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Have sore throat. Tonsils swollen and looks red. Worried if it could be cancer? Have a cold feeling in head and weird sensations. What should I do? Have pulsating/twitchy sensation on rib cage area. Have lot of adhesion trouble and some lymphatic issues. Suggestions? Feeling cervixal opening always open. Normal? Not given birth. Guide? What happens if a little kid drinks Lysol? Suffer diarrhea and vomiting. Prescribed Zanocin. Refuses to teke medicine. Suggest other medicine? Child drank lysol by accident. What will happen? What happens if you drink lysol? Used Zititec for abortion. No bleeding even after 24 hours have only pain. What to do? Taken Zitotec dose for abortion. Noticed no bleeding after 24 hours. Having pain. Suggest? Feeling needles pinching in body. Have diarrhea and muscle pain. Throat feels full. Blood test showed WBC 3.7. Suggest? Had protected sex with one partner and unprotected with another. Is there any way it is protected sex guy can be father? Taking stamlo Beta tablet for my blood pressure. Getting terrible head aches and high BP. Does Stamlo Beta related to low pulse rate ? Information whether Salamonella Typhi O antigen 1:80 and H antigen 1:160. Have typhoid? Has Polycystic Kidney Disease. Have lower back pain. Prescribed Medrol. Continue medication? Have yellowish discharge from anal hole. Stool test showed Puscells-2-4/HPF. What does it indicate? What is small isoechoic lesion in GB neck region? Rubbed penis on vagina and clit. Gaining weight. Pregnant? Have under active thyroid. Any other way to check other than blood test? Having skipping heartbeats, feeling tired and have headaches. Should I be concerned? Have symptoms of menopause. Suffer severe menstrual cramps, irregular periods, hot flashes and mood swings. Guide? Had protected sex and noticed rashes and spots on penile. Developed patches on leg. Can this be HIV infection or psoriasis? Had inflammation on penis. Feeling painful. Cancer possibility? Have persistent dry lips. Having white rings around corner. Feel uncomfortable. Remedy? Fell on her right side from the bed. Cried and vomited. Complain of discomfort right shoulder. Prescribed Anaflam. Serious? Had ischemic stroke. Use walker. Suffer complete tear of rotator cuff of shoulder. Suffer stiff hand and thumb. Cure? Having severe pain in back and neck. Noticed swelling. Suggest? No periods in a year and half. All test negative except might have something called pcos. What to do? Son disabled. Having non stop bowel movements. Suggested intestinal bug. Worried? RLS is severe and debilitating. Mirapex is only drug out of over 62 drugs at limit. What can I do? Licked a women's Vagina. Got sore throat. Tested for HIV, was negative. Worried about the window period of HIV virus. Suggest? Have small blisters on the hands and feet. How to stop recurrence of Tinea versicolor? Treatment for Dyshidrosis? Have enlarged prostrates. HOLEP was done. Except for reverse ejaculation everything normal. Should I take vitamins? Have bed bug bites. How to treat these bites? Has swollen rashes on the thigh. Having similar rash on chest. Suggest? Undergone urology operations for Pelvic lipamatosis and Augmentation cystoplasty. Noticed creatinine level is 4.1. What to do? Suffering from anxiety and depression. Treatment includes homeopathy, ayurvedic, Yoga and Pranayam. Taking Rivotril. Best treatment? Missed period. Home pregnancy test shows positive. Want to terminate the baby. Can I use abortion pills? Have high cholesterol and triglycerides. On Pravastatin and Tricor 143? Also taking atenolol and hytrin. Side effects? Have PCOD and want to plan my family. Prescribed fertomid. Missed periods. Suggested susten. Getting spotting. What does this indicate? On tegrital. Suffered seizure. Need to postpone periods by week. Can I use contraceptive pills? On warfrin. Taking Exalgo for spinal strenuous. Considering Marijuwana for relief. Suggest? Suffering from skin rash. Prescribed Triamcinolone. Nothing cures. What to do? Any other way to get mononucleosis other than kissing, saliva or drinking from a cup of a infected person? Set of three ceramic dentrures fixed. Canine has become loose. Area also exposed and painful. Suggestions? Have back pain between shoulder blades that radiates around side and ends in chest. Cure? Diagnosed with tonsillitis. On penicillin. Feeling light headed and legs feel restless. How long? Weight 59 kgs. Height 5.4. Ideal weight? Suggestions for weight loss? Diagnosed with