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Underweight, tried eating fats but weight doesnot increase. How can weight be increased? Got wisdom teeth on right side. What precautions & treatment need for this? Surgical removal of diverticulum from urethra, had intercourse, open external wounds. Will the wound be closed or are stitches required? Child with ITP. Low platelet count. IVIG gamma, anti D, steroid treatment done. Further treatment? Is there any medication that will make me stay calm & build confidence? HIgh SGOT & SGPT levels. What can be the cause? Coughing with white sputum. Under tuberculosis treatment. Can have sex so that it won't spread to my partner? Pain in the soles. Causes of pain? Surgery of the foreskin of penis. How long will it take to heal and normalise? Watering eyes, temperature sensitive, dark circles. How can it be treated? Positive pregnancy test. What is the safe way of abortion by medical pills? Liquid diarrhea, gassy stomach, indigestion, bloating. Taking probiotic. Advise? Swellon legs, breathlessness. Tests normal. Diagosed filarial lymphedema. Is this curable? Panic attacks, brain MRI clear, diagnosed as seronegative spondyloarthropathy, back pain, weight loss. Is immune disorder the main reason? Vomiting blood & bubbles after accidentally drank toilet cleaner. What medication should be given for fast recovery? Sore throat, fatigue, light head, cold hands. Reason and remedy? Vertigo, back pain, tiredness, weight loss, palpitations, brain MRI clear, diagnosed as spondyloarthropathy. Is immune system disorder the main reason? Hand foot and mouth disease. Better with calpol intake. Shakes in the night. Treatment? Feeling of ticking in cervical vertebrae, seems tissue or fluid in the area. Info on what could be this? Done thyroid tests. What do the results say, advise? Bump on the penis, excessive urination. Causes? Oral sex, chapped lips, burning face, abdominal pain. Prescribed monodox, hydrocortisone. Detected kidney stone. Is this related or is it STD? Dry, itchy knuckles, knees and elbows. Applying cortizone, clotrimazole. How can the itching be cured? Joint pain, undergone natural treatments. Any other recommended option? Uterus anteverted and bulky, endometrial cavity filled with hyperechoeic small cystic lucencies. What does this mean? MRI scan of back, can see shadow of spine. What does this mean? Klebsiella pneumoniae of scalp, cough. Is it infectious? What treatment will cure this? Had urethroplasty surgery but in constant pain. Took to pain managnement, pills, injection. Is it pudendal nerve entrapment? Recurrent wax secretion from ear with pain since childhood. Any permanent solution for this? Head injury, swollen, lump present in a child. Is it normal? Hollow on arm pit seems being pulled from inside, no pain but getting deeper Abdominal pain in abs along with distension, choking sensation. GP says gastric reflux, ENT says branchospasm. Confused ? Palpitations, burning arms and chest. EGC and blood tests normal. Is this related to heart attack? What is the substitute of diavonex ointment? Sudden terrible hot flushes. What is it about? Overstretching and cracks on the foreskin, masturbation without cream. Is this related? How do I get rid of Bartholin gland cyst naturally? Tiredness, loss of energy. Recovering from heroin & alcohol addiction. Taking vitamins, healthy diet & sleep. Advise? Decreasing sperm count. Suggest medicine for increasing sperm count? Depressed due to bad relationship. Advise and remedy? White spot behind tongue. Following good dental hygiene. What is the reason for spots? Severe stomach pain and loose motions. What medication can provide immediate relief? Temper tantrums when angry, nose bleeding. Is this related or serious? Heart fluttering when upset. Have anxiety, taking paxil. Is that a thing to worry? CT stonogram result shows gall bladder is collapsed. What does it mean? Itching on the penis and anus. Prescribed with Acrason. Developed a rash in the anus with blood. What is it? Throbbing headache after sitting, neck problem. Quit taking naproxen. What is causing headaches? Mood disorders, behaving childish, abusing & crying on silly things. What medication should be taken to stay calm? Yawn and ears ringing, severe headaches. Tried tylenol. What can be the cure? Pain in right testicle, abdomen and back. Concerned, reason? Irregular periods, had period two months back. Shall