positive for chlamydia. Prescribed azithromycin. Will the unborn child be affected by chlamydia? Having testicle pain, sensation at the base of penis. Tested clear for STD. Should I take treatment for chlamydia? Have low thyroid. On armour thyroid. Missed dosage resulted in difficulty in passing urine. Frequent urination after restarting medication. Advise Had unprotected intercourse around the time of ovulation. Getting pregnancy symptoms. Worrisome Do steroids have negative effect on sexual health? Took abortion pill. Started clotting but no bleeding. Took cytolog. Should I be worried? Semen analysis done. Is there any treatment to increase sperm count in ayurveda? Swelling, burning sensation in vagina. Had applied concentrated H2O2 as vaginal douche. Advise Accidentally drank kerosene. Started vomiting. What cure should be done? Have herniated discs. Taking morphine and gabapinen. Easy way to get cure? Have migraine headache, high bp and blurred vision. Brain MRI done. What are the findings? On medication for hypothyroid, Insulin resistance and anxiety. Getting headache, passing loose stool. Effective medication? Hurt head. Headache, stiff neck, numbness in face, foggy thinking. Should I seek medical help? Having a course of post exposure rabies vaccines. Getting muscle and joint pain. Side effect? Diagnosed with dominant leiomyomas. Having painful period with clot. Should I take birth control pill? Pain in elbow bone following botox injection. Is this normal? Have throat with red streaks, intestine problem, burning crotch and butt. Underlying cause? Having prolonged menstrual bleeding. Ultrasound, biopsy done. Had fibroids. Could it be due to fibroids? Milk secretion from breast. On medication for back pain, taking vit b12 shot. Underlying cause? I am able to achieve erection but fails to ejeculate and fails to achieve orgasm. Any thoughts? Switched from Tiazac XC 240 mg to Tiazac XC360 mg. Can I take it in the morning? Had hip replacement surgery done. Colonosdopy and endoscopy done. Reason for severe weakness? Have herpes simplex 2. Is this curable? How serious is this? Taking lorazepam for anxiety. Reason for small palpable supraclavicular lymph node on the side? Getting lightheaded during weight lifting. What is the underlying cause? Pain and burning sensation in chest. Had swallowed tri-tip. Advise Experiencing depression, stress, anxiety. Took medicine. Feeling tired, disoriented. Cause and cure? Taking propranolol, citalopram for anxiety. Is it safe? Non-tuberculous mycobacteria detected in uterus. Will it cause infertility? Swollen eyelid, blood in the corner of eyes. Is this something serious? Infant passing less urine. Have cough. Is this normal? Received actemra iv for acute rheumatoid arthritis. Have sore throat, esophageal pain. Valley fever? Infant suffering from weight loss, urine infection, low blood platelets count. Diagnosed with mild hydronephrosis. Suggest course of treatment Lump in throat. No pain. What is it? How to get relief from burping and choking feeling in throat? Prolonged vaginal bleeding. What could be the cause? Have headache. Diagnosed with throat infection. Noticed red bump at the back of tongue. Any thoughts? Pain, itching in penis during retraction. What could be the cause? Treatment for abdominal pain, frequent urination and constipation? Cramps, diarrhoea following meal in restaurant. advise treatment Newborn is having large growth and swelling on ear. What could it be? Have intestinal bug. Started diarrhea, vomiting and feeling nausea. What is the disease and cure available? Have low grade fever. On typhoid medication. IGG, IGM, Widal test came positive. Advise Experiencing symptoms of a kidney infection. Noticed bruise on lower back. Are they related? Suffering from hyper acidity and rashes all over. Suggest some home remedy Sore throat, cold, unable to speak, high temperature. Diagnosed with asthma, hypertension. Taking antibiotics, nasal spray. Advise Mild fever, lose stools, palpitation, weakness following typhoid. On antibiotics, thyronom. Is it normal? Have itching all over body. Diagnosed with angioneurotic edema. Is this curable? Have subchondral fracture of the medial femur. Can I get infected? Had cold. What is causing strong chemical smell in stool?
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