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Diabetic and do not take insulin. During flight legs get restless and twitchy. Suggest? Have swelling and cut on tip of foreskin and problem in retracting foreskin. Suggest? Noticed redness on penis head. Have pain. Burning sensation. Tried Micatin and lamasil. Have red skin under foreskin. Cure? Have severe back pain. Scan showed ostetis, arthritis, sacroillitis. CRP and ESR levels are high. Suggest? Had full hysterectomy. Prescribed demerol. Suffer pain. Took morphine. Should I see doctor? Having mild burning sensation during micturation. Suggest medicine? After quitting smoking, tongue has become sensitive. While eating hot stuff sweat too much. Suggest? Have BP spikes even after taking medicine. Feel heart beating on chest and taking anxiety medicine. Suggest? On metformin. Positive for OPK. Have lot of vaginal discharge. Ovulating soon after starting metformin? Took ipill after unprotected sex and have not had periods. HPT negative. Have breast pain and back pain. Suggest? Significant daily mental stress and mild depression due to ongoing divorce. Taking adderall and methamizole. Suggest? What is the best way to get rid of restless legs? Legs and arms feel weak and sore, low libido and and no erection. All blood test normal. Suggest? Had subtotal hysterectomy with large incision. Had pushed heavy door. When can exercise be started? Fractured foot and have intense burning in toes while elevating foot. Cause? Diagnosed with Osteoarthritis of hip, knee and ankle. Subclinical hypothyroidism. Measures to be taken? Had LASIK, getting eye pain and headache. Suggest? MRI shows inflammation in shoulder. Suggested surgery. Arm feels close to body. Cause? Is it safe to use Viagra tablet for self masturbating? Child has itchy rash. What could be the cause? Have Rheumatic Fever earlier. Can this repeat? Worried? Looks like a blood blister on clitoris. Used sitz bath. Suffer pain. Concerned it may be cancer? Condom broke during sex. Have congestion and noticed blood in mucus. Throat feels sore. Lymph nodes swollen. Concerned? Not able to open mouth, avoiding spicy food. Chewed Gutkha for long. Suggest treatment? Had C-section delivery and periods has not started yet. Suggest? Suggest sleeping tablet to take during end stage of Autoimmune hepatitis? Had cyst removed from breast. Having pain and soreness. Suggest? Doing gyming, asked to consume whey protein and soy protein. Concerned about lowering testosterone and sex appetite? Haave small black dots on testicle, darkened vein and minor pain. Suggest? Side of labia minora is swollen and feels like hard mass. Cause? Had muscle weakness and muscle loss in arm and hand. Had Guillain Barre syndrome. Suggest? Feeling headache. Underlying cause? Pregnant, have headache, nasal congestion, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat. Taking tylenol. Suggest dosage? Taking propranol and losartan for BP. Had bouts of loose bowels. Related? Do masturbate frequently, now penis is not much hard. Any problem in sperm count? Had a guard bypass and later had to have stent placed. Cause? Diabetic. Taking insulin. Had back surgery. Suffer low back pain. Feel sick on stomach, feel like throwing up. Cure? Removed IUD due to pain and discomfort. Used estrogen. Suffer migraines. Have clear discharge. Breastfeeding. Side effects? Can sore breasts while breastfeeding, clear slimy discharge and spotting be side effects of ipill? Having pain in hip and knee and feels like pop causing pain up to hip. Have arthritis. Suggest? Can I be pregnant with abdominal cramps and missing periods with heart burn? Prescribed both Atacand and Zanadip. Why one cannot be taken in increased dosage? Diagnosed with GERD and gastritis, lost weight and feeling weak with hot and cold flashes. Cause? On Avara, getting boils on thighs. Do shave and overweight. Suggest? Had diet caffeine soda, taking Tussin. Coughing, can cough medicine be taken? Have pain in chest. Reports normal. Fear of heart attack. Cause for pain in chest? Have rash on buttocks and jock itch, used cortizone cream and jock spray. Suggest? Had surgery for Sciatica. What kind of diet should be taken? Pregnant, have sore lump in armpit. Had used Drysol for perspiration. Suggest? Have Lupus and POTS. Woke up shortness of breath. Could have causes by POTS? Thyroid test shows TSH: 2.7. Hemoglobin