tonsillitis. Been on penecillan for 5 days. Feel light headed and legs restless. Normal? Have tonsillitis and am taking penicillin. Feel lightheaded and restless legs? Normal? Have number of neuro-muscular, connective tissue issues and inflammation. Prednisone works well. What can be done? Scan showed uterus lining was very thin and diagnosed vaginal atrophy. Prescribed oestradiol pessary. Producing white smelly discharge. Cure? Noticed hair thinning. Blood work fine. What can be done? Noticed red spots on chest. Feel itching. Become dry patches. Fear of Psoriasis? Possible to take years for bulls eye rash of Lymes Disease to show up after being bitten by infected tick? Feeling itching for the past wk and no rash. Noticed pink spots. Have itching on whole body. Remedy? What are the effects of severe depression? Had treatment for Hepatitis and used Interfreron. Noticed smaller penis when erect. What to do? How to use the eating method of unwanted kit tables? Noticed red swollen area on calf of leg. Would this be blood clot? Have tiny paper cut at the top of vagina. What can this be? Passing blood stains in stools. Given Taxim O. Appetite normal. Suggest? Have hard lump on the top of skull. No pain or itching. Experience quick sharp pains. What can this be? Have headaches. MRI showed lesions on brain. Tried cortizone shots. Suggest? Experiencing pregnancy symptoms frequent urination, tired, migraines, sore breasts. Have hypothyroid and had ear infection Took Miralax mixture with Gadorade. Have nausea and light bowel movement. Now given Golytely before colonoscopy. Suggest? Have Thalassemia Minor. Will it pass on to child? Using minoxdil caused severe dandruff. Ointment containing clobetsol propionate helped but stopped as it is steroid. Suggest? Have brown itchy blotches on legs. Blister bleed when scartched. Difficult to heal? Diagnosed with Polycystic liver/kidney diease. Suggestions? Suffering from premature ejaculation. Suggest remedies? Have been switched to Vivelle. Worried about risk of weight gain. Had gastric-bypass. Suggestions? Suffering from random tingling and pain in left arm. Pain in ankles and finger tips. What is the issue? Further tests? Suffer repeated seizures. What can cause seizures in brain? Get fever blisters on my lips. Having white patch on both the lips. Suggest weak immunize system. Solution? Suddenly have body chills, low back pain, weakness. Naproxyn and aspirin helped but symptoms returns. Suggest? Had exposure to lead and cadmium. Raynoud's, in toes, fingers and nose Have severe neutropenia. Related to exposure? Having bowel movement in sleep. What does this indicate? Having fever, cough and breathing problem. X-ray showed severe bronchilitis with throat infection. What to do? Have blood in lungs, no damage and no lung history. Blood coming from mouth, taken X-ray. Suggest? Weed smoker, tried hypnosis to give up smoking but became angry and frustration. Would Zopiclone help? On metformin, enalapril and metroprolol for diabetes and high BP. Sugar level and BP elevated after infection. Suggest? Need a good anti nausea oral medication? Having constipation, gas, bloating, flatulence, pain in lower back, dark urine. Given sompraz, mebiz and bifilac. Suggest? Pelvic scan showed Polycystic ovary. Suggest treatment? Pregnant, had ultrasound. What are the findings? Had malaise and flu like symptoms. Electrolyte testing showed low sodium and potassium high, RBC low. Suggest? Noticed gland in breast, asked for memography. What are the findings? Felt great one day and feel crashed another. Normal? Have uncomfortable ejaculation, sperm is too thick. No pain and no frequent urination. Suggest? Diagnosed with high BP, on medication. Still BP high. Suggest? Had full body normal PET and CT scan. Scared after reading negative effects of radiation. Suggest? Took Plavix for long and now put on aspirin. Side effects? Have pain management, changed Hydrocodone to oxycodone. Urine test showed presence of hydrocodone. Suggest? Are there any side effects in taking Melatonin? Have pain due to neck sprain, caused incorrect sleeping posture. Suggest? Have painless lump type near base of penis. After pressing cream type of thing comes out. Suggest? After eating feels very heavy and feels like food is stuck in throat, better after burp. Suggest? Had bypass surgery, advised Rosuvas. LFT showed high ALT and GGT. Cause? Suffering with lung TB, given AKT-4 with streptomycin injection. Suggest? Have something floating around house and causing cut and abrasion with sweating making it