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Pregnant suffering from obstructive cholestasis. Reduced levels of SGPT, SGOT after taking Udiliv. Severe itching. Is Atarax a safe pill? Headache, pain radiating to the neck and chest. Not responding to headache medication Hypertension, overweight. Taking Loram and Metpure. Suffering from gynecomastia. Low testosterone levels Pregnant having ketones in urine. Will it harm the mother and baby? Diet advice for a vegetarian patient recovering from jaundice Having hair loss. Is essvit tablets safe to use? Having lack of erection and premature ejaculation Swollen stomach with bloated feeling. Diagnosed with ovarian cyst Child drank floor cleaner. Side effects? Infant drank floor cleaner. What to do? Painful white bumps in the labia. Medication? Delayed periods. Taking primolut. Not on contraceptive pills. Will there be any problem in future for conceiving? Loose stools with stomach pain. What is the reason? Diagnosed with ischemic colitis. On clear diet. Bowel movements with cramping. Prescribed with flagyl, prilosec. Persisting scar tissue and discomfort. Hysterectomy done. Is this something else other than scar tissue? Abdominal pain, low temp with yellowish stool, had pancreatitis & septis, hospitalised for colonitis recently. Heavy alcohol consumption. Have fibro myalga, factor V leiden, cholesterol & BP level. Is it safe to take nurofen medication? Swollen uvula, burning sensation in throat and chest, difficulty in breathing and swallowing, wheezing. On Ashtalin inhaler Having erection problem. Done Haemogram test. Prescribed injection treatment. Is my report normal? Taking Glycomet, am diabetic. Can it cause a low blood sugar during sleep when taking after dinner? How can we avoid that? Blood report. Iron deficiency, acidity, water retention problem, leg pain, anxiety & irritability during mid cycle. Suggestions to help increase my hemoglobin / energy levels? Abdominal pain, sore thighs, rash on the nose, back pain. Causes? Pain due to ankylosing spondylitis sciatica, breast cancer survivor, allergic to herceptin. Want to take Oxycodone. Am I a drug addict? Spinal hyperintensity, hot flush, night sweats, headaches. CSF and protein tests done, MRi done. What could be the reason? Stage 4 Adenocarcinoma. Surfacing of side-effects. Done Angioplasty, Carboplatin, Cisplatin. Will EGFR treatment, combination of EGFR, Chemotherapy with Ayurvedic medication bring any relief? Irregular periods, brown spotting, taking progesterone, history of miscarrige. Will this affect me getting pregnant? High ASO level. Symptoms are body pain, swallowing difficulty, loss of appetite, headache, ear pain, stomach noises & diarrhea. Cotton mouth, difficulty swallowing, lack of taste and smell, dizziness, itchy eyes, burning throat after contact with chemicals. Anything I could know? Overdose of temazepam and nitrazepam. Harmful? Keloid in the lower abdomen. Removed by surgery and kenacot injection. Laser treatment done. Need permanent solution Unprotected oral sex, headache, fever, swollen lymph nodes, neck sore. Is there a chance of HIV? ECG showing right bundle branch block, diabetic. What are the precautions to be taken? Joint pain with fever, reddish eyes with burning, reddish spots on body, constipation. Rubella? Child having severe tonsillitis, fever. On azithromycin and amoxicillin. Abnormal blood and urine test reports. Is this proper treatment? Dark brown vaginal discharge with abdominal cramping, irregular & missed periods. Have had Mirena IUD since long. Is this normal? Itching in chest whenever take sugar Have sunburn, splotchy rash from left chest downwards till left hips. What could be the reason? Water bubble on penis tip of baby after being circumcised. Should i be concerned? Wheezing at night. Want to take natural or over the counter medication. Can I take Benadryl? Taking Vyvanse and Cymbalta for ADD and depression. What are the long-term effects on baby during early pregnancy? Anger issues, taking Atenolol for bundle branch block, had hysterectomy, ears ringing, vision problems, taking Cymbalta and Wellbutrin for depression. Is medication causing me to lose control of life? Child with UTI. Stomach pain while eating, stool discoloration. Advice? Mistook and consumed blood pressure medicine Lisinopril SP instead of Vitamin pills. Should I be worried? Unconsciousness, continuous head spinning. No improvement after taking vertin tab. Guidance for further medication? Blood and liver function tests done. Elevated