low. RDW high. Having urinary discomfort. Suggestions? Penis has been damaged by being over-extended downwards and bent down while erect. Cause? Want to increase height. Suggest HGH injection? Has hypertriglyceridemia. Taking fenofibrates then added Lopid. Can this both medication be combined? Had kidney stone and told to drink water. After drinking have pain at base of sternum. On levaquin Arms from the elbow down and legs from knee down are cold and numb and dropping things. Cause? Have recurrent ulcers in mouth. Solution? Have granumala annulare, tried steroid creams but little improvement. Suggest? Suffering from thyroid. Suggest best treatment? Feel slight lump in throat while swallowing, no pain. Do smoking and snore a lot. Suggest? Having severe abdominal pain. Feel like bloating. Have bouts of diarrhea. Took Imodium. Cause? Remedy? Had avacsular necrosis and reiters. Have bulging disks neck and back osteoarthritis. Suffer pain. Treatment? Take Dalmane, Klonapin and Xanax for sleep. Have severe anxiety. Suggest? Sudden onset of slurred speech, tongue swelling, continuous biting inside cheek. All test normal. Cause? Having some crawling sensation on body especially on legs. Cause? Taking metroprolol, have low heart rate and sweats through out. Cause? Had medical abortion and had pain in lower abdomen. Suggest? Had outbreak of hidraditis supprativa under armpits. Have thread like vein from underarm to elbow. Suggest? If a child is given double polio shots, will that be harmful? Had habit of eating raw rice. Got mouth ulcers and advised multivitamin. Suggest? Have deficient IgG1 and IgG3. Diagnosed CVID. Suffer severe joint and chest pain. Predinisone lower immunoglobulan to deficiency? Was a drug addict. Now remain tensed and takes Trica. How to stop Trica addiction? Heavy burning sensation in stomach, pain during urination and bowel movement. Chances of UTI? Have psoriasis on groin, tried several products but no use. Using Epaderm but still have itching. Suggest? Gums are paining a lot. Suggest? Kidney ultrasound showed creatinine levels 1.4 to 1.5. Normal? Child have stomach pain. US showed spleen was in over limit. What else to do? Did semen analysis test. What are the diagnosis? Have been fatigued and achy. Biopsy on breast showed inflamed tissue. Suggest? Had temporal lobectomy. Experiencing pains near temples. Feel numbness and eyebrow feels heavy. Normal? Have scars on neck and not going. Tried different medicine and also has dandruff. Suggest? Have Groenouw's and Fuchs and scheduled for cataract surgery. Is it safe? Tongue sometimes feels thick and sensation of fullness comes and goes. Cause? Had hives, red streaks and bruising on legs. Blood work showed elevated hgb and hct. Suggest? Hurt thumb and feel painful and numb. Bruised nerve. How long it will take to heal? Have fiber dermatitis. Should I use laser suction or laser pixar? Diabetic. Having prick like pain in lower leg. Area is oily, swollen and stiff. Cause? Child has vomiting after feeding. cause and treatment? Developed post pregnancy weight. How to reduce it? Child has constipation, passes very tight motion and tries hard to push it. Suggest? Had thyroid cancer. Took chemical treatment. Not able to produce a child. Is it due to chemical treatment? Fell from horse and suffer pain. Feel like Fibromyalgia. No trouble in bowel movements. Remedy? Taking fluconazole, and prescribed cream. Any drug interaction between triamcinoloe, Fluocinonide and hydrocortisone? Has pubic catheter and needs to change tubes as white floaters keep clogging and stops urine flow. Suggest? Has pulling of mouth and have pain. Had Jevederm earlier. Suffer nerve damage. Depressed. Guide? Working in night shifts. Can I join gym to reduce tummy? What is the drug tecta given for? Have asthma, shortness of breathe and diabetes. Legs are swelling because of too much salt intake. Suggest? Received two tetanus shots within 24 hours. Safe? Have peripheral neuropathy. Feel painful. On Prozac and lyrica. Can tramadol be taken? Any drug between tramadol and nucynta? Had ruptured disc. Having numbness in upper thigh and pricklyness in fingers. What nerves affect by herniation on C-5? During period noticed butt was sore, inflamed and raised. Took Epsom salt bath and neosporin. Suggest? Spine MRI shows small central disc protrusion with no associated spinal canal or foraminal