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Mushy bump on anus,herpes virus,HIV test negative,no bleeding,burning while diarrhea. Should proctologist be seen? Can discontinuing usage of Melacare cause reddishness in face? Is NSAID damage reversible ? Is bacigyl-n safe as a first medicine against lose motions for 10 month old baby? How should I use a FAS 3 kit ? CA Breast, chemotherapy, CT scan, pulmonary embolism, on acitrom, weakness. Suggest medication? Is frequent urination with stinging feeling sign of an infection ? Is a surgery required if I have shown improvement in the strength of my right hand ? Dizziness, off-balance, on antidepressants, temporomandibular joint syndrome. Suggestion? Will the follicle in my ovary effect my fertility ? Does taking ubi q 500 really help in improving erections ? Is dizziness after waking up from heavy sleep common ? Will a football hit at the temple effect my health as I'm 64 years old ? Should I wean the dosage of serquel while on HCG shots ? Partially red eye, strained eyes. Cause? Can red palms be a sign of hormonal changes? Can spasm of the esophagus cause fainting? Can an eye infection spread to the private parts? What can be done to treat postural dizziness? Endometriosis, ovarian cyst removal, depression, nausea, shivers, night sweats, abdominal pain, prolonged period. Help? Blood clot in leg, pulmonary embolism, swollen elbow, discoloration spreading, painful when touched Can you give me information about Staphylococcus simulans? Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, intestinal enzyme deficiency, bowel resection, bowel ulcers, limited necrosis of bowels, NSAID damage, unconsciousness, weakness, hypoglycemia. Serious? How can I clear pigmentation on my face? Dry mouth, wellness and panel test, AST and ALT elevated slightly. Meaning? Should there be testicular pain after kidney donation? Do bath salts show up on routine nasal swab culture? Why do I have heavy bleeding? Pimple on clitoral hood, painful. Curable? Can breast cancer spread to thyroid? Can one get a false negative HLA B27 test possible? What oil can I use to numb sensitive penis for sex? Kidney tumor, burning sensation on back, aches. Serious? Seizure, gilbert's syndrome. Related? Should the fetus be terminated if HCG levels are high? Should I worry if my mouth got burned by hot food? Why does my penis become limp before sex? When should I check for follicle formation? Why do I have nagging pain near my rectum? What does a yellow and green discharge indicate? Why did I get swelling after a tuberculin test? Loss of sex life, heavy smoker, loss of interest. Advice? Cough, yellow sputum formation, on levofloxacin. Side affects? Cholestrol, triglycerides. Angioplasty essential? What is the pink tissue passed in urine? Is there a way to remove sebaceous cyst with minimal scarring? How should I deliver Berodual to my baby? Is it ok to take sleeping pills? Duralast, premature ejaculation. Medication recommended? Can't see clitoris, off-hormones, weight loss, tiny bumps, no reaction to stimuli Is Econorm good for a child with constipation? Hypertrophic acne scar, laser, steroid injection. Treatment? How can I grow taller? Does Crystal Meth affect the potency of insulin? Should I get side effects if I take Lisinopril? Bruise on my left calf, painful in shoulder blade, had c-section What can I do to reduce heart palpitations? Is it ok to have a hard painless bump on my collar bone? Fever, vomiting, bad appetite, on dolopar, entergerminia, domstal. Right treatment? Lumps on shins, calcium deposits, eating disorder, osteopenia, osteoporosis, magnesium citrate Why have I developed cough while taking Rotacaps? What can I do to soothe swollen, inflamed vaginal skin? Perspiration at night, dry cough, sperms in urine Do I need surgery if I have fibromyalgia? Head injury, sore neck, pain in shoulder blade What can cause sticky labia? Is surgery indicated if I have bulging disc? What could be a yellow and foul smelling discharge? What is your opinion about recurring pus filled bumps? Why do my hands freeze after exposure to low temperature? What can be done to treat bipolar disorder? What should I do if I have taken an overdose of Verapamil? What can I do to soothe itchy rashes on my penis? Is it worth taking chemotherapy for liver and pancreatic cancer? Is it safe to take penis enhancement pills? Is there a medicine to treat GERD ? Why do I have blood in my stools? Should we be concerned if the CBC reports are abnormal? What should I do if my child's gums are bleeding and smelly? How can I reduce my son's power from -11? On amlodipine, ramipril, simvastatin, high BP, erectile dysfunction. Take