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Was prescribed clindamycin for a very painful tooth infection. No relief. How to reduce the pain? Swollen painful bump on face near ear. Have bump on head and spot on forehead with fluid. Suggest? Having severe pain and numbness in legs. MRI done. What is the cause and cure? Have small penis and tight foreskin. What treatment should be done? For what eye swab test is done? On TPN due to short gut syndrome. Developed pain and swelling on elbow and ankle. Any ideas? Thyroid test negative for antibodies. Ultrasound said enlarged thyroid gland. What does that mean? Had fallen. X-ray showed no fracture. Having pain on buttocks, problem in walking. On motrin and flexuril. Suggest? CT scan showed mild splenomegaly. What treatment should be done? CT scan showed mild splenomegaly. What are the treatment available? Have itchy rash and tingling sensation on waistline. How to get relief? Have painful and swollen joints in hands and legs. Have cracking and popping sound. On celebrex. Cure? Can I take metronidazole and doxycycline hyclate for trichomoniais? Have had fishy odour from vagina, itchy and uncomfortable. Brown tissue coming from vagina. Reason? Had YAG laser capsulotomy. Have several string like floaters since the surgery. Will these go away? Pregnant. Hampering things in life. Should I go for abortion? Used pin of HIV positive person. It pricked in finger and bleed. Could I get HIV if it was contaminated? Is magnesium chloride safe for chronic constipation? Child having hearing loss. Using hearing aid. Speech is also hampering. Permanent solution for the problem? Have had Vertigo symptoms. Having squishing sounds in head and cracket sound in ear. MRI test normal. Cause Having fatigue, joint pain, numbness in toes, short of breath. MRI showed prolongation and white matter. Advise? Have bumps on side of head, getting numbness all over body. Blood test normal. What is wrong? Is there any cream that is used to break-down the hymenal ring? Addicted to meth. Noticed swelling on ankle. Any advice? Missing period while on fertiltea. Should I be worried? Child having cough and cold. Advised for T-minic. Now prescribed with relent. Is it safe? Had unprotected sex while on period. Is there any chances of pregnancy? Have numbness and pins and needle sensation on foot. What is causing this? Overweight, normal BP and EKG. Having chest pain and fast heart beat while climbing. What could be the reason? Have lump on testicles. Diagnosed with epidydimic cyst. Asked for semen analysis test. Can it affect my fertility? Have itching on face, ears and nose. Having small indentations and white patches on face. Concerned Getting lightheaded when I am angry, frustrated or happy. Taking xanax. Reason? Have type II diabetes, sinus infection. Taking amoxicillin. Reason for blurred vision, change in sugar level? Have insensitive penis. How to overcome this problem? Have blood clot in brain. Can this be cured after massaging head with oil? Have recurrent lump on back of scalp and around genitals. On flucloxacillin. Hidradenitis suppurativa? Can I get side effect of gabapentin few month after discontinuing it? Pregnant. Frequency of baby movement is more. Is there any problem? Child took albuterol and prednisolone. Noticed bald spot on head. Side effect of medicine? Experiencing pain above eye and back of head. How to overcome this problem? Why am I experiencing nausea and headache after eating food? Why am I feeling anxiety when I am hungry? Have large red painful bump on buttock. How to remove this? Which specialist should I consult for migraines, chronic fatigue, polymialgia rheumatica and pcos? Burning sensation while passing stool, RBC count low. Had motion and culture test. Findings? Experiencing lower abdominal pain and menthol like sensation in vagina. Any thoughts? Had unprotected sex. Got treated for chlamydia. Have painless bump. Is it due to hair trimming or herpes? Suffering from number of issues. Have gestational diabetes, hypothyroid. panic disorder. Done with MRI, uric acid test Had unprotected sex while on implanon. Started spotting. Concerned for pergnancy Was diagnosed with endometrial polyp, underwent hysterolaproscopy. After surgery follicles high. Normal? Having swollen and dry patches on vagina after having intercourse. Reason? Can I take folvite tablets during pre-pregnency period? Suffering from heavy cold. Should I take antibiotic? Woried for bronchitis Side of my tongue looks