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Laparoscopic surgery done for gall bladder stone. Started getting loose motion after eating. Reason? Surgery done for gall bladder stone. Facing burning urination and loose motion. Any suggestion? Taking warfarin for atrial fibrillation. Urine analysis done. Are the findings in normal range? Having mouth pain and swelling in tongue. Taking b-complex. Related to mouth ulcer? Taking treatment for thyroid. Started gaining weight and joint pain. Looking for suggestion Have vertigo. Feeling nauseous and unable to walk straight. What is causing this? Suggest some medicine to gain weight Bypass heart surgery done. Taking medicine for high creatinine level. Looking for treatment, medication and diet Urine test showed presence of puss cells and bacteria. Chances of infecting my partner? Have had constant vaginal bleeding, pain during and after sex. Worried for cancer What is the treatment for the people with depression and drug abuse? Developed rash, sore throat and lymph node on neck. HIV test done. Should I be worried? Got bite on roof of mouth. No relief from antibiotics and mouth wash. Remedy? Overweight. Have sinus problem. Getting headache and shortness of breath. Are they related? Frequent urination with back pain and pimple on lower abdomen. What's wrong? Have anxiety. Taking mirtazapine for sleep. Have PTSD and feeling flu in lungs. Side effect? Stopped smoking. Have COPD. X-ray showed smoky shadow in lung. Concerned Have large lump on the top of the head. Is this caused by forcept delivery? Ate hot food and accidentally burned my mouth. How to cure this? Having headache, sinus pressure and inflamed throat. Took clavamox. Cold or strep throat? Knee replacement surgery done. Have type a personality. Why do I feel weak after high protein diet? Have dry and swollen penis with pain in urinary tract. Worried for STD Have had a smaller prolapsing hemorrhoid. Not getting proper motion. Treatment? Having fever, cold and headache. Passing worm or mucous in stool. Required treatment? Having skin discoloration on scrotum. Is it jock itch due to fungal infection? Having bleeding after premature delivery. When it will stop? Are registerone & doxinate helpful? Had brain tumor operations done. MRI scan normal. Why am I feeling dizzy? Noticed hard lump below knee. Is this a serious problem? Is testosterone related to ADD and sexual anhedonia? 56 years with average size penis & urethra. Can I go for self catheterization? Blood pressure and heart rate are mildly over normal range. Should I be concerned? Why do I feel pain in anus while coughing? Got grey matter while blowing my nose. Having headache. What could be these? Is there any permanent treatment of psoriasis? Taking udilv. Abdominal ultrasound normal and have fluctuating SGPT level. Precaution to be taken? Having intense stomach pain. No other symptoms. Due to appendix? Taking medicine for BP. Noticed erectile dysfunction and small penis size. Is s-numlo safe to take? Having stomach pain with frequent vomiting. Pregnancy test came negative. Should I go for the test again? Passing protein in urine. Taking cyclosporin and storvas. Looking suggestion from a nephrologist Got typhoid. Started passing loose motion, feeling dizzy and tired. Suggest effective medicine Having pain under ribs and excessive sweating in feet. How to overcome this problem? Developed HBP. Not controlled by medicine. What should be done? Took treatment for syphilis. When should I check it again? Taking medicine for syphilis. TPHA test report showed positive. Will it be cured? Started behaving abnormally with fast heart rate, stomachache and vomiting. Proper diagnosis? Having dark circle under eyes. What are the treatment available? Numbness at site of injection. Feeling tightness, numbness and weakness in ankle. Is this permanent? 31 years old. Have less desire for sex. What should I do? Burning sensation in vagina while urinating. What is the underlying cause? Suffering from bell's palsy. How to get rid of this? Have bunion. Wearing rock climbing shoes daily. Which type of sandals should I use? Trying to conceive. Frequent urination, missing period. Pregnant test negative. Could I be pregnant? Had sex after taking abortion pill. What precaution should I take to avoid pregnancy? Have bilateral swollen lymph node in the groin. Experiencing night sweats and fatigue. Prognosis? Child has mild fever and blood is stool. CBC showed high lymphocytes level. Cancer or leukemia? Taking thyroid and BP medicine. Feeling lightheaded. Brain MRI and heart rate normal. Cause and cure? Faint line seen on HPT. Took meprate, no period. How to avoid pregnancy? Have melasma on forehead. Getting abdominal pain, flush on face and loose stool. Carcinoid? Have dark skin and itching at perinatal region. Suggest some medicine Pregnant. Prescribed emeset and doxinate for nausea and vomiting. Are these medicine safe? Child has pus filled bump on inner thigh. No itching, pain, fever or swelling. Worrisome HIV pcr quantitative test done after unprotected oral sex. Is the report normal? Type 2 diabetic. Stopped urination. Noticed painful abscess on perineum. How to get relief? Fell down on tailbone. Started getting sharp pain and hurts to sneeze or pee. Any suggestion? Treatment for fever, cough, headache, loss of appetite, sore throat, stuffy and bloody nose? 80 years old feeling dizzy while