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Had sex with sheep and buffalo, having joint pain, skin infection tired and sleepy with numbness. HIV? If the fetal measures 11 weeks in ultrasound, is it possible it is actually 15 weeks? Diagnosed with fungal infection on penis. After applying cream penis become red and noticed new rashes on foreskin Having intermittent groin pain radiating to knee, chronic constipation and diarrhea with pain and vomiting. X-ray normal. Suggest? Had Thyroid problem, was taking thyronorm for high TSH. Advised to low dose when TSH was down. Suggest? Feel 10 year old heart beat over chest with hand when child is sleeping. Normal? After unprotected sex had fever, urticaria, dry cough, headache and inconsistent BM. HIV and Hepatitis test negative. Further? Had abdominal cramps and diarrhea, have bloody mucus with no stool. Suggest? Have abdomen pain and after meal develop gas. Pain disappears when burp or pass gas. Suggest? Out from breast Cancer. Had elevated CEA. Started biotin, was on Levothyroxine which changed to Tamoxifin. Related? Have Periodic limb movement disorder and Restless Leg Syndrome. Tried natural remedies but no help. Suggest? Have itchy red bumps on legs, no respiratory problem. Had shingles. What could it be? Have warts in beard area. Done electro Quadri, tried creams like retino, and tretin. Suggested to take Dicaris Had unprotected sex. Did HIV test twice which was negative. Need to do test again? Have iron deficiency due to Hiatus Hernia. Taking Livogen as vitamin supplement is permitted? Have UTI, Urine color is clean but have white particle floating in it. What is it? Taking Ramipril and legs have become very painful. Have arthritic knee but pain is in muscle. Side effect? 12 weeks 5 days pregnant, is it safe to thread eyebrows at this time? Child has a spycka cast and is very uncomfortable. How to make him sleep? After using retainers had pain. Face and neck was swollen but do not feel any lumps. Cause? Suffering from sore throat and cough, took erythromycin. Heart beat raised with poking sensation and tiredness. Suggest? Is Seroquel narcotic drug, can a person become addicted? What is indeterminant periventricular white matter disease? Had hot flashes and given Estrogen patches. Had multiple fibroids and did hysterectomy. No relief from hot flashes Had brown discharge on tissue. Have MS, take Copaxone, Paxil with welbutrin. Have metallic smell in vaginal area Having a lot of prickly feelings on lower breasts and skipped heartbeat. Cause? Having prickly sensation on lower breasts and skipped heartbeat. Cause? Have been trying to get pregnant after the abortion but not able to do so. Advise? Would Seraquel help with alcohol detox? What are the side affects of Apoaequorin? Have muscle atrophy between thumb and finger and weakness in hands. Underlying cause? How and why do hard calcium deposits form? Will hydroxyzine taken with hydrocodone cause ringing in the ears? Have sharp stabbing pain, sore jaw on one side while swallowing but no headaches. Suggest? Have slight dark underarms, struggling to get rid of them but no improvement. Suggest? Knelt on floor at work and had developed severe pain in knees. Cause and cure? Kidney is working about 3 percent, not on dialysis. Can it repair by itself? Experiencing intermittent numbness along the jawline, on left side of face and neck. Cause? Getting urine more times than normal and difficulty in controlling while asleep with little leakage. Suggest? Having GERD and large lymph node in groin. Little hypochondriac. Had prednisone and having mild sweating. Advise? Have problem of getting erection and maintaining erection with early ejaculation. Advise? Have stopped taking Seroquel and experiencing itching ,low blood pressure, memory problem. Normal? Addicted to otrivin nasal drops. How to get rid of it? Have high BP, controlled with diet. Suggest ways to loose weight? Got effected water bubbles in uterus, gained weight and irregular periods. Taking medicine to get periods. Treatment? Having dark circle, wearing spectacles. Recently checked eyes and changed spectacles. Cure for dark circles? After starting insulin is it possible to stop it? Have slight blood in urine, started taking warfarin. Side effect? Taking Propranolol, Cipro, metronidazole and simvastatin. Can cialis or viagra be taken? Have recovered from typhoid and cannot eat non-veg. Is it fine to have fish? Had kenacort injection and white patches as a result of side effect. Treatment? Have chapped and flaky skin on penis, Fatigue, constipation and gas. Suggest medicine? Have