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What could be the reason for tripping frequently and losing balance on right leg? Could breast pain, lower abdominal pain and stomach pain be indications of pregnancy? Lost weight after viral fever, do smoking. How to gain weight back? What to do if developed heat boil in neck after shaving? Have had full blood count. What does reports indicate? How to reduce the fat and balance my food? Suffering from abdomen fullness, uneasiness in chest, gastric and belching. How to get rid of this? Child often complains about headaches and have vomiting with loss of appetite. What to do? How much calories to take to regain lost weight? In menopause, have asthma, osteoarthritis and panic attack. What causes pain in back of head and high BP? Xray showing significant L5 tilt and have burning sensation in left leg. What could it be? What does MRI reports indicate of a person with back pain and burning sensation in spine? How to build muscles and improve my stamina while suffering from joint pain? Got Seborrheic dermatitis due hair coloring. How to treat this? Have major gastric issues, get bad burps after food. Suggest medicine to avoid it Child with UTI diagnosed with mild separation of pelvicalyceal system. What does it mean? Is aloe vera juice good for curing Kidney stones? Is it normal to have sharp pain and extreme numbness in eyebrow after having stitches on eyebrow? What causes symptoms like bone chilling cold and hot temperature without fever when on several BP medicine? Undergone operation in leg, now feel no strength. What calcium tablet to take? Developed anxiety disorder due to premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. What to do? Epiglottis is large and hanging loose in throat flapping while swallowing and talking. What to do? How to cure itchy rash all over chest, neck and arms? Suggest best treatment for vitilgo? Have dizziness while moving, eye has moved inward towards nose and vision being effected. What is it? How long does it take dry mouth to resolve after stopping medicine? What are the benefits of injecting HGH directly into penis? Have pus cells and epithelial cells in stool. Is it normal? What causes dark color semen after ejaculation? How to avoid pregnancy in a neuro patient after unprotected sex ? What are the findings from the semen report? Suggest the diet to increase sperm count What causes bruise spot on penis when ski is stretched? Can vitiligo be confirmed with wood's lamp test? Is it safe to give Gupisone to child? How to treat hair fall and dandruff with itchy sensation? Should I be worried about a lump on left collar bone besides having a family history of arthritis and stroke? Which is the best cough, cold and fever syrup for infant? What causes stomach discomfort and diarrhea accompanied by severe joints pain? How to reduce fever in children who had been given Crocin and Meftal? What causes fatigue, headache, nausea and hunger after infectious disease syndrome? Will my lung capacity improve after being dependent on albuterol inhalers for bronchitis? Will azithromycin cause any problems in electrical system of heart? How to reduce swelling and pain after being hit by wrist? Can random mouth swab drug test shows presence of Adderall? What is the reason for dull bruised like pain in stomach which is tender to touch? What is the permanent relief for red bumps and itching all over body? Diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis and suffering from prostate cancer. How serious is it? Is it normal to have swelling after bruising Tibia? What to use for healthy face after pimples on face which face left holes and dull skin? Is it common to have thick white discharge when on Beyaz BC? What are the possible causes for dull pain behind testicles? What is the permanent cure for disc pain? How to overcome deficiency of protein in blood after being diagnosed with anemia? What causes minor chest discomfort, loss of appetite and heartburn after alcohol consumption? What causes breast discharge, sometimes blood in men? Will Belviq be effective after reducing the dose? Have mild chest discomfort and heart burn after overindulgence in alcohol. Is it normal? What causes chest discomfort, tingling chest and occasional heartburn after drinking? Prescribed with fucazon AS for vaginal fungal infection. What could be the reason for watery discharge? What is the treatment for minor discomfort and occasional sharp pain in chest? Have bruise and indent around bicep muscle after injury. very painful. What to do? Should I go to ER for pulmonary embolism and chest pain? Is it worrying to not feel legs after head injury? What to do if have extremely high BP levels? Noticed enlarged lymph nodes and CT scan of neck was negative. What could it be? Diagnosed