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Have osteoporosis. What treatment should be done? Recovery time? Felt a hard lump in tonsil area, have on and off ear and jaw pain. Any remedy? Feeling dizzy, nausea, shaky and stomach ache. Have thyroid disease. Any ideas? Having headache, blood pressure 173 over 84 and pulse 84. Should I consult doctor? Had unprotected intercourse. Feeling nausea and missing periods. Possibility of pregnancy? Pregnant. Had food cooked with cologne. Side effects on fetus? Started taking vitamin c powder. Noticed color change in stool. What could be the reason? Applied cast on broken tibia. Experiencing muscle spasms and twitching in leg. Should I be concerned? Have had seizures. Have a cyst on pineal gland and feeling bruised in head. What to do? Have cough and cold. Getting phlegm with metallic taste. On steroids. Proper medication? Have high BP, frequent urination, feeling nausea and started sweating. What's wrong? Getting a bad rash under the armpit and feeling discomfort. Looking for treatment Feeling lazy and unmotivated with an anger issue. Am I suffering from ADHD? Cancer close to spine. Will it be cured by radiation and chemo? What is the life expectancy? Diabetic and smoker. Noticed brownish dark patch on chest. What is the cause? Feeling nausea, weak, cold and sweaty. What could be causing this? Noticed tender and fleshy area on back. Could it be caused by a spider bite? Have lupus. Red raised bump appeared in armpit. Feeling tingling and numbness. Concerned for cancer Experiencing hair fall. How to get rid of this problem? Feeling cold, shaky, fluttering in chest. Blood and urine test fine. What could this be? Took emergency contraception. Will it cause any problem in conceiving? Abdominal pain after vp shunt placement. How to get relief from pain? Have pterygium nail. What cure and medication should be done? On prilosec for peptic ulcer. Feeling nausea and losing weight. What should I do? Have lower back pain and tingling sensation in buttocks. Looking for solution Test showed microscopic wbc 62, rbc 20 and leuc 2+. Is this UTI? Had a small sore on collar bone. It is painful while running. Is there any danger? Feeling exhausted and irritated. Should I go for testosterone level check up? Feeling nausea, weak, cold, sweaty, burning chest and throat. What should I do? Why do I feel itchy inside cheeks after taking MDMA? Had appendix removed. Does smoking cigarettes or marijuana cause any side effects? Got hit on elbow. Bruise and swelling appeared. How to get relief? Noticed black spots on penis. What could be causing this? Got hit on back. Feeling soreness in chest and difficulty to swallow. Should I be concerned? How to get rid of stuffy nose? What should be done for recurrent inguinal hernia in critical stage? Using retin-a for rosacea. Spots appeared on neck, chin and chest area. Proper cure? Feeling sore in anus after enema. Is this normal? Red and itchy rashes appeared on knuckles and wrist. Any treatment? Why do I wake up frequently at night to urinate? Have lump in the groin area. Pus and blood comes after squeezing. What to do? Had unprotected sex. Should I take plan B? On medication for type 2 diabetes. Having back pain. What medication should be done? Getting stomach pain in cold weather. Is it spleen related? Having severe chest pain, cough and feeling fatigued. What is the cause and cure? Suffering from headache, ringing ear and runny nose. What treatment should be done? Why am I getting prickling sensation in throat? Got pus filled bump on bottom of penis. How to get rid of it? Took pill after unprotected sex. Missing periods. HPT negative. Chances of pregnancy? Diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. Treatment and diet? Diabetic and BP patient. On medication. Have fatty liver and acidity problem. Looking for relief Having pain near collar bone. How to get relief? Had surgery on metatarsal. Experiencing pain, burning and tingling sensation. Reason? Experiencing pain in knee and feeling difficult to walk. What cure should be done? Which specialist should I consult for back pain? 26 years old. Suggest a diet plan to increase weight and improve health 62 years old. Noticed blood in urine. Ultrascan done. Is it related to cancer? Child having lump on nape, loss of appetite and cough. What is the problem? On medication for BP. What should I do to control BP level? Suffering from parkinson's disease. How to get cured? Suffering from hair fall and graying of hair. Looking for solution Have bleeding gums while brushing. What should I do? Is diabetes a hereditary disease? Suffering from severe hair fall. Suggest some solution Have cough, sore throat, headache, stiffness and achy body. Should I consult a doctor? Is it safe to take fast food during pregnancy? Feeling nose blocked, hey fever, cough and cold during winter. Permanent solution? Have had prostate issue. Started pain while passing urine after catheter removal. Is this normal? Suffering from severe leg pain. What