yellow. What is the cause? Taken primoult n to restart period after missed miscarriage. No period started. Any suggestion? Have rash on inner thigh and scortum. Using antibacterial cream on it. Started spreading. Cure? Taking antibiotic for fever, cough and cold. Looking for suggestion Getting bruise on shoulder. What could be the reason? Have suspected endometriosis, Having pain in that area. On long term meds, drug interaction. Treatment? Taking medicine for high BP. Feeling tired, chest pain and started sweating. Safe remedy? Pregnant. Done with DNC and TORCH tests. What are the findings? Diagnosed with thyroid. Advise further treatment to undergo? Why am I missing period after taking ipill? Got vaginal bleeding after taking ipill and missed for next month. What to do now? Can I take sturgeon after having a tetanus injection? Having consistent problem with the digestion and fatigue. Cure? Having urine infection. Treated with antibiotic and diuretic pill. Done with MRI and EEG. Reason for consciousness? Suffering from L5-S1 disc desiccation pain. How to get relief? Was prescribed ezact 90 for Gout along with Zyloric. Having allergy lesions near lips. Alternative medicine for ezact? Having sickle cell anaemia and hip bone necrosis. Any natural and ayurvedic treatment? Suffering from chest pain and breathlessness. Is this a phsyco related problem? Had haemorrhage stroke with paralysis. Had seizure , prescribed eption. Phenytoin level are same. Any side effects? Feel anxiety, shortness of breath and collapsed,like an heart attack. What could be the reason? Is far-sightedness. Why does my right eye cross when I read with contacts? Suffering alopecia. Have Scalp Skin Biopsy done. What are the findings and treatment? Feeling weak and experiencing skipped heart beat. What am I suffering from? Developed pain in shoulder. Undergone Ngo gram test. Will this cause any bone problem? Had unprotected sex. Have had fever, sore throat. Taken antibiotic. Can I have STD? Child treated for HIV. Have necrotizing granulomas. Having malaise, runny nose and sinus infection. Is it TB? Have Endometriosis. Was on Lupron , now on visanne. Having cramping, fatigue, brown discharg late period. Pregnant? Had intense oral sex, which caused pain. Penis is swollen in coronea with mild fever. Advise? Have mild pain in chest and flickering sensation on lower lips. Remedy? Child with dark tear ducts , spreading into the white part of eyeball. What can be done? Recovered from pleurisy and pnemonia. Had vitamin d deficiency and pectus excavatum. Having cramps in ribs, and burning chest. Feeling queasy and hungry, weak stomach, smokes. Have anxiety, get breathless and heart pounds. On cymbalta and xanax Have elevated liver enzymes, gained weight. Had tests done. What does it indicate? Have tingling sensation on tongue, dizzy spells. Had mild herpes zoster, was treated. What causes these symptoms? Had sex. Burning during urination, white abnormal shaped lesions on vuvlva with cold sores. Taken valtrex Child is having cough, stuffy and runny nose. How to treat this? Skin tag under armpit, eyelid, chin and testicles. Ripped on testicles and healed with no scar. Is it HPV? Have rash on the back of hands and arms. Not hurting. Is it dry skin or something else? Feeling queasy and hungry, weak stomach, smokes. Have anxiety, breathless and heart pounds. On cymbalta and xanax. Suggest? Had abdominal swelling, abdominal pain and tenderness. Report showed severely enlarged liver. Suggest Was diagnosed with PCOS, taking thyronorm. Having irregular periods and Follicular cyst. Taking glycomet and primolut n Trying to conceive, irregular periods. Having low back pain, uterus area is tender. Blood work normal. Treatment? Taking metamucil for IBS. Now suffering from cramps and backache. What is going on? Sharp pain at bottom of ribcage. Tightens with bending. Having mild swelling. What is it? Had monkey bite. had stitches and tt and rebivax injection. Had rabipurs injection. Is treatment right? Biopsy report shows Bullous Pemphigoid. Prescribed Prednisone. Having vigorous muscular twitches and seizures. Concerned White patches on tonsils, difficulty swallowing, stomach pain. Painful nostril from blowing. Diarrhoea and malaise. Prescribed amoxicillin Have hard cyst at base of penis. It will bleed and cure when hair is pulled. Should I be concerned? Had bronchitis took amox. Having morning cough and green sputen with back pain. What could be the cause? Have had numbness on face, arm and