with multinodular goitre and feeling very cold. Could the temperature regulation be due to thyroid? Taking selomax for BP control and unable to sign due to hand tremors. Suggest the medication What to do if frenulum is ripped and is bleeding? What to do if child had lump after head injury? Is it safe to work with a person suffering from autism? Will withdrawal bleeding after taking ipill affect normal menstrual cycle? Used benovate lotion for cradle cap in child. Can it cause rapid increase in body and facial hair? What is the best treatment for intussusception of small bowel? CT scan showing bilateral mildly enlarged hypoechoic ovaries. Should I be worried about the findings? What is the cure for chronic back pain and hypothyroidism? Can loose stools, swollen gums, spots on arm and leg in child is due to herpes infection? What to do to avoid Septicemia after leg amputation due to Flesh eating disease? Can I take nortriplytine with deanxit together? Can I plan for baby after taking penicillin for TPHA positive? Will there be any side effect if oleanz and tryptomer be taken together? Should I continue using tear eye drops for dry eyes after LASIK surgery? Is muscle weakness and numbness due to osteoporosis and osteoarthritis? Is it normal to have random blood sugar level to be 74? What could be the cause of heaviness after eating and weight gain? What is the cause for burning and bleeding while urinating? What causes intermittent fluttering inside ear? What is the treatment for growing nodules on nose? What causes burning sensation in anus and frequent gas after taking Nexpro for oesophagitis? Is it normal for fetal heart rate to drop during contraction? What is the cure for persistent nausea? Having red rash that seems to be spreading after taking Teva-amoxicillin. Is it side effect? Is pain around back and shoulder region associated with lung infection? What is the cause for chest tightness and burning in rib cage area? What could be the cause of twitching sensation behind ear? Should I stop prozac completely or taper it down? Would ibuprofen help treating large painless lump on the mastoid bone? Are lymph nodes in groin neck and arm pit sign of lymphoma? Is Sea Salt better for gout conditions than typical table salt? Would alcohol consumption while on prozac can have any adverse effect on health? What causes clear sticky jelly like substance in stool? Is it possible to have indigestion, nausea, and bloating with UTI? Is it normal to have tingly warm foot and swelling after surgery for broken tibia? What is the cause for sudden break out with pimples after using Carmax, methylcobalamin and melalite XL? Is Extreme Barr Virus curable in children? For what disease medicine like Ecoflora, Metrogyl, Zentel and Vwash taken? Is shortness of breathe, sleeping trouble and confusion accounts for COPD attack? What causes excessive sweating when on oxycodone for neuropathy in legs? What is the cause and treatment for painful knee with walking difficulty? Is one shot enough to prevent an outbreak of shingles forever? What is the reason for acute pain if have a peritoneum cyst? Had bleeding during and after sex. What could be the cause of clear liquid discharge afterwards? Having ump into superclavical. What could the long tube feeling be? What causes groin pain area following masturbating? What is the cause for palpitations, intense fear and light headedness? What would be the cause of swollen jaw under ear without pain? What does Charcot foot means that showed on MRI? Is removing ovary best option when diagnosed with large cysts? What is the treatment for child having abdominal pain and kidney stone causing obstruction? What is the treatment for generalized anxiety disorder apart from taking escitalopram and buspiron? How to know if health is improving from Hypothyroidism when on thyronorm? What could be the cause for red bumps with clear fluid on waist line? What causes stomach rumbling, abdominal pain and loose stool? Does increase in SGOT,SGPT and Bilrubin levels indicate HIV infection? Does Metetropolo cause nausea? What is the alternate medicine? How to protect teeth from acid corrosion caused by acid reflux in throat and mouth? How long after taking oxycodone will it show in urine test? What is the reason for delayed periods after polycyst removal? What are the chances of pregnancy? What does pain in breast indicates? Is it necessarily to start period when on inactive birth control pills? What is the cure for stomach cramps, diarrhea and nausea after eating? What is the treatment for pain in knee and ankles? How to treat recurrent mouth ulcers when taking B complex capsule? How to reduce gastric problem and have proper motion in morning? What type of diet to follow to reduce fat? What to do for swollen epiglottis and flapping