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Is it normal to get diarrhea and cramps on first day of period? Have vasculitis. Got diarrhea, sore mouth, loss of appetite and decreased vitamin D 3 levels. Worried Is oral ketamine approved for treatment of crps rsd? Urinalysis showed presence of blood, protein and wbc. Taking cipro and tested negative. Prognosis? Bladder catheterization done and started getting back pain. Are they related? Frequent urination in child. Using moxeza for pink eye. Cause and cure? Had pyelonephritis. Taking cipro and tylenol for fever. Sign of reoccurring pyelonephritis? Heavy heroin user. Took colozapam. Urine test to be done. Will it be detected in test? Have rheumatoid arthritis, neck pain, headache and shoulder pain. How to treat these problem? Had miscarriage. Taking painkillers. Reason for tender breast and stomach ache with fluttering sensation? Diagnosed with MGUS. Taking tbl 12. Looking for suggestion Noticed bump on labia minora after protected intercourse. Is this the cause for concern? Child has fever and started vomiting. What could be causing this? Noticed painful swelling at vaginal entrance. Sign of cancer? Treatment for depression, sudden crying, hallucinations, delusions and paranoia? Have diarrhea and noticed mucus in it. Family history of colon cancer. Worrisome Noticed blood in saliva after sneezing. Found bleeding gums with damaged teeth. Effective cure? Experiencing leg cramp and numbness on feet after sleeping. Cause and cure? Slept on hand by folding it. Started getting tingling sensation on palm and hand. Worrisome Twisted spine after accident. Diagnosed with tendonitis in shoulder. Getting back pain. Related? History of IBS. Feeling discomfort in stomach. Test showed high lymphocytes count. Any advice? History of IBS. Feeling discomfort in stomach. Test showed high lymphocytes count. Worried for cancer Numbness in lips and fingers. Is this the cause for concern? Missed taking lutera birth control pills. Missing period. When should I start my new pack? On treatment for pcos and hormonal problems. Found protein and blood in urine. Underlying cause? Undergone Radio Catheter Ablation for treatment of Atrial Fibrillation. Taking Cordarone, Calaptin. Correct? Diabetic, wisdom tooth pain. Taking lactare and galact powder. Supplement to increase breast milk? Have bleeding from nose. Due to dryness? Medication? Breast feeding. Can I take vertin? Have discomfort in stomach and back. Had IBS. Done with liver test. Sign of cancer? Have electrolyte imbalance in blood. What is the normal blood pressure level? Child suffering from tonsillitis. Surgery needed? 90 years old. Experiencing low body temperature, nausea and vomiting. Stomach viral infection? Have psoriasis. Red dots appeared on legs and hands. Not cured by cortisone cream. Any ideas? Treatment for snoring and concentration problem? Have hiatal hernia. Feeling nausea, pressure in head and burning sensation in abdomen. Heart problem? Can I get herpes from using common razor? Back pain and spotting after d&c. Have retroflex uterus. How long it takes to cure? Post menopause. Started getting sore breast, back pain, stomachache and bleeding. Reason? Suffering from hemorrhoid. Trying to quit using meth. How to get rid of this? Feeling heaviness in legs while walking. Started having diarrhea. What am I suffering from? Is it safe to take levaquin along with norco? How to remove benwa ball from anus? Getting severe cramps during period. Easy way to get cure? Sudden pop sound in back. Experiencing pain and hot flashes. Took tylenol. Any relief? Is it bad to smoke shisha while trying to get pregnant? Experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath. ECG and chest x-ray normal. How to overcome this? Have dark skin growth behind ear. What could it be? Slipped on ice and got head injury. Started getting metallic taste, no blurred vision or nausea. Worrisome Underwent vaginal hysterectomy. Treated with antibiotic injections for infection. Test to conform infection? Taking neuroaid for cortical blindness. Any suggestion? Overweight. Had gallbladder removed. Have fatty liver and swollen ankle. Safe remedy? Toddler has white bumps inside both cheeks. Is this normal or canker sores? Recurring pain in chest, back and shoulder. Looking for its cause and cure Head hit on ice. Started bleeding with swelling and tingling sensation in head. Any relief? Suffering from dimorphic anemia. What should I do? Have fever and swollen node on side of neck. Does it indicate any abnormality? Blood sugar level not getting controlled even after medication. Worrisome Suspected for NGU after unprotected sex. Bump on penis and swollen lymph node on throat. Herpes? Suffering from acidity and digestion problem. Which specialist should I consult? Semen culture showedmoderate growth of enterococcus faecalis. What does this mean? Taking doxycycline hyclate for sinus and upper respitory infection. Side effect and precaution to be taken? Less growth of mustache. What are the treatment available? What are the risk of death from colonoscopy complication and colon cancer? Accidentally given extra dose of amoxicillan to an infant. Any risk? Not active sexually. What is the reason for missed period? Negative biopsy results for prostate cancer. Noticed blood in urine. Should I consult a doctor? Have high blood pressure. What is the normal reading? Excessive saliva and bad taste in mouth after nissen fundoplication