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Frequent urination. X-ray shows ligament injury. Having liver issue. ALT and AST readings are high. Any guidance? Bowel incontinence followed by constipation. What could this be? Mucus in stool. Anything wrong? Tested positive for HSV 2 and negative for HIV. Having headaches and weight loss. Is it HIV? Is accidental application of nitro glycerine patches harmful to children? Bloated abdomen. What is causing this? Having fatigue and never feel refreshed after sleeping. Blurred vision and cannot concentrate. Suggest the cure? Had heart attack. Having neck pain. Pain increases when chin touches the chest. Advice Done with FNAC test. What does my report says? Stomach pain and vomiting. Should I be concerned? Pain on left side of head. May I know the reason for this? Losing feeling in both legs and causing a forward fall. Suggest treatment Is HIV RNA test accurate at 13 days post exposure? Diastolic BP is low and systolic BP is high. Should I be concerned? Is there any test to detect chances of vitiligo in an unborn baby during pregnancy? MRI shows pinched nerve in neck. Suggested with epidural. High BP and recovering cancer patient. Any suggestion? History of chronic ischemic heart disease. Having flushing and numbness in arm. Reason? Having stomach pain. Done with CT scan. What does the report says? Hearing loss in one ear. Vertigo and constant ringing in ear. No wax problem. Need suggestion Acne problem. Accutane and doxycline is not helping. Suggest treatment Had sex and having mild fever. Severe itching and burning sensation on legs. Swollen testicles. Is it HIV? Having leg dermatitus. Which OTC medicine should I try? How can I delay evacuation of sperm during intercourse? Itching in body after having unprotected sex. What could be this? Inflammation in head. Taking aleva. Suggest treatment Swollen fingers while getting up in the morning. Reason? Sore on top of head. Feeling like bumped head on a sharp object. Little itching. Suggest the treatment? Alzheimer's patient. Done with gall bladder surgery. Rash around genital area. Will an OTC ointment help? Taken off nardil after surgery. Tried on Cymbalta and pristique. Suffer loss of appetite. Problem with liver enzymes. Suggest? Headache on the right side of head. What could cause this? Did SGOT, SGPT, alkaline phosphatase test with liver ultrasound. Are my reports normal? Having strong sexual urge during sleep. Normal? Have teeth pulled . Have swelling. Painless. What could this be? What could be the cause of yellow coloration of the eyes? Having pain in buttocks even after lying down with a pillow below knees to reduce disk pressure. Is it due to herniated disc? Having palpitations after taking prednisone. Is it okay if I stop taking it? Mucus in stools, swollen abdomen and leg cramps. Suggest treatment Pregnant. Diagnosed with low liquid level and echogenic bowel on abdomen of fetus. Causes? Having nausea. Have GAD and IBS. Tested negative for celiac disease. Suggest? Stitches in anus due to biopsy fell. Painful bowel movements with bleeding. Is it normal? Fistula was detected through X-Ray. Advise to take second operation to whether it is fistula. What to do? Experiencing passing out from years and it happens during periods. Irregular periods due to menopause. What kind of tests are needed? Worm in urine. Pain in penis with bleeding. Need suggestion Accidentally took a dose of lantus. Having dizziness. What could be done? Oval shaped spots on body with no itching. What are they? On Zyrtec and ranitidine for allergy. ALT level in blood work is high. Is it due to the medication? Had LAVH hysterectomy for endometriosis. Stomach pain and bleeding while having intercourse. Any thoughts? Having lot of fear and speaking irrelevantly. Diagnosed as symptoms of schizophrenia. Guide regarding her future? Low vitamin level in blood test. Can I increase my daily intake of vitamin D? Having psoriasis. Red area on scrotum and penis. No pain or discomfort. What could this be? Prescribed with duoluton. May I know the side effects? Lost virginal sensation. Had hysterectomy and was on HRT. Suggest treatment Burning eyes, headache and fluttering in chest. Taking bioidentical hormones. Is it related to blood sugar? Circular sores on scrotum. Is it a fungal infection? History of TB in the lymph node. Pea sized lump on right side of neck. Is it TB? Can a rapid HIV test after 4-6 weeks of exposure be conclusive? Continuous bleeding at 12 weeks post partum. Prescribed with primolut. What is wrong? Diagnosed with microscopic colotis. Take donntal. Had positive amylase test. Taking lexapro and klonipin. Suggest? Have worn splint. Having tenderness. What can be done? Child having diaper rash and rash on groin area. Skin is red. No cream has given relief. What to do? Report showed RBCs: Mild anisopoikilocytosis. Predominantly normocytic with ovalocytes and macrocytes Baby having temperature and rashes on stomach. Given ibuprofen. Should I seek medical attention? Advised to take alprazolam. Had withdrawal nerves and took trazodome. Could I take trazodome and xanax together? Breastfeeding mother, getting severe cramps in upper abdomen What is the difference between fertigyn and Koragon? Experiencing headaches. Having lots of muscle soreness/loss. What can be done? Had a red pimple rash burnt terribly. Treated for shingles. Either side of sternum was burning and tingling. What could it be? Diagnosed with fatty liver. Is there any cure for this? Has ringworm with rashes. Used Paderm cream and