walking. MRI of brain, BP and blood sugar level normal. Reason? Habit of smoking pot. Noticed hair loss. Side effect of marijuana? Limited food intake and doing exercise. Why am I not able to lose weight? Took high dose of zolfresh. Started feeling drowsy. Is there any risk? Smell of alcohol comes out from a drunker's breath. Reason? Following a gluten free diet. Do I need supplement for any deficiency? Have sore nipple. Scan done and found muscle deterioration. Which medicine is causing this? Trying for a baby. Had fibroid operation done and having regular period. Any suggestion? Having pain around anus and foot after drinking alcohol or ejaculation. Reason? Dark spot on arm and swelling on elbow. Taking generic plavex. Should I consult a doctor? Painless swelling appeared on upper thigh. Should I be worried? Had fissure operation done. Getting mood swings and mental changes after taking duphalac. Normal? Have a black spot under tongue. Could it be a cancer? Infant fell down, got hit on back of head. Didn't cry and playing normally. Concerned Taking hep c triple therapy. Feeling fatigue. Looking for suggestion Have sore muscle in groin, redness on penis tip, scrotum and anus. What is the disease called? Diagnosed with PCOS. Taking treatment for conceiving. Getting pregnancy symptoms. Any ideas? Have gonorrhoea. Suggest effective medicine for cure Have high blood pressure. Temporary relief from bystolic. Safe to take ace inhibitor? Diagnosed with POTS. MRI brain and chest x-ray done. Having weakness in arm. Worrisome Burning sensation after passing urine. Proscribed loxof after urine report. Is this safe? Surrogate pregnancy. Scan showed low lying placenta. Blood test and urine test done. Cause of concern? Pregnant. Found high TSH level. Any effect on fetal development? Pap smear showed HGSIL with features of suspicious invasion. Chances of cervical cancer? Why am I having pain in breast, shoulder and back? Getting stress and mood swings. Relief after taking levothyroxine. Any suggestion? Having irregular period problem. How to get rid of this? Have itchy skin rash. How to remove this? Noticed red ring around penis. No relief from corizon cream. What could be the cause? Have infarct in thalamus. Unable to speak. What treatment should be done? Have PCOS. D&C done. Missing period. Prescribed medicine for increased ovary size. Is this safe? Suffering from vertigo due to disorder of ear. Is it safe to take vertizac? Had postpartum hypertension and having anxiety. Noticed fluctuating blood pressure. Concerned Taking celexa for depression. Not getting relief. Do I have manic-depression? On birth control. Started spotting after period. Noticed clots in urine. HPT negative. Any thoughts? Had an accident. Got small lump. Diagnosed with hernia. Surgery done. Is this due to accident? Have cold. Getting fluttering sensation, shortness of breath and dizziness. Concerned for pneumonia? Open heart surgery done. Getting pain on chest and have sensitive skin. Required cure? Lump under skin on neck. Feeling lightheaded, shortness of breath and racing heart rate. Prognosis? Suffering from masturbation addiction. Worried for premature ejaculation Have erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low semen volume. Suggest some medicine Can I ovulate while on monofeme pill. Chances of getting pregnant next year? Semen analysis done. What are the findings and chances to impregnate my wife? Nuclear stress reports showed mild reversible ischemia. Is angioplasty required? Taking gabapentin for osteoarthritis and shoulder pain. Gaining weight. Is testosterone shot safe? Have red dots on penis. No itching or burning. What is causing this? Toddler having loose motion. Cause and cure? Had different juice at the same time. Started passing liquid stool. What is causing this? Child not sleeping properly at night. Should I be concerned? Skin turned blue on chest, arm and shoulder. What is causing this and treatment required? Took depo shot. Had unprotected sex. Should I be concerned for pregnancy? On clomid, had miscarriage. Started taking clomid along with elevit. Can I conceive safely? On medicine for hbp. Feeling tired and have sore ears after reducing medicine. Any suggestion? Diagnosed with thyroid module. Ultrasound showed increased abnormal vascularity. What does this mean? Pregnant, having diarrhea. Is it safe to take taxim-o? Noticed black coloration on penis. No pain or itching. How to get rid of this? Taking estradiol for uterus lining. Having intercourse on ovulation day. Chances of pregnancy? Having heart palpitations and dry mouth. Could it be anxiety? Have CNS TB. Taking medicine. Having stiffness in spine and walking difficulty. Required treatment? Severe pain in arm, back, chest and neck with breathing difficulty. How to cure this? Have an iron deficiency. Itchy, red circle developed on chest. What could this be? Having abdominal pain and unable to eat spicy food. Looking for cure Overweight. Occasional drinker. Feeling fatigue and have flu like symptoms. Blood test done. Worrisome Noticed redness on urethral opening. Could this be due to skin irritation or infection? Getting severe pain after spinal fusion. On norspan patch and started itching. Looking for cure Noticed swelling on cheek. Thyroid test done. How to overcome this problem? Treatment for grief and depression? During scuba dive training experienced the filling of