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Having pulsating systems. Feel heart beating in head. Suggest? Having sudden choking sensation. Cannot swallow. Suspecting lyme disease. What does these symptoms indicate? Done with CT of abdomen. What are the findings from the report? Suggest further treatment? Had an ear infection and have constant popping in ears. Fluid behind eardrum. Anxious. What do you suggest? Overweight. Diagnosed of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and gulf war syndrome. Severe injuries and using morphine. Cure for symptoms? Taking statin. Found a small benign liver cyst in CT scan. Are they related? Pain in penis and red blood in urine. Feeling like tearing the urinary tract. Should I go to ER? Lower right abdomen pain. What does it indicate? Feeling very weak to walk, very hard driving. What could be the cause? Extracted lower wisdom tooth. On novaclox. Taking Nebicard for high blood pressure. Blood pressure went low. Why? Had unprotected sex and did not ejaculate. Should ipill be taken? Had unprotected sex. Having runny nose, headache and itching all over body. Tested negative for HIV. Smoke heavy marijuana. What could it be? Have vertigo and IgG deficient. Taking antibody replacement therapy. Started after a large concussion. Could I ask a doctor? Shaky voice and words are not clear. What could be the reason? Mild pain on gastrocnemius and plantaris area of leg and pain on neck. Soreness. Suggest the treatment? Is tinnitus a side effect of wellbutrin? What is the treatment for steriod induced myopathy? Taking Zocor and experiencing pain in knees and shoulder. Take Aspirin for heart attack. Will Zocor cause muscle pain? Need information about Gamastan Have black, blue and red blotches on hands and skin. Finger tips are blue with minimal pressure. On dialysis for esrd. Suggest the cure? Scheduled to have complete hysterectomy. Ultrasound showing fibroids. Having severe symptoms of PMDD. Sudden anxiety. What to do? Pain in lower abdomen, nausea and headache. Underlying cause? Had injection in lower back. Suffering from back pain. What could be causing this pain? What are the side affects of anal injections with botox? Does it leave the body? On oxycodone and Hydrocodone. Have major pain stressors. Quit morphine and had withdrawal symptoms. Should I get the pain stressors handled? Warm feeling in leg. Is this the cause of concern? Having COPD. Tired and weak. Medical cure for this? Puppy nipped while grabbing and punctured skin, slightly bleeding. Weak immunity because of chemotherapy. Could I have tetanus shot? Having backache due to stressful work conditions. Suggest the medication? Suffering from stomach pain. Feeling relief after stomach exercise. Should I continue the exercise? Dry red spot on left calf which is intermittently itchy. Should I be concerned? Have lung cancer. Done with X-rays and lung biopsy. Coughing blood is very worrisome. Advise? Wake up in middle of sleep and found that I was without pants. Do not remember when I removed it. Taking Gabapentin for back pain. Falling asleep. What to do? Alcoholic and vomiting blood. How to overcome this? Suffering from GERD and gastritis. Gall bladder was removed and getting worse. Burning sensation in throat. Suggest the cure? Had a seizure and sustained additional fractures on back. Suffered paralysis in lower legs and ankles are swollen. Need advise? On low dose of Aygestin because of endometriosis during appendectomy. On progesterone type pill and having depression. Suggest the cure? Undergone surgeries on neck and back. Have diabetes, arthritis and Fibromyalgia. What medicine can be taken in place of Morphine ER? Having severe hair fall. Prescribed Minoxidil USP, Finasteride, Follihar and RENOCIA. Possibility of regrowth? Had epididymis and spermatic cord on reverse side. Will I have any chance of testicular torsion in future? High BP and enlarged liver. Diagnosed with cysts in kidney. Slurred speech, imbalance and back pain. Why? Have periodic involuntary eye movements. Feeling like things in room are moving. How to overcome this problem? Have ulcerative colitis and taking remicaid infusion therapy. Suggest alternatives to treat ulcerative colitis? Have white hair and started yellow patches. Side effects of medicines? Alcoholic and type two diabetic. What does the blood result indicate? No penetration and ejaculation. What are my chances of getting pregnant? Quit lorazepam and having unusual deep breathing. Advised to take Sertraline. Got worse and taking lorazepam. Need