i use mensovit plus tab? Miscarriage, head and neck pain, lymph gland tender, tonsilitis. Done CBC, thyroid tests. Why do the glands hurt? What is the cause and treatment of petechiae? Lump on the head after injury, pain in the jaw while eating, pain in the head Ring worm on left hand grown, itchy and hurts. Cause and treatment? Had hernia surgery in the groin area. Pain after the surgery due to strain in the scar. Any other way of healing it faster? Had a double open heart bypass. Feels pressure while walking across entire chest. Side effect of Prednisone ? Tongue pain, black veins going down, dry cough, head congestion, pimples on arms. Cause? Urine infection, operated for prostrate. Urine routine test done. Prescribed zivator. Suggest? Lower back pain, tightness in chest and sore throat, heavy eyes and ears. What is causing this? Tingling and burning throughout body in arms, back and neck. Could this be beginning of scabies? High BP since four years. What are the reasons? Dry throat, blurred vision. What will be causing this? Severe headaches, blurred vision, eye pain, nose pain. CT scan normal. Taking sebelium. Is it frontal sinus? Red whelps spreading on stomach, itchy and hard. Is it some allergy? Fluid sacs on penis and testicles, loss of erection. Done blood, PSA and CAT scan, normal. Advise? Blood filled blister on the hairline after injury. How to stop bleeding? Planned a surgery for gastric sleeving. Taking champix. Have diabetes, hypertension, smoking addiction and obese. What are the risks involved? Mirena coil inserted. Can I take Utovlan? Extreme acidity, nausea. Taking Levagastrol and Nexpro. Symptoms persisting Low erection, low sperm count. Planning for pregnancy. What should i do? Arthroscopic knee surgery. Using oxycodone. Opiate tolerance. Does it cause problem during anesthesia? Premature ejaculation problem. Is there any health supplement that will help to overcome PE? Dialysis patient having diarrhea. Can Pepto Bismol be taken? Swelling in foot after cut, applied Bactine, soreness, numbness. Is this normal? Difficulty in sleeping after tonsillectomy surgery. Is it normal? Had bug bites with itching, scab formed. Infection? Pain in the hips. Want to do exercise on treadmill. Safe to use Osteo Biplex? Taken Prilosec, prevacid for heart burn. Have hiatus hernia. Tried Nexium. Suffering from leg cramps, hip pain. Is my sleep medication causing all these? Male pattern baldness, hereditary problem, no regular hair fall. What can cure this? Intermittent episodes of stuck food causing thick and increased saliva. Heartburn and burping. What is it ? Rash on knee and foot after consuming cocaine. Should i see a doctor? Sunburn on the head with clear watery discharge. Applying aloe vera. No fever. Need cure Swollen parotid gland. No lesion in MRI. Is it a blocked duct? What is the cure? Pregnant immediately after a cesarean child birth. What are the abortion methods? Need information on toxic shock syndrome Have swollen stomach, gas, painful lower pelvic area. Had hysteroscopy, biopsy. Should I be worried or get medical attention? High monocytes and WBC. Referred to oncologist. Is it Leukemia? Suffering from mood swings and aggression. Stopped taking Lexotan, Lexapro and Venex. Need assistance before going to the psychiatrist 94 year old, suddenly has swollen ankles. Occasional bouts of dizziness.Suggestions ? Have anxiety and depression. Taking Rosavel. Need advice Feeling of pins and needles on legs. What could be the reason? Child with blood in stool, loose stools, dehydration. Treated with antibiotics. Taking taxim, metrogyl and enterogermina Acute hair fall, skull pain, morning sickness, tired, finger pain. Taken Cervical cancer vaccination, prescribed multivitamins. Treatment? Child having hay fever with chesty cough. Remedy? Semen analysis results. What does an abnormal viscosity mean? Soreness in thyroid, discomfort around Adams apple, white tongue. Could this be cancer? Mentally abusing husband, need help Need advice on de-addiction from bath salts abuse Diarrhea, discomfort in stomach, lightheaded. What can be wrong? Need information on the risks involved in not immunizing the kid Abnormal behavior like talking with self, restless. Diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, had episodes of depression. Taking olanzapine. Irritation after swallowing fish bone. Can it be removed by ENT specialist? Pain while urination. Undergoing