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Pain in legs and excessive swelling in legs, hands and face. Had recent delivery. What could be the cause? Have chron's disease. Recovering from depression and stress. Taking cymbalta. Worried for liver toxicity Having abdominal pain. Ultrasound showed mass on ovary. Worried for cancer Suffering hip and back pain, gastric problem. Taking ibuprofen and omeprazole. What does it indicate? Have swelling and lump under chin, weird veins on upper thigh. History of breast cancer. What is this? Experiencing pain in back, neck, shoulder and arm. X-ray done. Found twisted spine. Meaning? Have generalized anxiety disorder. Can I take zoloft. Any alternative therapy? Sick in stomach, normally have high blood pressure. Diagnosed with low blood pressure. What it indicates? My stool and urine smells like smoky meat. Cause? Having a cortersone injection in hip area. Can I travel? HPT positive. Ultrasound showed no baby. What does this mean? Am I pregnant? Child with distended stomach. On gluten free diet and limited dairy. What could be the cause? What should I do to prevent hernia? Had miscarriage. Missing period. Have swollen stomach, pain between ribs. What is the problem? Done with tubal ligation test. Getting pregnancy symptoms. Is there any chance? Have low grade fever along with extreme fatigue. Mono spot test positive. Any ideas? Suffering from diabetes, high bp. Taking ojamin. Any alternative ayurvedic medicine? I panic and hyperventilate in a warm day. Is this a form of claustrophobia? Took cephalexin for superficial phlebitis. Noticed blood in semen. Reason for testicle and abdominal pain? Pain in chest with burning sensation. Is it muscle pain or due to inflammations? Experiencing symptoms of multiple sclerosis. MRI done. What are the findings? Operated for benign pituitary gland, collagen tissue pain. On hydrocortisone and testosterone injections. Side effect? Urine test done. Diagnosed with trichomonas infection. What treatment should be done? Have tennis elbow. Knee surgery done. Have high ASO. On penidure injection. Any suggestion? Given i-pill after intercourse. Started heavy bleeding. Is it serious? Having low fever, throat and neck pain. Taking amocla and prednisalone. No flu or swollen lymph. What else it could be? Sore throat, skin rashes after unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex. Have pharyngitis. Worrisome Developed sore throat, itchy rashes after unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex. Risk for HIV? Sinusitis operation done for asthma. Not cured. Now having throat problem. Any effective treatment? AML, fever, stomach ache and elevated TLC. Diagnosed with typhoid. On chemo and hidac doses. Chances of survival? No periods after DLC, lower abdominal pain. USG showed thick endometrium. What could be the cause? Having chest pain only in morning. Should I be concern? Done with MRI test. Having disc desiccation, compression on thesal sac and intended nerve root. Medication? Suffering from pre mature ejaculation. What could be the cause and medication? Planning for an abortion. What should be done? Suffering from stress disorder, anxiety and nervousness. On amazeo and stalopam. Side effects? Had post partum hypertension. Now obsessed with monitoring my blood pressure regularly. Any ideas? Missing period. Having white milky discharge, feeling nausea. Could I be pregnant? Diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. Given dipospran injection. What are the dosage? Facing problem of recurrent herpes infections. How to get rid of this? Cat scan showing a fusion between cervical vertibrae. Have graves eye disease, fluttering in my left Blood test reported high SGOT and SGPT. Uses workout supplements. What could be the cause? Swollen vagina after intercourse and hurts to urinate. Uti test leukocytes positive. What is wrong? Sore stomach pain, breast tenderness. Found tampon stuck. Is that be the cause? Having stomach pain, tender breast. Found tampon stuck. Should I be concern? Does a throat culture show presence of fungal infection? Gallbladder removed. Having chronic back pain and chest pain. How to overcome this? Having withdrawal symptoms with decrease dosage of oxycontin. Prescribed with clonidine. Suggest alternative? Vitiligo, Hypothyroid, optic neuritis, MS, pneumonia, strep throat. MRI normal. Reason for pain all over the body? Taking