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What is the cause for chronic pain in neck and shoulders, fatigue and constipation? What is the remedy for quickening the healing of a penile bruise? Is HIV transmission from unprotected receptive oral sex possible? Can chymoral forte be given to a patient with diabates,hypertension intercrochanteric fracture? What are the findings from the knee MRI and required treatment? Does physiotherapy help in treatment of herniated disc? Will removal of one ovary balance my estrogen level and reduce breast tenderness? What causes protein traces in urine while suffering from fever and UTI? What causes headache,dizziness,palpitaions and cold sweat after running? Why am I having rashes even after taking fluconasole salt for tinea cruris? What is the treatment to cure ringworm spreading all over the body? Does citalopram and clonazepam taken for anxiety and depression have any side effects? Should I be worried of occasional nausea and vomiting? What is the recommended one time dose for cialis? What causes decreased GFR after small intestine resection for neuroendocrine carcinoid tumors? Does long term usage of lomela affect my skin? Is it normal to have numbness and itchy toes with a history of back surgeries? What causes belching and pain when stomach in empty? Is recurring cough caused by an infection or could it be side effect of lisinopril? Should I be worried about a lump in jaw line after having surgery on same side for removal of cancer? Which muscles are affected by cervical nerves C4 to C7? Suggest remedy for very dry anus What is the treatment to get rid of post traumatic pain? Is proctitis a recurring condition? Having loose stools and feeling unwell. Prescribed with Keflex. Suggestions What should be done to bring blood pressure in control? Is it safe to take fish oil along with propolis and health formula all in one vitamin? Does pain in ear,discomfort in eye and nostril due to tweaked muscle lead to Trigeminal Nerve problem? Why am I having giddiness after food and experiencing hand shaking and anxiety? What is the flexibility of ribs in a toddler? What causes spotting while on duphaston during pregnancy? What is the cause for lump under armpit and why am I experiencing delay in periods even after stopping contraceptive pills? What should be done for severe stomach ache? What causes acne with normal testosterone and what is the remedy for constipation? What are the findings from the liver function test? What is the cause for watery pink dots of blood and is there any possibility of follicular rupture from posterior side? Noticed mucus along with blood after blowing nose. Should I worry? Feeling heavy head, clogged ears, neck hurts and swollen bruise/scab on face. Suggestions Had leg fracture but doctors suggest back problem. What should I do? Can nausea be related to constipation caused by Percoset taken for arm injury? How can cold and cough be prevented and is there any side effects of Seroflo inhaler,Budecort and Levolin? What could be the reason for itching and rashes all over body after taking Sylibon for jaundice? What could be the reason for dizziness followed by slight headache? Do omega-3 fish oils elevate fasting blood sugars? How to cure problem of premature ejaculation and have long duration of sex? What causes severe pain in facial nerve and upper ear after removal of tumor on peroda gland? Could visual disturbance in eyes along with headache and light sensitivity be symptom of occular migraine? What is the treatment for sexual anhedonia? Should liquid diet be followed to avoid mucus in system when haveing Candida infection? What is the cause for diarrhea, unsteady feet and mental fog after gall bladder surgery? What is the cause for losing my balance while suffering from vertigo? How to increase chances of conception with irregular periods? How to get relief from pain in Cavernous Hemangioma especially after sclerotheraphy? What is the cause for yellow discharge from penis after unprotected sex? What causes racing heart beat, burping and dizziness when ECG is normal? How to get rd of pimples and black spots on face? Is it safe to drink alcohol while taking metoprolol for hypertension? What causes bouts of cold and hot flashes, muscle cramps and severe joints pain? Is it normal to experience skipped beat with fever and chills? What causes severe heartburn, burping, sneezing and shaking? Can a caregiver who was recently treated for active TB can be hired for person having dementia? Why do I have a pain in my behind when I am sitting or driving? What is the medication for premature ejaculation problem? Could anxiety lead to cooling sensation in body? Does trimethoprim affect the efficacy of marvelon? Diagnosed with gonorrhea. Can I have sex with condom in 3- 4 months time? Can kiss infect this