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How are gout attacks treated ? What is the remedy for bacterial vaginosis? Does having a single kidney increase blood pressure ? Contracted conjunctivitis, eye is red and itchy. Condom broke while having intercourse, breast feeding mother, ipill banned, 17th day of periods. Sensionueral hearing loss of the right ear, same side migraine, noise in the ear, active thyroid, thyroxine 50mg, magnetic resonance image result normal, blood test for allergies normal. Why is my blood pressure varying so much? What is the date of conceiving if due date is jan 12 2012? What medication is used to prevent venous hematoma ? Feels heart skips a beat What is the reason for constant neck pain? 1 millimeter black mole, slightly raised, dark hair. Is pregnancy possible with sperm count 1.5 ml and 55% motility? Dialysis, severe acidosis, hepatorenal syndrome, no cardiac stability. Can fake hernia be corrected? Blood pressure, double hearing, tinnutis, numbness, computerised axial tomography, brain not normal, numbness, speech problem, bumps on tongue, strep throat, blocking the throat and feels to throw up, triptal for seizures, lack of concentration Is hypoglycemia like symptoms due to change in diet? What is the reason for an adult wetting the bed? Enteroscopy, meniscus tear, blood drawn from the knee, swelling. What is the treatment for throat cancer? HPV infection and transmission, pap smear normal, had iud, vaginal ammonia odor, head and neck cancers Is it ok to take apple cider vinegar daily if i have atrial fibrillation? Are my irregular bowel issues due to a colon problem? Skin tear after using penis pump, stretch marks, used some cream. Should i avoid masturbation? How are bowel issues with gas treated ? What is the treatment for right hip pain? Why is intercourse uncomfortable after hysterectomy? White skin tag between anus and vagina, pregnant. Facial acne, chicken pox, pimple like lesions, reddens, scar at the center occurs on upper thighs, itching. How is C5 and C6 disc herniation treated ? Taken 5 D'cold total and 4 fenak plus tablets for head ache, vomiting frequently. Can chemotherapy cause Parkinson's disease? Does prilosec cause stomach cancer ? How is stage 3 rectocele and a stage 1 cystocele treated ? Why did i find 8-10 inches hair in my rectum? How is Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis treated ? How does one attain hard penis erection ? Anus itchy, scaldy and stingy, timodine. How can i conceive with fertility problems ? How can be tight hamstrings,claw toes and spaticity in children be treated ? Pain in left testicles and lower abdomen, urine test for chlymidia and ghonerra. What can be nodule on upper left chest ? STM loss,absent minded,ADHD,smoking marijauna Bleeding from rectum, possible hemorrhoids, worm infestation How are cysts in the ovaries treated ? How are brain aneurysms treated ? What could be the cause of C shaped glittering light visible to left eye and causing pain in left eye ? Is the lump in my groin area due to lymphoma? What is the relation between thyroid and irregular periods ? What are the withdrawal effects of zoloft and how are they prevented ? Post phimosis surgery, BXO, hyperpigmented macules on penis, taken steroid. Malignancy chances? Dizziness,nausea,vomiting,blood pressure Why has my sperm been watery recently? How can recurrent UTI and vaginal irritation with lax vagina be treated with history of hysterectomy? What are the complications post pelvic surgery ? Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, hormonal imbalance, chances of anemia How are withdrawal symptoms of alcohol treated ? Is it safe to travel while recovering from a stroke ? Is there any treatment for hypopigmentation on face due to laser skin resurfacing ? How is Epididymitis treated ? How is fever in one part of the body treated in children ? Food intolerance in children, dehydration, low grade fever, Are dryness, irritation in mouth and lumps symptoms of mouth cancer due to chewing tobacco ? What are the causes for abdominal pain and diarrhea ? How is mild hepatomegaly treated ? What are the side effects of Warnter medication on an unborn baby ? Should I see a doctor if I have a painful injury for five weeks? Chronic sinusitis, nasal congestion, yeasty smell in nose, taken probiotics Abnormal blood sugar levels, headache, glucose tolerance test Can hypothyroidism cause weight gain and hairfall ? Why is my left ovary not seen post menopause ? What is the treatment for allergy to medication ? How are head injuries and seizures treated ? How is poor ovarian reserve detected ? Travel sickness, feeling dizzy. Medication and precautions? How are friction blisters or callus formation treated between fingers ? Hair loss medication side effects, drug interaction with cholesterol medication What is the cause and remedy for headache before sex ? Vestibular neuronitis, vertigo,memory loss, MRI scan suggestion How is lymphatic drainage problem treated for a patient with ovarian cancer ? How is Vasovagal response treated ? Headache, nausea, dizziness, sudden diarrhea, taken Motrin 2x. Dehydration? What could vomiting and runny stools indicate? Are swelling in feet, palpitations and nausea symptoms of vertigo ? Is it possible to increase interest in sex ? Drug interaction between oxyelite pro with Vitamin D and biotine supplements What could be the cause breathing problems with low blood pressure ? Leukemia, on blood transfusions, swelling in the legs, myelodysplasia Unsafe sex, missed periods, pregnancy test, urine test, emergency contraceptives, termination of pregnancy Skin rashes, contact dermatitis, taken hydrocortisone cream and ketaconazole, applied olive oil, reduce redness. Cure? Muscle twitching in the leg, low potassium levels, vitamin