armour. Gained weight. Doing exercise and dieting for weight loss. Any thoughts? Having bruises on thigh. Advised for blood test to check platelet count. What does it mean? Having swollen lymph node, no fever. Had blood test and allergies. Is this a sign of an illness? Suffering from excessive hair fall, dandruff and constipation. Not cured by mintop. Effective cure? Had unprotected sex. Tested negative for gonnerhea and chylamedia. Worrisome Had lower back surgery. No prolonged erection. What could be the cause? Diagnosed with barmah forest virus. Is it safe to travel by air? Have burning lips, excessive thirst, urinating very often, bloated stomach. Underlying cause? Have concentration problem and stomach anxiety. How to cure this? Child with small knot and redness on scrotum. Is anything serious? Transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound done. Diagnosed with ovarian cyst. Concerned Fell down. Getting pain in lower back. Took advil. Now feeling dizzy, having diarrhoea. What is wrong? Have pcos. Pregnancy test positive. Ultrasound to be done. Looking for suggestion Have cold and cough with mucus. Unable to speak. How to get relief from this? On several medicine for diabetes, hypothyroidism and cholesterol. Report showed high level of urine cretanine. Related? Fell down on knees and shins. Bruise, pain and swelling appeared on ankle. What to do? Haemoglobin test done. What should I eat to increase my haemoglobin level? How to use content knowledge to communicate with patients and staff as a paediatrician? Pregnant with 3 months. Any medicine to remove without abortion? Child stooling several times. Having normal diet and tummy pain. What is the reason? Child with headache and shivers. Thyroid and blood test are normal. How to overcome this? Period stopped. Had pregnancy test with negative result. Taken meprate. How to cure this? Intermittent chills without fever. Culture and x-ray test normal. Diagnosed with gallbladder stone.Cause for chills? Took aldara to treat molluscum contagiosum. Noticed discolouration. How to restore pigmentation? Painful shoulder, neck and arm, lump near bicep. Treated for Triple Negative BC. Can it be cancer? Child diagnosed with high level prolactin after blood test. Had MRI with suspected microlemona. Suggest? Was sick with flu. Starts sweating with physical activity. Should I be concern? Experiencing pain in hand, bleeding from nose. What should be done? Pregnant. Using imdil-c, arginitri powder for vaginal and urine infection. Ultrasound done. Delivery date? Had rough sex without lack of lubrication. Bleeding while urinating. Is it cause of concern? Undergone 2nd cycle of follicular study. Is there any problem with ovary size? Kidney problem like vomit, loose motin and constipation. Prescribed with zeegut. Is this the correct treatment? Having Hashimoto, Inhomogeneous parenchyma thyroid gland lymphnodes, nodules in thyroid lobes. Taking synthroid. Related? Took nordette. Feeling nauseous, abdominal pain and getting vomit sensation. Should I visit ER? Prescribed sandoz regestrone for missed period. Had unprotected sex. Chances of getting pregnant? Stomach pain, fever, vomiting. Ultrasound showed hepatomegaly with renal cysts. On antibiotic. Is the report normal? Suffering from premature ejaculation. How to increase the time period of ejaculation? Condom broke while having sex. Can I have aids? Diagnosed with costochondritis. Getting severe body pain when breathing deeply or moving. Thoughts? Child is having weakness. What could be the reason? Looking for cure Fell down. Noticed bump on metacarpalphalqngeal joint, unable to move finger. What is wrong? Does Duolin nebuliser have steroids? Have dry patches on scalp causing itching and dandruff. Not cured by homoeopathic treatment. Effective remedy? Swollen eyelids, no lubrication or discharge. Having dry eye syndrome and bletheritis. Normal vision. Suggest? Pain in scrotum, having problem in ejaculation. Is there any treatment? Having breakouts of acne and pigmentations. Medical cure for this? Having occasional numbness below waist. Could this be due to massage? Suffer from nausea and fainting episodes. Taking thyroxine for under active thyroid. Are these related? Suffering from worms in intestine. Suggest some effective medicine Low energy, mood swings. Depression symptoms? Met with an accident. Tested negative for esr, typhoid, liver, kidney and