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What does high bilirubin value inspite of healthy diet indicate? What causes severe pain in right knee? What causes buzzing sound in ear and pain in right temple? What causes constant cough even after throat infection treatment? What causes small elevated skin lesions on hands and face? What causes numbness of left leg after operation on feet? Suggest treatment for infection through out the body after spinal cord surgery What causes skin lesions on penis with patchy red areas on shaft? What does elevated thyroid antibodies and hypothyroidism indicate? How to reduce weight inspite of having hypothyroidism? What causes frequent sore throat inspite of having hiatus hernia? Should i take verapamil inspite of having hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? What causes dandruff on eyelashes? What does elevated cholesterol and blood sugar levels under treatment indicate? What causes burning sensation and scrapped skin of penis after using hair removal? What causes painless lump below ear and pain in vicinity of ear? What causes superficial skin lesions all over body? What causes cold, frequent sneezing and fever? What causes white line of pigmentation along the lower part of the cornea? What causes lower abdominal pain? What causes pimple rash with water heads on the top of lip? What causes feeling of pressure in my left thigh? Can i take siphene with glyciphage inspite of trying to conceive? What causes brown liquid discharge during pregnancy? What causes bleeding of gums for 3 months? What does no bleeding after taking zytotec for abortion indicate? Suggest treatment for borken fronth tooth What causes skin lesion on palm, fingers and hand due to sunlight? What causes pain,tingling and numbness in left arm after lunar sleep intake? Suggest treatment for pain due to frequent urinary stones Suggest treatment for diarrhea due to antibiotics intake for primary complex Suggest diet supplements for 4 month old What causes redness and raw looking areas all around groin area ? Suggest treatment for multiple gall bladder calculi with ischemic heart disease What does this EKG report prior to weight loss program indicate? What causes fatigue after having solid food? What causes getting periods twice in a month? What causes headache and clogged ears after head trauma? What causes frequent coughing attacks during the day? What causes burning sensation in penis after ejaculation? Suggest medicines to improve skin complexion What causes tooth ache and pain after chewing something hard? Suggest treatment for pimple marks on oily skin What causes pain in knees and muscles after having Collagen Hydrolysate drink? Does AKT3 for infertility problem have any side effects? What are the withdrawal side effects of prednisone? What causes late periods with negative UPT? What causes hearing sounds in ear and clogged ear? What causes vertigo, dizziness and itchy right ear? What causes failing of dental implantation? What causes diarreaha, vomiting, palpations and altered BP? What causes pain during intercourse? What causes bleeding of right ear? What causes nausea and vertigo after missing ranitidine? What causes radiating pain from back of knee radiating downwards to the toe? Suggest treatment for kidney stones What causes pain in the left side of skull base? Will urine and hair test show positive inspite of smoking marijuana? What causes constant tiredness after having lexapro? What causes high grade fever and nose blockage? What causes vaginal bleeding after D&C partial removal of a polyp? Is swollen lymph node adjacent to parotid gland a cause for concern? Can gluten cause skipped heartbeats? What causes neck pain and hair pain? Suggest treatment for accidental meth intake What causes dark red bumps on painful frenulum? What causes feeling swelling in my body with normal x rays? What does tinglng, numbness and blurred vision due to pineal cyst indicate? What causes white bump on my left eye's caruncle? Can low LDL and low cholesterol cause nerve issues? Would B12 shots be a more efficient way in treating pernicious anaemia? How to withdraw abilify slowly without any side effects? Can cannabis oil interact with drugs used after pituitary tumour removal? What causes solitary nodule in my upper left lung lobe? What does constipation, back pain and white spots on hip X ray indicate? What causes diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain? Suggest medicines for mouth ulcers Could autoimmune disorders be aggravated by leaky gut syndrome? What causes turning of white beard into brownish? What does increased bronchovascular markings mean? Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder What causes difficulty in walking after an injury? Suggest treatment to balance work and mental health Is pneumococcal vaccine safe to give along with Hep B vaccine? What causes high BP after kidney transplantation? What causes vibration feeling while sitting and blurred vision? What causes dizziness and lightheadedness? What causes low Vit D level inspite of having proper diet and sun exposure? Is losartin safe to take inspite of taking benicar last night? What causes pain in the left side of lower abdomen? Can fluanxol create parkinson symptoms? What causes vomiting and sickness after smoking meth? What causes vomiting and sickness after smoking meth? What causes bright red round lesion around my left armpit? Suggest treatment for tanning on face and pigmentation over neck and underarms What causes cough, cold and hoarse voice? What does high creatinine level with one kidney indicate? What does