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Smoker. History of dry skin, eczema and developed dark spots. Could it be due to cigarettes? Have had tubal ligation. Noticed dark ring around neck. Could it be due to early menopause? Large purple bruise appeared on stomach. Any cure? On ecospin-75 and pan d. Have gastritis and feeling weakness. Liver function test normal. Cause? Thyroid levels are t3:79ng/dl, t4: 6.5 mg/dl and tsh: 2.48 miu/ml. Is this normal? Complete hemogram shows erythrocyte sedimentation rate as 30 mm/hr. Should I be worried? How to get relief from stomach pain with rotten eggs burping? Have artificial hip and got injury. Having severe pain . What cure should be done? On medication for depression. Feeling premature heartbeat and advised betacp 40 TR. Any thoughts? Replaced merina coil and started bleeding heavily. Will it be reduce after taking tranexamic acid? Have diabetes type 2. Will it be cured by allopathic or ayurvedic medicine? Have shingles. Blisters appeared on thigh. Why I am positive for HSV-2? Noticed swelling and scars on forehead of an infant. What should be done to remove these marks? 79 years old, blood pressure 149 over 72. Is this ok? Having pain in shoulder and arm. Could it be bursitis? Best way to remove smegma underneath the foreskin in a short amount of time? Suffering with running nose. Allergic to cold weather. Polyps removed. Any treatment? Soreness in arm and shoulder after injury. Noticed purple coloring under ankle. What could it be? Have had gastritis. On metrogyl cefadur and cyclopam for intestinal ulcer colitis. Any suggestion? 95 years old suffering from terrible cough. Natural remedy? Can gout cause discomfort under right side rib cage? History of colon cancer. Have internal hemorrhoids and severe diverticulosis. Risk of liver damage? Noticed painful bump behind earlobe. Can this be cysts or swollen nodes? Took antibiotics for a tooth abscess. Having soreness and pain in neck. What to do? Getting pus filled pimples after shaving. Will it be cured by ayurvedic treatment? Got knee injury. Noticed swelling and dent in knee cap. Any ideas? Suffering from back pain. CT scan showed bilaterial spondylolyses at L5. Proper diagnosis? Where is the gallbladder pain located? Noticed indentation from the front to the back of calf. Any suggestion? Have tingling sensation in arm and tightness in chest. ECG normal. Any suggestion? Noticed change in lip color. Could it be due to drinking alcohol? Took ipill after unprotected sex. Started lower abdominal pain. Should I be worried? MRI showed cloudy section in prostate after diagnosed with cancer. What does it mean? What should I do to get rid of anal sphincter tone? Have been very fatigued with sore joints, knee and arms. Is it lyme disease? Why do i have puffy penis? Hernia repair done. Started sweating, nausea and bloating. Could be a post operative infection? What are the side effects of eating expired soup? Hysterectomy done. Having pain after eating. Could it be a twisted intestine? 2 Years old having pain around anus. Symptom of less appetite? Lump on collarbone near the shoulder. Its paining. Cure? I often thrash my right arm violently in sleep. What could be this? Family history of bipolar disorder. Behaving odd and laughing and talking to self. Any treatment? Used apple cider vinegar to treat genital warts. Got massive chemical burn. Now? Male. Want to have sexual contact with guy. Reason? Get popping sound in shoulder and arm. Do i have any medical problem? Bruise like coloring has appeared on vulva. Applied oestrogen cream. Reason of this coloring? Hit the front of head. Now having headache. Normal? Having headache, anxiety, feeling nauseous and dizziness. Could it be brain tumor? Have multiple lump throughout my body. Is it lymphoma? Fell down from stairs. Got lump with sharp pain. Applied ice pack. Treatment? Have a small lump under armpit. Painful to touch. What is it? Lump throughout the body. Symptom of lymphoma? Have dark circles below eyes. Suggest some cream or medicine Have sinusitis. Noticed blood streak in phlegm. Any effective cure? Pain in lower stomach with nausea. Nothing found in ovary. Reason? 52 kg with 5.7 inches height. Any suggestion to increase weight? What is the diagnosis of Aggressive Behavior Disorder? Have pain in lower abdomen. Found blood during urination. No abnormalities in ultra sound scan. Reason of these symptoms? HPV +. Have white bump on tonsil. Pan xray clear. Chances of getting throat cancer? Took pill after having unprotected sex. Got spotting. chances of pregnancy ? Have pain in disc and back after an accident. On BP medicine. Cause and cure? Haziness in the image of a kidney on an ultrasound report. Meaning? Diagnosed with CIDP. Does hitting on forearm cause any affect on CIDP or nerve damage? Have sore and red skin between bum cheeks. How to get rid of this? Developed cough, fever blister and swollen lymph node. Could it be latent TB infection? Pregnant. Got TLC and eosinophil count done. Any problem in pregnancy? Have pulmonary hemosiderosis. Blood