malaria. Reason for light fever? Addicted to smoking. Having frequent headache. How to get relief? What should I do to prevent my hair loss ? Have abscessed tooth, pus and swelling in gums. Feeling light headed, severe vertigo. Are they related? Having problem with last upper tooth. Found decayed and fractured teeth. Should I go for extraction? Having itchy hives, swollen mouth, and cough. Biopsy showed psoriasis. Had terbinafine. What is the dosage? Nursing mother. Stopped feeding due to pain in nipple. Looking for an effective solution How to get rid of bad past memories? Burning sensation on penis, irritation while urinating, testicular discomfort. Had unprotected sex. Should I be concern? Infant is not responding to noise. Should I be worried for hearing problem? Blood test showed semi high hematocrit, MCV, MCH and semi low platelet count. Any suggestion? Loss of appetite, coughing clear mucous, reduced weight, long sleep hours. Had blood test. What it could be? What type of food and natural remedies should I follow to get my origional complextion? What is the potential side effect of steripod injection made by molnlycke? Pain on hip, leg and knee, swelling tissues in neck and collar bone, overweight. What it can be? Tested negative for STD. Had sex. Noticed painful lesion, water filled blisters on penis. STD? Started jogging. Feeling stiffness in ankle and mild inflammation. Related to uric acid issue? Suggested Thyrox for TSH level. Have high blood cholesterol level. Any heart disease? Started menstruation, overweight. Eat healthy and run daily. Family history of short height. What else to do Have low appetite, feeling fatigue, pain under rib cage, back and groin area. Have digestion problem. Remedy? Pain in lower back extended to knees and ankles. What can be the reason? Blood filled lump on wrist. Should I be concerned? Suffering with teeth sensitivity, especially with cold beverages and lemons. Cannot eat solid foods. suggest? Subependymal lesion and whit matter lesions. Had TIA. Was on evista. Suggest? Had diverticulitis. Having severe coccyx and buttock pain. How to get relief? Stomach aches and bloating. Having smelly stool and farts, smell increases near menstruation. What it could be? Red swollen bump on toe, numb skin and bit hard. What it could be? Child bitten by dog. Given vaxirab. What could be the future risk? Urine analysis done. Found presence of pus cell and epithelial cell. Prognosis? Headaches, head flushes, dizziness, sleep apnea and irregular heartbeat. On low dose of bp. How to cure ? Does eating garlic clear the gall bladder stone in a natural way? Underwent ELISA test for HIV 1 and 2. What does the value indicate? Underwent ELISA test for HIV 1 and 2. Does the value indicate non reactive? Child with stomach ache, not feeding properly. Prescribed with de-worming medicine. Correct? Child ran in front of car to kill himself. What does this behaviour suggest? Appendectomy done. Noticed mucus in bowel. Is this normal? Worried for cancer Hand numbness, frozen shoulder, bad spine, weakness. Had carpel tunnel syndrome test. What could be wrong? Suffering bowl issue, rumbling tummy with watery stool without nausea. On cifran. Continue with medicine? Had unprotected sex after getting period. Took ipill Chances of getting pregnant? Have a titanium rod in lower leg Experiencing pain and stinging sensation. Should I be worried? Developed sore throat with red bumps on it after oral sex. Tested positive for strep. On antibiotic. Suggestion Have pain in upper molars and pain radiating to forehead and ears. CT scan clear. What is the problem? Uncircumcised child. Noticed pus on penis tip. How to clean and treat this? Diabetic. Had a benign tumour removed. Found raised creatinine and BUN level. Risk of renal failure? Child is suffering from fever and cold. Given ventorlin syrup and zifi. Safe medication? Neck pain, withdrawal symptoms. HRT patches, breakthrough bleeding. Taking tibolone and Promensil. Suggest? Having gastritus, heart problems with blood clots, right breast removed, no radiation. Can i take miralax? Nasal inflammation, congestion, food allergies. Clear discharge from nose. Treatment with sinus or digestion? Why do non smokers get lung cancer? Trying to build muscle of chest and biceps quickly. Suggest some effective steroid injection Severe pain in the neck and shoulder. Advised for physiotherapy. What way to get cure? Found