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What is the reason for redness and irritated tip front of tongue? What could be the cause for breathing problem? How to treat kidney stone stuck in penile urethra? What are the signs and symptoms of colon cancer? What is the cure for de Quervain's tenosynovitis? What are the findings from the steroid profile test? Can thyroid be the cause of increased tummy fat? What are the treatment options for wax impacted in ears when not relieved from demorex and peroxide? Will Kare Pills help my Penis Grower longer? What is the treatment for burning skin from bleach on penis? Will amphetamine help improve energy levels when diagnosed with severe depression and narcolepsy? Could stress cause bloating and excessive urination or is it due to STD and is colonoscopy or endoscopy suggested? Is it necessary to go for MRI scan for giddiness and constant movement in head? What kind of treatment should a child undergo for high blood sugar? Advice specialists for treating thoracic outlet syndrome? What is the permanent solution for enlarged turbinate? What are the ways for administering medical abortion? Are there any side effects of Hifenac,pantodac,cap LeinzER and cap Gabaneuron taken for cervical spondylosis? Are there chances of high BP or other complications in type 2 dibetic patient? Suggest preventive care? What could be the cause and cure for lump on base of penis oozing liquid? Is thyroid disorder one of the reasons for weight gain? What causes bad smelly stool with gas, heaviness in throat and pain under sternum? Is pigmentation and acne caused due to side effects of taking Vyvanse, treatable? MRI showing edema and arthritis in knee and extremely difficult to stand due to polymyalgia rheumatica Is the ECG reading of PR 670ms,P 88ms,PR 138ms,QRS 76ms,QT 424ms,QTC 523ms normal? Suggest remedy to regain taste sense and appetite after taking Metronidazole How to treat black line at tooth and gum junction? Suggest remedy for sore ankle after suffering from fever? What causes sudden dizziness,nausea,heaviness in shoulder and could vertigo,migraine or pinched nerve be the reason? How to stop the habit of bottle feeding in child as early as possible? What are the possible causes for small bumps in lower region of vagina? What can be the swollen lump developed on lower lip with water? Is it safe to take prescribed Lomexin during pregnancy? Finding difficulty in smiling due to right premolar. How can I correct it? What is the best way to gain weight? What are the most common vaccines for toddlers? What could be the cause for warm body without fever? Does smoking and drinking reduce effects of stamlo D and is discontinuation of the drug advisable? What does complex ovarian cyst within the septum means? What to do if have negative pregnancy test after missed period? What is the best homeopathic medicine for treating rashes due to allergy? What could be the cause for anal bleeding with stools? Suggest diet for 2 year old child to gain weight Can pain in shoulder due to cholesterol or lack of calcium? Suggest medicines to get rid from irregular period problem What are the food to increase Hb level and good for thalassemia minor? Does it require to change BP medicine Losar H after a period of time? Ultrasound showing both ovaries are having small follicles in peripheral part. What does it mean? What is the reason and cure for hot flashes and fibroid? What is the remedy for persisting leg and joint pain while running and walking? Have occasional cough and congestion feeling. What does the chest X-ray report indicate? Is it safe to use Rephresh gel for vaginal infection after a hysteroscopy to remove polyp? Should I restart taking xanax if not had withdrawal symptoms after tapering it off? What could be the reason for shedding fleshy piece regularly during third day of menstrual cycle? Could pneumonia be the cause for high ESR and is it a serious concern? Is it normal for child to pass urine 20-25 times a day? Suggest food and medicine to keep cholesterol under control? What could be the buzzing sensation in groin area? Can collapse of lung when on cocaine causes shortness of breath, dizziness and rib pain? How to reduce the problem of acidity? What should I do to reduce cholesterol level and other lipid profile parametres? Can cortisone shot for arthritis in shoulder causes high BP? What causes swelling of lips after placement of braces in children? Is ear drainage or inserting an ear tube better for drainage of ear fluid? What is the cause for pain on face, jaw joint, behind ear and headache? Is it necessary to take omeparazole for eosinophilic esophagitis? Suggest remedy for typhoid cure and improving immune system with medicine? Suggest treatment