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Diabetic and have migraine. Suspected to have Median rhomboid glossitis, tongue has white patch. Using Arsenic. Suggest? Sex duration is too low. How to improve it? Having issue of hair fall and thinning. Suggest diet ad medicine? Having pain in rib area. Prescribed hydrocodone. MRI showed cyst in kidney. Blood in his urinalysis. Could this be muscular? Developed dementia. Have fatty liver. Have degenerative neurological disorder with dystonia and myoclonus. Treatment? Had total knee replacement. What are the repercussions of not having the right size patella to begin with? Post menopausal but had period. Hysterescopy showed atrophy and have Calcified fibroid tumor. On Plvix and Remifemin Have blood clot below knee, pain radiates to thigh. Treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis when advised blood thinners? Have been on Lotrel and BP is controlled. Missed dosage. Suggest? Had brown clear discharge and light blood. Had Ultrasound for pregnancy. Findings? Child started feeling sick. Has frequent stomach infection and cold. Prescribed Zentel Suspension. Suggest? Having sinusitis since childhood, got jaw pain, not able to eat. Given Accetofenol and cetrizine and Efetran. Suggest? Have GAD and depression, on rivotril. Can xanax be taken during stress? Broke pelvis, was not repaired and gives constant pain. Had Oramorph, tramdol and co-dydramol. Now on buprenorphine. Suggest? Have spinal stenosis, herniated disc in neck and lumbar area and arthritis Done bone density test. Result? Taking Lisinopril and amlodipine. Can I use Preparation H strenth cream? Had partially tore ACL and MCL after fall. Ankle and foot swollen and hurts causing to limp. Suggest? Pregnancy test positive. What is due date and precautions to follow? Pregnant. Had unprotected sex. Consumed i pill. Used lubricant with condom. Will this affect the baby? Can I give a small dose of Tulsi green tea to child? Having allergy like burn and pain in hand, taking allegra. Suggest? Have Bipolar Disorder and recently polymyalgia. Can I take alternative medicine for polomyalgia with Lithium? Walking 3 miles on treadmill but in 3 sessions. Is this beneficial? Having pressure pain in head going to shoulder. Taking paracetamol, ibuprofen but no help. Told to be tension headache Lost weight. Tests indicated Hyperthyroid. On steroid. Repeated tests indicated hypo. Suggested silent Thyroiditis. Guide? Had operation for malleolus ankle fracture, had screw in ankle. During elevation of ankle, foot tends to fall sideways Have had tests done for HCG levels. Does number indicate to be pregnant with twins? Have suspected cystitus, took cystopurin. Now have lower back pain, near hips and abdomen, taking nurofen. Suggest? Had neck pain, took pain killer. Entire hand was paining, X-ray normal, have giddiness and sweating Knuckles on hand are turning black and look bruised. Cause and cure? Acidity and burning sensation in epigastrium, taking proton inhibitors and sompraz. Have back pain. Suggest? Getting white spots on back and spreading to arms, neck, chest and face. Treatment? Had colonoscopy and since then getting UTI. Related? Using PHGH to increase blood flow to penis. On Clonazepam, Busparone and Effexor. Have PTSD, depression and Hypothyroidism Is it true that people with RA develop cancer of bones? Had pin in arch of foot, moved to ankle, muscle discomfort in knee. What to do? Noticed small spots on tongue, had chest infection, on antibiotic. Had croaky throat and sleepy. Cause? Got treated for bladder cancer, scalp looked like it was on fire and had painful head. Cause? Having problem breathing, chest hurts with regular breathing and pain radiating to collar bone. Suggest? Have a cold feeling inside head. What could it be? Feeling lightheaded, have swollen foot and numbness in arms. Cause? Child got dengue diagnosed, given crocin and lot of fluids. Complaining leg pain and upset stomach. Suggest? Had broken spine and arms after fall, taking tramadol helped but had pain and took Oxycontin for pain Have yeast infection, took diflucan and still very itchy and red. Treatmet? Attempted suicide with large amount of tramadol. Got consciousness but had cardiac arrest. Now has lack of memory Took Bystolic for high BP. Had lower heart rate, fatigue by exertion and had bouts of breathlessness. Suggest? Had hit on head now experiencing dizziness. Should I be concerned? Noticed red and purple