worse. Suggest? Experiencing horizontal and vertical diplopia, vision is loosing and feeling dizzy. Had MRI and diabetic. Suggest? Had sore breasts and they feel lumpy. Us showed cyst in breast and milky discharge. What is it? Have leaky heart valve, prostate cancer and atrial fibrillation. Have severe back pain and black spots on arms Head has been tender at base. Soreness feels like have bumped head. Suggest? Have small hard nodule type lump below testicles at the end of urethra. What it could be? Had pain in blood vessel behind ear at corner of skull. Had knee surgery and have high BP. Suggest? Had Angioplasty, PTCA and stenting to LAD and LCX for ailments. Has acute coronary syndrome, Ischema. Suggest? Blood pressure reading is 117 over 93. Normal? Feeling pain in the index finger. Poke with a foreign body. Took tetanus injection. Taking Cifran. Advise? Had sex, took ipill and having delayed periods. Suggest? Has fever with chills. Blood analysis showed high TLC, increased neutrophils and low lymphocytes. Suggest? Have blood in semen, sore in lower abdomen, groin and legs with throat pain under jaw. Cause? Child is having cold and fever. Given T-minic syrup. Suggest? Child had urinary infection, advised DMSA scan. What are the interpretation of report? Suffering from fever and TLC level is 0. What to do? Had lesions in mouth and tongue, been on anti-fungal medication. Now on clotrimazole. Further? Was on contraceptive injection depo provera, caused thinning bones. Put on norgestone and suffered PMS with light periods Using Fixadent and had metallic taste in mouth, dizziness and stomach cramps. Started boot product but felt sick Feeling heavy headed, tired eyes, feel dry. On antidepressant. Suggest? Have raw and itchy buttocks, tried OTC. No other symptoms. Cause? Have ringing in ear. Noticed swollen glands, no congestion. Have cold, strange taste in mouth and throat. Started Loestrin. Suggest? Fell and hit head and now sleeping too much. Feels pressure around area. Suggest? Had cough and feel lump, need to clear throat. Esophogram showed mucosal abnormality and CT Scan showed stenosis Been on HCTZ and Metoprolol and changed metroprolol to lisinopril. Voice is hoarse, coughing, high BP and heart rate Keep feeling lightheaded and tired, heavy round eyes and ears. Cause? Had bleeding but not during periods. What could it be? Have itchy blistery rash on back, arms and torso. Suspected to be allergic reaction. Suggest? Was diagnosed with diverticulosis. Had cramping, feeling of fullness, bloody mucus in stools. Was on Cipro and Flagyl Has hard bump on bottom of the shaft of penis. Painful and put hydrogen peroxide resulting in yellow core. Suggest? Has hard bone like lump on the top of head. No trauma. What could it be? Suffering with endometriosis. Blocked urethra tubes. Having permamnent colonoscopy bag. Suggest? Have hypertension. Get tired. Should I measure cortisol? What about diurnal effects? Blood test showed elevated liver numbers, cholesterol and thyroid numbers. Have back pain. Cause? Had masturbated without ejaculation before PSA test and levels were high. Related? Have blood in the urine most of the day. underlying cause? Had previous iliotibial band release and bursa removal. Suffer hip pain. MRI states mild acetabular dysplasia bilaterally. Suggest? Spilled drop or two of poppers into nose. Feeling sore throat. What should I do? Had unprotected oral sex. Developed yeast infection on penis and lips. Tested negative for EIA and western blot. Concerned? Have clot in brain and a multi organ failure. Complaining of weakness. Taking Glizid and Clavix. How do I improve? Had isolated episode of diarrhea with red stringy clumps. Suffer constipation. On metamucil. What to do? Blood pressure 180/80. Received IV with zanax. Irregular heart beats. Serious problem? SGPT elevated at 154, sgot is to 65. Prescribed Liveril Forte, Nusam 400 and Cetaphin. Suggestions? Suffer fatigue. No previous health problems. Blood test showed Hemoglobin: 10 and Hematocrit: 30. Suggestions? Complaints of fatigue, dry brittle hair with shedding. Thyroid Panal, TSH: 10mU/L and FT4: 0.3ng/dl. Diagnosis? Treated for epilepsy. Had infection in brain. Sucked cysts in brain. Planning for second pregnancy. Taking Levipil. Suggest? Pregnant. All my tests are fine. Is Rubella test/Torch test necessary? Diagonised with hyperpigmentation in cheeks. Using Nadicin cream. Now suggested to use Xtralite. Remedy? Had light spotting in periods. Experiencing dizzy spells, feeling tired and abdominal cramping. Causes for these symptoms? On isagenix. Noticed spotting. Normal side effect? Got DPT vaccine. Arm swollen and having fever. Given paracetamol. How long does the fever last? How long will it take to over come DPT vaccine side effects? Lost weight. Thinking of weak steroid to recover some muscular mass. Take medication for panic disorder. Suggestions? Have high blood pressure controlled by medication. Feeling light headed and not feeling good. Love dancing. What to do? How much time it will take for hair transplant? How to speed up the end of benzo withdraw? Wanted to get a laser hair reduction done for back and arms. Side effects?