external beam radiation for early stage prostrate cancer. How can I get through this? Where can i have the safest penis enlargement surgery? Excessive thirst in the morning, yellowish urine. Urine test reports normal Treatment for fungal infection 36 year old having hypertension. Feeling heat on the head. Prescribed with Neurokind plus. Any side effects? High testosterone level. How can this be treated? Diagnosed with diverticulitis. On antibiotics. Overdose of sleeping pills. Will there be any organ damage? Sporadic since 7 days, mild body itching, scalp and arms flake dry skin. Took Allegra, topical spray. Anything to worry ? Had liposuction on mons pubis. Taking antibiotics. Swelling at the surgery site. Infection chances? Small red dots on feet and ankles. No burning. Any natural remedy? Pain and burning sensation on index finger, black dots under the nail, itchy rashes on the thigh. Medication? Suffering from headache, cramps, diarrhea. Had intercourse after conception. Periods started. Can I still be pregnant ? Reddish thick lines near the navel. Are these blood vessels? Have had bronchitis, coughing phlegm, no fever, anosmia. Will stress make it worse? Will my sense of smell return? Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear, itching outside the ear, sore neck, closed ears. Took prednisone injection and keflex. Is this ear infection? Blood in stool, burning in the anus. Hemorrhoids? Hard mass on the posterior wall of the pharynx. Have dry eyes and dry mouth. Should I be concerned? Darkened itchy skin peeling of near vagina. Could it be due to the antibiotics taken for toothache or allergy? Pain in shoulders, arms, legs. Bruised feeling. Chesty cough. Causes? Frequent fever, throat pain, head pounding and headache. Need permanent solution Dizziness, vomiting, nose bleeding, stomach pain, headache and loose stools. Liver function test and renal test normal Is it dangerous if my S.Uric acid is 7.4 ? Constipation and high body temperature in the morning, distended stomach. Remedy? Pain in lower abdomen when I walk. Taken IUI treatment. Why the pain ? Whooshing sound when I turn my head. Should I be concerned ? Had oral sex with prostitute, developed sore in mouth. Had ANUG and Trench mouth. Could it be related to HIV ? Horrible pulsation at the right temple, radiates to right teeth, jaw. Could it be migraine ? Umbilical hernia. Pain in umbilicus. Use Slendertone Abs. Is Slendertone responsible for the pain? Safe hair removal cream for use under armpits, gentials Have heart beat in lower abdomen, frequent urination. Had gastritis, smoke 4-5 cigarettes per day. Reasons ? Dandruff problem especially in summer . Good treatment Diagnosed with an ovarian cyst of 37mm, irregular periods. What should I do ? Is it safe to travel 300 km in 8th month of pregnancy ? Have re-burnt my shin with hot object, also using a corrosive substance. Remedy ? Tiny mucus retention cyst or polyp in maxillary sinus, patchy ethmoid mucosal thickening. Done MRI. Can this cause headache? 21 month old had a red balloon like bleeding mass in his anus along with diahrea in his diaper. What could it be ? 56 yr old and due for removal of left ovary and cyst. Dr advises prophylactic removal. Risk of recurrence ? Dull pain in glands in neck, gets dizzy when I touch it. What is it ? Red sore rash in groin, used a foot cream. Now itchy rash on ball sac. How to get rid of it ? Fell from horse, symptoms of concussion, stitched gash above eyebrow. MRI done. Is it safe to travel? Broken the little toe and one next to it, keeps swelling. Have Peripheral Neuropathy. Can I tape it up myself ? Heartbeat increases whenever I am hot, feel like fainting. Why ? Growth Hormone Deficiency. Is it considered as a disability? Black brown hair on penis, itchy. Should I be worried? Constant ringing in ears.Need permanent cure Slight chest discomfort after exercising, fatigue. Stent procedure done. Is it normal and how to regain energy? Are Minocycline considered corticosteroids or other immunosuppressive drugs as it belongs to tetracyclines ? Dark patch on both sides of cheeks. I'm overweight, hispanic. Reasons for the patch? Low grade prostrate cancer. Painful urination.On external beam radiation, prescribed Terazosin. Can Terazosin and Advil or Acetaminophen be taken together? Have adult ADHD and on pills. Unable to focus, can I get Rx online ? Arthritis. Is there a permanent cure through medical management? How do I quit smoking ? Small hard lump on the back of neck, painful, itchy rash spreading from back to front of throat. Causes ? Damage of skin, smoker. Is there a possibility of regaining my clear skin, if I quit smoking? Complicated UTI, pus cells, heavy growth of E.colis. Severe burning and pain while urinating. Treatment ? 