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Having blood in spit. Gums are not bleeding. Underlying cause? I would like to get some diet details and foods intakes before marriage? Have adenomyosis. IBS and adhesions. Having D&C month and laparoscopy. Suggested removal of uterus. Treatment without surgery? Numb, burning, stinging toes and front pads of both feet. Arthritis in finger joints. Treatment? Suffering from Crohn's disease, taking pentassa, folvolite and VSL. Are these medicine correct? Pregnant and my weight is 54 kg. Is it normal? Get fuzzy feeling when lying down. Is it aneurism? Have a little white discharge. Is there any chance to get pregnant? Pregnant. Had abortion before with cytotec. Can expired medicine be used again? Done with thyroid and cholesterol test. Do I have Hashimoto's diease? Had white scar removed, which came back as dermatofibroma. What can be done? Pregnant and had different sexual partner. Confused about paternity. Any thoughts? Back pain. Trouble walking, take advil. Had x-ray. What are the findings? Have osteonecrosis, taking motrin and tylenol. Pot on cozaar for hogh BP. Side effect of Motrin? Had kidney infection. Have sharp pains, stomach is hurting, along with nausea and vomiting. Suggest? Diabetic and hypertensive. Having burning foot and dry sensation. Suggest? Diabetic, had heart attack and angioplasty. Given aspirin and clopidogrel. Having gastrointestinal bleeding Pregnant. Had stomach upset, cold, running nose, throat irritating, feverish and body ache. Advise? Has injured heels in gymnastic. Pain and swelling not there but bruising extending to ankle. Suggest? Having a problem of grinding teeth and have an overbite. What could be done? What would be the best days to have sex without protection? Have Hep-C, high BP and enlarged prostate. Prescribed Sandoz-tamsulosin. Tamsulosin for BP? Guide? Have numbness in head, extending neck and shoulder. Having spasm with shaking tremors. CT scan normal. Suggestions? Suffering with short-lived methamphetamine addiction. Feeling depressed, empty and emotional. Suggest Delay speech, sensory issues, behavioral issues, visual motor integration difficulties and weakness in writing. Any syndrome other than ADHD? Have shortness of breath. Have heiates herta. Took lasix. No BP, no fever. Suggest Having headache and blood pressure. Subjected to necrotizing poison. What can be done? Dropped heavy object on foot and have swelling and pain. Not able to bend toes. Applied ice. What to do? Having cramps and swollen foot. Taking atenolol. Have low back pain. Normal? Having kidney stone. Given medicines for uretha widen. Having low back pain. Smoke cigarette. Urine pale. Guide? Having pain bloating and gas. Had Prostatitis and Urologist. Put Cephalexin. Allergic to Penicillin, Sulfur and Cipro. Remedy? Having pain in arm and shoulder. Taking pain killer. Cause? Have swelling from anus to scrotum. What can be done? Having jaundice. Reduced after phototherapy. Suggested to use Gardenal Syrup. Side effects? Diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Is thyronorm and thyroup correct medication? Diabetic, having Erectile Dysfunction. Blood test normal. What could be the reason? Have shallow hip, developed tingling in toes and fingers. Had black out. Underlying cause? Found hard lump on shaft of penis, not red or sore and no puss. What could it be? Not able to sleep, need to urinate frequently. Done with test. What could be the cause? Child suffering with mild cerebral atrophy. Is there any good treatment for this? Have thyroid problem. Gaining weight, feels low and pain in arms, back and legs. Suggest? Has Alcohol and Smoking habit from very long. What would be the impact if quitting it suddenly? Plica fimbriata is red and painful. How to cure it? Taking Minoz and Clindac A cream but acne is not getting reduced at all. Suggest? Would like to know if I could have beer while taking metrogyl? Having frequent wheezing, take asthalin. Suggest precaution to take apart from medicine? Underweight. Diagnosed with Lymhnode TB. Took streptomycin injection. Experiencing imbalance, blindness, fatigue and low appetite. What to do? Taking amlodipine besylate for high BP. Noticed that hair is thinning. Suggest medication without side effect? Having muscle strain in lower abdomen particularly the iliopsoas muscles. Done with CT scan. Findings? Have lump on penis and scrotum, has large lump on shaft of penis, sore and stingy discharge. Suggest? Had gallbladder surgery with removal of fats. How much time i need for proper rest? What are the benefits