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Suddenly felt light headed, dizzy and started sweating on forehead. What is the problem? Infant is of 5 kg. Is this normal? Overweight with pcos and type two diabetes. Trying to conceive. What should I do? Dark bruise like spots appeared on back of thigh. Any ideas? Have headache, tooth pain, blocked nose with painful ringing ear. What am I suffering from? What causes morning sickness in old age? Having loose stools. Not getting cured by norflox tz. Suggest some medicine Is there any way to improve cylindrical power? Taking selomax for BP. Suffering from tremors. Will it be safe to take ciplar? Noticed big glob discharge after colonoscopy and passing mucus in stool. Is this normal? Vision loss after taking corticoids. Diagnosed with idiopathic interracial pressure. Effective treatment? Dark melasma like patches appeared on face. Not cured by hydroquionone. Alternate medicine? Any suggestion to improve face color? Have prolonged vaginal bleeding, back pain and swollen legs. What is going on? Having sharp chest pain. ECG and Xray normal. Any risk of massive heart attack? Had vulval intraepithelial neoplasia surgery. Getting loose flaps of skin. Squamous cell carcinoma? What are the chances of getting pregnant when ejaculation is on hand? Diagnosed with PCOD and have bulky uterus. Taking siocare and folic acid. Any suggestion? Patient of renal stones. History of treated genitio urinary Koch. Done Ct scan. Opinion? Is there any chances of getting HIV from precum? How do I know if sphygmomanometer is working properly? Ultra sound showed mild fatty infiltration of liver. What should be done? 32 weeks pregnant. Ultrasound showed grade lll placenta. What does this mean? Having brownish and dark nasal discharge. Sinus infection or CSF leakage? Diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. Is it safe to drink drinking gingerale? Smoker, over weight, runny nose with high blood pressure. Any ideas? Had sex on the last day of period. On birth control. Having abdominal pain. Pregnant? Should I be worried about loud wheezing problem? Had thyroid problem during pregnancy. Should i take medicine after delivery? Getting redness with mild irritation in eye. How to get cured? Trying to get pregnant. Missing periods. HPT negative. Started spotting. Implantation bleeding? Had sex but no ejaculation. Chances of pregnancy? Suffering from dizziness. ECG came normal. CT scan done. What could be the problem? 14 years old. Test showed delayed growth and puberty. Taking oxandrolone. Any suggestion? Suggested to take oxandrolone. Impact on HPG axix? Took short course of oxandrolone long back. Responsible for indigenous testosterone secretion now? Chances of getting STD from oral sex? Planning for a child. Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Got oral sex from sex worker. Have genital blisters. Negative for herpes. Any other STD? Getting cough after having curd. Took Dexrabeprazole. Should i go to ENT? Suggest me on my semen analysis report Why am i losing my strength of penis? Suffering from anxiety problem with fluttering in the chest and panic disorder. Proper treatment? How to abort 2 weeks pregnancy? Diagnosed with migraines. Having vertigo, dizziness, blurred vision and neck pain. Should i be worried? Noticed dark red rash under lower lip. Have cold sore. What could be this? What does it mean when blood pressure is different between left and right arm? Semen discharge while urination. Any problem in married life? Why are my liver enzyme rising? Use of hormone replacement therapy after 65 years of age Taking actibile for multiple stones in gallbladder. Why i am having vitilgo? have pea size lump over the shaft of penis. Not itchy. Ointment to remove it? Swelling and severe pain in feet. Taking medicine for diabetes. Surgery needed? Chronic patient of Crohn's disease. Colonoscopy shows lot of inflammation and ulcers in rectum. Any cure? Taking skelaxin for cervical strain. Frequent gas problem and pain in thigh area. What's the problem? Allergic to food and have ulcerative collitis. Will it be cured by operation? Taking thyronorm for positive TPO antibodies. Started losing weight and sweating. Side effect? 69 years old suffering from the interstitial lung disease. Safe to take breath power extra? Will it be safe to take oxyelite pro along with lexapro 10mg? Pregnant, suffering from spinal tuberculosis. Is there any problem? Pain in tailbone area and small hair found. Is it safe to pluck the hair out if it is a polinidal cyst? Took tylenol and herbal tea for cold and body pain. Started diarrhea. What's going on? 50 years old. Getting post coital odor. Test showed no infection. Is this related to menopause? Have recurrent hematospermia. Suggest some permanent treatment Feeling weakness in arm. Could it be a sign of stroke? Have pus filled lump on legs. Could it be ringworm infection? Prescribed ossopan-D syrup for infant. How long should I continue this medicine? EKG showed sinus rhythm slow, left axis deviation consistent