swollen lymph nodes in pelvis with prostate cancer indicate? What does elevated SGOT and SGPT levels indicate? What causes cold, ear pain and sore throat inspite of using keflex? What causes white spots inside cheeks? What causes irritation of ear after vomitus reaching ear canal? What causes persistent headache with normal ECG and X ray? Suggest treatment for blood clot under skin after an injury What causes oedema with ejection fraction of 75%? What causes abdominal discomfort, feeling of bloating and diarrhea? What kind of doctor treats adults with ADHD? What causes vaginal discharge with odor? What causes oozing of blood from the incision site of gall bladder removal? What causes high BP, difficulty breathing and slight stuffy nose? What causes sharp pain in left knee spreading to leg? What causes rash on left bicep with itching and swelling? What does this MRI for my lumbar spine indicate? What causes depression inspite of having bipolar disorder treatment? What causes spreading flat purple spots in thigh,groin and buttocks? Suggest treatment for depression inspite of having bipolar disorder treatment What causes swellings in the back of throat? What does this MRI of lumbar spine indicate? What causes pain in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen after injury? Suggest treatment for depression with bipolar disorder What causes dizziness, feeling lazy and headache? What causes small white spots appearing inside my cheeck? What causes small white spots appearing inside my cheeck? What causes missing periods after stopping depo shots? What does this semen analysis showing sperm count indicate? What causes blood in urine? What causes memory problem inspite of having axona supplement? Is lamotrigine the right medication for seizures? Suggest treatment for diarrhea, dehydration and lethargy Is there any surgery to treat radiculopathy? What causes episodes of strokes causing numbness of right eye? What causes red and swollen arm after magnavist injection? What does frequent number of bowel movements daily indicate? Suggest treatment for depression and anxiety What causes excessive gum like structures from teeth? What does false positive test for methamphetamine after dexadrine intake indicate? What causes stomach pain and gas with normal blood reports? What causes numbness and tingling of hands after tycosyn intake? What causes lower back pain on my left side above my hip area? What causes lower back pain on my left side above my hip area? Suggest treatment for pain of rib injury What causes numbness and tingling of toe after broken toe of left foot? What is the life expectancy of a brain cancer patient without treatment? Is AKT4 effective in treating tuberculosis Suggest treatment for hydrocele in a 28 month old What does low post-menopausal estrogen level indicate? Suggest the type of specialist to consult for severe back pain What causes pain in my left leg below the knee? What causes persistent sore throat, acid reflux and throat irritation? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes rash on glans penis and inner side of prepuce? What are chances of pregnancy inspite of having I pill after umprotected sex? What causes swollen tonsil, ear crackling and sore throat? What are side effects of over dosed eliquis? What causes stomach pain inspite of having pancreatic dilation? What causes headache, nausea with history of lump in throat? How to reduce hair fall? Will regular masturbation affect my sperm count? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What does this obesity and vitamin analysis indicate? What causes ulcers in the upper part of lips? What is oxybutynin for inspite of having prostate cancer? Is minic syrup safe for runny nose and sneezing? What does this kidney test report regarding kidney stones indicate? What causes constant dizzy spells? Suggest medicines to terminate pregnancy What are the harmful interactions of diazepam and gabapentin? What causes sore throat and coughing up phlegm? What causes vomiting, weakness and low appetite? What causes sore painful spot on vagina? Suggest treatment for mouth ulcers What does detection of fetal poles with no heart beat indicate? What does this follicular study after IUI treatment indicate? Suggest treatment for aspiration of a chewing gum in sleep What causes excessive sweating inspite of having flu? What causes spotting after having emergency pill? Suggest medicines for severe cold Is anesthesia during root canal safe for kids? Suggest treatment for over dosed intake of zopiclon What causes pain in ribs and underarms? Suggest treatment for compression fracture of d12 and L1 after fall What are the effects of missing an insulin dose? What does elevated SGOT and SGPT levels indicate? What causes fever and bumps on neck in a diabetic patient? What does minimal fluid in pouch of Douglas and pelvic discomfort indicate? Suggest treatment for psoriatic arthritis Suggest treatment for DVT in leg other than warfarin What causes fluid leakage from breasts after steriod intake? Is primosa safe to take for severe pain in feet? Suggest treatment for anal and urinary leakage What causes missed abortion after 10 weeks of pregnancy? Can thyroid and CBC tests reveal an abortion? What causes twitching of right bicep muscle? What causes enlarged and distended bladder? What causes tight foreskin of penis? Suggest treatment for sarcoma cancer What are the symptoms of anxiety? Can i take metoprolol with a pace maker? What causes constant cough during day? Suggest treatment for tearing of frenulum during intercourse
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