test showed low iron level. Safe to donate blood? Had bell palsy. Now have throbbing vein and artery. Should i be worried? What supplement should i take to increase my height? Taking lithum sr tablets 400 mg with divaa OD 500 for long. Can i discontinue this now? Does ACTH level lab test for child consist of single or several secretion? Noticed a spot near my chin which is bald. What could be this? What is the pattern of secretion of adrenal androgens? Have spots on the bottom of foot. Feeling pain while walking. Any advice? Had unprotected sex. Developed severe back pain, indigestion and UTI. What test should be done? Have low immunity, gastritis, pharyngitis, oral ulcer and hemorrhoids. Any treatment? Suggested hysterectomy for fibroid uterus. Had uterin embolization. Safe to have vaginal hysterectomy? Have sore muscles around belly button. Ultrasound normal. What am I suffering from? Swallowed a piece of plastic. CAT scan showed clear. Feeling pressure in throat. What to do? Feeling lightheaded and pain in chest. EKG, chest xray and blood work fine. Is this serious? Is chronic hep b curable? Safe to drink alcohol? Having pain in bladder, frequent urination and noticed red dots on penis head. Normal in UTI? Have blood clots in brain and having headache. Is it safe to go through chemotherapy? Have red cuts on foreskin and bleeding while masturbation. Any permanent solution? Suffering from palpitations problems. On medicines. How to get cured? Is evion capsules safe for skin? Have large morgagni hernia. Having cough and breathing difficulty. How to get relief till surgery? Suffering from bad thrush. Getting headache and started vomiting. Are they related? Experiencing a sharp pain in lower abdomen. Tested negative for UTI. What could be the problem? Have had pre-cancer cell removed from breasts. Noticed blackheads on breast. How to get rid of this? Have hip pain and blood test showed high calcium level. What should be done? Treated for UTI. Had unprotected oral sex. Urge to urinate but no urine. What should I do? Can I use a vibro shape belt if I have a mirena coil fitted? Feeling sore in scalp and discomfort in ear. Could it be temporal arteritis? Took 3 dosage of sevista. Missing periods. Side effects of medicine? Is it safe to take fat burner pills? What are the side effects? Accidentally swallowed tiny plastic. What are the risks? What are the symptoms of dengue? Have whitish yellow scar on the roof of mouth. Cause and cure? Started loosing strength in leg and noticed slight change in arm. What should I do? Started shaking, sweating and got hot. Is this a sign of diabetes? How to get relief from acute head ache? Having facial twitching. Should I be worried? Severe abdominal pain. Scan showed cyst and scar tissue. Reason of infertility? Feeling facial twitching. What could be causing this? Suffering from anxiety and phobia of dying in sleep. What am I suffering from? Have sensitive penis. How to get relief from erectile dysfunction? What is the causes for excessive and salty sputum? Have red spot on leg. Any ideas what it could be? Found painless tiny lump in mouth. Concerned for mouth cancer Having pain on lower left side after dilation and curettage. Is this normal? Had medical abortion. TVS showed anteverted uterus. When should I expect next pregnancy? 6 weeks pregnant. Scan showed no fetal pole, no heart beat and no fluid. Am I miscarrying? Type 2 diabetic. On hcg injections and having back pain. What should I do? Having cold, sore throat and runny nose. Not feeling fatigued. Any suggestion? Sperm analysis done. What does this mean in terms of fertility? Have chesty cough and difficulty in swallowing. Safe to go for endoscopy? Have chronic uti and hallucination problem. On bactrim. Looking for suggestion Have anxiety. On klonopin .5 mg. Experiencing strange sensation in mouth. Should I be worried? Noticed spotting after intercourse and missing periods. Should I be worried? Used splint for pain in thumb. Unable to bend middle joint. What should I do? Have swollen and numb tongue. Experiencing itchy fingers tip. Should I be concerned? Does bismuth subsalicylate cause any increase in GGT levels? Have swollen throat and brain fog. Test showed heterogeneous thyroid tissue and colloid cysts. Any ideas? Have fever, found blood in stool and lump on stomach. What treatment is required? Type I diabetic. Have cyst on abdomen. Get worse after using betadine. Any cure? Missing periods. HPT negative. Feeling bloated. Worried for ectopic pregnancy or ovarian cancer? Felt a lump on breast. Worrisome Finger got stuck to a needle used for diabetic dog insulin. Any complications? Got cold and started breathing problem. Found infection in lung. Is it safe to use montek-4? On the pill Yaz. Started getting period like cramps and slight brown spotting. What is the cause? Cauda equina syndrome after gallbladder removal. On ultram. Feeling nauseous and pain. Any ideas? Pregnant. Scan showed anterior placenta fundal grade 2 and efbw - 2540. Any suggestion? How to get rid of pimple on arm and pain on neck? Started