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Feeling of excessive size under breast and abdomen. Tender pain on left side of ribcage and fluid retention in feet. Suggest treatment Had a lump in the bottom of spine in childhood. Now suffering from bipolar. Was the lump overlooked? Child having low haemoglobin level. Should I increase the dose of iron medicine? What are the environmental factors that affect intelligence quotient? Child diagnosed with aseptic meningitis. Getting nystagmus and projectile vomiting. Any suggestion? Suggest treatment for a child having blisters on rectum Pregnant and advised to take pregron,folgel and alnagest injection. Experiencing rise in temperature after taking medicine. Is this normal? Child having a bump on nose and looks like large white head. What should I do? Is it possible to reverse a borderline cholesterol level without medication? Suffering from a concussion and getting headache. Taking typernol. BP has increased. What do you suggest? Vaginal itching and peeling. STD tests came negative. Suggest treatment Intermittent throbbing in left back molar region after removing wax from ear. Reason? Having low progesterone level and due for IVF embryo transfer. Feeling like embryo may not attach to womb. Should I be worried? Pain on the right testicle. Urine culture reports came normal. What could this be? Diabetic and lost sensation ion feet. Had a CXR, EKG and stress test. Could this be beginnings of Charcot's foot? Pregnant test was positive. Scan report showing sac size is less. Prescribed with susten. Should I be worried about the readings? Had unprotected oral sex then protected vaginal sex. Burning feeling in urethra, sore testicles and marks on penis. Suggest further tests Noticed bleeding and pain in womb. Anything serious? Have eye pain and difficult time due to eye strain and headache. Is there any natural way to diminish the positive eye power? Diagnosed with Hashimotos and taking synthroid. Dexa scan showing osteoporosis of hip. Developed headache and stiff neck. What to do? Have lesions on brain and had MRI. What are the causes for lesions? Have mild acne and dark hair on chin. Suggest suitable way to reduce hair growth Diagnosed with PCOD and vitamin D deficiency. Trying to conceive and taking medication. What should I do? Diagnosed with vertigo and have several herniated disks in neck. Will having surgery cure vertigo? Took steroid injection in hip and had severe limp. Having sciatica. Is it relted? Having sinus infection, elevated WBC count and having low grade fever. Should I be worried about WBC count? Depressed and worried about child health. How to overcome this? Having iron burn on arm and scratched the burn. Should I cover it up? Something like bruise on child's chest. Could I ask a doctor? Experiencing chronic abdomen pain and bloating. Having Loose stools. Suggest treatment Child having hair loss, unable to gain weight and sweating. Had a blood work and taking healthy diet. Should I be worried? Had discharge from penis and was treated for non specific urethritis. Stinging and feel like urinating. What should I do? Hypochondriacal and prone to anxiety. Feeling vibration in chest and abdomen. Could it be anxiety? Noticed a white circle on lower lip. What could it be? Experiencing ringing in ear, dizziness and balancing problems. Hearing loss shown in test. Is it curable? Diagnosed with bell's palsy and left side of face is drooping. Is there anything I could do to speed up healing? Have stomach pains and taking antacids. Wake up and choking. What is going on? Red lump on edge of anus, tender and no pain. What is the treatment? Had lipoma over diaphragm and scheduled for MRI. Will it start growing? Taking Spiriva and had PSA testing. Can Spiriva cause rapid elevation in PSA? Diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and taking carbimazol and beta bloker treatment. Should I go for radioactive iodine treatment? Taking penile injection for erection. How to increase libido? Intense pulsating tremors in right ear. Taking synthroid for thyroidectomy. What is the cause for tremors? Have severe pain in left knee and walking with a stoop. Suggest treatment Have degenerative arthritis of neck and shoulders. Painful wrists and taking hydrocodone. Still painful. What do you recommend? Missed periods, pregnancy test was negative and having loose stools. Minor fungal infection in groin. Why am I missing periods? Had a nissen fundoplication. Unable to eat due to lump in throat. What to do? Had a blood test and taking flucloxacillin. Scab was covered with bandage. Advised to take Duplex test. What do you suggest? Have seborrhoeic eczema on testicles and using neosporin. Suggest the cure Addicted to masturbation and having gastric trouble. Have lower back pain. Suggest the medication Suggest the treatment for swollen legs Having acidity problem, experiencing discomfort in stomach and flatulence. Advised to go for endoscopy Trans vaginal ultrasound scan shows multiple small follicles. Have PCOS. Could I conceive naturally? Child suffering from loose motions and taking gramogyl and entirogemina. Severe bloating and indigestion. Should I be worried? Fractured three bones in foot. Had severe pain and taking tylenol. What to do? Having vision problem and wearing glasses. Need advise Baby having red marks legs and hands, swollen. What is the treatment? Diagnosed with stone in abdomen. Urine report shows pus cells 15/hpf. Is the count severe or mild? Penis reaches 4 inches during erection. Is this sufficient to satisfy my partner? Suffering from frequent urination and burning sensation