disease? Experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, pain under ribs, sore stomach and cold. Suggestions Suggest psychiatrist for clinical depression and bipolar disorder Had lump on the tongue before tongue piercing. What could it be? Blood pressure 130/79. Should I be concerned? Diagnosed with urinary tract infection. Prescribed with antibiotics. Suggestions Having a sore near anus with mucus and blood discharge. Is this fistula? How common is it for Hep B test to show false positive results? What else should be checked for upper abdomen burning and pain? Have hypothyroidism. Reports show T3:29 and TSH: 0.02. Should I be worried? Is it normal to have redness, stinging, tenderness and peeling skin after photodynamic therapy? Taking clarithromycin for chest infection? Is groin pain and lack of sleep side effects of antibiotics? Having blisters on palm and fingers with clear fluid. After popping the skin starts to peel. What is the remedy? Used unwanted kit. Having prolonged bleeding. What is the cause? Having swollen face, lips and rashes on trunk, abdomen and arms. What could this be? What causes numbness in tongue and tightness in neck while chewing food? What is the treatment for tear in plantar fascia and neuromas? What is the reason for uncommon vaginal odor and cloudy discharge after intercourse? What does blue/green circle inside labia indicate? What is the remedy for severe back pain? Can Ayurvedic supplement called Diabecon DS be taken along with insulin? How aloe vera juice beneficial to health? What is the dose of Lorazapam the should be taken by a pregnant lady? Noticed delayed periods and lower stomach pain. Are there any chances of pregnancy? Does small lesion on scrotum indicate nevus? What does yellow color in the blood indicate? When will I get my periods after taking MT pill? Will physiotherapy completely cure cervical disc herniation? Suffering from fever, cold and asthma. Test show high tlc and dlc. What is the treatment? What is the cure for dry cough during pregnancy? What is the cause for itchy, swollen and painful toe? How can small pellet like lesions on penis be treated? What is the cause for variation in platelet count while suffering from Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura? What are the chances of contracting herpes after having unprotected sex with HSV-1 positive person? Will oxandrolone treatment have an impact during gnrh pulse generation? What causes burning sensation in body with redness when touched? Is it normal to have dry throat while suffering from cold and sneezing? Why am I getting pain in back of penis after an intercourse? What are the findings from the blood examination? What causes lump in breast,pain inbetween shoulder blades and dry yellow string discharge from nipples? Is my neck pain related to physical problem with my spine? What is the cause for sore hips and dull pain at the bottom of rib cage? Is there an alternative to hysteractomy for permanent cure of fibroid in uterus? What is the treatment for hard bumps on head of penis and reddish discoloration on head? Suggest remedy for quick and long hair growth and for dry and wrinkled skin Is it normal to notice night terrors in my child suffering from torticollis with a family history of brain lesion and epilepsy? Does arthritis cause stiff feet and severe calve pain in the morning? How to get rid of post pregnancy weight? What causes nausea and body tremors? Should I be worried about cold hands with slight temperature? Why do breast become tender after periods? What could cause severe headache and nausea after eating from out and what is the remedy? Can swollen red urethra protruding between legs, burning and pain be indications of UTI? What could be the reason for having bleeding in between my cycle? What should be done for pain in leg after injury to abductor muscles? Why am I having pain in my left testicle, left kidney and urethra following a disintegrated kidney stone operation? What could cause tingling,spasms all over the body and stiff neck,sore throat with jaw stiffness? What is the treatment for pinching burning in hands and legs, ear fullness and minor bulging at C3-C4 and C4-C5? Does excessive mastrubation cause dizzines,body stifness,white patches on shoulder and penis warts? What are the drug interactions between Nucynta ER and Librium, Gabapentin, Trazodone Cymbalta, Ranitidine? What could be the reason for intermittent bleeding from penis? What are the findings from the CMIA test? Does taking Plavix daily exasperate acid reflux? Suggest remedy to prevent severe ear pain and teeth pain when down with cold What are the further tests to be taken for severe headache and heart problem? Does sinusitis causes face swelling,headache,pain in face and tooth and what is the treatment? Could I apply safgel ointment for small decub area near the sacrum? What causes rectal