stenosis. Meaning? Having severe chest pain and numbness in jaw. Report showed D-Dimer elevated. Cause? Lips losing color and turning red. Suffered typhoid fever. Suggest? Have painful cervical disc degeneration, prescribed neurotin and has increased dose with baclofen. Have more pain and light headed Child gets wheezy and chest tightness with needles when has cold and glue. Cause? Suffer pain in knee. Prescribed Holicern. Suggestions? Experiencing upset stomach, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Normal with people of diveritulitis or diverticulosis? Taking lorezepam and retalin with alcohol. Prescribed prestige s/p. Changes includes slurred speech and stumbling. Suggest? Had vitrectomy surgery to remove macular pucker. Discovered retinal tear at upper left side. Suggest? Suggest ways to increase weight? Have red raised scars on breast after breast surgery. Getting painful. Cure? Have habit of masturbating. Will this cause problem after marriage? Suggested to take Celin 500 and Evion. Side effects? Contraception tore during sex. Took emergency pill. Have stomach ache. Can I be pregnant? Suffering from skin darkening around mouth and neck. Help? Suffering from headache. Using spectacles. Suggest? Suggest cream that can be used for whitish eyebrow to become black? Was told to have beginning of cervical spondylosis also have middle ear catarrh. Related? Blood work results show tsh 0.25 chronically low lymphocytes. Should I be tested for autoimmune issues? Planning for baby. Semen report was not satisfactory. Taking furtisure. Can opt for IUI after after improvement of sperm quality? Often get shoulder pain. Cause and remedy? Weight is gaining day by day. Can CopperT be the reason? Got flu shot and noticed injection spot is hard lump. Skin is red, blotchy, itchy and sensitive to touch Have major depressive illness of postpartum. On Cipralex. Suffered headache. Side effects? Teeth have been infected by bacteria, have black deposit. Precaution needed? How to reduce weight. Suggest diet to reduce weight? Having mild hair on face. How to remove it? Have very high PSA, taking Zytiga. Body imaging and scans showed no cancer. Concerned? Was on Vivelle and Progesterone. After stopping lost weight. Will that effect ostepenia? Had 7 days periods every 30 days but after delivery changed to 11 to 12 days every 28 days. Suggest medication? Have a red ring around white area on face that itches. Concerned? Taking coversyl and rosuvas. Lipid profile and BP normal. Occasionally use caverta and heart rate is high. Suggest? After sex, penis got raw and has little drainage. What to do? Have middle ear infection. Diagnosed with vestibular neronitis after vertigo attack. Prescribed Levofloxacin. Can I use alcohol to clean? Had infrequent bouts of scleritis. Resolved by prednisone taper. Suspected Ankylosing Spondylitis. Guide? Pregnant and has bacteria in urine, prescribed megamox and got loose motionns. Prescribed Zifi. Suggest? Gave up smoking and had swelling on neck, given augmentin and suggested e cigarette. Suggest? Help in finding dermatologist specialized in facial wrinkles? MRI of Brain showed several focal nonspecific white matter T2 and FLAIR hyperintensities. Have severe migraine. Suggestions? Suffering from low sperm motility and sperm count. Took Siphene, Maxoza Powder and Addy Zoa. Suffer mild pain in scrotum. Guidance? Had a heart ablation. Recent screening showed abdominal aneurysm. Related? Slept only for 4 hours. Feeling blurred vision and dizzy. Had headache and CT scan result was normal. Suggest? Overweight and moderately athletic. Developed shoulder injury and low back pain. Prescribed Chlorzoxazone. Continue medication? Social smoker and drink alcohol. have had sore throat, phlegm, coughing and ear popping. Cause? Have sore on arm that does not heal. Itchy and bleeds sometimes. Suggest? Baby reduced weight after birth. Noticed drop in breast milk before periods. Need to give supplement for baby. Suggest? Having lesion at the base of teeth. Got infected. Filled with pus. Suffer bad smell in mouth. Used canker sore gel. Suggestions? Have running nose and noticed lot of mucus. Could be due to could be allergens? Have ischial hip bursitis. Take levothyroxine. Having over active thyroid treated with radio iodine. Alternative medication? Have slight ED. Taking ramipril, asprin and simvastatin. Diagnosed with