during urination. Having pain during sex. Advice? Suffering from anal fissure. Using shield topical ointment and lactulose to soften stools. Reoccurs on stopping medication. Suggest Did HIV test after an exposure. Can any online doctor help me to read the report? Suffering from joints pain. Diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis and high BP. Prescribed prednisnone and furosemide. Suggest Diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation. Taking warfarin, sotalol, and lopressor. Had cardioversion. Advice Having black scar on face after an injury. How to get rid of this? Noticed dime sized lump under chin. Feeling painful and numb. What to do? Having dull pain on right side near rib cage. Passing less urine than normal. What should I do? Child have itchy bumps on hands, stomach and groin area. Noticed liquid from blisters. What is the treatment? Diagnosed with dypsnea and acute bronchitis. X rays and blood work are normal. Could it be a vocal chord problem? How to get rid of vaginal itching? Had a C section and confirmed with pregnancy. Should I be worried about second pregnancy? Advised to take novelon for one month, ovaforce and folimet. Took novelon for long time. Missed period. Could I be pregnant? Quit smoking and stomach is hurting. X ray showing demineralized bones and spine problems. Pain in chest. What could be the problem? Quit smoking and hurting in stomach. Demineralized bones and spine problems shown in X ray. What could be the problem? Diagnosed with major depressive disorder and took psychotherapy and fluoxetine. Suggest the cure for hypothermia? Passed away due to septic infection. What could the infection be? Had a septoplasty and turbinate reduction and taking amoxicillin and ibuprofen. Told as bacterial infection. What should I do? Working in night shifts and skipping zoloft. Experiencing anxiety attacks, chest pain and headache Blood report showing high liver enzymes. Should I be worried about the findings? Suffering from skin pigmentation and face is becoming darker. Getting pimples after applying sunscreen. Suggest the medication for clear skin Dizzy, chest starts to squeeze and had a positive IGM lyme test. MRI showing brain lesions. What is going on? Red blood cell and platelet count was low. Have moderate pain in ribcage. what could be the reason for having pain? Can I contract HIV through blowjob? Face is oily, becomes dry and having pimples. How to get of pimples? Is sauna good for skin? What is the danger of having a high blood platelet count? Detached retina in left eye through vitrectomy. What is the status of my vision? Soreness in back muscles and arm. Suggest further tests to determine the problem Pregnant and prescribed with gestin. Will this medicine improve the growth of baby? Washed penis with same soap. Will it cause HIV? Could I take vaccination for hepatitis B again? Bleeding from rectum and pressure on ovary. What could it be? Experiencing shortness of breath while talking. Anything serious? Blood test showing normal TSH level. Feeling unbalanced and sweating. What could it be? Will nissen fundoplication help in minimising GERD and LPR symptoms? Had oral sex. What are the tests to confirm HIV? Taking citalopram and Nuvigil. Is there any test to check citalopram? Sudden onset of chills and shivering. Is this a sign of an illness? Feeling chill and shaking. Is this a sign of an illness? Type 2 diabetic and having vitamin D deficiency. On methadone. What can you advise? Have itchy scalp due to hair colour reaction. What could be the reason for increase in itching sensation? Child had a CBC test. Should I be worried about high MPV ? Does ultram cause heart problems? Child having bad pain in legs and chest. What are the further tests to be taken? Bleeding after painful intercourse. Could I have cervical or vaginal cancer? Diabetic and suffering from Grover's disease. Will it lead to deadly infection? Had a stroke and taking Warfarin and Xarel. Sweating excessively. What should I do? Experiencing fluctuation in periods. What could be wrong? Should I be concerned about low body temperature? Have headache with electric shocks and undergone carpel tunnel surgery. Is it related? Undergone carpel tunnel surgery. Feeling dizzy after having headache. What could it be? Slightly elevated blood pressure. Taking wild salmon fish oil supplement. Recommend a better supplement Could I take amitriptyline hcl along with buspirone hcl? Had a stroke and paralysis. BP was out of control and muscle twitching behind left eye. Will I recover? What is the treatment for having bump in urethral area? Blood work was normal. What could be the reason for weight loss? Painless purple spot on penis. Had oral sex. Chances of HPV? Taking clonazepam for anxiety. Is there any other drug stronger than clonazepam? Suffering from anxiety and depression. Taking paxil and cymbalta. Could I ask a doctor? Small puss filled boils on thigh and scrotum. Applied Neosporin. No change. Suggest permanent solution What could be the cause of numbness in right knee? Experiencing itching on the edge of vagina. Is it related to bladder incontinence? On klavox. Had severe stomach cramping and diarrhoea. What could it be? What are the benefits and risks of having a gastric bypass? Feeling dizzy and hearing a loud squilling sound. Suggest the tests to be taken Prescribed with duspatalin to relieve tightness in stomach related to IBS. Is duspatalin a type of prokinetic? Taking fraxcel for keloid scars. What are the affects of alcohol on eyes? Suffering from one sided headache. Have gastric issues after taking Grenil. Should I