0-ve Blood group and husband is B+ve. When should Rh factor test be taken during pregnancy ? 2 year old had mozzie bite just above his temple that has continued to swell. What could it be ? Reduced carbohydrate intake, loss of weight. Is my weight loss normal, how to regain the lost weight? Does fixing of head with ROA mean early labor ? I'm 31 weeks pregnant Best medicine for epilipsy disease when its frequency is 15 days. Taking Levera Umbilical cord stem cell banking. What are the benefits and is it still in research phase? Had oral sex with prostitute, ejaculated in the condom. Chances of having HIV ? Occasional bad smell in mouth. Solution ? Trapped within a rather vivid nightmare, rapid and shallow breathing along with high BP. Physical toll on the body ? Have premature ejaculation. Prescribed with Duralast, Suhagra. Is there an alternate treatment apart from medication? Had a ceramic TKR of the right leg. Itching persists in feet. High creatinin, diabetic. Suggestions ? Neck strain and stiffness, used heat pad and muscle cream. Cramps in leg, arm pain, chest heaviness, dizziness. Is it from stress? How long does the effect of Cotinine remain in body and the cut-off level to clear Cotinine test? Back cramps, bleeding, ultrasound showed missed abortion. Shouldn't the doctor have looked for a blighted ovum? Sweaty palms, red spots on palms and bottom of feet. On drug "Spice" abuse treatment. How to get relief? Is Flucloxacillin used in treating gum abscess? Chest tightness, palpitation, build up of mucus. Due to excessive alcohol intake? History of social anxiety disorder Can i use TCP on gum abscess & does it work reducing the abscess? On corticosteroids for asthma. Easy bruising with itching. How to treat this? Diagnosed having AVM in stomach, report reads gastric petechie. Have vascular ectasia, anemia. Are they all same? Body dry up at waist, legas and coccyx, problem after ejaculation, flexible skin. How can this be solved? Going for abortion due to immediate pregnancy after cesarean delivery. Will the abortion procedure affect the stitches? Why does my bald head have a shade of lighted gray on head? What can I do? Shave balding part as well? Swollen leg with redness and itching. Venous ultrasound showing mild subcutaneous edema in legs. Taking Arip and Veniz. Further treatment? Severe persisting nausea, vomiting after eating, diarrhea. Diagnosed with UTI klebsiella pneumoniae and dehydration IBS after taking typhoid medications. Have Sleep disorder, diabetes & thyroid problem. Prescribed rabium & normaxin for IBS, taking alprazom to get sleep. Is there any issue continuing with normaxin? Child having blood in stool. No pain. Advised for platelet check. Reason? When will the Gamma GT levels become normal after alcohol cessation? Having confusion, memory loss, panic attacks Pain in the face and eyes. Could this be related to stroke? History of strokes Unable to get complete erection, hence took Viagra. Any side effects ? Itchy rashes on skin after sexual intercourse. What is the cause? Pain in the ribs from an old fracture. Will ice packs help with the pain? Swollen masses on penis. Have Crohn's disease. Overweight. Suggestions? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Vasectomy? What is the recovery period? Light headedness, pain on the neck and headache after bowel movement 53 yrs old, has swollen legs, feet red with itching. Venous ultrasonography said mild subcutaneous edema. Solution ? What will happen if vaginal tablet is swallowed? Child having difficulty in walking and standing after a flu. Should be concerned? Dark marks on skin after having Scabies on legs. How to remove them? Child having cluster of blisters with fever, excessive sweating Severe pain in back. Why do I have trouble breathing? Why is there stabbing pain from sternum? Gallbladder issue? Suffering from insomnia. Will calcium and magnesium supplements help me? Have low blood pressure. Feeling dizzy in the morning. Feel better after taking sweet things. Diabetes?
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