oiltum soap. Prescribed Clostin mix. Had a fungal infection Having PCOS. Irregular periods. Heavy flow and nausea during periods. Reason? Having fever with continuous headache. Took Paracetamol. Blood test showed decreased leucocytes What is the difference between fluid in the chest and cold in the chest? Have irregular periods and PCOS symptom. Prescribed ovacet tablets. Other medication required? Discovered black worm in stool. It was moving. Had allergy on hands. Is it connected? Color change in foreskin. Should I consult a doctor? Suffering from pain right testicle. Having temperature. Bleeding during motion. Suspecting stones in kidneys. Suggest? Diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Having memory and concentration issues. What does the brain MRI mean? Took ambien. No good sleep. Safe to drink alcohol? White patch on the roof of mouth. What could this be? Having difficulty in swallowing, choke on water and balance problems. Spot on lung. Should I be worried? Due for knee replacement and having severe pain in lower leg. Taking Oxycontin and no relief. Cause for pain? Burning sensation on the outside of right ear. Suggest treatment Getting hiccup like sound from throat. Having frequent contractions in upper abdomen. Cause? Having stomach pain, diarrhea, burning burps and vomiting. Any suggestion? Had broken ribs and hurting. How long will this pain last? Feeling uncomfortable in arm and shoulder. Take Nutophen to relieve pain. On HRT. Suggest? Have painful white bumps on tongue. Concerned? Suffering from chronic hypertension. Had problem during urination due to enlarged prostrate. Should I stop prostrate medication? Having dyspiosis of gut and food allergies. Exhaustion, swollen eyes, and diarrhea after eating from outside. Treatment? Suggest the diet for a person with diabetes Had bad gut attack due to food allergies. Allergic to wine and milk products. White coated tongue, sore eyes. What to do? What type of food to feed the baby initially? What are the chances of getting HIV through hand job? Baby is due for fourth month injection. Is it fine if the injection is delayed by a week? Had protected sex. No morning erections after that. Anything wrong? Having itching, dandruff and lot of hair fall. Darkness in armpit and abnormal hair growth on chin. Suggest the cure? Itching in scrotum. Applied fluka, prugo and tinovate ointment. Suggest treatment for permanent cure Sugar levels are in control. Can I have sugarless cubes as an alternate for sugar in tea? Inverted T-wave observed in EKG. What are the findings from the EKG report? Done with MRI scan of brain. What does my report says? Diagnosed with breast cancer. Need second opinion regarding the treatment? Irregular periods. Smear test result shows cervix is red. Referred for colposcopy. What could this mean? Having problem with periods. Not able to conceive. Not enough cells shown in smear tests. Cervix is red. Is it cervical cancer? Having back pain. Feeling hopeless and helpless regarding life. Could I ask a doctor? Done with health checkup. What does the report says? Ultrasound showing inhomogeneous mass on abdominal wall. What are the findings from the report? Is it normal? Could I stop period cycle forever at home without surgery? Suffering from intractable constipation. On Miralax. Done colonoscopy Having atrial fibrillation from smoking pot. Taking alcohol and marijuana. Suggest the permanent cure? How to become fat and active? Suggest the supplement to treat Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome? Rashes on thighs due to moisture in vagina. How to get rid of them? Twitching in eyes. Suggest treatment Feeling numb in lower lip. Had dizzy spells and pain in neck. What could it be? Having heart palpitations every night along with fever and headache. What could this be? Have ileo colonic anastomosis and bowel obstruction. Lower back pain, cramping and nausea. Should I have a lysis of ahdesions done? Had a low grade fever. Swollen and sore lymph node in the back of neck. Rash across stomach and chest. Should I be concerned? Suggest medication to prepone periods? Type 2 diabetes. Having hip, back problems and walking with a crutch. Suggest exercises to lose weight? Having cyst on penis. How to reduce it? Could it be removed without surgery? What are the side effects of tazzle and duralast drugs? Could too many X rays have an impact an force and volume of ejaculation? Having problems in ejaculating when having sex. What is the treatment? Took ceferoxime for cloudy urine and vaginal itch. Not cured completely. Suggest treatment Having cloudy and smelly urine, vaginal itching. Have multiple sex partners. Took zithromax. Cure for the symptoms? Bilirubin level is high. Scheduled for ultrasound scan. Should I be concerned? Few drops of urine coming out. Noticed small yellow wet spot. Should I seek medical attention? Planned to have baby. Done with the tests. Will TPHA positive be transferred during the intercourse? Fell down on the ground. What could be the reason? Cleaning sofa by rubbing alcohol. Will the fumes hurt me? Had endocarditis surgery. Advised to take warfarin for three months. Could I stop the medication prior to recommended period? Is the exposure to rubbing alcohol harmful to health? Have open pores and acne scars on face. Suggest the treatment? One part of gums is swollen and migrates around mouth. What could be causing this? Fell off a horse and hit the left flank. The area is swollen and numb. What should I do? Having tonsil problem and due to it having sinus