for Premature ejaculations Is it possible to get HIV through handjob? Does continuous intake of Ativan cause headaches and how can I discontinue the drug? What is the cure for tender lymph nodes on neck post HIV exposure? What can I do to neutralize canker sore in mouth? What causes pain,bloating,nausea when gallbladder functioning is at 8% and will the symptoms vanish after surgery? Is it safe to have spinal fusion surgery and knee replacement surgery at same time? What is the best medicine for treating cluster headaches? What is the cause of elevated gamma-glutamyl transferase level? Can HIV patient has low platelets count? What is the treatment for kidney stones and increasing WBC in urine? Should I seek medical attention for gripey stomach? What are the health supplements to be taken for healthy pregnancy? How to cure stool leakage problem after bowel movement? Are impressions Hepatpsplenomegaly and Cholelithiasis indicated in MRI related? What could be the reason for painless creaking sound from the knuckle? What could be the cause for swelling under ear near salivary gland? What is the cause for cough with vomiting and itchy throat? What could be the cause for headaches along with irritable eyes? What is the treatment for breathing problem after waking up from sleep? How serious is it to have intestinal parasite and what is the remedy? How to control High Blood Pleasure with daily habits? Can Dolo be taken to bring down fever when on penicillin for streptococcal pharyngitis? What could be the cause of severe head pain while having sex? Can cervical epidural causes tinnitus, tingling in face and mild sinus? What is the reason for red/purple rash above upper lip and swelling in lower lip of a child? How to get rid of very dry spot in throat causing sleeplessness during pregnancy? Suggest cure for dry patch in throat, chronic coughing during pregnancy Can shortness of breath during workout is matter of concern? What is the cause and treatment for sore and irritated rectum? What is the reason for blockage feeling in throat? Can irritated and sore rectum be due to hemorrhoids? Suggest how to improve metabolism rate causing abdominal pain and gas formation Does presence of pus cells in urine indicate any abnormality? Why is dydrogestrone prescribed for low lying placenta? Can anti inflammatory tablets and antibiotics affect an HIV rapid test result? Suggest over the counter medicine for treating loose motion? What is the treatment to avoid head aches and concentration problem when suffering from generalized anxiety disorder? What is the reason for noticing tea colored urine every three months? What causes acute numbness and burning itch in hands when having history of heart disease and bypass? What are the medicines preferred during pregnancy? Is back ache, knee pain and severe nerve pain common after a C section? What causes irregular periods with normal hormone levels and what the treatment? What are the findings from cholesterol report? Are the floaters indicate pending stroke? What is the cause for tiny red pin prick marks all over and pus filled spots on scalp? What causes pus filled spots on hair and red flaky marks all over body and scalp? Is it important to have sex during pregnancy? What causes red spots and blisters on penis with burning sensation and what is the treatment? Does purple dry spots on left side of body result in any infection? Why causes high WBC count? Is there a possibility that scar tissue formed after TB heal completely and does not appear in chest x ray? What type of doctor should I consult for pelvic pain and back pain? What causes itching sensation all over especially on limbs and back which become red after scratching? Is tiotropium bromide related to the corticosteroid group of medications? Loss of cartilage in neck and progressive stabbing pain in hips. What could be the problem? Does gluten allergy and celiac disease cause heart palpitations,headache body aches and breathlessness? What are the chances of getting HIV from hand job on penis? What is the treatment for heartburn with upper abdominal pain? What is the reason for increased frequency in urination and nose bleeds? What are the findings and required treatment from the transvaginal ultrasound report? Is there any possibility of transferring nicotine sexually? Does nicotine affect semen and could it be transferred sexually? Is it alright for 90 year old to take Aleve and Benadryl for pain and sleep? What causes sharp pain in left side of skull? What could be the reason for acute weariness and lymph node pain in armpit? What is the remedy to avoid dryness and pain in nipples after breast feeding? What could be the cause for blood in semen? What is the best way to to treat hearing