COPD. Safe to take low dose of CIALIS? Getting burning sensation on penis and scrotum with leg. Doesn't hurt when urinate but only burns. Suggest? Does cephalexin affect the potency of loestrin fe? Having frequent and long time upper and lower back spasms, tried many medicine. Suggest? Feel sore throat while swallowing. Have encrypted tonsils. Cause for reoccurring sore throats? Diagnosed with BV and taking flagyl. Experiencing frequent urination and abdominal inflammation. Suggestions? Blood test indicates antiphospholipid syndrome. Kidney biopsy indicated acute tubal necrosis. Common with Hughes Syndrome? Suffer severe anxiety and panic attacks associated late stage Lyme. What can be done? Started periods early and ended early. had spotting later. Cause? Started with itchy ears and dry skin. Used boric acid and alcohol. Suggest? Had hit head. Since then feeling funny. Suggest? One side of cheek stings with no rash or swelling and feel sick in stomach. Cause? Infant has some white spots on face. What could it be? Habit of masturbating from long time. Having back pain, fizzy eyes and weak concentration and memory. What can be done? Lactose intolerant, tried switching to soya milk. Get sore throat and diarrhea. Suggest? Had abortion, have high ESR and low MCH and MCHC. Cause? Noticed lymph nodes under armpits. Some lumps in upper labia majora. Had allergy. Missed periods. Hormonal changes? Lymph nodes in neck are swollen with no other symptoms. What to do? Suffer pain while pulling foreskin of penis. Can be cured by using lubricant gels? Treatment? Having trouble talking, slow memory and clumsiness. Noticed tingling in arms and legs. What should I do? Have dry, swollen, itchy and painful vagina. Cause? MRI showed possibility of vertebra swelling. Causing nerve pinching. Having back pain. Suggestions? Diagnosed with diabetes recently. Currently planning for children. Will it cause infertility? 75 years of age has blood in urine, during night. Cause? Had fractured foot, given injection to prevent DVT. No cast fitted due to swelling. Have burning toes. Suggest? Have sudden lump on forehand. It is solid and can pinch the skin on top. Suggest? Have insomnia and headache. Have side effect with alopathy medicine, wanted to switch to ayurveda. Suggest? After treatment have conceived but miscarried, have irregular periods. Did unsuccessful IUI and advised laproscopy surgery. Suggest? Does masturbating causes any problem after marriage and eye sight problem? Suffering from vestibular disease. CT scan showed cerebellar atrophy. Recent scan showed mild atrophic changes with ventricular prominence. Help? Suffering with heavy cold, sore throat, glands under jaw are sore. Have anxiety. Suggest? Have headache. Suggest medicine? Had left testicular hydrocele surgery. Drain tube present. Fell uncomfortable and disappear into scrotum. What should I do? Prescribed amikacin injection. Having fever. Suggested to stop amikacin and give advent drops. Guide? Had stomach problem, weight is increasing. Suggest? Having throat pain and light fever with body pain. Took Sinarest. Suggest? Had attacks of depression, discontinued cipralex and having rivortil for sleep. Have increased heart beat and hyperventillation. Suggest? Having shoulder and neck pain especially early morning and when stressed. Took homeopathy medicine and done physiotherapy. Suggest? Have poor erection and premature ejaculation. Was suggested exercise and Prilox gel before intercourse. Suggest? Had lower back pain, taking medicine but no help. Suggest? Had completed period but had bleeding which was more fluid compared to regular cycle. Suggest? Suggest best sleeping medication for end stage AIH? Diagonised with slight variation in sugar levels. Suggested walking and change in diet. Feels uneasy. Suggestion? Has been underweight, diagnosed diabetes. Controlled sugar with diet and exercise. Has BMI of 16. Suggest? Have this real bad pain on both side of stomach. Suggest? History of hypertension. MRI indicates multi-level disc herniations. have pain, weakness and difficulty walking. Treatment? Have high BP, mitral valve damage and had kidney cancer. Can I safely take testosterone supplement? What is the best diet plan to reduce weight? Have Parkinson's disease. Taking Azilect. Can I improve by taking carb-levo pills? Suggest?
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