with LAFB. What does this mean? Applied 1% hydrocortisone anti-itch cream. Feeling nausea and headache. Should I be worried? What are the chances of getting pericarditis after a dental procedure? Suffering from knee injury. How to get cured? Suffering from fever. Suggest some medicine Addicted to corex cough syrup. What should be done? Loss of appetite, abdominal pain, joint pain and losing weight. What is the disease? What are the tests required for a general health check-up? Feeling bloated and found blood clot in urine. Should I consult a doctor? Baby got typhoid test done. Is it positive? Smoking cannabis. Started sweating, vomiting, feeling cold and nauseated. Cause and cure? Getting infection in the teeth. Taking flagyl. Is tooth abscess serious problem? Exercise and diet to be followed after gall bladder surgery? Diabetic. Cause of shivering hands? Have dust allergy and cold with runny nose. What should I do to reduce eosinophilia? Dry cartilage between knee bones. Having knee pain. Any effective medicine? How to improve the function of brain for absorbing excess CSF? Hearing problem with painful ear and started bleeding after picking earwax. Any suggestion? Noticed skin growth at the entrance of anus. What could it be? MRI showed white matter disease. Lumbar puncture and blood test done. Suggestion on lab test report Treated for anxiety and depression. Took serta for sleep disorder. Feeling nausea, fatigue. Side effect? Sudden soreness in arm. Should I be worried about shock affecting internal organs? Taking benzos for anxiety, modafinil for type 2 diabetes. ECG done. Any serious cardiac problem? Test showed high AST and ALT levels. What should be done? Have papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Feeling tired. Surgery needed? Missing periods. Pregnancy test negative. Should I be worried? Noticed movable bump under foreskin. No itching or discharge. Worrisome On implanon. Getting electric sensation in breast. How to get relief? How long does oxandrolon stay in the body? Having chest discomfort, stuffy nose and dry throat. Should I consult a doctor? Tingling sensation all over body, feeling nausea with loose bowel. Cancer? Having sharp pain in ovary. What's wrong? Started taking serta as alternative for oleanz. Feeling tired and have loss of appetite. Any advice? Taking klonopin to treat anxiety for long time. Have migraine and hallucination. Side effect? Feeling cold, throat congestion, fatigue, gaining weight and loosing hair. What is the cause? Got road rash wound on foot. Should I take oral antibiotic to fight infection? Have viral throat infection and slight fever. Diet to improve immunity? Pimple appeared at the corner of lips and popped. What are the chances of getting infection? Have abdominal pain and IBS. Feeling fatigue, weakness and mild fever. Treatment to be done? Child having stomach pain and back pain. No fever. Could it be appendicitis? Smoking cannabis. Started vomiting, feeling nausea and shaky. On zoloft. Any suggestion? Have itchy red rashes all over body. Medical test normal. Permanent cure? Started getting irregular periods. Feeling weak with stomach cramps. Could I be pregnant? Getting sharp abdominal pain and constipation with blood in stool. What is the cause and cure? Have food and drug allergies, low BP, headache and fluid discharge from ear. What is going on? Have diarrhea, itchy and burning feet. Should I consult a doctor? Took xenical and gained weight as a side effect. Suggest diet and exercise to reduce weight Addicted to drinks. Test showed high gamma g t level. How to reduce this level? Noticed discoloration and red ring on penis head. No pain or itching. Suggest some cure Epithelial cells and bacteria detected during routine urine analysis. What does this mean? Have had scanty period, heaviness in abdomen and moles on face. What is causing this? Multiple fracture seen on femoral head. Is it safe to go for ceramic THR implant? 54 years old. Feeling bloated, frequent urination and getting delayed periods. Menopause? Getting electrical shocks in jaw and hand. Concerned Noticed redness and puffiness on upper cheek bone area. No pain. How to get relief? Have redness and puffiness on the face. What cure should be done? Have colored bumps on penis. Could it be genital warts? Having pressure in abdomen with a fluttering sensation. What should be done for cure? How to cure swollen and bleeding gums after brushing teeth? If couples have A1-ve and O+ve blood groups. What will be the effect on pregnancy? Have lump in side of neck and feeling uncomfortable. What should I do? Type 2 diabetic. Perscribed theraflu for flu. Is it safe to take? Have painful abscess under tooth. Taking wafarin 6mg. Can I take ibuprofen? Have upper abdominal pain with headache. Flu symptoms? Light reflects on eye while driving at night. What is causing this? Felt sharp pain in chest and numbness in tongue while exercising. Symptoms of heart attack? Have fever. Blood test showed low ABS lymphocyte count. Took antibiotic. Viral infection? Felt lump in