feeling tired, jumping heart rate and have cough. Should I be worried? Suffering from typhoid, diarrhea, fever, headache and neck pain. Any effective medicine? Got fever. Test showed tht citric acid content high. Not cured by medication. How to get cured? Had depo shot and having prolong menstrual bleeding. What is going on? Facing hair fall problem. What should I do? Does unprotected intercourse cause hormonal imbalance? Blood pressure 140/70. Should I be concerned? How can I strengthen my cardiac sphincter? Can you contract ALS from a tetnus shot? Not able to hear properly. Any ear drops to remove the wax from ear? Took medication for neurological problem and never had a desire for sexual pleasure. What's wrong? Started bleeding heavily after removing coil. Will it start bleeding after stopping tranexamic acid? Type 1 diabetic and having irregular periods. Getting headache and sore back. Chances of pregnancy? History of digestive problem. Blood test and ultrasound done. Having pain in penis. Kidney cancer? Kid swallowed otogesic ear drops-5 ml and started vomiting. Safe to give more liquid? Missed periods. Faint line seen on pregnancy kit. What should be done for abortion? Swallowed a large piece of apple. Now have pain in breastbone area and sore to touch. How to get relief? Medical abortion done. Faint line seen on pregnancy test after unprotected sex. Am I pregnant? Is it necessary to use both progynova and utrogestan at the same time? Is exercise a cause for pilonidal cyst? Have rheumatoid arthritis and crohns disease. Trying to lose weight after delivery. Any ideas? Got hit on cheek. Bruise appeared on cheek with bruise on eye. Could it be trauma? On ativan and elavil for insomnia. Does reduction of ativan and quitting elavil cause nausea? Slightly overweight, light smoker and moderate drinker. Found liver lesions. Could it be hemangioma? Surgery on elbow done. Found itching, redness and mild secretion in stitch area. Infection? Feeling sharp pain around breast and noticed spotting. What could this be? Noticed postcoidal bleeding. Pap smear done. Could it be a cervical cancer? Pregnant. No heartbeat seen in scan. Am I miscarrying? Child having frequent urination. Blood glucose level showed 100. Should I be concerned? Pregnant. Have clot in jugular with pain in calf. Should I consult a doctor? Having headache, itchy and painful eyelids. How to get rid of this? Have endometriosis. Taking ovaral l. Is there any problem in conceiving? Have smoked pot. Scan showed swollen lymph node around neck. Is there any risk of cancer? Have painful lump in armpit, hair loss and oily scalp. What is the problem and cure? Having mild pain in groin area. Found blood in urine. Could it be minor hernia? Suffering from severe hair fall. Not cured by homeopathic medicine. Suggest some effective cure Fell down, have breathing difficulty without bowel movement. Any suggestion? Have mixed anaerobic organism infection. Safe to take metronidazol and doxycylin? Have multiple cyst in ovaries. How long should I continue krimpson35 and glyciphase? Diabetic. What should be done to minimize the microalbumin level? Suggest diet plan Having abdominal pain. Scan showed gall stones. Should I go for surgery? Have red itchy spots all over leg. What could it be? Noticed curve in penis. Will it be cured by using traction devices? Had protected sex. Feeling tired, chills without fever and have herpes inside mouth. Chances of HIV? Nuclear Bone Scan showed chances of degenerative disease. What does it mean? Why am I getting pain while having sex? Scan showed single live intrauterine gestation of 35 to 36 weeks mild polyhydramnios. Any cure? Why am I getting postive pregnancy test after an abortion? UTI strip test done for leukocytes and nitratescare. What does the report suggest? Blood test done for total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, SGOT and SGPT. Any suggestion? Have thickened womb lining. Looking for suggestion 63 years old. Is it safe to take mirtex 7.5mg? Suffering from migraine with dizziness. Took samatripan. Proper diagnosis? Child has loose motion with bruises on buttocks. Suggestion? Having gas problem with severe constipation. What could be the reason behind this? Missing periods. Have tender breast, swollen and hard abdomen. HPT negative. What's wrong? Have tiny red spots on tongue. Are these test buds? Have lumbar spine issue with numbness and pain in my feet. Why i am getting back pain? Drinker. Have had anal leakage with blood and mucous. Could it be internal hemorrhoid? Trying to conceive. Experiencing pulsating feeling in my lower abdomen. Reason? 8 years old with lymphadenitis. High WBC count. Need of biopsy and treatment? Feels like vomiting after taking primolut N. What should I do? Suffering from severe pain after a surgery to repair fractured left wrist. What should be done? Have loss of appetite, fever, cough, feeling fatigue and upper abdominal pain. What could it be? Pregnant. Ultra sound scan showed monochorionic twins. Meaning?
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