opinion? Lightheadedness, stomach ache and sweating. What could this be? Pea sized lump above collar bone. Lump is hard and movable. Have family history of cancer. Is the lump cancerous? Suffering with pemphigus vulgaris. Having severe gastric problem after pulse treatment. Taking omnacortil and Aziron. Any side effect? Suffering from balanitis. How to get rid of this? Testis are small and always hang down. wanted to be tight and heavy. Is it possible to have heavy penis? Scanty periods. Does this indicate fertility issues? Ulcer on tongue. Unable to eat properly. Suggest remedy Face was swollen after a blood transfusion. Is this a cause for alarm? Take vodka with soft drink every evening. Do not smoke. Never skip dinner. Suggest? Itching and irritation in vaginal area. Suggest medication Having extreme hair loss problem and thyroid problem. Suggest a solution? Child having sores in mouth. What could be done? Small red bumps on face. Suggest the treatment? Suffering from low back pain and gastric issue. Unable to sleep. Suggest the medication, diet and exercise to get rid of the problem? Yellow teeth. Non smoker. How to get rid of this? Having diabetes and MS. Itching under the toes and along the bottom edges of feet. Suggest medication Crunching sound in both ears. Feels like bone is cracking together. Teeth grinder at night. Suggest the treatment? Done LFT test. Elevated level of SGOT and SGPT. Meaning? Had stroke and bilateral blockage of the carotid arteries and has two stents. Taking Plavix. Could I travel by flight? Foul smelling vaginal discharge. What to do? Having high cholesterol and pre-hypertensive. Not on any prescribed medication. Advice Pregnant. Could I take gynaecosid drug? Having irregular periods. Done with pelvic ultrasound and blood test. Have hormonal imbalance. When can I expect menstrual cycle? Diabetic patient. On glimipride and metformin. Suggest medication to control the sugar levels Breathed bleach fumes. Eyes are watery and had difficulty in breathing. Ears are burned. Tightness in chess with bronchitis. Suggest cure? Have dark brownish/red dime-sized spot. Developed fever. Should I be worried? Done with chest x-ray. What does the report says? Irregular period. Did not have period since months. Suggest the treatment? Had a surgical abortion. Ultrasound showed retained products of conception. Given Cytotec. Breasts are tender. Chances of pregnancy? Have sore throat. Painful and irritation. Took erythromycin and still no relief. Suggest the cure? Constant headaches, blurry vision, chest gets tight and cannot breathe. Is this sign of an illness? TSH is 6.45. Advised to take Thyronorm. Should I be worried about the findings? On Synthroid. Blood test showed T4 value 1.3 and TSH 0.005. Having weight gained. Dosage? Bowel movement was soft and noticed blood. Taking vitamins, B complex. Passing smelly gas and taking medication. What to do? Have pain right side. Never goes away. What to do? On eltroxin for hypothyroidism. How to lose my weight? Having crushing pain in chest. Have heart disease. Take spirolactone. Suggest? Have shin splints. Any thing besides tape them up and ice? Body tingles while coughing. Anything wrong? Semen analysis showed morphology was 19% normal and 81% was abnormal. What does this indicate? Have swelling in perineum. Having reddish discharge near anus. Diagnosis? Done with semen analysis. Can sperm morphology improve considerably in a year? Foot injured. Got swelling and turned red. Having pain. How to reduce the swelling? What are the withdrawal symptoms for Neurotin? Shaved around private parts and around base of penis. Bumps are like skin tags. Genital warts. Should I seek medical attention? Noticed jerks and twitches after a day off Ms Contin. Cause? Having blood pressure. Taking Sandoz Fenofibrate. Should I go for higher dose? Have sweet taste in mouth. Taking Sulfazine for Psoriatic Arthritis. Priolsec for Acid Reflux. Suggest? Can I take Viagra within 36 hrs of a cataract surgery? Having achy neck and pain in cervical area around the base of skull. Swollen and sore. Is the pain coming from cervical area? Experiencing pain in lower left abdomen. Painful to push and frequent bowel movement. What could be the cause? Abnormal endometrial lining in pelvic ultrasound scan. Scheduled for biopsy. Explain the procedure Had seafood for lunch, feeling sick, diarrhoea and vomiting. Have MS. Is it food poisoning? Have misplaced Plavix pill. What will happen if child had swallowed it? Constant muscle twitches in arms, legs. Cartilage of ear became red, sore, swollen. Have