> Had two fraxel non ablative procedures. No effect. Skin looking more worse. Used dermapen would help to correct these issues? Taking birth control religiously for over a year. Had sex. Diagnosed with UTI. On antibiotics. Never ejaculated inside me. Chances of pregnancy? Recovered From A Total Thyroidectomy for Hurtle Cell Cancer. House is damp and mouldy. Could thse have caused cancer? Diagnosed with liver disease and ascites. On spironolactone. What are the risks involved with flying in his condition? Had Gallbladder removed. Next day had simple billary duct procedure. Woke up with lot of pain. Suggest? Feeling a soft lump in my vagina. No discharge or no bleeding. Noticed a little burning in vagina. Suggest? Taking Vyvanse with great results. Experiencing significant hair loss. Effective treatment? Had hysterectomy. Gained weight. Have constant joint pain. What to do? Cannot breast feed the baby due to work. Giving pasteurized milk. Is this safe? Having boil on thigh. And a red patch on genitals. Currently breastfeeding. Antibiotics? Tested for Rubella Ig G and is positive. Help? Have white discharge and late spotting. Suffer constipation and nausea. Feeling metallic taste in mouth. What to do? Having twitching and pain in legs. Lost some muscle tone. Difference between basic muscle wasting due to lack of activity and atrophy? What are some causes of increased sensitivity to feeling cold? Woke up with right-sided backache. Would the pain radiate around to the right lower abdomen? Have brown rash underneath penis. Testicles a little raised. Painless and no itching. What can this be? What is a stress induced psychosis? Taking bosvate tablets and Accuretic. Continue for life time? Side effects? Affect my kidneys? Having lump in my vagina. Under stress. Taking medication for depression and anxiety. Worried? Havign lump in the inner lip of vagina. Feel swollen. Suggest? Complete health profile showed Homocystine, High Sensitive C reactive Protein, Serum Lipoprotein and Thyroid (TSH - 16.64. Suggest? Has hemeroid bleeding. What can be done to stop it? Feeling sore at the bottom of the throat. Burping a lot. Ears feel itching. What is this? Have hurt upper leg and knee. What can I do? ESR level has been 30 for 9 months. Have type 2 diabetes. Why is it elevated? Suffer back pain. Suggestions? Have dry mouth and feel excessive thirst? What is the cause? Have sleep apnea. Hardly breath at night. Stop breathing un-intentionally. Worried? Has fever for the past 3 days. Evening feels shivering. Anti HIV I & II Antibodies spot and CT scan all done. Guide? Have cmv. Getting worse. Is there any antiviral drug that I can take orally? Got imperforated anus and have undergone colostomy procedure. Want to close colostomy. What are the complications? Have itching and like hives. Take Zyrtec and Benedryl. Increases anti-hystimines. Gained weight. What can be done? Have left sunken shoulder. Have no pain but discoloration. Suggest? Have rash of tiny blisters around nose and mouth. Skin is red and feels heat. Skin peeling out. Could this be due to yeast? Having Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart attack and chest pain. Have socilios and tumour in brain. Suggest the treatment? Get tiny bump on lip after having oral sex. Checked for herpes and all STDs. Reason? Diagnosed with primary biliary cirhosis. What will my skin and eyes return to normal color? Take prozac and wellbutrin. Cannot afford the latuda. What can be done? Has lumps in gland on neck. Having sore scalps. What could this be? Discovered rash under breast. Having foul smell. What can this be? Reoccuring bumps on the pennis. Suggest treatment? Suffering form chest pain particularly in lower section of lung. Have nausea, insomnia and loss of appetite. Lung cancer? Had sex. Do not masturbate. Wife feels sex painful. What can be done?
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