medicine should I take? Missing periods. Pregnancy test negative. Any chances of pregnancy? Suffering from pain while breastfeeding. What could be the reason and cure? What precaution should be taken to avoid dengue? Test showed blirubin - 1.25, sgpt -69, sgot - 44 and fasting glucose 154. Should I be concerned? Suffering from acne. Looking for effective treatment Suffered from slip disc L5 S1. Having pain in lower back. What should I do? Can atenolol 50mg and hctz 25MG cause thinning of hair? Tested negative for HIV 6 month ago. Should I be concerned? Treatment for bipolar I disorder, borderline personality disorder and obsessive compulsive personality disorder? Have erectile dysfunction, large testicle and lower abdominal pain. How to get cured? Have hypo thyroid with high BP. Had an abortion. Why do i feel cold? Have bruise, back pain and headache. Is this a sign of G6PD deficiency? Having sharp pain in head. What is causing this and cure? Have tachycardia. Could it be caused due to energy drinks or coffee? On depo and trying to conceive. How to remove depo provera from the body? Have ligament injury in knee and have belly fat. Can I take lipocut tablets? Noticed large swelling at the site of intravenous catheter. Should I be concerned? Have sore throat, severe congestion of head, nose and chest. Any effective medication? Child has high eosophinil count. What could be causing this? On thyroid medication. Got severe headache. What should be done? How to get rid of dark circles under eyes? How to get rid of smoking addiction? Risks of STD, Hepatitis or HIV after sucking breast? Risks of STD, Hepatitis or HIV after sucking breast? What test should be done? Have soft liquid filled bubble on head. What could it be? Having painful spots on penis tip and burning sensation in rectum. Started doxycycline. Any suggestion? Got hit on testis. Started having pain and feeling like crack. What are the complications? Feeling cold, hot flashes, shaky, diarrhea and increased heart rate. What am I suffering from? PSA level is 0.1 12/22 to 6.3. Could it be due to heart surgery or hernia? Have a lump below cheek bone. Is it a pulled muscle or cancer? Have pain in sacroiliac joint, L5 and L6 joints. What cure should be done? How to get rid of body moles? Diagnosed with mild emphysema. Have sore muscles. Is this a sign of lung cancer? Diagnosed with TB infection. On AKT 4. Is it safe to use aloe vera? MRI showed small T2, flair hyperintense focus in right frontal priventricular location. What does this mean? Why am I having panic attacks at night? Any ideas? Using nuvaring. How to avoid queefing? On IV albumin for congenital nephrotic syndrome. Started diarrhea. Any treatment? Suffering from constipation. Could it be hemorrhoids? Suffering from frequent urination and abdominal pain. What is the disease? Pregnant. Blood test showed 101. What are the risks? Have lump behind ear. Could this be a keloid or scar tissue? Have bumps on labia majora. What is this and cure? Having breathing difficulty, feeling fatigue, cold and brain fog. TSH 1.55. Chances of hyperthyroid? Pregnant. Scan showed placenta position fundal and placenta maturity grade II. What does it mean? Have anxiety, cardiac illness, low mood and insomnia. On medication. What treatment should be done? Suffering from cervical spondylosis. Feeling stiffness and pain in neck. Suggest some medication? 90 years old have blood pressure 134 / 70 and louder pounding heartbeat. What should be done? Diagnosed with jaundice. Test done for hep B and C and LFT. What does the value suggest? What is the safe blood sugar level for wisdom tooth extraction? Got hit on elbow. Noticed numbness in arm and pain in shoulder. What's wrong? Diagnosed with epilepsy and have insomnia. Will it be safe to take ambien? Trying to conceive. On 50mg chlomid. Started abdominal pain, spotting and feeling nauseous. What to do? Suffering from phimosis and losing muscle proteins. What should I do? Have sprain in neck. Suggest some effective medicine Done with angioplasty. TMT showed positive for ischemia. Do i need an angiography? Noticed fast heart rate and fluttering in chest. Family history of cardiac disease. Worrisome Have wart on face. Used salicylic acid and triple antibiotic cream. Proper cure? On antibiotic for folliculitis. Noticed swelling in upper lip, jaws and cheeks. Any cure? 4 year old have ear infection and hearing loss. What is the cause and treatment? Inserted IUD. Started spotting and heavy periods. On contraceptive pill. What is going on? Going to have a colonoscopy. Passing blood in stool. Should i wait for the test? Diabetic and SGPT level 182 . How to reduce the level? Passing semi liquid motions, black in color with floating white flakes. Required treatment? Getting neck pain. MRI scan showed spinal rings size reduced. Any suggestion? Getting neck pain. MRI showed spinal rings size reduced. Any advice? Have T-2 diabetes. How to maintain sugar and triglyceride level naturally with diet? Having pain in jaw which was locked before. Taking solphadol. Suggestion? Have bilirumin level 7.2. How to control this level? Pregnant. Is it safe to take macgest 100? Started gaining weight and have gastric problem. Suggest some medication Taking rexipra for panic disorder. Need a better treatment? Noticed hard lump after dog bite. Should I consult a doctor? Have flu. Started pain in head, stuffy nose and blood while blowing nose. Proper diagnosis? 