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Breast scan showing well defined hypoechoic lesion and focal fibroadenosis. What does it mean? How to get rid of the black heads on nose? How much of the prostrate gland can be felt in digital rectum examination? Which specialist should I consult for gall bladder stones? What could be the reason for high pulse rate and body temperature? What is the suggested medication for cold? What are the possible causes for itchy bumps on head and hand? Suggest the precautions to be taken for diabetes Is dark brownish color urine a sign of renal failure? How to increase my metabolism? Antiphospholipid syndrome and CVST patient. Having red itchy patches on body. What could this be? Had unprotected oral sex. Having sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. Hep B,Hep C and HIV tests were normal Losing memory power and concentration. Whom should I approach? Having regular back pain. Suggest treatment Suggest medication with less side effects for MS Have lower back pain and noticed dark brown urine. What is the treatment? Have swollen eye after a punch and numbness feeling. Is this normal? Got punched on face. Having swelling, numbness and a burst blood vessel in eye. Is this normal? Experiencing pain in ear and getting headache around left ear. What could be the problem? White and slightly raised lump under the skin on the palm. What does it indicate? Having throat infection and allergies. Prescribed with amoxicillin and predesone. Should I take the medications? Have sore throat and difficulty in breathing. Xray showing prominent pulmonary artery. Anything serious? Dark color urine and lower left back pain. Should I be concerned? What could be causing itchy hives on the body? Taking mextxl and novastat for hypertension. Had liver function test. Should I be worried about SGPT level? What could be the cause of stool on underwear even after cleaning area properly? After a bowel movement it appears I have not cleaned myself adequately. Does this indicate something serious? What is the best treatment for dandruff and flakes in head? Taking xanax and nardil for depression. No impreovement. What do you recommend? Having high pulse rate and low body temperature. Suggest treatment Suggest the medication for asthma Taking levothyroxin for thyroid problem. What could be causing high blood pressure? Is there any bad effect of X ray on a pregnant women? Steroid drops for herpes simplex keratitis does not help. What to do? Taking medication for polycystic ovary and irregular period. What are the findings from the report? On lexapro for anxiety. Does this drug increase the risk of cancer? Taking lisinopril, pravastatin sodium and folic acid. Could any of these medicines cause memory loss? Is there any other medication other than ciprofloxacin for kidney stones? HIV positive patient. Having dime sized lump behind left ear on skull. Should I be worried? What type of food should I take to reduce eosinophil count? Is PCV vaccine safe for infants? Why am I having mucus like transparent secretion with stools? Have sharp burning sensation in vagina after swimming. What is the treatment? White itchy spots on penis. How can I treat this? Will drinking alcohol regularly cause serious problems? Lack of orgasm after taking losartan, simvastatin and omeprazole. What could this be? Echo test showing tricuspid regurgitation. Is echo test accurate than CRM? I can feel nodes on the inside of cheek and front lips. What is the diagnosis for this? Unable to reach orgasm with partner. What could be the reason behind it? Had semen analysis and taking virolon. What do you advise? Could toxins and scalp sweats cause hair problems? Infant having brown scabs on ankles. What could it be? Is there any way to detect fetal heart beat after ten days of pregnancy? What treatment do you suggest for an enlarged jugular vein on neck? Having pain and several markings on right breast. Was told that breast hairs were inflamed. Advice What precautions should be taken to prevent diabetes? What could be causing numbness in lips, chin and pain in the jaw bone? Taking methadone, hydromorphone and zanaflex. In how much duration gap should the medicines be taken? How safe and effective is Garcinia Cambogia? Accidentally took atenolols and water pills. Should I go to emergency room? Constant twitchy feeling in stomach and tingling sensation in nipples. What could be the reason? Is it safe to take alprazolam with tramadol? Discomfort in abdomen after having regular meal. What does it indicate? Had epidural anaesthesia and having back pain. Were my nerves damaged during C section? Pain in lower back, abdomen, muscle tightness and diarrhea. What am I suffering from? Having bouts of light headedness and had shingles. Need opinion Fell down and injured shin. Having pain on the area with swelling. Suggest treatment On xanax for years. Will there be any problem if I stop taking the medication? What