elevated testosterone and TSH level. Experiencing hair fall and weight gain. Cause and cure? Large red spots on lower legs. Not itchy but spreading. What is it and how to cure it? Had anxiety disorder. having headache, tension, tingling sensation. Is it tinnitus or something else? Took atenolol and undergone stress test. Have low heart rate. Is this due to pacemaker? Experiencing hyper acidity. Had endoscopy, diagnosed with H. Pylori infection. Taking Sompraz antacid. Is it fine? Fell on thumb, arms swollen to elbow, thumb not moving. X-ray showed not broken. What else could it be? Getting all pregnancy symptoms.Urine test negative. Should I go for blood test for pregnancy? Eye area swollen, red and itchy. No perfumes or creams used. What could be the cause and medicines? Have premature ejaculation. Used stud spray. No relief. Any effective cure? Had unprotected sex. Noticed painful bump after shaving. How to remove this? Prescribed cycloreg for missed period. Pregnancy test positive. Will this affect pregnancy? Had unripe water melon. Now having loose motions. How to recover? Had unprotected sex. Experiencing sore throat and swollen uvula. Chances of getting STD? Child on breast feed is not having cold, cough or ear infection. What should I do to increase weight? Taking nexium for GERD. Have low appetite. How long should I take this medicine? Experiencing sharp pain after eating. No relief from exium. Is this related to GERD or ulcers? Taking clonazepam and saphris for depression. Taking sprintec but not on the same time. Effective? Surgery done for bleeding lump on arm. Taking antibiotic. Experiencing pain. Effective remedy? Having yellowish coloured urine for a long time. Is there anything wrong? Child is having balance issue. Started falling and has muscle weakness. Found vitamin D deficiency Had catscan with abnormal adnexal masses. Had complete hysterectomy. What does the finding mean? Want to lose weight. Having pimples and acne. Medical cure for this? Have cardiomyopathy due to over workout at the gym. Is there any permanent cure? Facing joint knee problem. Consulted doctors. Cure and precaution to be taken? Child has swollen finger, itchy rashes all over face, neck, back, stomach and legs. Any thoughts? Looking for a list of malarial specialists Had orthoscopic surgery. Having white bumps near stitches. Should I be concern? Felt ball in throat after vomiting. Hurts to swallow. What could this be? Felt pea sized lumps at the back of skull. Should I be worried? Have dry rash on penis base. Started peeling. How to remove this completely? Have addisons disease. Pregnant. Feeling tired and getting headache. Should I be worried? Removed cancer from forehead. Stitches came out while bathing. Should I consult plastic surgeon? Child with stomach pain, disentary and nausea. Ultrasound showed inflamed liver.Treatment? Having headache, weight gain, high bp. Is this cause for concern? Getting headache, felt sharp pricking from inside. How to get relief? Child started vomiting. Looking normal and playing fine. Suggest some effective medicine Had benign postural positional vertigo. Now getting hissing in the head. How to get rid of this? Have multiple sclerosis. Experiencing pressure on back of neck and numbness. Underlying cause? Having abdominal pain and nausea. Noticed mucus and blood in stool. What am I suffering from? Having numb shoulders and arms, burning gums. Had knot in back extended to neck, Underlying cause? Have had nocturnal seizures. On kepra, depacote. lyrica and topirimate. Had toxic reaction. Advice? Have dry cough, redness of eye. Chest x-ray showed sarcoidosis of the lungs. Will it affect kidney? Got itchy boils underarm, thigh and pubic areas. On antibiotic. Is this eczema? Taking medicine for migraine headache. Getting headache after taking head bath. How to get rid of this? Discomfort in lower abdomen, difficulty in urination. Ultrasound showed partially distended urinary bladder Have gastroparesis, tingling in feet. Done ct-scans, colonoscopy, upper EGD, bowel X-rays. Is it nerve damage? Getting feeling of vibration in lower abdomen. Easy way to get cure? Inhaled tile dust. CT scan showed minor patches of infiltrates on upper lobe. Worried for acute silicosis How to improve heart function and make it healthy? Noticed hard painless lump under the skin on the thigh. Worrisome
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