problem. Suggest the cure? Have antibacterial groin infection. How to get rid of it? Difficulty and stiffness while chewing food. Noticed lumpy swelling on applying pressure. What to do? Done with percutaneous surgery. Screw inserted are not removed. Bottom of foot and arch are painful. How long does the liver take to heal after drug induced hepatitis? Consumed advil tablets with alcohol beer and vodka. Punched a person. Is the change in behaviour due to alcohol? Had orange stools with bout with diarrhea. Reason? On hyiibrid. Experienced some bruises and sleepless nights. Had terrific weight gain after taking Lexapro. How should I move on? What is the use of Gabapentin? Have bad cough and vomiting. Noticed purple spot above tonsil. Is it harmful? Had a cut with scissor. Prescribe with sentress and truvada. Not sure whether it is contaminated. Healing period? Can k flex be taken with aciphex? Have constipation after colonoscopy. Pain in lower left abdomen. Will colonoscopy affect the descendent colon? Abdominal pain with nausea. No difficulty in urinating. What could this be? Stomach ache and chest pain after eating. Kidney removed due to cancer. What could this be? Had a severe case of Giant Cell Arteritis. Have adrenal gland deficiency because of taking Predisone. Reason for dropping of energy level? Having a baby and took meth. How long does it stay in baby's first poop? Have extreme anxiety. Taking Xanax. Had alcohol Child suffering from cold and cough. On alerid, nasivion and asthalin puff. Blocked nose and severe coughing. Suggest the cure? Hair fall problem. May I know the reason for this? Painful urination and white spots near urethra. Is this HIV? Suffering with chronic anal fissure and skin tags. Suggest the permanent remedy? Had sex and bleeding. Noticed brown discharge. On microgynon. Should I be worried? Little bumps all over forehead. Just keep appearing. Suggest the cure? Taking medication for high blood pressure and have minor pain in the top and back of head. How long does minor pain pressure last? Extra white skin on face. What should I do? Done with USG. Taking Dubagest and Folmet. Have history of jaundice and have fatty liver. Does progesterone affect liver? Took steroids for ear infection. Dizziness and numbness on hands. MRI and ultrasound scan is fine. On tamsulosin. Harder to achieve erection. Is there any way to counteract the ejaculation side effects and make orgasms stronger? Taking laser ipl treatment for acne scarring. Face become red. What should I do? Diagnosed with 3.1 abdominal aneurysm. Could I ask a doctor? Had blood in semen. Catheter in penis very painful. All blood tests are fine. Suggest the treatment? Taking Zoloft for depression and Natrilix for blood pressure. Lightheadedness and nausea. Is it due to medication? Child having frequent urination problem. Took homoeopathic medication. Still having problem. What could be the root cause? Recurrent severe strep throat. How to get it cured? Lower left side of abdomen feels like a cell phone vibrating in intestine. What could it be? Have pain in lower back while standing Child getting chest pain during exercise. Pain is under center of ribcage to middle chest. Negative EKG. What to do next? Fluctuation in the IGF1 levels. Should I be concerned? Had appendectomy. Having symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Need of abdominal surgery? Having hot flashes, depression. Take Wellbutrin. Chances of insomnia? Stage 2b breast cancer. Biopsy of groin node came negative. On aromason. Is this a death sentence? Have some white substance in the inner corner of eyes. What are these? Found two bilateral pontine hyperintensities in the pons. Numbness in upper lip and nose. Is it a stroke? What could cause bilateral pattern? Suffering from arthritis. Taking Wysolone steroid. Negative for rheumatoid arthritis Two months pregnant. Suggest suitable way to abort? Have had sore throat and inflamed soft palette. Took lozenge. Is it allergy or rhinitis? Diagnosed with some kind of thyroid cancer. Having terrible body pains and taking metrol. What is this medication? Have whitish bumps on left and right side of tonsils. Painless. Is this normal? Had an abscessed root canal done. Jaw has hard knot and swollen. Have an artificial mitral valve. Any danger of getting infection in blood? I cannot taste anything. What may be the cause? Swollen upper left cheek. It is itchy, warm and sensitive to the touch Have pericarditis. Tests showing low risk. Having pain. Is it safe to travel in this condition? Blurred vision lasting for some minutes. What could be this? Stage 4 lung cancer that spread to liver and brain. Took chemo. Life expectancy? Someone grabbed wrist and squeezed hard. Hand and forearm have become stiff. Tingling in fingers. What is wrong with hand? Child having vomiting, dizziness and stomach pain. Reason? Tiny basel cell carcinoma taken off from forehead at the hairline. Suggest the vitamins to be taken? Sore throat, inflamed soft palette and clogged up sinus. Taking claritin and flonase. How long will this last? Suffering from chronic tendonitis on both ankles. Had some acupuncture treatmen Having shortness of breath, bloating of stomach and coughing. Two small nodules in lung. What could be the cause? Chances of having prostate cancer from over masturbation? Have blood blister. Soaked in salt water. Still increasing Is it safe to take protein powder, omega and calcium tablets daily? What are the side effects of femilon and cabergoline?
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