are the harmful effects of fleas on human? Sweating and pain in center of chest. What could this be? Had blood test. How do I get the results in the measure of number of cells in millions? What could be the reason for itchy nipples? Pain in left side of head, neck and lower back. What could be the underlying cause? Diagnosed with PCOD, have occasional irregularity in periods and taking orgamed. Does it indicate any abnormality? Taking glycomet and tonac for cholesterol. Will it cause any side effects? Can I give kellogg's chocos for my baby? Taking thyroxine for hypothyroidism. TSH levels have come down. Can I stop taking medication? Applying antifungal cream for fungal infection. What could be the reason for black spots? In ICU for IVIG and GBS. How much time will it take to completely remove ventilator after the treatment? Can bosvate cause discoloured limbs and oedema? Can marvelon act as emergency contraceptive pill? Feel like throat is blocked due to swollen glands. Having pain in ears and head. Any suggestion? What is the use of zobone injection? Gaining weight and suffering from constipation. Should I reduce the dosage of eltroxin? Does a broken nose and cheekbone heal in 4 months? No change after taking levetiracetam and topiramate for seizures. Suggest the right medication How to get rid of itching problem during change in weather? Had a back injury and disc space narrowing and loss of T2 signal shown in MRI. What does it mean? Experiencing pain in knees, ankles and stiffness in calves when i use tread mill. Underlying cause? What does dense breast mean? What do you mean by CT coronary angiogram showing mixed plaque at the distal margin of the LMCA? Suggest treatment for bleeding gums CT scan showing undepressed fracture of right temporal bone. Child having vomiting problem. What do you suggest? Lightheadedness, constipation and bloated stomach. Are they symptoms of pregnancy? Have small testicle. What is the suggested medication to increase the size of penis? What is the treatment for the outgrowth on forehead? Took rabipur shot for scratch from dog and wound under foot. Should I be worried? Having hemorrhage in eye. Is it alright if I continue to wear contact lenses? Eye is red after taking a shower. Is it a sign of stroke? How do I konw if pylera is working? Having only one testis visible. Does it require any treatment? Weight gain, fatigue and increased appetite. TSH level is 1.50. What does it mean? Headache and dull pain in foot after recovering from viral kerato conjunctivitis. Any suggestion? Prescribed with douluton and deviry for painful periods. Is it the right medication? Can prolapse bladder cause angiomyolipoma? Taking cephalexin for an abscessed pilonidal cyst. Is there any surgical procedure for removal of cyst? What could be the reason for bleeding with mirena? Having severe throat pain. What could be causing this? Could I have sex while suffering from vulvar vestibulitis? Having red lines in throat and tip of tongue is dry. What could be the reason? Prescribed with N-acetyl cysteine for bipolar disorder. What dosage should I take? Lab work showing ALT level below normal. Should I be worried? Taking bactrim for cellulitis in ankle and suffering from low grade fever. What is the cure? Prescribed with bactrim long ago. Is it safe to take the medicine? What could be the reason for irritation in left foot? What treatment do you suggest for having constant nausea after having hip surgery? Had an inner ear infection and taking klonopin for anxiety disorder. Will prednisone cause neurological damage? Is it normal to have cracks on penis? Feeling flushed and nauseous after taking niacin. Are these side effects of the supplement? Pregnant and advised to take zocef for recurring UTI. What is the cure? Suffering from shortness of breath and dry throat. What could it be? Suffering from sleeping disorder and taking metformin tablets for PCOS. Advised to take hysterscopy of the uterus. Is it the correct treatment? Scheduled for removal of wisdom teeth. Does the procedure really hurt? What causes cheek to quiver while smiling? Is elevated heart rate related to asthma? What do you mean by conservative management? Hypoechoic lesion in anterior myometrium shown in ultra sonography of abdomen. Should I be worried about the findings? Feels like room is spinning and have dizziness. Could I ask a doctor? What are the possible reasons for high creatinine levels? Addicted to smoking and losing complexion. Suggest the supplements to be taken Is height of children related to parents height? Have abdominal pain and diarrhoea after having food. Is it food poisoning? Child given methadone for severe depression. Which is the best medication to help depression? Child given methadone for severe depression. What is the best option to cure depression? Treatment for persistent dizziness along with headache and low grade fever Have epididymitis and pain in testicle. What could be the