globulin levels. History of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, anemia Is premature ejaculation due to excessive masturbation? Difficulty in breathing, twitching in lips and cheeks, pulsating in ribs, purple cold feet. What could be wrong? Is it safe to do aerobics and yoga while planning for pregnancy? Having involuntary head movements. History of tonsillitis operation. How to get relief? Excessive Hair loss since long. Thought it to be hormonal & post delivery effects. What i need to do now? Have Hepatitis B. On medication. No relief. Treatment? Taking Amlodipine. Is it safe to travel? Difficulty in penetration during intercourse Depressions about staying alone at home, afraid of ghosts. Advice ? MRI showing encephalomalacia, artery occlusion. Have dizziness. Need treatment? Having reactive hypoglycemia. Need information on different types of hypoglycemia Recurring pelvic pain. Waiting for the ultrasound result. No fever, vomiting. Possible causes? 44 year old, feeling tired, sleepy, intermittent headaches, blurred vision, joint pains. No Diabetes. Any suggestions ? In peri-menopause, having an overly sensitive clitoris. Anyway to get rid of it ? Sore lump under the skin on the arm. Is this a cyst? Taking prednisone and antibiotics. Having yeast growth. Will Acidophilus work? Having a perforated eardrum after a slap on the face. Ringing in the ear. How to return to normal? Is it safe to take I- glutathione for skin whitening along with vitamin C? Loss of voice, sore throat. Had Laryngitis. Not better after taking antibiotics. Persisting cough and chest congestion. Treatment? Need solution for premature ejaculation Chest heaviness after walking. TMT, Doppler test reports normal. Please advise Suffering from depression and panic attack. Taken Etizola plus and Presilex. What would be the recovery period? Complete disruption of anterior cruciate ligament, cleavage tear of the lateral meniscus after an injury. What is the best method of treatment? Sore throat, enlarged thyroid, ultrasound showed nodules, fever, coughing, difficulty swallowing, night sweats. Worried about what is going on Having premature ejaculation and nocturnal emission. Remedy? Numbness on mid back. Having Raynauds, peripheral neuropathy. Which specialist should I go ? Skin discoloration on the penile foreskin. No pus formation. Is this Balantis or Lichen sclerosis? Whitish sore patch in the throat. Is this due to smokeless tobacco use? Disc bulging and disc degeneration causing nerve compression. Suffering from lower back pain, trouble in walking. Further treatment options? Feeling sleepy all the time. Reasons? Skin rashes on lips and mouth. No relief from prescribed creams. Need help Blurry eyes, head spinning. History of hypertension diabetes. Prescribed with Vertin History of poly cystic disease, had krimson 35, want to get pregnant.Please advice? Pain in the calf. Soft movable lump behind the knee. What could this be? Tender reddish patch on the knee. History of knee pain and diabetes. Advice? Discharge of blood when going to toilet, uncomfortable.Please help. What is the recovery period after carpal tunnel surgery? Swelling in the thumb, irregular heartbeat. History of blood disorder. Are these related? Lump on the right side of the stomach. Is it an enlarged intestine? Have globus pharyngis, Neck tightness after taking 5-HTP, difficulty swallowing. Is there anything I can do? Throbbing pain in the ear with discharge Early stages of puberty after a grown chronological age. Why am I still not developing? Depression and irritability. On beta blockers and lisinopril for hypertension. Are these side effects? Stiff neck, pain in the shoulder. Cervical x-ray report showing loss of cervical lordosis. Prescribed with neurokind injections. Cure? Painful hard lump outside vagina. Treatment? Lung pricks when inhaling deeply. Why? Absence of periods, enlarging abdomen, fatigue, vomiting. Urine and blood test negative for pregnancy What is the reason for having high bilirubin levels? Having a high temperature from waist below. Why? Used miconazole for yeast infection. Having white thick vaginal discharge. Further treatment? Is tuberculosis in ovary curable? Can it affect fertility? Abdominal pain. Ultrasound showed endometrial cyst in the right ovary. Taken leuprolide acetate. What is the treatment for this? Loss of appetite, weakness in old age. USG guided FNAC is the confirmatory test for presence of malignant cells? Taking Daxas, Spiriva and Onbrez for Hemoptysis. Symptoms persisting. History of tuberculosis being treated with rifater Excessive fatigue, feeling sleepy. Why? Information related to child health? 