surgery. Any advice? Bumps between breast started bleeding. Any idea what this could be? Chest x-ray after intubation showed vague opacities. Should I be worried for cancer? Renal transplantation done. Ultrasound showed mild echogenic and hydronephrotic. Any advice? Developed slightly raised brown spots on legs. How to get rid of this? Noticed weight gain after taking lyrica. What should I do to lose weight? Have cystic fibrosis, severe lung infection. Started thick vaginal discharge after medication. Any cure? Breathlessness, light headed and shaky in morning. Taking citalopram for anxiety. Proper treatment? Getting constant sharp pain under ribs. What treatment should be done? Experiencing severe sharp pain on side of head and neck. What is causing this? Twisted ankle and now swollen. Feeling difficulty to walk. Should I consult a doctor? Why do I feel sleepy in the evening? Suggest a vegetarian diet plan to improve health condition Suffering from kidney disease and one sided paralysis. Feeling nausea after dialysis. Prognosis? Taking medicine for vitamin D3 and B12 difficiency. How to get relief from sweating and numbness? Have swollen face with a burning sensation and mucus discharge from nose. What's wrong? Miscarriage due to blighted ovum. Have ovarian cyst and burning urination. Reason of not getting pregnant? Type 2 diabetic. Had angioplasty done. Taking medicine. Reasons for excessive sweating? Hip replacement surgery done. Having leg cramps. Not cured by cyclobenzaprine. Feeling tired. Safe remedy? Chattering of teeth while sleeping. Given gentel syrup. Is this due to worms? New born started losing weight. Weight gain after IV drips. Again losing weight. Worrisome Hard mass appeared under penis shaft. Is it possible to remove this? Taking steroids for addison's disease. Have afib in heart. Feeling tired and sweating. Required medication? Tiredness, weakness, body pain and fever after unprotected sex. Negative for elisa. Medication? Suffering from severe diarrhea, vomiting, back pain, leg pain and loss of appetite. Any treatment? Noticed decrease in platelet count. Should I go for bone marrow test? Abdominal pain and shaky hands after eating or BM. CT showed adrenal gland nodule. Any cure? Feeling bloated and having loose stool. Could this be due to abnormal cervix cells? Have lower back herniation. Noticed black and blue color changes in toe. What is causing this? Took motrin and benadryl for mild cold. Noticed broken capillaries all over body. Should I be concerned? Taking aldara for genital warts. White spots on tongue and purple spots on palate. Sign of oral cancer? Test showed inhomogeneous opacity with irregular margins. What does this mean? Treated for block fallopian tube with white nodule on it. Should I try for normal pregnancy with AKT 3 course? Noticed itchy red bumps on solar plexus. No relief after applying clindamycin. Nodular melanoma? What is the cause of stomach pain and loose motion with ear pain? Lifting weight. Taking creatine supplement. Found elevated creatinine levels. Side effect ? Pregnant. Is it safe to take loprin-75 mg for mildly higher resistance to uterine blood flow? Noticed swelling on armpit. What could be causing this? What is the normal time duration for erection and ejaculation in a man? Worried for pregnancy after intercourse. What should be done to avoid pregnancy? Have stone in gallbladder. Got abdominal pain, nausea and dark bruise below naval. Cause and cure? Upper and lower blepharoplasty done. Have crusty eye. Is this normal? Accidentally took warfarin. Started getting ringing ear with blocked feeling. Safe to take propanol? Suffering from piles. Looking for medication Hurt my back and started bleeding from vagina. Concerned Taking niacin to control cholesterol level. Does niacin cause any harmful effect on liver? Noticed sticky liquid discharge from penis with foul smell. What am I suffering from? Have blockage in artery. Stents were placed. Is it safe to use a hot tub at home? Body gets hot while trying to eat and have loss of taste. What could be the reason? Addicted to masturbation. Taking sildenafil citrate. Reason for erectile dysfunction and gray hair? Having ovarian pain. Ultrasound and ct scan normal. Could it be ovarian cancer? How to cure friction burn on genitals? Had unprotected sex. Feeling nausea, started vomiting and sweating. Found H.Pylori infection. Any risk? Type 1 diabetic. Foul odor from urine. Tested negative for UTI. Is there any chemical imbalance? 49 years old. Have pcos, tingling sensation and diarrhea. Found raised sugar level. Premenopause? Taking duromine for weight loss. Noticed red and dry eye. Can I gain weight after discontinuing duromine? X-ray showed crack in humerus. No surgery done. How long will this take to heal? Ear infection, lightheadedness, sore throat, dry mouth and white spot on tongue. Treatment? What is the normal liver span of an adult male? Having moderate stomach pains. How to get relief from pain? Getting cold and pain under breastbone. EKG and xray normal. On medication for anxiety. GERD? Noticed hollow at the juncture of the neck and shoulder with a prominent collar bone. Any idea? Have endometriosis. Chocolate cyst near ovary. Taking regestrone 10 mg. Safe to take this medicine? Overweight. Felt increased heart rate after physical exertion. Is this a sign of an illness? Overweight. Getting light brownish sputum in morning and have snoring problem. Looking for cure