stiffness in fingers. Unable to bend fingers and lift things. No swelling, X-ray normal. Ibuprofen helps. Suggest? Again experiencing anxiety attacks and need medication. Suggest? New born child is allowed to cry to sleep. Developing hoarse voice. Concern about vocal cord damage? Feet was swollen and having red patch on legs. Took medication. Having small patches on arms. Advise? Taking navane, developed pseudoseizures, unable to talk and sluttering. Suggest? Experiencing pain behind ribs, rest and panadol helps. Have RA and on prednisone with Endone and valium. Suggest? Having pain in foot and feeling sore. Taking panadol. Foot is numb and unable to walk. Could I ask a doctor? Had swollen area below waist. It is hard and feel like bruise. Have lower back pain. Related? Trying to come off ChlordiazePoxide, experiencing feelings of passing out, headache in sinus cavities and confusion. Normal? Suffering from crohn's flare. Took injections of humaria. Having abdominal pain. Stool is covered in blood. Suggest remedy? Have hypo-thyroid and taking levothyroxine. Having abnormal periods. Related? Having abdomen pain and burning sensation after eating. Taking pro biotic helps. Having gas and erection problem. Suggest? Having repeated weird dreams, making anxious. Cause? Have tingling feeling in foot, feel shivering inside skull, unable to sleep. Suggest? Having a muscle pain in leg normally if empty stomach. Cause? Have red rashes all over arms. Suggest medicine? Nostril is clogged and using vapour and salt water. Feeling pressure in head. Is it necessary to go for surgery? Suggest? Told to have glaucoma, runs in family. Symptoms and treatment? Rashes on lower left abdomen and calf area of left leg. Treatment? Seeing double images when viewing on the right side, with head straight. Upper eye lid of the right eye has dropped. Suggest the treatment? Getting headache frequently. Previously was both sides but now only one side. Eye sight normal. Cause? Have flaky, itchy scalp with dry and damaged hair. Skin around nails chips off. Cause? Infant is getting rashes only on legs, which swells sometimes. Suggest? Unable to sleep due to pain in arm. Took advil. Yet to undergo left hand carpal tunnel surgery. Wrist and fingers are painful. Treatment? Having hemiplegic migraine. Taking Divaa OD and gabapin daily. How long should I take the medication? Is weight gain related? Having stuffy nose due to allergies. Mucus is yellow. Took medication. Doing saline rinse. Hearing noise in ear. Worried? Got pancreatic cancer, suggested operation. Have pain and itching. Survival Chance? Experiencing allergic skin reaction. Having red blotches all over face, chest, shoulders, neck and back. Feeling tight in throat. Advise? Diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Took aldactone and tarana. Shifted to ayurveda treatment. Suggestions? Having pain in abdomen and testicles. Cause and treatment? Having abdominal pain, diarrhoea and vomiting. Done with bone marrow biopsy. Shoulders and feet have become sore and having pain. Advise? Pregnant, have itching of the anus. Taken medicine for worms, hemorrhoid and anal fissure but no help. Advise? Got Pancreatic cancer, take medicine for pain and have itch. Will operation be helpful? Hand is swollen and itchy. Is it allergies? Had unprotected sex. Have pelvic pain, mucous like discharge with tinges of black. Have shorter period. STD? Having itchy elbow and ankle with dry skin. Tried oiling but no help. Have red sores. Cause? Having itchy skin on face, chest and groin with burning sensation in scrotum and legs like sunburn. Suggest? Extremely anxious, increased BP, shortness of breath and headache. Swelling in chest and back. Should I be worried? Having post-menopausal spotting, had a normal pap smear test. Suggest? Had Chronic fatigue syndrome. Having symmetrical muscle ache, fatigue and tremors in the hand. Done with several tests. Treatment? Have bumps on the back of tongue and white scaly bits. Have stuffy nose and breathing problem. Suggest? Having sore throat after kissing. Can it be STD? Taking regular exercise program. Noticing heart palpitations and feels like beating harder. Is it related? Has esophagitis, do pot smoking. Related? Got severe head cold and diarrhea after oral sex. What could it be? Had hysterectomy and estrogen is low. Having malabsorption from Endo surgeries. Should I be worried? Having hair fall and diagnosed with androgenic alopecia and taking Propecia. Suggest the cure? Taking avail and having blood clots in cough. Numbness in hands and feet. Could I ask a doctor? Having