of using baal amrit? Trying to concieve. Have hypothyroidism, taking thyronorm. Is using coconut oil safe during sex? Pregnant, anaemic, low BP and back pain. We should opt for normal delivery or surgical method? Trying to conceive, taking treatment for infertility. Have delay periods. Suggest? On opiates. Prescribed Librium and clonidine for pain management. Had shoulder surgery. Suffering from pain. Planning for baby. Suggest? Having itchiness near thighs and it is spreading wider. What could it be? Having pain in bones and muscles, cough with phlegum and breathing difficulty. Prescribed doxycycline. Help? Looking for ways to get extreme pleasure while masturbating. Suggest? What are some of the pros and cons of xanax? Can't get warm, constantly tired, have erectile problem, feel giddy and restless leg. Suggest? Ear feeling kind of blocked. Tried popping, yawning, rinsing with hydrogen peroxide. Any help? Diagnosed with concussion. Having nausea, headache, forgetfulness and feel thirsty. What can be done? Is premarin a suitable sub for enjuiva? Diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and breast cancer. Can stain test for T-cells be done? Granuloma? Suffer depression. Taking Fluox. Having nose bleeds. Prescribed alanase spray. Continue Fluox? Having pain below ribs, feeling full after eating. Had diarrhoea and flatulence. Advise? Child having aching knees and feet, legs are cold to touch. What could be the reason? Getting throbbing pain in arm moving down to elbow and wrist. Had no injury. Cause? 80 year old, less hearing ability. Done with ear test. Findings? Had surgery for fractured tibia and fibula. Suffering from pain. Can I increase the dose of hydromorphone? Pregnant. Have throat infection, advised to take augmentin. Suggest? Child has fever, upset stomach and vomited also complaining of pins and needles in feet. Advise? Had sigmoid colon resection and now having rectal pain with episodes of mucus. Underlying cause? Child diagnosed with aspergers with aggressive behaviour and unusual hand flapping. Suggest? Have done with Blood test for CBC and ESR. What are the findings? Have been prescribed Xanax for anxiety and depression What are the pros and cons? Eye has become red, pain and irritation. Using cipla ciplox Ciprofloxacin eye drops. Advise? Feel heart skipped beat and fell unconscious. Feeling fine after a while, no nausea or vomiting. Should I be worried? Have had red and white rash on tip of Penis. Tried yeast infection cream. Not working. Suggest? Took mifepristone. Had dizziness, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain with bleeding. How to control the pain? Had pap smear, was given Doxy, flucon and candifem. Pregnant with yellow discharge. Suggest? Face, hands, and feet tingles whenever moving head and feeling of passing out. What could be the reason? Child having constant nausea and is vomiting. Stool is fowl smelling and gassy. Suggest? Had gall bladder removed. Having pain in the area of surgery. Difficulty to sit on chair or walk. Help? Noticed a small brown mole on toe. Is it melanoma? Having weird thing inside belly button, it appears to be attached and long. What could be this? Have scars due to face waxing. Cheeks and chin area are reddish brown and skin has swollen. Suggest? Prescribed to hydroxyzine for itching, weigh about 300 lbs. Suggest dosage? Pregnant feeling like baby is shivering in womb. Is that normal? Pregnant, feeling like baby is shivering in womb. Is that normal? Had unprotected sex. Partner has PCOD. What to do to avoid pregnancy? Pregnant, had abdominal pain and diarrhoea. BPM is 110 to 210 and heart rate is 160. Is it normal? Having uneasiness feeling and pain in rib cage. Blood test and sonography normal. Feeling heavy stomach. Help? Have had hand trembling for seconds. Had loss of cervical lardosis due to muscle spasm. Advise? Having shoulder pain and headache. Had massive accident. Scaled left front of head and chipped a bone off T4. What can be done? Having frequent urination. Urine test normal. Having pain and fever. Prescribed citralka. Suggest Diagnosed with cortical blindness in both eyes. Had treatment for kidney and lung cancer. Using sutent and nexavar Infant having green loose motions, given nutrolyn, zerolac and colicaid but no relief. Suggest? Had surgery for fracture of neck of femur. Got nails inserted. CT scan normal, when to remove nails? Experiencing radiating pain in jawline, behind ears and headache with twinching senstation in front tooth Noticed pick scars after pimple drains. Are these scars permanent? Tissue damage