hypothyroidism Have kidney disease and taking hypo insulin. Osteoarthritis and lost eyebrows. Had breast removal. Chronic pain. Suggest the treatment? Had Lumpectomy and lump was taken out. Breast was damaged and on pain medication. Suggest the cure? Developed acanthosis nigricans. Complaining of aching pain in toes and fingers. Cause? Test showed high lipase value. What could be the reason? Got some itchy bumps on butt. What are these? Have tenderness on head. Taken methylprednisolone. Done blood test including ESR sedimentation rate. Need second opinion On lipitor and inflicted peripheral neuropathy. Nerves are still recovering. Should I try something else? Weight loss and muscle weakness after dialysis. How to get cure? Pain in legs. Red and swollen to touch. Cannot walk and feeling needles in finger tips. Low on potassium and have high BP. What to do? Done with CAT scan and ultrasound. Taking Testosterone. Ultrasound showing second kidney tumour. What does the report indicate? Experiencing episodes of pre syncope, feels like fainting, dizzy. Taking omeprazole. What could it be? Left hand Xray of child showing growth plates are wide open. Parents also were late bloomers in growth. How tall will the child be? White substance getting deposited on tongue. What does it indicate? Pulled muscle in left leg. Have a lump on the side of it. What could this be? Numbness in right arm. Suggest medical cure for this? Had severe depression and reoccurring intrusive thoughts. About to fall from elevator. How to overcome these things? Headache, underside of right arm is itching and bumps on the under side of wrist and forearm. Reason? Waking up with hypertension headaches. Taking medication. Suggest the remedy? Had sinus infection and prescribed with amox clav. Recommended to have CBC and urine analysis. Is the bilirubin count normal? Purple spots on eyelids and belly. What are they? Is there any anti-anxiety medication that can be taken other than xanax? Heart patient. Is there any anti-anxiety medication that can be taken other than xanax? Muscle pain all over the body. What is wrong? In surgical menopause and also have osteoporosis. Had a fall and having lower back pain. Should I seek medical attention? Taking hormone injections and preparing to donate eggs. Advised to take lupron and have the surgery. What will happen if I quit? Experiencing dizziness. Blood pressure 143/80. Do not get enough sleep. What should I do? What is linear bibasilar atelectasis or scarring? Using anti wrinkle cream with Retinol. Lips peeling and crackling. Taking Pyruvate. Using cold sore zinc oxide with lysine ointment Taking metformin. Getting swollen lymph nodes. Suggest medication? Have lump behind the ear, no pain but annoying. Will it be painful to remove? Have quivering in the back of leg. Varicose veins removed. Concerned? On klavox. Have severe diarrhea, stomach cramping and bloating. Developed colitis. Suggest? Have tenderness in front of ear and dull ache in the side. Difficulty in chewing and slight headache. What could be the cause? What could be the reason for waking up with headache? Blood test showed WBC was 2.6 and PLT count was 123. Have stent in arteries. Take a low dose of asprin. Concerned? Noticed an indentation on breast. Have family history of breast cancer. Chances? Is there a way to cure vertigo? Periodic pain in the upper back of leg. Reason? Having pain in upper left side tooth. Sensitivity while eating. Suggested with RCT. Need second opinion? Diabetic and have blood pressure. Have bulging disc. Have lot of pain. Feeling dizzy and breathing problem. What can this be? Pain on left lateral knee area. What could be the reason? Missed periods. Pregnancy test came negative. Could this be due to BV? Worried about STD. Pap smear test came negative May have a mild attack of gout. Red and swollen. Uric acid was slightly elevated and overweight. What can I do? Over weight. Having lot of hair on face. What can be wrong? Had outer ear infection due to using cotton swab. Prescribed Neomycin and polymyxin ear drops. Suggest? Disabled by COPD. Given prednisone and antibiotics. What has the body stopped producing? Suggest a safe steroid? What is microvasular gliosis? Ganglian cyst on right hand. Medical cure for this? Liver test showing elevated ALT. Having pimples on nose. Should I be worried? Scheduled for fusion of vertebeae and laminectomy. Should I go ahead with the surgery? Had salmonella and having symptoms of nausea and light headedness. Have abdominal pain. Suggest the treatment? Suffering from