stomach with air. Concerned Received a handjob for few minutes. Any risk for HIV? ACDF surgery done. Headache, pain and numbness on arm with stiff neck. Any solution? Brown indent appeared on cheek. Any ideas what could be causing this? Got fever with sore throat and cold. No relief from antibiotic. Symptoms of typhoid? Is it safe to take medicine from online site without imprint? Noticed bump on roof of mouth. Is this flu related problem? Can c0-amoxiclav cause constipation? Experiencing a tightening sensation on forehead. Cause and cure? Have metastasized prostate cancer. Developed tremor in hand and partial paralysis on tongue. Related? Have ankylosing spondylitis and iritis. Noticed orange discoloration on hands. Sign of addison's disease? Taking levo after thyroid removal. Having hyperthyroidism, poor concentration and shaky. Side effect? Experiencing discomfort between neck and shoulder. What is causing this? Back pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea and blood in stools. Can meth be detected in blood test? Missing period. Have swollen face, joint pain, weight gain and bloating. Suggest any medical cure? Is minoxidil 5 safe for hair loss? Any alternate medicine? 53 years old. Chemotherapy done for colorectal cancer stage iii. Started bleeding heavily. Required treatment? Is it safe to go for medical abortion at 6 weeks of pregnancy? Lipid profile test done. What are the findings in the attached report? Is there any problem in marrying a person with different blood group? Have osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis. Taking calcium and evening primrose. Any suggestion? Feeling weak and dizzy after stomach flu. How to get relief? What is the best homemade medicine for cough? Had chicken pox. Having flu symptoms and Itchy spot on neck. How to cure this? Drank a glass of phenyl. What should be done for cure? Having acid reflux, sweaty hands and tiredness. Taking antidepressant. What's wrong? 83 years old. Getting tired after doing physical exercise. Have low testosterone level. Remedy? Had prostatectomy done. Ejaculating urine while masturbating. What is the problem? Had stents fitted. Taking medicine. Have pain in arm and cold legs. Is this due to stents? Have tumor on pituitary gland. Looking alternate medicine for bromocriptine Suffering from eczema, itching on legs, buttocks, palms and feet. Any treatment? Have itchy painful scalp with no rash. How to diagnose my symptoms? Taking antibiotic after knee replacement. Test showed low white blood count. Suggest a diet plan Having acute lower back pain with burning sensation. Any advice? Safe method or treatment to gain weight? Suffering from blocked ear, sore throat, headache and fever. Taking benadryl. Effective solution? Got hit on ear. Started feeling dizzy with hearing loss. How serious is this problem? Trying to conceive. History of miscarriage. Husband's sperm analysis done. Any suggestion? Experiencing pressure on face and feeling uncomfortable. Is this the cause for concern? Started coughing and noticed blood clot in mucus. Is this serious? Have q tip inside ear. How to get them out? Rectal cancer surgery done. Getting pelvic pain. Given palliative radiation and pain killers. Cure? Taking celexa for depression. Not getting relief. Do I have manic depression? Had protected sex. Missing period. Is there any chances of pregnancy? Noticed white coating on tongue in morning. Should I consult a dentist? Getting sensation of something stuck in throat. Why am I getting this feeling? Found bulky and anteverted uterus. Feeling abdominal discomfort with burning vagina. Remedy? Why do I feel pins and needles sensation and fatigue with itchy skin after drinking? Have itchy mole on back. Suspected for basal cell or melanoma. How to treat this? Have itchy pimple like bumps all over scrotum. How to get rid of this? Got hard hit on ribs. Feeling nausea and dizziness. How to overcome this problem? Taking bromocriptine for prolactinoma. Started gaining weight. Side effect? Child has rashes around mouth, swollen lips, bumps all over body. Given antibiotic. Safe remedy? Headache, runny nose and sore throat. On loratidine. Getting bad smell from nose. What's wrong? Pain in chest and arm. Family history of heart problem. Medical test normal. Related to gallbladder? Hernia surgery done. Having pain in leg while walking. How long will it take to get cure? Had seizure attack. Having tingling sensation on arm and slurred speech. What's wrong? Treatment for atrial septal defect? Taking atavarstatin for high cholesterol level. Had whiskey and high cholesterol diet. Worried for diabetes On cold medicine. Got ant bite. Developed knee pain and red spots on feet. Safe remedy? Is it safe to use young living oils and clove oil internally? Have severe anger problem, shivering hands and breathing problem. Prognosis? Itching, burning sensation and pain in anal area. Related to stomach infection? Hearing pop sound while moving head and have pain in upper back and neck. Looking for cure Headache and recurring redness in eye. Have posterior scleritis. Taking medicine. Looking for cure Suspected for dog bite. Got fever after vaccination. Any harm in giving vaccination without dog bite? Pain and burning sensation in abdomen. Started losing weight. What should be done? Getting severe pain in chest. How to get relief?
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