irreparable? Does X-ray report of chest confirms of having calcification? What should be right body weight and what diet should I take to reduce weight? Having orthostatic tachycardia. Feeling tired and clumsy. Feeling burning sensation in stomach. Guide? Diabetic and suffers from arthritis. Treated with oxygen for low RBC. Is it due to methotrexate? Pregnant, having abdomen pain. Sonography showed complication for child and mother. Advise? Have a foot injury, there is swelling and pain near ankle. What can be done? Having pain under ribs and around back. Cannot lay on back. Remedy? Having blister on toe. Noticed wart like thing, having itching. Having pus filled and hard to touch. What can this be? Have swollen throat, blisters on tongue, delayed period, swollen feet, stomach cramps and dizziness Have a rough rib on both sides under breast bones. Is this normal? Developed dry lips with tiny white bumps after eating. What could be this? Diabetic. Feel nervous when there is much gap during meals or if don't pass stool. Suggest? Cheeks are full of pimple patches, what can I do to remove them? Diagnosed with GERD and given proton pumper inhibitor. Constantly burping and get pain in chest and arms Diabetic and A1C is above normal. Taking high insulin dosage. How to reduce A1C level? Started boric acid pessaries. Having burning sensation in feet. Had bladder infection. Remedy? Having ear pain and sometimes moving to the top of head. Allergic to air borne stuff. Suggest? Have erection problem with minor back pain. Is it completely curable? Lungs very weak due to COPD, on dialysis. On oxygen. How to get the lungs functioning better? After eating get stomach pains and feel bulky. No gall stones. What else could it be? Take oxys and want to go on suboxone. How long should I wait before taking one suboxone? Have been taking myrbetriq and having stomach ache. Is this side effect? Suffering from filarial. Suggest medication using florocid? Have difficulty going up or down the stairs. Is Cargel good for knee trouble? Having lower abdominal with fever, sleepy, no nausea or diarrhoea. Suggest? Having lower abdominal with fever, sleepy, no nausea or diarrhoea. Underlying cause? Having fatigue, depression, muscle aches, IBS, bloated and fever. Had unprotected sex. Hepatitis C? Have a bowel movement with mucous discharge, bleeding sometimes. Itching and soreness in rectum. Suggest? Is it safe to have Unwanted 72 when already having norethisterone tablets? Having projectile vomiting, burning throat and diarrhoea. Suggest? Had back tooth extracted. Having extreme pain, severe swelling of jaw under chin and tongue. Advise? Having chest pains with nerves. Have had nerve tablets. Suggest? Having burning sensation in feet and hands, hurts to walk. What can it be? Diagnosed as Joubert Syndrome. Experiencing muscle fatigue, full body tremors, mouth/tongue tremoring and vision loss. Guidance Having pain on wrist, with limited movement and inflammation. Blood test revealed GOUT. Took cortisone and steroids pills. Cure? Had mifepriston from MTP kit, till that no symptoms or bleeding. Suggest right way to terminate pregnancy? Foreskin of penis does not open so inserting penis into vagina is difficult. Suggest? Done with Blood sugar test. Does it indicate to have diabetes? Having pain and soreness in elbow. Not able to lift things. Used sports tape and took Arnica. Pain radiating to forearm. What to do? Having premature ejaculation and penis size is small. How to improve this? Going through puberty, noticed white hair like strands from area of penis. What could be this? Had blackhead under eyes, scrubbed face, blisters occurred. Having black mark under eye. Suggest? Suffering from hypothyroid, on 75 mcg dosage. Suggest what can be done? Had pimple inside the ear and it itched. Lobe is swollen and hurts to chew. Taking clarithromycin for hpylori Having heavy dandruff used Nizral, Minoxidill and Cultrzvit tablet but its not helpful. Advise? Have swollen gums. Had endonitis work on root canal. Is this due to nerve cut on front tooth? Having gastric problem these days, just below my heart. Suggest cure? Have inflamed piriformis muscle with spermatocele cyst, creating sciatic nerve pain. Long term side effects? Have been off birth control for over a year and a half but still haven't got period back. Advise? Barber scraped his finger with blade. Used the same blade to shave. Risk of HIV? Experimented with anal sex toy. No pain or bleeding. Noticed hemoglobin level 12.8. Feel fatigue. Remedy? Have been off birth control for over a year and a half but still