viagra after viapro? How is pinched nerve in the groin treated ? What are the possible results in a CT scan in case of mild pain just below left ribcage ? Contracting and blocking air flow after eating, walking and sleeping. Reason? Is it advisable to undergo an operation for right leg movement that was dysfunctional post Right Frontotemporoparietal craniotomy ? Sore throat, fever, night sweats, all reports normal. Cause? What is calcified granulomatous disease? Does it lead to tuberclosis or is it considered as tuberclosis ? TB of mesenteric lymph nodes, caseous granulomatous necrosis, quantiferon TB, on ethambutol, pyrazinamide, isoniazid, rifampicin, weight gain Dizziness, double vision, nausea, unsteadiness, spinning vertigo, endpoint nystagmus, subclavical steal syndrome, on meclizine, nortriptyline, zofran, lisinopril Duralast recommended to increase sexual desire? Does Vitamin B12 deficiency cause dizziness, eye twiching, cold feelings in legs and weakness ? Does belly growth indicate any tumor with history of Spondyloarthropathy ? Swollen and bruised knee, enlarged spleen. Okay to travel? Can mensovit plus be used for abortion or as an ECP ? Burning sensation in thighs, private area, blood in urine, heated sensation, bad smell, discomfort How is scabies, allergy and eczema treated ? How is Labrynthitis treated ? Pain in hip joints, post pregnancy, over weight, low vitamin D, on mega doses, pelvis pain. Permanent? Small penis, erection problems. Possible infertility? Can I pregnant from a sperm taken from a condom? Persistent bronchial infection, upper respiratory infection. Carbocysteine, N-Acetylcysteine or guaifenesin effective? How is muscle and soft tissue injury treated ? How can cold sweat with runny nose but no fever in 6 month old baby be treated ? Weak sexual desire, sexual performance weak. Reasons? How is melanin pigmentation controlled ? Is reduction in penile size possible ? What could be the cause of sore and tight feeling in penis while masturbating ? Are the bubbles on my stool fat or air? Does endovascular surgery cause loss of sensation in the penis ? How is Acute Coronary Syndrome detected ? Hip surgery, stress fracture, pain in groin, knee pains. Avascular necrosis? Can I take a double dosage of seroquel from the prescribed amount? Explosive diarrhea, cold, ankle pain, dry mouth, lower abdominal pain, IBS, intestinal ache. Meaning? How are pearly penile papules treated ? How are purple bruises caused and treated ? Do delayed periods indicate pregnancy ? Can I play badminton if I have cervical stenosis and cervical spondolysis ? Worried about penis size. Surmise the essential? How is GERD caused by anxiety ? What are the chances of pregnancy from unprotected sex after delayed periods ? How is Irritable Bowel Syndrome treated ? Missed period, unaware of ovulation, on susten 200, thyroxine, thyroid problem. Pregnant? Underarm discomfort, stingy feeling, itching, pain. Cause? How is erectile dysfunction in men treated ? Prolonged menstrual period, took Dicynone 500, urinalysis, cervical erosion. Cancer? Can pus cells in the semen affect the health of an unborn baby ? Norvasc, dizzy, sleepy. Suggestion? Can light tan stools be caused by a steroid shot? Can CT scan cause damage to the brain ? On Azax 500, winolap, throat infection, allergic to dust, cold, sneezes, sinus infection, antibiotic treatment How are stomach ulcers and infections treated ? History of high BP, strict diet, moderate exercises, on lisinopril, simvastatin. Salmon high on cholesterol? Are there any creams that can thicken penis skin and avoid inflamation and redness post sex ? Diabetes, suicidal, stroke, loss of sexual desires, penis half sized, depression What ointment must be used to treat penis warts ? Using a chastity device, CB-6000. Will the restriction of erection damage the penis? Are delayed periods, cramps in lower abdomen, soreness in breasts and erected nipples, signs of pregnancy ? Gallbladder removed, diarrhea, vomiting, tiredness. Reason? Prolonged itching of clitoris glans, anus, pessaries, urine like stench LFT results, SGOT 50.30, SGPT 71.40, protein 8.33, albumin 5.05. Treatment for high SGPT ? Low sodium, high liver enzymes, ear infections, overweight, psychotropic medicines, high cholesterol How is vitiligo treated ? How are irritated hair follicles causing folliculitis treated ? What is Cervical dysplasia ? What could be the cause of deep burning pains in sternum area and left rib cage ? How are chronic colds, running nose and sinus infection treated ? Is it OK to take white pills only even if amoxicillin is taken ? High BP, on metoprolol, lisinopril, diuretic, low heart rate