leg after starting period. Having palpitation. Had miscarriage. Related? Have large lumps on eye and have small spots all under skin on arms. What is it? Having smell of fart on body, stomach bloats and pains. Smell increases when its close to menstruation. Cause? Had a browny pinky flow after periods. Are these irregular periods or implantation bleeding? MRI showed white matter hyperintensities, in the frontal lobe. Having problem with memory and falling. Related? Child having pain in knees, tops of feet and hands. X-ray is normal. What could be the cause? Told to have stenosis in lower back from X-ray. Problem in walking and climbing stairs. Cure? Child with a very small height. All blood work done. What are the findings. Thyroid or kidney? Diagnosed with cancer of the cervix. Was vaccinated for virus that cause this disease. Cause? Hello! I'm 32 and I recently suffered from a flu/cold Head is tingling with numb feeling and have shortness of breath. Do you think this is anxiety related? Have hard bump in dark circle region of eye which hurts. Recently had facials. Related? Sore throat and pain in right thigh. Any clue what that might be? Can IPV injection site cause any reaction? Having a baby. Again pregnant. Health condition not suitable for another birth. Advise? Have got a painful boil in eye. What is the cure? Have diabetes, depression and cervical spondylities. Taking medication. Having lichen planus with body pain. Suggest? Insulin dose increased rapidly. Safe to leave the needle in situ and redial to get prescribed dose? Have blood blister on mole. Had removed it. Possibility of melanoma? Suffering hairloss. Have been on propecia. Started testosterone. Chances of side effect? Have a burning pain in lower back. Numbness in lower abdomen area. Had kidney stone. Suggest? Currently taking Tramodol, Dexamfetamine and Pramiprexole. Concerned for interaction between drugs? Having Diabetes. Medication for lowering LDL? Red, painful rash on buttocks, and a white irritating discharge from urethra. Is it tinea cruris? Used to masturbate often. Getting emissions at night while sleeping. How to avoid it? Prone to leg spasms, in toes, ankle and knees. Area is painful to touch and use. Treatment? Eyes are dry, painful, vision is blurred, light sensitive. Taken Doxycline. Had UTI. Is it fungus infection? Sore throat with blocked nose and yellow mucous. Violent sneezing leading to urinary incontinence, chest pain. Infection? Having cracking sounds in neck and back in certain movements. What causes these crackling sounds? Uric acid and creatinine not in range. Taking becadexamin and AKT-4. Should I continue with this? Died of heart attack. Gums were black and blood prickled out from ear while doing CPR. Reason? Irregular periods, not pregnant. Done with HCG, negative. Had abortion. Did it cause any uterus problem? Pain in jaw bones. X-ray showed bent wisdom tooth , which was removed by surgery. Have pain and swelling. Cancer? Pregnant. TSH level is high. What are the impact and medication? Had unprotected sex. Having red penis and testicles. White bump on lips and white discharge from eye. STD? Cannot keep an erection. Passed blood clot, having stomach pain. What is it? Is it safe for diabetic patients to take omega 3 without heart disease? Had unprotected sex. Spotting with brown discharge. Tender breast and nausea. Pregnant? Can I take Zyrtec over the counter and Naproxen prescribed together? Child has a callus on foot, it is turning greenish-blue and is very painful. Advise? Quivering of muscle and veins in lower extremities of legs and arms. What could be the reason? Nose and throat always dry, sore, sniffling, have constant pain in neck and on lot of stress. How to cure it? Had canned olives. Having teeth work, cannot chew well. Had pooed with what looks like olives. Is it olives? Have a bad cold. Can I take dimetapp with ecitalopram antidepressant? Used vaginal contraceptive. have burning vagina, urine and clitoris. Is this an allergic reaction? Have cirrhosis. Taken PCP. Impact on liver and nerve damage? Having constant pain in arm, mainly shoulder and neck. Have HX for CHF. Reason for pain? Having neck and muscle spasm, headaches and blurry vision. Tingling and numbness. On ritalin and valdoxan Had a flu, which was cured. Called for follow up as a result of LFT and ESR 60. What does it mean? Had a rectal bleed, mild diverticulitis was diagnosed. Prescribed hormonal cream for vaginal dryness. Treatment? Diabetic. Was on amplodine, taking