continue the medication? Tried out all possible treatments for chronic insomnia but no improvement. Give a permanent solution Prescribed with duralast for premature ejaculation. Having pain in pelvis region after intercourse. What is the problem? Having headache. What could be the reason? Had unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex. Burning feeling in urethra and sore testicles Noticed blood during urination. Had painful kidney stones. What do you recommend? Breathing black mold and throat is affected. How to get rid of it? Getting abdominal pain in left side. What is the treatment? Something under nails. Took acyclovir. What could it be? Unable to sleep and eyes are burning. What is wrong? Right side of body is swollen and hurting in face. Suggest suitable treatment Tender spot on rib cage. What do you suggest? Took diode laser sessions. Skin was burnt and red. Applied fucibet. What else can I do for quick recovery? Noticed bleeding during urination. Urine test showing positive leukocytes. What could be the reason? Had a dental refilling and having prickling sensation on cheek. What could be the reason for having pressure on jaw? Took HCG drops and high liver count shown in blood test. Could this be caused by HCG drops? Enlarged lymph nodes in groin. Had an ultrasound. Is it cancerous? RBCs milf anisopoikilocytosis. What does it mean? Back and spine are hurting and taking lyrica. Suggest the treatment to get rid of excruciating pain Have vitamin deficiency. Is it necessary to take meconeuron injections? Having high fever, immense body pain. Had widal test. Should I be worried about the findings? Had a CT scan. With reference to the report is surgery needed? Child vomiting and noticed pink colour. What could it be? Passing larvae like things in stool. Is it a worm parasite? What are the side effects of propranolol? Penis becomes soft. Taking penegra and orgasm is delayed. Should I continue penegra? Taking oxycodone for spinal issues. How long will methadone take to leave my system? Getting septic spots on chest and applied sudocream. What can I do to clear these septic spots? How long does it take to show symptoms of HVP? Itching sensation all over body. Noticed blood under tongue. Are they related? Have high blood pressure. Taking sleeping pills. Reason for tiredness all the time? How to increase sperm quantity and stamina for sex? Had hysterectomy and posterior vaginal repair. What is the reason for vaginal bleeding? What are the possible reasons for having pain in right side of head? EKG showed normal sinus with septal infarct. What is the meaning? Having headache, sore throat, cough, runny nose. Taken cough drops. What can be done? Taking Ritalin for narcolepsy and feeling sleepy. How to reduce my sleep? What are the complications of tonsillectomy in children? Left ear has been clogged and prescribed with saline solution. Have tingling in face. What do you recommend? Bleeding in brain above right ear. How long will it take to recover? Having red lines on hand. What do you suggest? Pain on left side of back and stomach. Suggest suitable way to get rid of pain Have constant headache and diagnosed with allergies. Took allegra. Pain around ear and neck. What to do? Sharp pain in lower left abdomen and experiencing discomfort while coughing Marble sized ball on left testicle. What could this be? Spasm like pain in ribcage area. Feeling electric shock in right foot. What supplement do you suggest? Colon spam found in colonoscopy. Should I be worried? Massive lump on the base of penis. No signs of reduction. What should I do? Had a ACDF. MRI showing broad base central disc protrusion. Should I be worried? Upper part of thigh is itchy. What is the reason for white spots on legs? Have swollen hives on hip. Took clartin. have done allergy blood work Diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Did platelet count. Took prednisone. Chances of having leukaemia? Trying to conceiving. Late for period with brown spotting. Pregnancy chances? Used sterilised urethral sound. Having burning sensation in urethra. What is the treatment? Have fatigue palpitation. Test showed tricuspid regurgitation and diastolic dysfunction. Is it serious? HIV TRIDOT test was non reactive after five weeks of possible HIV exposure. Is it accurate? Afraid to go out because of murderers and very anxious. Suggest treatment Have diarrhoea and diagnosed with Cryptosporidiosis. Anything serious? Itching on whole body and penis. What may be the problem? What is the treatment for restlessness? Diagnosed with an ascending aortic aneurysm and a mild leaky aortic valve. Is this the cause of concern? On suboxone for psoriatic arthritis. Kidney stones were removed and having bowel problems. What do you suggest? Having pain in chest due to aneurism and noticed blood in saliva. Is this a sign of an illness? Having difficulty in swallowing. What should I do? Had a regular period and bedding again. What could be the cause for bleeding? Suggest the cure for split fingernails Using cortisporin ear drops for sore spot in ear. Have nerve deafness. Should I go to ER? Non erection during sex and small penis. Need solution Had blood and urine test. What are the findings in the report? Experiencing fluctuation in blood pressure. Impaired LV relaxation shown in Echo and Doppler test. What do you recommend? Bruising around toes on one foot. Diabetic and on blood thinners. Anything serious? Is there any exercise that could stop the progression of cognitive impairment? On concerta for ADHD. Is this the right medication?
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