Having gas problem and feeling uncomfortable. Easy way to get cure? Taking benadryl for cough. Started getting pain in throat and chest. What to do? Itching and burning sensation in groin area after intercourse. Chances of getting STI? What are the reason for mole growth on skin? Missing period. Will it be safe to travel during early pregnancy? How to control weight gain and hair loss? Knee ACL reconstruction surgery done. Have stiffness and pain in knee. How to get relief? Have pneumonia and strep throat. Diagnose with endocarditis of mitral valve after taking antibiotic. Treatment? Feeling fatigue, moody and brown spotting after clinic abortion. How to conform complete abortion? Missing period and getting white discharge. Any chances of pregnancy from precum outside vagina? Newly wedded. Unable to have intercourse. Looking for suggestion Worried regarding slow activities of a child Suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis. Having fatigue and pain on leg. MRI came normal. Treatment? Took regesterone on the first day of period to postpone it. Noticed increase in bleeding. Concerned Feeling dizzy, ringing ear and have ear loss. Not cured by debrox and hydrogen peroxide. Wax buildup? 3 year old child started behaving strange. What could be the reason? Suffering from anxiety. Chances of contract HIV from saliva? Felt lumps above elbow. Getting pain after pressing. What could be causing this? Have eustachian tube dysfunction. Using hearing protection. Do I have hearing loss or cold allergy? Have swelling on foot and hand. Urine analysis done. What are the findings in the report? Took ovral l tablet to postpone periods. Is there any medicine available to get period? Pus filled sores on arm, legs and fingers. What could be causing this? Had gallbladder surgery done. Feeling nausea and burning pain above incision. Home remedy? Getting a sharp stabbing feeling in the corner of eye. How to get relief? How to determine paternity based on conception? Taking cipralex 30 mg. Feeling tired and anxious. Is this a sign of an illness? Getting pregnancy symptoms. Have positive urine test and negative blood test. What's going on? Getting popping feeling on left side and warm sensation all over body. Proper diagnosis? Hands are turning purple. What's wrong? Taking nexium for acid reflux. Feeling nausea and have fast heartbeat. Cause and cure? Have gas problem and frequent bowel movement with growling sounds. How to get cure? Thyroid surgery done. Histopathology report showed hashimoto's thyroiditis. Required treatment? Have abdominal pain. Hurts while coughing, clearing throat and breathing. Underlying cause? Have dark circle. Not cured by applying creams. How to get rid of it and get glowing skin? Hereditary spastic paraparesis and sleep apnea. Reason for tight muscle in neck and base of skull? D&C done due to missed abortion. Trying to conceive. Had anovulation and missing period. Concerned Suffering from nightfall. How to get rid of this? Had hashimoto's thyroiditis. Blood test normal. Have a benign thyroid nodule. How to get rid of this? Having pain under ribs in back. Abdominal CT scan showed tiny hemangioma. Safe remedy? Diagnosed with nondisplaced fracture of fibular head. Will it be safe to go for ski? How to get rid of pus filled rashes on bottom of stomach and top of legs? Have itchy red spots on feet. How to remove this? Diet plan to reduce weight and lead a healthy life? Noticed penis hole getting larger and burning while urinating. How to heal this problem? Having manipulative behavior with ovarian cancer. Are these treatable? Have stage 4 mesothelioma and swelling in abdomen. What is an average life expectancy? Feeling tired, dizzy, nausea and cold after eating. What cure should be done? Took sudafed for sinus congestion. Reason for strange metallic smell and tingling sensation on tongue? Reason for soreness on lower ribs cage? Suggested althrocin drops for a child having fever and vomiting. Developed lose motion. Stomach infection? Infant developed nappy rash on inner thighs. What care should be taken? Have cold and fever. Found high ESR count in blood test. Reason for raised ESR level? Taking ciphene for PCOS. Took HMG injection after period. No significant growth on ovary. Reason? Ultrasound showed varicocele and scrotal pearl. Taking doxycycline. Proper treatment? Suffering from IBS. Taking rabeprazole and mebiz sr. Looking for proper cure Albendazole dosage for 3 years child? Have swollen clitoris with white sore. How to get rid of this? Taking spirulina tablets. Getting cramps below rib cage. Side effect? Suffering from fissure problem. Getting pain and irritability at the end of anus. Proper medication? Frequent urination. Feeling weak, dizzy and have concentration problems. Reactive hypoglycemia? Feeling difficulty to breath. Getting bloated and tired with sore throat. Taking vitamin. What's going on? Have swollen submandibular gland with post nasal drip. Hurts to swallow. Safe remedy? Have red lump on forearm and sore to touch. Should I be concerned? Suffering from migraine. Started getting pain all over body after taking headset tablet. Side effect? Widal test done for s typhi o, H non reactive, s para typhi ah and bh. Any suggestion? Post menopause. Started vaginal bleeding after intercourse. Any suggestion? Infant diagnosed with mild jaundice and given phenobarbitone syrup. What cure should be done?
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