in throat? Delayed periods, can I use Zitotec? What does semen analysis report indicate in a person with one undescended testis? Hi Doctor Could you please analyses this report and tell Is brightness in eyes and skin hardening related to acidity or gas problem? Can medicine for panic disorder causes loss of sensation in sexual organs and no orgasm? What cab be done for joints and back pain? suffering from nausea, stomach pain, brain fog, anxiety, depression and fatigue. What are the diagnosis? Prescribed Lexapro and suggested to stop cymbalta. Advice What is the cause for toes turn blue, muscle pain in chest, arms, legs, and back, rash on face and arms? Blood smear test showing ruptured cells and diagnosed with anemia. Should I be worried about cancer? How to treat problem of constipation while on Miralax and laxative? Having vomiting and cough. Prescribed augmentin and hydroxzine for ear infection and throat congestion. What to do? How to treat problem of continuous vomiting an diarrhea? What is the reason for left side body pain, dizziness and depression when ECG and blood test normal? Does Solian lead to extreme weakness? Suffering from hip joints and lower back pain. Prescribed with Zoloft. Suggest What is the cure for No severe pain in hip joints and lower back? What would be the cause of sudden neck pain on one side? How to get rid of severe cold, runny nose and wheezing? Suggest diet chart and medicine for itchy rashes on legs? What is the cause for low BP after taking Stamlobeta? What is the reason for pain and bruising in upper thigh? Noticed tiny flat black spec/spot after masturbation. Advise What is the cause for stomach discomfort and panic attacks in mid night? Should I continue to give Metrogyl for running stools? Can garlic inserted in the vagina eliminate vaginal odor? What causes symptoms like loose motion, nausea, abdominal pain and loss of appetite? What is the cure for small bruising, pain and hard knot inside calf muscle? Test results show FSH-7.66 miu/ml, LH-11.05 miu/ml and Testosterone- 81.54 ng/dL. Suggestions Does excruciating pain in breast be due to breast cancer or injury to scar tissue? What is the cure for tender lymph nodes and back pain? Having enlarged heart after pregnancy. Noticed irregular heartbeat frequently. What to do? What to do if accidentally swallowed pieces of broken ceramic knife? Suggest soap for smooth skin and cosmetic for removing black spots Does Enterobacter clocae complex reacts to Amoxicillin? Why does penis tip feel cold and have urge for frequent urination? How to find out if my child needs glasses? Suffering from chest discomfort and headache. ECG, blood test, urine tst normal. Suggestions Having panic attacks, stress and anxiety. Taking valium. Is it due to withdrawal from benzodiazepine? What to do if infected by umblical hernia during pregnancy causing bloating? What causes flu symptoms with aches, sore throat and grequent blowel movement? What is the cause for constant ringing in ears, pain and stiffness in arms and fingers? Is it possible for a tablet to enter into lungs? Burping after taking aspirin for constriction in chest. What could be the problem? Having shoulder pain, back pain and discoloration of skin below breasts. Should I rely on X-ray? What causes frequent urination, difficulty emptying bladder and discomfort while passing urine when tested negative for UTI? Have cloudy urine and intermittent lower back pain. Is it due to high blood calcium level? What causes child to have blood in stool and how to treat this? Having sore throat and uvula covered with white sores. What is the cure? Why does child vomits after meals and has lost weight? What causes puffiness around nipples of a child? What causes pus coming out between two teeth and pain when flossing? What causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of weight and blood in stool? What causes foamy urine, lower back pain ad fatigue? Does delayed period, cramps and creamy discharge mean pregnancy when got off from birth control? What is the reason for irregular periods after stopping birth control pills? Having swollen and itchy bump in the pubic area. Is this due to infection? What causes heart to stop for a second and become normal with normal ECG? How can I flatten my tummy ? What to do if not relived from stomach pain and loose motion after taking medicine? What is the best diet routine to reduce weight? What causes child to keep scratching head and neck without having head lice? For what STD is prescribed Flagyl and can it be taken with Doxorubicin and cyclophoshamide? How much time will it take to get cured from severe cough and cold and viral bronchitis? What causes loose stools and vomiting after taking Azithral for fever?
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