shiver like sensations and feeling like hair is pulled from skull. Diabetic. Should I be worried? Had stopped period, advised to take Vitamin B12 and periods are back. Related? Take Xanax for anxiety. Have dry cough and cold, no fever and no weight loss. Suggest? Is it safe to stick needle through swollen toenail that was hurt by dropping weight? Have mild headache, take aspirin. Cause and treatment? Having problem in erection of penis. Suffering from fever and pain in testicle. What to do? Undergone surgeries for endometriosis, pelvic and abdominal adhesive. Had punctured small intestine and bowels. Suggest? Have PCOS, since puberty have big breast. Suggest good breast reduction creams? Experiencing irritation in rectum and pains while having BM. Suggest? Pain in lower stomach and having constipation. Had diverticulitis. Taking Levoflxacin and Metronidazol. No relief. Advise? Had sex. Had precums and wiped it. Is there any chance of precum touching the condom? Chances of pregnancy? Having myoclonic jerks, pins and needles in legs and struggling to speak. Had hair loss in chunks. Done with tests. Advise? Pain while opening mouth widely. Right side near ear feels tender and hurts. What could it be? Losing hair from the partition area and front area above forehead. Having PCOD and acute acne on back, thighs and buttocks. Medication? Having severe constipation. Taking Lactulose solution and dulcolax. Having severe lower back pain. Suggest remedy? Had an anaesthetic. ECG reading sinus rhythm with occasional ventricular premature complexes. What does it mean? Is it possible to have withdrawals from short-term ativan use? Then stopping? Pregnant. Having asthma with pregnancy. Worried about weight gain during pregnancy? Have mild PCOD, had brown discharge that stopped and started again with pink discharge. Had US. Pregnant? Feel dizzy while getting in the morning. Have moderately high BP and cholesterol, take Lexaprole. Suggest? Trying to conceive, had irregular menstrual cycles. Ovulation predictor kit showed positive around day 7 and 8. Correct? Child has coughing with congestion, runny nose, mild fever. Suggest dosage of Promethazine? Have lump in throat sensation and discomfort at back of tongue around tonsil. Have GORD. Related? Started taking nebicard and Lepicard, experiencing premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Related? Had protected sex, contacted with vaginal fluid outside condom with penis. Have canker sore in mouth. HIV? Pregnant, had papaya. Have stomach burning. Further? What is the treatment for Acute L. Leukemia? Obese. Trying to conceive but all in vain. Suggest? Have piles problem, suggested to take Pilex and apply ointment but no help. Suggest? Taking telmiz-H tablet daily. Due to non-availability taking telma-H but feeling sleepy. Should I continue the medication? Child asthma, can omnocortil and salbutamol be given? Having fatty Liver. Done with ultrasound test. Cholesterol and triglycerides are borderline high. Pain in right side of test. Medication? Fatigue, brain fog, swollen lymph node behind ear. Vague joint aches and chills and a patch of facial hair on upper lip. Suggest the solution? Going to gym regular but cant shift fat on waist. Suggest? Puss keeps coming from the eye, feeling sore and lower eye lid is puffy. White spot close to nose side. Suggest the treatment? Having burning sensation and discomfort below sternum. Having pain after stretching on recliner. Burning from genital areas also. Solution? Having a cut and feels like a pit and pink ring around. What could it be? Have DVLA test. How long will it take to have normal liver enzyme? Having panic and anxiety disorder. Feeling stressed out. Taking xanax and cipralex. Advise? Do binge alcohol drinking. Have medical test. How long will it take to have normal LFT? Diabetic, have foamy urination. Cause? Have pain between breasts radiating to back between shoulders. Had knee surgery. Take lisinipril, Crestor and carveloldol. Suggest the treatment for asthma control without corticosteroid? Taking nifedipine, losartin. Again prescribed with clonidine twice daily. Should clonidine be taken with the other medicines at the same time? Having infection in finger and toe. Sent the pictures. Advised to take amorolfine hydrochloride. Can I use canistan cream? Advise? Had remote sex, pregnancy test negative. Ultrasound showed to have bulky uterus, given sysron for periods. Suggest? Taking zoloft and increased dosage. Anxiety has increased. Is this a side effect? Had fingered anus and now feel sore and have blood in stool. Suggest? How to reduce