throat. Sonogram showed few adherent gallstones but no cholecystitis. Related? What is the proper penis size? Large, round, soft swelling appeared on hand. Used ice on it. Chances of broken capillary? LFT test showed alt and alk phos elevated and bilirubin slightly elevated. Any suggestion? Have itchy raised lump at the back of skull. What could this be? Chest congestion, breathing problem, mucus in chest, acidity and nasal blockage. Asthma? Alcoholic. Have hbp, high cholesterol, sweating and shaking hands. What treatment is required? Have lipomas on hands and stomach. How to control without any operation? Why am I getting mild prickly feeling in chest? Have paraesthesia in leg and pain around buttock. Do I need surgery? Child started vomiting and have loose motions. Suggest medicine Took amoxillcin for strep infection. Now have nausea and watery diarrhea. Am hyperthyroid. Now? Have irregular periods. What is the cause and cure? On premarin and deviry10 mg for artificial periods. Missing periods. What should I do? Small red rashes appeared on body after chicken pox vaccine. Is this common? Have brown marks on penis. Tested negative for HIV and VDRL. Will it affect sexual life? HIV positive, bleeding from head and have seizure. Possibility of getting HIV from body contact? Having extreme itching and burning after surgical abortion. Safe to use vaginal cream? Have headache, HBP, erectile dysfunction and hearing heartbeat in ear. Concerned How can I count the number of grafts after hair transplantation? Have flu symptoms. Feeling nausea and massive phobia of vomiting. What is going on? Missed taking pill. Having abdominal pain. Had sex with withdrawal method. Chances of pregnancy? Have bronchitis and an anal wart. Indication of having HIV? What is meant by some reactive enlarge lymph nodes in submandibular and parotid glands? Purple freckle appeared on vagina. Can shaving cause this? Pregnant. Test showed rubella and cytomegalo virus IgG positive and IgM negative. What to do? Have had bronchitis. Developed cough and coughing up mucus. Is this a mucus plug? Having chest pain. X-ray normal. Eye sight reduces after taking medicine. Any advice? Suffering from constant calf muscle pain and sleep apnea. Are they related? Have GERD and anxiety problem. Feeling weak and tightness in chest. Worrisome Quit smoking. X-ray showed clear. Why do people die after quitting smoking? Diabetic. Will it be safe to take folliderm for hair loss? Tiny T1 hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesions found in MRI. What does this mean? Getting panic attack from long. Having fever all the time. Any proper treatment? Fever with joint pain. Test showed ANA positive and granular covering nucleus. Is this serious? Pregnant. What does a small subchorionic bleeding in the lower pole mean? Infant passing black sticky stools frequently. What should I do? Hard lump on forehead and around eye. How to get rid of this? Treatment for runny nose, cough and upper tract infection? Found itchy red bumps around breast. Should I be concerned? Is there any chances of getting pregnant from precum through clothes? Taking antibiotic for diverticulitis. Feeling pain after taking milk. Is this normal? Have high blood pressure and found skin growth in nostril. Should I be concerned? Have migraine and bleeding nose. Taking proamitine 10mg for lbp. What is causing this? On medicine for gerd and sinus infection. Have low fever and upper gi discomfort. What's wrong? Is it safe to take CLA along with omega-3 capsules? 80 years old have bleeding nose and pressure in forehead. What is going on? Chest congestion with slight cough and mild temperature. What is causing this? What is small phlebolith seen on Xray KUB? Black spots developed on thigh and butt area. Any home remedy or creams? Tubes tied and had unprotected sex. Found red lines around eggs. Sign of STD or HIV? Infant got rash that looks like spider bite. Should I consult a doctor? Severe pain below rib cage with upset stomach. Any liver problem? What is the dose of taxim o for acute throat infection? Have burning and itchy rash on toe with stiff ankle. Is this normal? Ear pain after hearing load and sudden sound. Should I be concerned? Got periods after having unprotected sex. Any chances of getting pregnant? Have cyst on the side of face. Fluid comes out after popping. Could it be sebaceous cyst? Experiencing dizziness, slight nausea, and numbness in arm. Should I take immediate cure? What does white discharge with particles from scrotum with breached skin mean? Pain with tingling and numbness in leg. What could be causing this? Feeling tired and have severe fever. Are these symptoms of typhoid fever? Have irregular black spot on arm. What could it be? Feeling nausea. Test showed high ALT and AST level. What does this indicate? Abdominal pain, started shivering with fever. Medical test normal. Am I having food infection? Have HBP. Knee joint replacement to be done. Advice some precaution and cure to be taken
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