D deficiency How are symptoms of premature ejaculation treated ? Why do I have reddish semen? What could a serrated lesion mean? Penis getting bruised easily, lack of lubrication, fungal infection? How can I keep an erection? Should I stop masturbating to prevent bleed in the brain? Pain and sensitivity in the legs, severe fatigue, Deep vein thrombosis? Can I use Fluclox to treat root canal infection? Is it viral infection if my son has recurrent headache and fever? How is hypermetropia in children treated ? Imbalance,blood pressure,insomnia,fatigue,stress,EKG,inner ear virus,shortness of breath How is soft tissue injury treated ? Can surgery be used to replace the ileocecal valve ? How are peptic ulcers and costochondritis treated ? How is Motor Neuron Disease treated ? What should I do to treat a sweaty vagina? Oral sex, loss of appetite. When i can do HBSAg and HCV antibody test? How is viral syndrome and swollen lymph nodes treated ? What should I do to relieve black rashes on my shoulders? Is lumbar straightening a significant problem? How is classic migraine and its symptoms treated ? How is workout related rhinitis prevented ? How are recurring episodes of herpes treated ? How is enlarged prostrate and pus cells in the urine treated ? How is HIV infection transmitted? What can be done for abnormal sperms? Should I retain my pregnancy if there is risk of birth defects? Urinary tract infection,blood in urine,kidney stones.Kidney cancer? Restless legs syndrome medication, depression and anxiety, withdrawal symptoms? Should I worry about itching in my vagina? What are the normal limits in a semen analysis? Quadruple coronary bypass surgery, non -ulcerative nodule in stomach, chance of malignancy? Ideopathic microscopic hematuria, urinary bladder polyps, surgery necessary? How can I treat discomfort under my rib cage? What is the cause for blood from the mouth? Does heart murmur cause temporary erectile dysfunction ? CanTSH level be the reason for weight gain? Why do my children have pelvic lumps? How is an open sore on the back treated ? Chlamydia test positive, transmission Headache, depression, normal EKG report. Reason? What could be the cause of reduced sensation in perenium area ? Is it okay for me to lie down with ice after a head injury? How is tinea pedis between legs and stomach persistent for 2 years treated ? Corneal arcus, xanthogranuloma removed, very low blood cholesterol, genetic lipid disorder? Vein on forehead,stress,anger,blood pressure Abortion,miscarriage,low squamous interpathieal on cervix.Safe pregnancy? Thyroid nodules,ultrasound,normal TSH levels,movement in throat How is skin blushing while exposed to the sun treated in children ? Can someone with tuberculosis lymphadenitis care for children? What could be the cause of abdominal cramps with nausea ? Can a kiss and lick on penis trasmit HIV infection ? Bumps on testicle,itchy,persistent.Calamine lotion? Pregnancy. Specialist doctor in CMC Vellore? How are renal stones cured ? Bump on head,vomiting,pain.Head injury? Contraceptive pill,delayed period,negative pregnancy test Homosexuality, anxiety, adjustment disorders High blood pressure,chest pain,ECG,palpitations,headache What is an open heart surgery ? Is it critical to have an irregular heart beat while on treatment for atrial flutter ? Is my heavy congestion due to varicose vein surgery i had? Fever,cold packs,typhoid How can a swollen lymph node in groin area be treated with history of HPV ? Tongue burn,white dots on tongue How is migraine and GERD treated ? How are swollen eyelids treated ? Anxiety,stress,indigestion,loose motion,depression Will injections and tentex forte help treat erectile dysfunction? Increased heart rate,pounding,hot spells,breathlessness Can a mild pain below the chin be due to swollen lymph nodes? Pregnant,oxytocin.Effects? Is it ok for a person with strep throat to have blood in the mucous? What are these small red circles on my body? Progesterone medication,provera,pregnancy,blighted ovum,ultrasound Will taking Nivalin affect the hemoglobin? Ruptured hymen,vaginal burn,sore,painful intercourse,bleeding,cramps What are the side effects of taking lithium during pregnancy ? Is it ok to take Lorazepam thrice instead of twice a day? Uncircumcised penis,foul smell What is the pea size lump in my lower abdomen? Turp,prostatitis,abdominal pain Why do i have an outbreak of red itchy bumps on both my armpits? Is a heart scan with a volume score of 36 mm a cause of concern ? What is the reason for breathlessness for a person having allergy problem? Medical abortion,LSH,FH,ultrasound Disinterest in intercourse.Remedy? Do I have lymphoma ? How is bells palsy treated ? Loss of appetite,stomach virus,weight loss Can ativan be used to treat anxiety and insomnia ? How is acne and rosacea treated ? Weak digestive system,excessive bowel movement,IBS,metroquinal What are the causes of tachycardia and how is it prevented ? How is gastroparesis treated ? Hematuria,BPH,cytoscopy,bleeding,enlarged prostrate,inflammation How are spasm attacks and coughing controlled in children ? How are damaged leg nerves and vertigo treated ? How are sebaceous cysts and swollen eyelids treated ? Positive HSV,asymptomatic,implanon.Contagious? Wheezing, asthma, budecot, nebulization. Effects? How is left arm pain treated in pregnant women ? How is abdominal pain with bulky stools and diarrhea treated ? How is abdominal pain during pregnancy treated ? Bleeding rectum,headache,red itchy spots,fatigue,loss of appetite,sepsis Painful Calf,painful,difficulty walking What are the causes of testicle soreness ? Hepatitis,epstein bar,discoid lupus,psoriatic breakout,steroid,inflammation How are symptoms of long term mild depression or dysthymia treated ?
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