haven't got period back. Suggest? Had injured forearm resulting in subcutaneous bleeding and a purple bruising. Anything serious? Have white crusted lesion on knee surrounded by a pinkish purple patch. What is it? Sore nipples, gained weight, nauseous, fatigued, always hungry. Haven't had period and HPT negative. Reason? Had unprotected sex. Pain at the top of penis, pubic area and urethra. Small bumps, STD negative Given vaccine Tetanos and pneumo. Developed bruising on arm also taking Aggrenox to prevent stroke. Advise? Have a blocked ear and it has mild pain. Did air travel. Suggestion? Taking Duoluton L for regularizing periods. Is it safe to have sex while taking these pills? Had hair fall problem after delivery, allergic to mosquito bites, knee pains and nail peeling. Advise? Diagnosed with Panic Attack prescribed Nexito Forte and Amlong. Have water retention in feet, erection & orgasm problem Constantly masturbate to porn, but can't find desire for my wife. How can I change this? MRI showed L4L5 disc herniation with secondary spinal canal stenosis. Recommended surgery. Guidance Found left renal cyst during MRI of spine. Had no symptoms and doing normal activity. Suggest? Pregnant. Having bleeding and mild abdominal pain. Ultrasound came normal, taking rest. Cause for bleeding? Diabetic and vascular disease. Weakness in legs, headache, trouble in standing from a sitting position. Having swollen tongue, found neuroma and removed. Have swollen, burning tongue with red spots. On celex and xanax Have white chunks in urine. Had UTI but treated. Have abdominal and back pain. What could be this? Passed away due to sepsis leading to respiratory failure. Small intestine infected after surgery. Suggestions? Penis have not grown since birth, very small but erects and works well. Treatment? Urine strips showed leukocytes But UTI was negative. Had irritation in urine. Reason for leukocytes in strip? Had cold. Having nasal congestion, loose stools, lost weight, feel lethargic. Advise? Fell from escalator needing stitches. No fracture. Having pain and swells occasionally. Had physiotherapy. Suggest Had unprotected oral sex. Have burning sensation inside penile tube. antibiotics helped. Is it HIV? Diagnosed with ganglion cyst on top of foot. Having pain, tenderness and soft mass. Suggestions? 78 years old, have incontinence, attended keigle treatment, but now its worse. Wearing pad, can I go for surgery? Was drug tested. Positive for THC. Do not smoke. Can tramadol, gabapentin, albuterol or adavir cause this? Noticed traces of blood in urine after urinalysis. Taking NSAID for back pain. Suggestions? On Efexor, developed an itch, irritation, soreness around the vaginal and rectum area. Allergic reaction? Constant tiredness, swelling in calves and feet, headaches, chest pain, joint pain and blurred vision. Reason? Shook someone from condominium, the skin was opened but not bleeding. Should I worry? Had an irritation and swelling at the back of vagina. Not haemorrhoids. What could it be? Developed swollen lymph gland on neck. Diagnosed due to infection. Prescribed antibiotics. Suggested blood test to rule out leukemia. Guide? Has sleeping problem. Taken ambien, adtivan and gabapentine. What are the side effects of gabapentine? Have a rash spreading, used Momatasone Furoate Cream. It still spreading. Suggest? Had slight bleeding after having sex. What could be the reason? Having high blood pressure, on clonidine. Suggest ways to lower the level? Have lower back pain, mild cramping and light brown discharge. On pill for long time. Underlying cause? Noticed hard lump on the inside of labia minor, not painful. Getting over yeast infection. Suggest? Have pain throughout body, very tired and have no energy. MRI showed nothing. What else could it be? Blood work and Urinalysis revealed slight trace of blood in urine. Having back pain and taking NSAID. Guide? Have small white bump on labia minora with black spot in it. No STD and pap test normal. Advise? Having red lump near ribs with puss and growing. Tobacco smoker and drinks. What could be the cause? On welbutrine and experiencing dizziness, tired, sharp chest pains. Suggest? Missed period. Having fatigue and breasts hurt. Pregnancy test negative. What to do? Having allergy through out the hand. What could be the cause? Having headache at the back of head, which starts when tensed or stressed. Prescribed Trica. Suggest? Suffering from panic disorder. Prescribed parocen, tetrafol and lonazep. Increased the dose of parocen. Remedy?
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