problem? Will heart skipping beat lead to further problems? Should I be worried about MPV value in blood report? What causes pulsating sensation in spinal cord? Prescribed with azithral for severe throat infection. how to get rid of throat pain? Have a butterfly rash after taking cortisone shot for fibromyalgia. What could it be? Is undescended testis an indication of testicle cancer? Diagnosed with vertigo and took aspirin for neck and hip pain. What could be the reason for dizziness? What is the suggested medicine for mild headache? Taking antibiotics for upper respiratory infection and have tightness in chest Experiencing metal taste and pressure sensation in ears. Is this a sign of an illness? Have red spots after having breast lumpectomy. What is the treatment? Masturbating to achieve erection. What treatment do you suggest for erection problems? Have severe kidney, UTI infection and tested positive for hla-b27. What do you recommend? Applied neosporin for bruises on cheek and lower eyelid. What else can be done to eliminate permanent scar? What are the withdrawal effects of wellbutrin? Had cortisone shot in hip and taking xanax for severe depression and anxiety. How long will the anxiety last? Is gianotti crosti syndrome contagious? Have pain in mastoid area under neck. Could it be inflamed lymph nodes? What could be the reason for brown mucus discharge from rectum? Experiencing sharp pain in hip area post abdominal surgery. Is it due to sciatic nerve? Noticed sticky substance in stool. What is the treatment? Feeling weird after quitting losartan. What should I do? What treatment do you recommend for removal of cyst in pancreas? Experiencing pain and inflammation in lymph nodes. What are the causes for eye migraine? Haemoglobin level is 5. Should I be worried about the findings?? Taking eltroxin for thyroid problem. Will it cause any problem during pregnancy? Taking eldem capsules and zincofer for discolouration in lips. What is the cure? Urinating frequently and feeling tired with headache. Are these symptoms of diabetes? Suggest any sleeping pill Underwent ultrasonography. Suggest panchakarma treatment for the same Undergoing physiotherapy and hydrotherapy for lumbar spondylosis. Could I resume back to work? Taking orniv-O for stomach inflammation. Have redness in eye. Does mucaine gel help any enzymes? Redness in skin and applying lomela cream for pimples. Could I use yilimei whitening cream for face? Advised to take acitrom for DVT in left limb. Is there any other means of treatment? Developing frequent cuts on the foreskin. What to do? Taking dosulpin for anxiety. Getting panic attacks, body shakes and headache. What could be the problem? I have completely lost my sex drive. Is this any medical condition? Taking mesalamine for mild ulcerative colitis and elevated ALT. What are the findings from liver ultrasound? Taking rosuvastatin calcium and ezetimibe for high cholesterol. What is the treatment for extreme abdomen pain? Have a red lump on shin after a fall. What could it be? What could be the reason for bloating after eating? Developed itchy rashes on both sides of torso and insulin dependent. What is the treatment? What causes pain in tooth after having beverages? What are the causes for foaming in mouth and convulsions? Had transient ischemic attack and on lotrel. How to maintain physical fitness? Severe gastrointestinal pain with white clay coloured stool. What could be the problem? Have red, sore and bleeding fissure in upper butt crack. What is this? Have small pea sized lump near left testicle. What could be this? Hit my head while swimming and neck is hurting. What is the next step? Pain around the ears. Could this be migraine or TMJ? Am post menopausal. Got some clear liquid from vagina. What is this? What could be the reason for having dizziness? Shunt was inserted due to colloid cyst blockage in third ventricle. Will colloid cyst cause hydrocephalus? Child was given stilnox pill instead of antihistamine. Will it harm the child? Diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia after prolonged discharge of menstrual cycle. Is it curable? Taking cozim -q, amitriptyline for fibromyalgia and suffering from PCOS. What could be the reason for lacking sexual desires? On cloversyl for blood pressure. Have tingling on legs and swollen face. Suggest the best medication Had swelling below knee cap due to bug bite and experiencing numbness. What could be the reason for numbness? Body is sore and aching after quitting crestor. Is it a side effect? Can heart palpitation be a symptom of atrial fibrillation? Saliva tests show low cortisol. What would you prescribe? Underwent multiple operations and had CAT scan of chest. Is there any metastasis in lungs? Thinking about something and unable to sleep. What is the treatment for eye pain with headache? Painless bump in tragus and dull feeling in left jaw. What could it be?
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