5 months pregnant and breast feeding. Can i continue? ECG showed T wave abnormality, vent rate 90 bpm and qrs duration 84ms. Looking for suggestion Suffering from high fever, throat infection. Had bronchitis. Reason of recurrence? Have strep throat. Took antibiotic. Started pain all over body. What should I do? What should I do to get the smell of perfume out of my nose? Have painful purple spot on inner thigh. What could it be? Child having pain in genitals, belly button, chest and smelly urine. What could be the problem? Have strep throat. Took antibiotic. Started getting cramps in leg and mild fever. What to do? 21 years old. What diet and exercise should I follow for a healthy life? Have gastroparesis, non alcoholic fatty liver disease and pcod. Worried for creutzfeldt jakob disease? Having abdominal pain, vomiting. History of kidney stones. Test showed high WBC and ANC. Worrisome Have IGA nephropathy. Urine and blood test normal. Is it safe to take ceratine? Is pharyngitis and sinusitis a contagious disease? Took senokot and feeling constipated. Any advice? Have red and itchy skin. Not cured by cortisone cream. What medication should be done? Have PCOD. Missing periods. Test showed high eosinophil in wbc. What is the problem? Child diagnosed with mono. Have swollen eyes and bleeding nose. What is causing this? Experiencing pain in shoulder, breast, pins and needles in hands. Risks of cancer? Have painful red circular spots on inner thighs. Any suggestion? Have had a movable and painful lump on jawbone. Is it a swollen parotoid gland? Having stomach ache and feeling bloated. How to cure the problem? Felt nauseous after inserting finger in anus. Have anxiety. What could be the reason? Trying to get pregnant through IVF procedure. What diet should I take to increase number of egg? Facing difficulty to pass stools during work. Is this a psychological problem? How to treat panic disorder which is increasing day by day? Have tonsillitis. One crypts is removed by own. Any danger? Was on cerazette for many years. After a break can i start again? On 6 depo implants. Had intercourse. Started pink discharge. Pregnancy test negative. Worrisome Having constipation. Took antibiotic for UTI. Now what can i do? Feeling tired, drowsy, headache and swelling of hands and feet. What is the problem and treatment? Pregnant, getting dry cough only at night. Should i consult with an ENT? Having a tight burning sensation in tricep and leg. How to get relief? Have a soft lump on my scapula. Getting arm pain for this. How to get relief? Have GERD and IBS. On medication. Rashes appeared in groin area. How to get rid of this? I am bleeding after taking Postinor 2. Had unprotected sex. Normal? Having red and inflamed urethra after pulling the foreskin back. What could be the reason? Circumcised male, having dry and flaky gland on penis. Should i go to doctor? Not having proper bowel movement. Report showed mild prominence in the right lobe of the liver. Now? Suffering from fever. Not cured by calpol. What should be done to get relief? Took EC pill after a unprotected sex. Not getting proper period. Pregnant? Feeling irritation and noticed discharge behind ear skin. What should I use to get cured? Prescribed with lubowel 24 for difficulty in passing stool. Can i continue with this medicine? Child feeling congested. What cure and medication should be done? How to increase body weight? Noticed red ring between head and shaft of penis. Tested negative for STD. What should I do? Missed period even after taking lavonelle. Chances of pregnancy? Child has seizures. Giving varparin 200mg and normabrain. How long should I continue medicine? Had a removal of double teeth. Now can i put brace? Having extreme lower back pain with nausea, dizziness and fatigue. What is the reason behind these? Have enlarged ovary, bulky uterus with multiple intramural fibroids. Chances of getting pregnant? Took unwanted 72 after an unprotected intercourse. Did not get the proper period. Pregnant? Had a treatment for yeast infection. Now getting clump of mucus. Chances of recurrence? Suffering from Insomnia and body pain . On lorazepam 2mg. How long should I continue the medicine? Hit my head. Now getting headache. Reason for this pain? Diagonised with a hair line fracture in elbow. What could be the reason for getting pain in shoulder? Have cyst and having one day period. Feeling fatigue, hair loss and dry vagina. Cause and treatment? Diagnosed with valve and carotid artery disease. ECG showed minor inferior reploarization. Treatment?
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