thing on leg. Causing a laceration. Segmental pressures done. Wearing compression stockings. Guide? Suffering from Vocal cords nodules. Suggestion? Had oocyte freezing. On periods, ovary had 1 follicle. Given Recagon 300 for 5 days along with Luveris injections. Suggestions? Have black spots on forehead not caused by acne. How to remove it? Child has faster heartbeat, asked for Echo test and told to be due to huge blood circulation. Suggest? Prescribed Eveglow cream for hyper pigmentation. After stopping got rashes around nose and chin, prescribed Clear Z ultra cream Had Fallopian tube removed. Had ablation due to heavy menstrual cycles. Suffer pain. Pain affecting bladder. Help? 4 years old child nipples are going inside breast. Normal? Was engaged in sexual act with broken condom. Did not ejaculate but had precum. How to avoid pregnancy? Diagnosed for Chronic mylegenous leukemia chronic phase, taking Imatinib since then. Now blood count is normal. Suggest? Semen analysis showed low sperm count and not getting erection. Suggest diet to help? Have lump in the side of neck. Did blood test for lukemia, all normal. Suggest? Was engaged in sexual activity and took Livonorgestrel and next day again had unprotected sex. Pill required? Have iron deficiency with no other health issue. Recommendation for treatment? Had sudden random ache in upper shoulder and neck area. Suggest? Had itchy red bumps on legs, feet and arms. Tried creams and antibiotic but no help, given steroid Had macroadenoma removed, put on prednisone. Have chest tightness, jittery and hot flashes. Cause? Sole of foot is painful, cannot put pressure on it. Walking eases up but still in pain. Suggest? Having loose motion. Its fully watery. How to stop it? Suffering itchy rashes on penis, given antibiotics. urine test showed Bactria. Suggest? Constipated, have white jelly like capsule in stool. Stool test showed bacterial growth and pus cell. Suggest? Have hiatal hernia, can it cause stomach to look like a beer belly ? Had spinal cord injury, got operated but lower part is paralysed. Chances of recovery? Had lower tooth removed and have sore inside mouth, sensitive and stings if touched with aching jaw. Suggest? Suffering from hyper acidity and diagnosed as IBS. How long can normaxin be taken safely? Had stomach discomfort upon twisting and stretching. What could it be? Child have swelling and redness in eye. Used ciplox-d eye drop with no improvement now putting Acular. Suggest? Had unprotected sex, noticed small red bumps on penis when squeezed. Used Canesten but no help. STD? Have ejaculation problem. Suggest? Get stabbing chest pain radiating to shoulder blades and arms with nausea, heaviness and fatigue. Suggest? Feel extremely weak, confused, memory loss and tensed. Suggest? Infant was suffering, prescribed Grillintus and Azithrol. Given Azilide instead of Azithrol. Suggest? Taken Primolut N to delay periods. Had unprotected sex. Got periods with cough and cold, fever and white discharge Have itchy red blotches on buttocks with dry skin coating that peels off. Used Neosprin and lamisil. Suggest? Accidently took amolodipine-benazepril, atenolol and pantoprazole. What to do? Have stomach ache, vomiting, sick, not eating and being treated for UTI but no pain. Cause? Having problem of headache, muscle stretch on face. CT Scan showed small polyp retention cyst. Suggest? Child had stopped breathing and was placed on oxygen. CT Scan showed seizures and blood clot. Suggest? What is panchakarma treatment, will it help reduce weight. Suggest best ayurvedic medicines for obesity? Have itchy rash under breasts with yeast smell and scaly. Have joint pain, get cold and sleepy. Suggest? Eye glass frames have caused allergic reaction at bridge of nose and around ears. Suggest? Got operated for tumor, after wards again diagnosed with tumor and treated. Had normal pregnancy. Chances of cancer? Has fractured nose, now suffering diarrhea and continuous pain on face. Suggest? Had MRI done for spine. What are the findings? Have been on birth control Cilest and trying to go off. Concerned about weight gain after quitting. Suggest? had protecetd sex, got periods with clots and lasted for 2 days only. Chances of pregnancy? How can we increase our height by 2 to 3 inches? Is urea parvum an STD and can it cause infertility in women? Had Gallbladder removed and diagnosed UTI. Having abdomen pain radiating to groin. What to do? Does the drug cephalexin monohydrate