Blood urea nitrogen and creatnine level naturally? Anaemic during pregnancy and after giving birth also. Advised to take ferrous sulfate daily. Having gastritis. Advise? Suffering with severe joint painsand burning sensation in bones. Given steroids dosage. Stopped ayurveda medicines. What to do? Have had total blood test, have raised SGPT and CRP. What are the findings? Had regular periods. Facing delay in periods and had taken i-pill. Suggest the solution? Have problem of wetting the bed. Underlying cause? Have raised bump near the corner of eye. Doesn't hurt and hasn't affected vision. Cholesterol growth? Have constant burping, no heartburn and acid reflux. Tried antacid and reglain. Suggest? Having itchy scalp and hair fall problem. Taking medication. Advise? Have harp stabbing pain under breast and radiates from origin. Suggest? Having schizophrenia and in final curing stage. Feeling like penis is small. Suggest remedy? Have Crohn's, depression and ADHD. Take colazl, clonzepam, zoloft and adderall. Suggest? Taking methamphetamine injections. Also taking Valium, dormicum, tafil at night. Taking redotex along with these. Is this correct? Done with blood test. Suggest the dosage of Coumodin? Feeling trembling and weak left side when woke up. Take omaprezole and tagamet. Taking lorazepam. Continue medication? What could be the cause for having chronic pain in the perineum area which radiates down the back of both legs? Having swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Done with FNAC test and showed TB lymphadenitis. Taking forecox. Treatment? Having problem with stomach and gastroparesis. Having indigestion, nausea. Suffered emetophobia. Anxious. Need help. Suggest the solution to increase the White Blood cell count? Experiencing lower back pain under ribs into buttocks. Also having nausea. What could it be? Had a finger tip amputation after a severe cut. Wound is cured. Suggest the usage of ECM powder? Skin is dull and dark with patches. Tried with betagel cream. Spots appear once cream is stopped. Give a permanent solution? Found blood in stool. Passing stool four to five times daily. Suggest the treatment? Had Implanon NXT inserted into arm. Started HCG diet. Bleeding heavily and having side effects. Should I continue with HCG diet? Having dull pain in left rib. Advised to take cipro for diverticulitis. Advise? Having bulky uterus with thickened endometreium. Treatement? Pain in the groin while running on treadmill. Reason and cure? Having nerve pain and taking gabapentin. Had twitching all over body and jerks during sleep. Related? 82 years old with sudden presentation on head. Reason? Fainting with upset stomach and loose bowel movement. Anxiety? have supraventricular tachycardia. Can I take suppliments? Having loss feeling in testicles and no pain. Suggest the cure? Suggest the treatment to restore feeling in testicles? How many months after stopping birth control pill one should try to conceive? Undergone medical abortion. Suggested to clear the retained products. Chances of pregnancy in future? Are there any treatment for correcting scoliosis? Infant with jaundice symptoms. Done bilirubin level. What measures should be taken? Having cysts on ovary and irregular periods. Worried. Advise? Took injection to reduce peripheral neuropathy. Having tingling and numbness in buttock. Serious? Developed tanned skin. Patch test showed and allergy due to sulphur. Any relation to hair straightening? Having testicular pain while passing stool. Testis was stitched to scrotum sack to prevent torsion. Having pain. Medication? Itching skin in groin and in the perinatal area. Took triamcin, silvadene. Still redness is there. Suggest Having a blood blister on lower lip. Punctured twice. Suggest the cure? Diagnosed with malaria, which triggered mild jaundice. Can I consume alcohol? Taking microlite and vitamin tablets. Having cold sores. Suggest the course of action? Treated with vanlaflexine, lamotrozine, buspin for depression. Permanant cure? Taking predizone for long time. How can I get rid of? Body builder. Takes supplements. Will this affect the smell of the sperm? Having a pain down from belly button. Had kidney stone before. What could be this? Having bloating, gas, cough, shortness of breath. Advised to do endoscopy, chemical stress test of heart. What is wrong? Having regular periods. Only had light spotting for a day this time. Taking allergy medicine. Should I be concerned? Failed in urine tests due to low creatinine levels. Tested positive for opiates test. Advise?
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