problem in old age person? Does the widal test report indicate any abnormality? What are the causes for swelling in legs and weight gain in abdominal area? Does High RDW and Low MCHC,low HGB and Low HCT signify acute anaemia? What should be done to combat loss of appetite/nausea when on medication? What is the likeliness of developing cervical cancer if tested negative for HPV and not sexually active? What is the reason for increasing the dosage of thyronorm during pregnancy? What is the remedy for slight pain in both sides of abdomen during pregnancy? What could be the soft edema bump on eyelid at bridge of nose? What is the reason for pain in cheeks up to forehead during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for UTI How to treat acidity problem with fluctuations in bilirubin levels? What causes greenish tinge of the stool with white circles? What is the cause of heaviness in left side of neck, eye and head? Why do BP becomes hypertensive during medical checkup? How to get rid of pain due to kidney stones even after drinking water? What type of medications can I take to kill intestinal parasites and bacteria? What does "right one is unremarkable and left adrenal is prominent" in a MRI scan mean? Is swelling behind anus a sign of hemorrhoid problem? What is recommended for torn muscle in neck apart from ibuprofen and voltaren? Does low blood sugar cause severe headaches,profuse sweating,poor concentration,anxiety and vision problems? What is the treatment for 'Muco cutaneous Genital Candidiasis'? What could be the cause of itchy rash on thighs, arms, back and dry cough in child? What are the treatment options for the glands to produce oil after having skin damage from roaccutane? What causes red color patch at corner of eye? Does urinary tract infection lead to low hemoglobin ? What are the underlying causes for swelling on penis after having unprotected sex? What is the treatment for anal fissure and is there any physchological effects associated with it? What is the treatment for pain while passing motion with small cut in anus? How long after taking klonopin should I wait for the drug not to show up in a urine test? What is the best treatment for spinal stenosis and severe disc herniation? How can chronic recurrent osteomyelitis of mandible be treated? Are there any risks for not removing a cervical cerclage? What precautions should be taken to prevent Septicemia and flesh eating disease? Is red dry spot on forehead due to syphilis? Suggest suitable remedy for pain and discomfort in lower back Can cortisone cream help with severe reactions to tobramycin eye drops in form of rash on legs? What are the symptoms of depression? Can computer screen cause hurting eyes? Could I take lequvin while taking plavix for aneurysm? Am I having heart burn due to irregular heart beats and discomfort in chest? What could be the cause of discolored and thickened toe nails? What is the best treatment for IBS not getting better with medicine? What is the treatment to increase platelet and white blood cell counts? Is it normal to have pelvic floor pains during pregnancy? Can abdominal pain and itchy butt be indications of herpes? What causes discomfort at the tip of the penis? Could I give saffron in water for a child suffering from cold and wheezing problem frequently? Can scabbing and blister on genital be due to herpes? Could you recommend a high blood pressure medication without side effects? How to cure sleep disturbances caused by working in night shifts? What causes disruptive vision and tiny pupils while reading? Is it advisable to take ayurveda treatment during remission period of multiple myeloma? What is the cure for fungal infection on scalp ,eyebrow and ear with extreme itching? What is the reason for delay in menstruation? Is this good to put baby diaper always without any side affect? How can anxiety,insomnia,depression be cured without medicines? What is the reason for difficulty in speaking, swallowing, chewing, saliva falls and hand shivering? Suggest alternative for Dazit for skin allergy to avoid drowsiness, stomach pain, headache and nasal stiffness? Are panic attacks and nocturnal seizure related to epilepsy? Can Dianette affect treatment for b12 deficiency and lead to dizziness and heaviness in head? Will telekast and dell help in reducing fever with throat irritation? What causes chest congestion, bad cough even after using Zicam? What causes chest pains and breathlessness while having Tachycardia and Opacity at the lung base? Does Urinary Tract Infection,frequent rise in temperature and severe body ache indicate positive Leukaemia? What are the possible causes for room spinning and unsteadiness?
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