losartan for high BP. Had side effects. Reason for low pulse rate? Planning for IVF. After tubal clipping, prescribed Loprin and ovares. Cycle stopped. Prescribed Martinor Suffer with depression, keep hitting hands and kicking anything. Diagnosed with OCD. What is it? Child having crying fits and panic attack. Cries when gas in belly, stops after burping. Is this normal? After my recent pregnancy have diastasis recti. What are the risks? Scrotal sonogram tast showed mild thickening of the right epididymal tail. What does that mean? Having kidney disorder and diabetes, taking januvia, ace-inhibitor and metformin. Have goitre. Right medication? Child with bump on head and lump on neck. Was told to have X-ray. What could be the bump? Had mild fever. Having fatigue, sore neck and small lump in neck. What could this be? Having breathing problems, uneasy in neck, after belching feels better. Having thyroid. Taking pentucid. Cure? Have swelling near upper trapezius between neck and shoulder and swelling goes into shoulder blades. Suggest? Having osteoporosis and arthritis. Had a knee and hip replacement. Having back pain. Using morphine patch and painkillers Have a lingering infection, started as sore throat and now in sinus area,. blocking sinus passages. Prescribed bactrium Have osteroarthritis especially bad in knee and finger. Cannot bend them. Take glucosamine and steroid injections.Advise? Have hair in beard and chin but not in moustache. What shall be done to have hair in moustache? Having abdomen pain. Blood test, X-ray and CT scan all normal. What could be the cause? Taking vyvanse. Sweating, rash and thick nasal yellow mucous. Urinating very rare. How to counter these effects? Pregnant. Haemoglobin has gone down. Taking ecosprin. Done level 2 scan. What does it indicate? Having sore throat, fever, achy and pinky finger with tingling sensation. Suggestion? Scanned and report showed no foetal cardiac activity. Prescribed for missed abortion. Should I take medicine or wait? Having rash on wrist arm and finger with little swelling. Its red and itchy. Took benedryl. Advise? Had Oophorectomy. Having sharp pain radiating to thigh or back. Have been taking Ibuprophen. Side effects on liver? Having painless lump on cheek near canine tooth along the gumline. How to remove it? Felling of something stuck in throat or wind pipe for days. What could be the reason? Hands get very weak, its episodic. What can that be? Pregnant, planning to travel. Precautions and safety measures to follow? Have had heart ablations. Prescribed lotrel, diltiazen and metoprolol. Have fluctuating heart beat. Advise? Had kidney stone operation. CT scan found another stone. Medicine to avoid back pain and vomiting till operation? Had a cystocopy, experiencing abdominal pain and discomfort when urinating Taking minocycline and diflucan? Had wisdom teeth removed, feel light headed, dizzy, and nauseas. Took medication for pain. Suggest? Pregnant, hit in my chest. History of childhood asthma, anxiety attacks. X ray showed possible TB Feeling numbness while stretching legs. MRI show slightly herniated L5. Suggestions Hip hurts with lower back pain, radiating into leg. Had ganglion cyst and pelvic pain. What is it? In which category of stool test does fungi or infection would be inferred? Having headache, pain in arm and feet are swollen. Underlying cause? Have been given kenalog injections. How to get rid of them? Have had botox on forehead. Discovered a lump on forehead and vision deteriorating. Side effects? Treated for anxiety and insomnia. Taking Restoril, Halcion, and Xanax. Cannot sleep. Alternate medicine for this? Had protected sex, took ipill. Watery red discharge, pain in my abdomen, and feeling nauseas. Reason? Upset stomach and weight loss. Eye is yellow. Was on lipitor. Reason for elevated bilirubin and monocytes? Have had semen analysis test. What are the findings? Doing regular workout, weight not coming down. How to reduce weight? Digestion is very bad, having many dark spots and pimples. Suggest? Pregnant, done with Hbf test. Am I having thalessiamia? Having elevated SGPT, SGOT and cholesterol. Drink alcohol. How to reduce by diet and medication? Child coughing, runny nose and trouble in breathing once in a day. After Asthalin it go away. Reason? Getting eruptions these days. What could be the case? Had unprotected sex 4 days after periods. Should I take ipill as chances of pregnancy is low?
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