Polycythemia vera, loss of balance, aphasia, dizziness, joints hurt, low hemoglobin Is sudden growth of warts above the base of penis a sign of any disease ? Does intake of Zentel 3 days prior to conception have any effect on the pregnancy ? Is it normal to have small amount of fluid in the cul di sac ? What is the cause and meaning of small amount of fluid in cul de sac ? Why do I have no discharge during ejaculation ? Does taking diabetes and blood pressure medications have any side effect ? How can I get rid of leg pain? Cortisone shots, propiochrone, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, anti-tetanus, typhoid. Suggestion? If dry cough is persistant for 10 days, in a 3 year old child, inspite of taking amoxycilin and ambroxol hydrochloride, how can it be treated? What does "mild asymmetric opercular atrophy on the left and slight dolichoectasia of the vertebral basilar artery on the left" mean ? Pain in penis, sciatica, left calf hurts, blood clot, hip pain. Serious? What could be the cause of swollen glands, white coated tongue and chills ? TSH 5.5, mild fatigue, 0.02-6 normal range. Medical abortion or continuation with pregnancy ? Why is Primolut N prescribed after insertion of mirena coil ? Can sweating be the cause of redness on back of penis ? Irregular period, dark blood. Meaning? Is the inability to open mouth wider than 3 fingers a sign of cancer due to addiction to chewing gutkhas and tobacco ? Sore breasts, indigestion, liver pain, infertile, high estrogen level. Serious? Can a minor hit on head against the wall cause shakiness ? Stints in heart, pulling pain near collar bones. Serious? What could be the cause of temporary impairment in both ears later improving to hearing sounds as echos ? What could be the cause excessive itchiness on testicle sac and penis shaft ? Does abortion through pills cause black bleeding assembles and severe pain ? Is sauna belt advisable to reduce weight? Can I be recommended good maternity/multi-speciality hospitals near VIP road, Kolkata? CABG, leg injured, gangrene, leg amputated, wound in sternum area, burst, pus, vomiting Is it normal to have a difference in the size of both arms and legs ? Does prolonged sitting be the cause of pain in lower back ? Is it normal to have mild blood clots in urine during 4 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy with no sign of baby's heart beat ? Is it safe to take Regestrone or Susten 300 mg to postpone periods ? Is a heavy period with clots caused due to siatic nerve pain? Is it safe to take OxyElitePro with Wellbutrin XL and Synthroid ? Can sudden appearance of red knots on lower body be due to any reaction ? What does " The cerebellar tonsils are ectatic but no chiari malformation is seen" mean ? Is sleeping for the same hour difference better than waking up at a fixed time despite late sleep or routine sleep? Food gets stuck, difficulty in swallowing, reflux, anxious, stress, taken antacids, prevacid, pepcid What could be the cause of a non-itchy red spot which originally was a small white spot ? Hair under chin, low estrogen, birth control, metformin, PCOS, greenish vaginal discharge, itches, tubal pregnancy risk. Serious? Does taking HCG diet drops cause slight elevation in potassium levels ? Swollen lips, red rash below lips, under chin, skin peeling, brownish skin cover, angular cheilitis, cortisone treatments Kidney abscess, viral meningitis, spondylosis, L-4, L-3, herniated disc, chronic pain, severe bone pain, swollen hands, joints, on vicodin Do I need to take an extra dose in case of vomitting within minutes of taking Progynova during 6 weeks of pregnancy ? Does taking AKT-2 and AKT-4 have any impact on unplanned pregnancy ? What could be the cause of blood visible on toilet paper after passing stool ? Cervical MRI, chronic pain from neck to shoulder and left arm, tingling and numbness. Degenerative disc disease ? Hypothyroidism, fatigue, thyroxine, exhausted, heavy periods, itchy skin, confused constantly, forgetful. Improve symptoms? Is it advisable to do an EEG for a 90 year old patient who is in coma for 2 weeks ? Does cannabis have any side effect causing retina tear ? TURP, eliminated inner parts. Sexually active again possible? Partially blocked artery, triglyceride, low HDL level, on gemfibrozil. Diet and exercise instead? What could be the cause of a bloated belly in 20 month old child with pain and weight loss ? Is it good to feed through a hole in the stomach for a patient admitted due to weakness in left half of body ? How can behavioral symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder be controlled ?
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