3 year old having red bumps on cheeks, chin and nose. Due to sinus infection? Missed regular period, have spotting. Done home pregnancy test. Is there a possibility of pregnancy? Baby has frequent running nose, sneezing, fever. Prescribed with Augmentin syrup. What could be the reason, medication to get relief? Frequent throat pain, giddiness, fatigue, headache. Diabetic, BP and on pills. Effects of Becadexamin? Palpitations, breathlessness, nausea, fainting spells. USG says mild hepatomegaly. Is this the cause ? Had thyroid removed due to mixed hurthle cell CA. Can papaya leaf tea be used while on Synthroid ? Brown/red spot that appears on right thumb around an old burn in morning, then disappears. Reasons ? Cervical problem, suffering from acute vomiting with heads swirls. Taking Zaltokin, Vertim. Advise ? Had a kidney stone, a stent placed. Severe pain now, incontinent, losing colorless liquid. What to do ? 70 years old, wake suddenly from sleep, feel agitated. Take 2 Diazipam to sleep. Any explanation ? Recovering from pneumonia. Tips on good diet to get stronger Pain around belly button more towards right, bloated stomach, nausea. Had anal sex a week ago. Why is this? On stablon for anxiety, OCD. Having worst dyspepsia, ibs, feels rock on chest. Side effects of medicine ? Will discontinuing the CCB's make calcium enter the arteries and cause problems ? Taken whooping cough vaccination during early pregnancy. Will it harm baby? Back pain problem due to slip disc in L4, L5. Suggestions on Yoga to strengthen the muscles. Dark spreading spots on the face. Diagnosed as dark pigmentation. Treatment? SGOT/SGPT too high. Dr prescribed Ursodeoxycholic acid along with Essentiale. Is the medication correct ? Suffering from extra pulmonary tb, not agreeing on treatment. What to do ? 3 red circles on right hand with fluid in center. Used Dovonex cream, no help. Advise ? MRI for cervical spine stated large fresh left paracentral disc herniation is seen. Surgery important? Has eruptions in feet, as one heals other cracks are formed. Also suffers from thyroid, low BP. What is it ? ANA test positive. possible liver disease. Suggestions Diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome. Taking medication. Irregular periods. How can I get pregnant? Irregular bowel problem since 6 years, frequent burning urination. What has happened ? Irregular periods, more hair growth in hands and legs. Are hormone reports normal, how to overcome this ? 62 year old has sudden shivering, vomiting clear fluid. Had hypothyroidism, IDDM. Cause and treatment ? Excessive heat in the body, pimples on face, sweat. Suggest a treatment for cure Need to know the sex of the child from the report. Possible? Small bony lump on leg above ankle, skin on top of it is numb. Is this of concern ? Pelvic pain on back and sides, abdominal pain. Treated for UTI with e coli. Symptoms persisting What does HIV Ag/Ab combo negative mean ? Fairly heavy periods, occasional periods between cycles. Using nuvaring or sprintec safe? Breast cancer likely? Swollen painful legs. Poor blood circulation in one leg. Has pacemaker. Is vascular surgery advised for old patients? Tingling sensation in arms and legs after taking percoset. Reason? Cloudy urine with foul smell. Taking duromine and vitamin D tablets Recurring kidney stones. Had multiple renal surgeries. Pain still persisting. Permanent cure? Lump on the collarbone, sore neck. Family history of lung cancer. Suffering from pelvic congestion syndrome Delayed periods, contracting pain in the uterus. Pregnancy tests negative. Spotting present. History of chlamydia and gonorrhea Ringing sound in left ear. Is it an ear infection ? Diagnosed with blunted/flat affect, no libido. All hormones normal, but never experienced orgasm. Any suggestions ? Does taking colozal affect menstruation delay? Hair fall for a 8 year old, having stiffness in legs, sweats heavily, sleeps harder. What is the reason ? Tingling sensation at the end of urinating. Taking Uril since 3 days. Causes ? Experiencing mood swings, must take atleast 10 unisoms to sleep. Taking seroquel, cymbalta. Feeling stressed Large itchy and tight testicle with no pain. Cure ? Bit by a bed bug. Swollen toe, painful while walking. What to do to reduce pain ? Had an aspiration procedure. Early pregnancy symptoms, small amount of bleeding. Can I be pregnant ? Is my urinalysis and blood report normal ? Inserted nuvaring days after period. Unprotected sex before that. Why did I start bleeding? Pain in testicles and lower abdomen, burning sensation in penis, change in size of testicles. Need treatment? Having loss of appetite and stomach pain. What could be the reason? Have cold, cough and sneezing, soreness in the body. Could this be due to strained muscles from coughing? Recurring painless small red spots on penis, mild burning, a lil clear discharge. Reasons ? What kind of shampoo is used for scalp psoriasis? Ankle swelling due to blood pressure medicine, splotchy blood marks, no pain or sensitivity, Could tight shoes be blocking blood flow? Is working and driving safe during early pregnancy ? Constant bleeding. On ayurvedic medication. Diagnosed suspected pleural effusion and fissure encysted effusion. Medications? Is it safe to use I-glutathione capsules for skin whitening? Can vitamin C be taken along with it? Feeling weak, nausea, loss of appetite. Dr advised LFT. Elevated SGOT/SGPT. Is it due to antibiotics ? White scars on arms, history of drug addiction. Is there anything I can do to remove or lessen the appearance of the scars? Increased cholesterol, LDL, Vit D3. Is this due to overweight, smoking and unhealthy eating habits ? Itchy rashes on areola with prominent glands, constipation, blood in stool. Should I be concerned? Chest pains in the morning. Dr did ECG, all normal, gave Dexilant. Should we go for further tests ? Different blood pressure readings on both hands. Is it normal? Family history of dementia Suffering from severe copd, pvd, blocked artery in arm, nose bleeds. Does he require urgent care ? Unable to sustain erections. Checked testosterone, taking Megalis, Ignitor. How to overcome this ? Swelling in the collar bone. Pain radiating to neck Feeling thirsty in the morning, yellowish urine. Urine test report normal. Is there a problem? Detected for typhoid. On Tysure, Amylcure. Feeling weak. Suggestions on diet Will use of fingers to transfer sperms into vagina lead to pregnancy? If not will birth control harm her? Both knees aching while climbing stairs / sitting. Work as a truck driver. What has happened ? Painful cyst on the scalp. Is this a pilar cyst? Mild sneezing, running nose, sore throat, coughing. Had taken Claritin. Is it any allergy ? How to gain weight with gastritis problem? Also have irregular motion, H pylori infected. Okay to exercise? Increased urination. Am I diabetic? Did stretching exercise to move foreskin, went over glands. Not retracting now. How to treat it ? Bruise on the leg. No itching or pain. What could it be? Finished augmentin course to treat sinus infection. Why do I still have blocked nose, fatigue and yellow semen? Sensorineural hearing loss, taking steroid treatment, done PTA test, have diabetes and hypertension, MRI showed demyelination and mastoditis. Can brain tumour be ruled out? Applied Permetherin cream for scabies infestation, flaring up at times. Any information? No weight reduction despite exercise. Abnormal thyroid levels Have Polycystic ovary syndrome. Taken primolut for menstruation. Proper medication? Clear liquid discharge from penis after urination. No STD. Is it urethritis? Values differ in different rubella tests. What does it mean? Terminate pregnancy? Early maturity for a 12 year old. Taken steroids for subglottic hemangioma in childhood. Is it due to steroids? Have systemic sclerosis. On Mycophenolate mofetil , ecosprin, rablet D. Can pregnancy be continued? Pain in the legs, stomach, joints and back after taking i-pill. Excessive bleeding. Need advice Low MCHC. Can I take iron supplement like Geritol? Treatment for gall bladder stone? Lower backache and leg pain while sleeping. X-ray done. What is the reason? How to remove tonsil stones? What is the permanent cure? Heart flutters and breathlessness after increasing the hypertension medication. Why? Having upper respiratory infection. Can Ativan be taken for anxiety? Pain in lower abdomen, lower back, testicle. Prescribed CT Scan of abdomen. What could be the reason? Had TURP-Button procedure. When can I safely exercise? Why does it burn when I urinate? Weakness normal? Is it normal to have sticky brown discharge during menstruation? Pain in the buttocks. Taking Etioricoxib. Any side effects? Elevated blood pressure Occasional cloudy discharge after urination and defecation, no sexual intercourse. What could be the reason?
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