extreme dry mouth. Could I ask a doctor? Itching and burning scalp. On coumadin. What could be causing this? Tubular adenoma of the colon. History of thyroid cancer and pre-cancerous changes in breast and cervix. Treatment? Child having frequent unconsciousness. Nil observation shown in EEG and CT scan. Taking propranol and lamotrigine. Suggest the cure? Green stools and rib pain. Could this be lung cancer? Took monistat and have swelling on uvula. Is it a side effect? Have a rashes around rectum and itching. Almost like a burn. Suggest the cure for itching sensation? Sore pimples on back, outer elbows, inner thighs and buttocks. Any suggestions? Underwent oxandrolone treatment. Any possibility of creation of new cells as a result of treatment? Taking ayurvedic medication. Planning to stop actiblok due to dill feeling and headache. Suggest the precautions to be taken? No mustache and beard. Suggest a remedy Swelling in neck. Done with TSH test. USG of neck showing goitre with small benign nodule in right lobe. What to do? Treated for Essential Thrombocythemia. On low dose of aspirin. Advised to take bone marrow test. Need second opinion? Cough, fatique, tachycardia and rashes all over body. Diagnosed with pneumonia. On zantac. No improvement Having neurofibromatosis. Diagnosed with carcinoid of the duodenum and lesions in the upper intestine. Advice Ultrasound showing Liver Cirrhosis. Endoscopy showed duodenal ulcers. LFT was altered. Is it the case of Cirrhosis or just fatty liver? Darkening of knuckles, fatigue and respiratory discomfort. What could be the reason? Have a cluster of painless bumps on shaft the shaft of penis. Is it due to herpes? Having irregular periods. Could I take primolute to treat the problem? Stiffness in back. Having sprain in back and getting relief after massage. Not taking pain killers. Suggest the cure? Had amputated percussion breaks in spine. Dealing with chronic pain. Taking oxicontin High blood pressure. Prescribed with metoprolol. What are the side effects of the medication? Diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroiditis and primary biliary cirrhosis. Taking synthroid. Abdominal pain and acid reflux. Cure for symptoms? Lump in the center of abdomen. Ultrasound shows lipoma. Scheduled for surgical removal of lipoma. Any suggestion? Had weird stomach bug producing lots of gas. Haemorrhoid has flared up. What could it be? Smell in urine. Epididymitis attack with pain at the base of penis. Diarrhoea and pain in lower back. Suggest the treatment? Severe pain in the middle of back. Done with X rays, blood and urine tests. Chronic inflammation and pain. Could I ask a doctor? Have dermatitis on fingers and hands due to a allergic reaction. Tried steroid creams. No change. Suggest the cure? Taking othro cyclen and had breakthrough bleeding. Had unprotected sex and took plan b. Bleeding even after periods. Continue birth control? Swelling on lower jaw and side of face. Feeling pressure in ears. What to do? Does placental infarction happen immediately? Suggest the tests to check the well being of the foetus? Small skin coloured zit in the bottom of lip. Tried to pop and has turned red. What else could it be? Had unprotected sex and had unwanted 72. Not sure of penetration. Having frequent urination. Am I pregnant? Hypo enhancement on both sides of pituitary gland. Have antiphospholipid syndrome. Had sinus infections. Suggest tests for GH deficiency? Mother diagnosed with hepatitis. Should I get tested for it? Have a dark flaky spot on the outer skin of penis shaft. Itching due to dryness. What do you recommend? Suffering from continuous nose blockages and using nasal sprays. Told as allergic rhinitis and nasal blood vessels are swollen. Need advise? Throat irritation and pain while swallowing food. Should I be worried? Having PCOS. Bloating, abdominal cramps, dizziness, constipation, headaches and fatigue. Reason? Operated for prostate. Suffering from frequent urination problem. Taking Urimax D. Had facial paralysis. What do you recommend? Having cough, cold and allergic to dust. Nasal passage gets blocked leading to breath from mouth. Suggest the permanent cure? Pimples on face, hair fall, dry skin and heaviness of the body. Underlying cause? Take glucon d during workout. Noticed growth of fat. Suggest a drink during workout? Took Hep-B vaccine long back. Do I need to retake it? Feeling itchiness around the anus. Applied Itch guard. No improvement. Noticed blood in stool. What could be the problem?
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