bleeding after bowel movement with excessive gas and what is the treatment? What could be the cause for difficulty in breathing with stents and pacemaker in heart? Need medical information about congenital condition called "extra systole" Do high tyroid levels cause tghtening in throat,raspy voice,choking feeling and frequent cough? What is the cure for raspy voice with choking sensation and high thyroid levels? Is an increased doseage of Colace safe to relive constipation in an elderly? What does positive for HIV p24 antigen mean after being tested negative for HIV1 and HIV2? What is the remedy for sore throat? Does excessive intake of sweets cause diabetes? What will happen if I mix rocephin and xylocaine 1% with epinephrine? Does ambein cause alteration in blood sugar and lipid profile test results? Does oesophageal spasm lead to palpitations,chest congestion,excessive mucous and fatigue? Is it safe to go for gastric bypass surgery with high blood sugar, cholesterol and acid reflex issues? What are the findings from the blood work? What is the treatment for pain and complications associated with Behcets symdrome? What medicine and diet should I follow for reducing gas trouble caused due to Lupron hormone therapy for endometriosis? What is the cause for inflammation on back with a medical history of Still's disease and vasculitis? What diet should be followed while doing night shifts and what are the remedies for good sleep? What is treatment for muscle ache after damaged L5disk and is Etody 90 safe for pain relief? What causes back pain,abdominal pain with burning sensation and chills and what is the remedy? What causes fatigue,tiredness in leg muscle,restlessness and tremor in legs? What are the chances of ovarian cancer in post menopausal woman? What does "HIV 1/2AB NON-REACTIVE Range: NON-REACTIVE" signify? What is the treatment for schwannoma? What causes bulging disc and could it be Atypical Hemangioma? What can I expect from a bone scan with "bulging disc at C6-C7 and atypical hemangioma at C3" reading in MRI? What causes pain in left side of throat while sneezing? How can red blood spots on penis be removed? How strong is Fioricet and is it safe to be taken fro high BP? Why am I waking up with headache? What could be the reason for severe pain under the ribs after treatment with Buscopan? How to get relief during daytime while on klonopin medication? Does lithium based anti depressant medicines cause fluctuations in my weight? Is hearing loss multifactorial and does superior semicircular canal dehiscence be a contributing factor? Is it safe to take Vomikind Md for severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy? Does severe headache,fatigue and tooth pain without fever be symptoms of typhoid? What are the side effects of serflo inhaler for wheezing problem? Is faty liver with mild hepatomegaly a serious condition? Does ovulation injection help incase of small egg size and is it avisable to go for IUI? What are the causes for vein like prominence on penis? What is the treatment for a child having loose stools every morning? What are the symptoms of temporal arteritis? What is the dosage of 'Eltroxine' when T3=70,T4= 8,TSH =53.96 ? Is it normal for a 3 week old baby to never cry? What are the causes for development of involuntary twitch in left thumb? What are the symtoms of temporl arteritis? What is the treatment for burning sensation mouth and lips after biopsy of lip tissue? What could be the cause for experiencing constant pain between breast and hip? What does a CT scan of the groin determine? What causes hand tremors while performing task with hands? What is the remedy for back ache after regular gymming? Can multiple minute digitate hyperkeratosis cause black discharge from skin crack on toes? What is the procedure for skin lightening? What is the treatment for recurring fever with cough and stuffy nose in a child? Does switching to a new diet(Slimming World)cause change in bowel habit,bloated and pain in stomach? What is the cause for right bicep spasms and numbness in fingers? Does Adderall cause a positive methamphetamine screen and hypoglycemia? How can I make sure nothing is there in my throat and eat safely after taking fiber pills? What causes dizziness after a hot shower? Can white bumps between pubic hair and outer labia be symptoms of genital warts? What are the possible causes for small blisters after dysentery? Can severe anxiety be debilitating and cause abdominal pain with disturbed sleep? Is repeated burping associated with gallbladder? What can cause on and off nausea? What is an oval pill with imprint A 333 on one side? What is the treatment and medicine for premature ejaculation? What is the cure for tiny bald spot in front of hairline? Is blue veins on chest and stomach a sign of pregnancy?
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