expire on the prescribed date? Got handjob done and touched vagina. Chances of STD? Fell and got wound which bled. Need of tetanus injection? Penis itches and burns after masturbating with hand lotion. Partner had yeast infection and had unprotected. Related? Feeling of illness, vomiting and troubled being on infusion of Kitamine. Suggest? Had sex probably during ovulation. How to avoid pregnancy? Have painless lumps of fat below skin on arms, thighs, lower back and abdomen. Cure? Having neurofibroma from childhood and was told their is no treatment. Will it pass on to child? Taking Selomax and Ramipril for BP, unable to sleep. Started Amtas instead of Selomax which caused red patches Child suffering with cold and cough, prescribed T-minic and then given Relent with Aziwork which caused sleep Have had Laryngoscopy where Vocal cords can be viewed. Further? Have irritated spot between Vagina and anus, burns with urination. Have lumps on labia. Had hysterectomy. Suggest? Suffering from throat pain, cold and cough, under medication and got relieved. But observed red color from nose Had protected sex. No symptoms, Residul test is due. Risk of HIV? Can we get Ipills over the counter? Pregnant, Anomaly scan was done which showed anterior placenta which is jelly like. Any complication? Had first IUI, was on clomid and post on Duphaston. Pregnancy test negative and told to stop Duphaston While drinking alcohol, mixed with soda face goes red and blotchy. Cause? Isobgol helped to stop urge of going to toilet after eating but still have digestion problem. Suggest? Got white patches on cheeks. Took tablets and used cream but now more visible. Suggest medication? Had spinal tap done because of meningitis. After swimming has fever, stiff neck and headache. Treatment? Got pregnant but miscarried. Had semen analysis. What does report suggests? Has brown patches on soles of feet. No pain and itchiness, takes body building supplements. Is it melanoma? Have leg pain. Suggest medical name which are easily available? Have had ECG done. What does result iterpret? Suggest medicine for cold and cough? Diabetic and have high BP. Had blood in urine. Cause? Infant have cough, giving Wikoryl for cold. Suggest home remedies? Child have throat infection, fever and cold. Crocin helps. What to do? Can nodule found on lung be related to pain in shoulder and arm, no relief from cortisone shots? Suggest mouth freshener and how to make teeth whiter, use colgate tooth paste? Have constant gas problem, belching and flatulence. Have IBS. Taking Immodium helps but causes constipation. Suggest? Can stress cause dry mouth and tingling on tip of tongue? Had normal to low BP. Started having headaches and fever with UTI. All tests normal. Suggest? Have high BP and diabetes. Blood tests showed high creatinine. What to do? Have sinus, hiatal hernia and arthritis in hips which was replaced. But still in pain, took Tramadol. Suggest? Facing skin problem and hand palm skin looks like aged person. Cause and cure? Have Acidity and burning sensation in stomach, took medicine but no help. Also skin allergy. Treatment? If a child is given two polio shots at same time will it be any harm to the child? Diabetic, have penis fungal infection, using surafz cream but no cure, tried flucos but comes again. Suggest? Diagnosed with Menieres disease. Took expired prednisone, had head pressure, chest pain and slurred speech. Given Diuretic. Suggest? Have boil or recurring whitehead on the top of butt crack. What to do? Have a small lump on testicle that comes and goes. Suggest? Post-menopausal, had hysterectomy and salpingo-oopherectomy. Treated for RA, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's goiter. Have clear moist discharge. Suggest? Diagnosed breast cancer indicated by micro calcification. Having mastectomy. Do micro calcification indicate early detection? Had major accident. Damaged knee. Needed LTKR. Again damaged knee by falling. Suggested torn tendon. Suffer pain. What to do? What can be done for Burning Mouth Syndrome and Neuropathy? Has thyroid, lupus and swollen glands. Now said it may be tumor and suggested biopsy. Advise? Had sugar problem, was put on insulin lantas and Humalog. Suggest? Given Asthalin inhaler but no comfort for wheezing. What to do? Had acute and long lasting shortness of breath. Treatment? Been nauseated and breast hurts, cramps in ovary and have delayed periods. HPT negative. Pregnant? Coughing up green phlegm, body ache, cold sweats and fever. Cause? Developed white patches on forehead, back, arm and thighs. Fungal test negative. Told to be vitiligo. Suggest? Using dipsalic ointment on legs and hands. Any side effects? Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Migraines, IBS and GERDS. Suggest? Diabetic and also asthmatic. Use nebulizer with two medicine. Caught cold, can Delsym be taken? Ultrasound showed to have bulky uterus. Will it effect married life? Have continuous sneezing, on Telecast and developed eye infection with itching and discharge. Take Formost for Asthma Child is having swelling and redness in eye. Used ciplox-d eye drop with no improvement, now using Acular LS After botox still have sunken skin on face and head. Head feels smaller, dry eyes and hair loss Trying to conceive. is epileptic and have long cycle. What to do? Had severe viral fever and recovered. Now feeling sleepy. cause and cure? Is a tear on the sphincter considered the same as anal fissure? Was alcoholic, trying to quit. How to do it? Having heart palpitations that are common after alcohol consumption. Suggest? Taking drugs, want to know is this overdose? Had abortion. Torch tests showed Toxopl, Rubella, Cytomega iggs are positive and igms negative. Prescribed rubella vaccine and acivir Feel tired and throbbing body, have vitamin B12 deficiency and took injection. Diagnosed pernicious anemia. Related to injection? Got punched in nose and had bleeding. Had constant headache. How to stop bleeding? Have numbness and tingling in leg mainly when sitting, also stiff arms and at night body hurts. Suggest? Why do woman are more stimulated and moan during sex? Had circumcision and have premature ejaculation, not able to penetrate as partner has vaginal tightness. Advise? Have small hole in between the grinding teeth. What is the best procedure to fill it? Has rash on entire body, start as small fluid filled blisters, itches and ruptures with pain. Treatment? After how many hours does matured ova ruptures once the injection is administered to rupture it? Had done a Sputum test. What does result infer? Was fitted for ear plugs as had mold removed. Have lost equilibrium. Suggest? Leg feels very tight, achy joints, toes difficult to bend, walking difficulty, lose of balance and strong tingling sensation Experienced fatigue while taking Celebrex, Losartan and atacand. Now prescribed metroprolol. BP fluctuates. Suggest? Experiencing cramp like pains in lower abdominal area during ejaculation. Suggest? Have UTI, having pain radiating to fingers. Cause and cure? Perscribed Beconase for enlarged adenoids. Have sore throat, hurts to swallow. Side effects? Diagnosed with fibromyalgia. have knee pain, sore jaw and burny elbow. Cause? Got cold, voice was gone and muffled hearing. Became nauseous and vomitting. Diagnosed ear infection. Meningitis? Giving pasturised milk to child. Now passing motion often. Any digestion problem? Diagnosed with fibromyalgia, have achy knees and sore jaw. Suggest? Had swollen ankle, now red, large sore lump, painful to touch and walk. Have high BP and fibromyalgia Have had PET scan done. What does results indicate? Had hysterectomy, started hot flashes, swollen sensation in neck and ear pressure. Can HRT patch be taken? Information on Medicon? Have urinary incontinence, had thermal eblasion due to heavy periods. PAP smear test normal, had incision. Suggest? While in sitting position feel something hard coming down from inside and have burning sensation. Suggest? Got blowjob done. Used opened condom and put into penis. Can it cause AIDS and STD? Have acidity. Causes pain and hotness. Pain radiating to head and body. Lost interest daily. Suggest? Noticed lump on leg. Not black or blue. What can this be? Suffered from tightness at base pf pelvis. Can it be relieved from medicine? Have swelling in foot, numbness and tingling in arm and lightheaded. Suggest? Have small bump on feet under skin. Painful when pressed. Cause? Suffering from major depressive disorder, always getting abused for money. How to cope this situation? Abdominal distention after tramadol withdrawal. What to do? Have abdominal distention after weaning off tramadol. What shall I do? History of colitis and bowel issues. Developed lump, diagnosed hernia. Loss of appetite and diarrhea. Chances of lymphoma? Has condition of dysphagia post stroke. What are the available treatment to improve?
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