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How long does a heart attack last? What causes delayed periods and pink vaginal discharge after taking Plan B? What causes unrealistic thoughts of poisoning me with IV injections? What causes feeling hot, heavy sweating and loosing weight? How much can the frenulum cause the penis to curve? What causes elevated triglycerides inspite of having diabetes? Suggest treatment for throat pain while swallowing Suggest Zinc supplement dosage What causes sudden onset of severe knee pain? What are the side effects of Cmizia? What does this thyroid report showing TSH levels indicate? What causes vomiting, weakness and sickness after eating restaurant food? Does DHEA cause hair fall and oral testosterone hurt the liver? What does a itchy rash on neck and arms? What causes frequent coughing during night with valve blockage? Suggest treatment for keloid What causes swollen foreskin of penis after masturbation? Is chest pain and shortness of breath with normal EKG a symptom of MERS? Suggest treatment for being abused in emotional way during childhood What causes feeling weakness inspite of eating properly? What causes high BP with benadryl usage? What causes hives and itching after taking Synthroid? Can lack of adequate rest cause failure of rotator cuff surgery? Can lack of adequate rest cause failure of rotator cuff surgery? What are the risks of surgery for tumor in head? What causes lower abdominal pain and difficulty in passing bowels? What causes pain in low abdomen on left side? Can i go for swimming inspite of having dialysis? Can yeast show up in blood culture without a yeast infection? Does difficulty in breathing have any relation with kidney problem? Suggest treatment for swelling on toe and nail Suggest treatment for cyst on both ovaries and lumbar What causes painful lumps on leg? Suggest treatment for bruise due to hematoma formation Is chloraseptic containing benzocaine safe to take with kidney problem? How to lower insulin production that is elevates blood pressure? What are symptoms of concussion? What causes nasal congestion, shivering and sore ears after serequel intake? What causes no vaginal discharge during pregnancy? Suggest treatment to get rid of candidiasis fungal infection What causes green stool with sore thorat and vomiting? What causes lipoma? What causes headache for short period and nausea? Does decreased growth hormone level have capacity to cause some growth? What does a curve in back indicate? Suggest treatment for colon cancer other than chemo How to wean off Abilify? What causes low birth weight of an infant? What causes high systolic blood pressure in the morning? Is nausea with bad breath and dry mouth symptoms of brain tumor? What causes vibrating sensation in upper left quadrant with uterine fibroid? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar during pregnancy What causes blurred vision with semi liquid coming from the eyes? What causes skin rashes all over the body? What causes sharp pain in rib cage? How to loose weight? What causes post-menopausal heavy bleeding? What causes persistent cold sore even after valtrex usage? What causes salivary glads to hurt while eating? What causes nausea while on treatment for hiatus hernia? What causes seizures with normal EEG reports? Suggest treatment for high red blood cell count What are chances of conceiving with this endometrial thickness during ovulation? How long levofloxacin takes to get out of system inspite of its side effects? What causes constant wrist pain of left arm? What causes urge to urinate and scrape like marks on vaginal lips? Will oxycodone and methadone for liver cirrhosis cause false positive for drug test? What causes sudden weight loss inspite of having thyroid? Suggest treatment for sneezing problem What causes pain in right shoulder? What causes malodorous brown vaginal discharge after sexual intercourse? What causes lump on my labia majora? What causes constant cough with green mucos? What causes rectal bleeding? What causes Shortness of breath, chest pain and heart palpitations? Suggest treatment for calcified hematoma on thigh What causes discomfort on the side of my skull above the ear? What causes extreme joint pain and swelling? What causes flaky dry foreskin of penis after erection? What causes itching on penis tip? What causes vomiting clear mucus? What causes missing periods, abdominal pain and high appetite? Suggest dosage of vitamins and minerals in a tobacco smoker What causes spasms in back? What causes uncontrollable itching of pubic hair region? What are the side effects of over dosed I pill in future pregnancy? What causes headache, throat tightness and chest pain? What causes itching of rectum? How can I skip my period? Suggest treatment for sore throat while breast feeding What causes delay in periods even after primolut N usage? Suggest treatment for recurring pimple How to reduce hair fall? What causes irritation in infant after Hep A vaccination? What causes pain in chest radiating to shoulders and arms? What causes watery rectal discharge? Can i skip lisinopril inspite of its non availability? Suggest treatment for eczematous lesions What causes gastric problem inspite of having bulging flab tummy? What causes loose stools? Suggest treatment for skin lesions of pityriasis rosea What causes blood in stools? What causes blood in stools? What causes itching all over the body? Is hysterectomy the only solution for Endometrium hyperplasia? Suggest treatment for cut between vaginal area and the anal opening What is melanosis of the esophagus? Can i swim during betadine and danacil treatment for cervical erosion? What do bumos above the pubic area indicate? What causes weight gain? What causes throbbing pain at the base of skull? What causes fever without any localizing signs? Suggest treatment for headaches What is a normal menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for Dermatitis Herpetiformis What causes burning sensation while urination and frequent urination? What causes sharp pain in upper thigh and right leg? Is delayed period symptom of pregnancy? Does spraying some antifungal in vagina cause any harm? What causes missing periods even after meprate usage for PCOS? What causes constant tiredness? Suggest medicines which do not increase weight for insomnia Suggest treatment for perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate Can i have third child after two cesarean sections? Is delayed period symptom of pregnancy? What causes constant flickering in the peripheral vision of left eye? What causes soreness and yellow discharge from vaginal incision? What causes throat pain and frequent throat clearing? What causes feet cramps in the morning? What causes uncontrollable shaking in body? Is a red and yellow spot on leg,a spider bite? Suggest treatment for constipation,pain in abdomen and pain in rectum Suggest treatment for infection of the gastrointestinal tract What causes constant inside of labia minora? What causes blood coming from calf on aspiration? What causes sudden change in menstrual cycle? Can sex during the periods cause pregnancy? Suggest treatment for soft tissue injury What are the symptoms of malabsorbtion syndrome? What causes irritation on lower labia minora with inflammation? What causes painful large lump on buttocks? How to wean off Wellbutrin? Is back and stomach cramps accompanied by brown spotting symptom of miscarriage? Is back and stomach cramps accompanied by brown spotting symptom of miscarriage? Is back and stomach cramps accompanied by brown spotting symptom of miscarriage? What causes pain and tingling in left arm with twitching in eyes? Suggest Methadone dosage for pain relief Is prescription required to buy regular insulin? What causes pain in the root canal treated tooth? What does purple bump in the anus indicate? What cuases pain in hip? Is Propranolol or is Amlodipine better for lowering BP? What causes swelling in calves and ankles after kidney stone removal? What causes severe fatigue and feeling of fever after TB treatment? When do side effects of Diltiazem subside? Is acute transformation of a myeloproliferative disorder terminal? What causes severe flank pain? Can Immodium and Normix be taken while on Depakene and Zyprexa? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism What causes feeling of cold trickle running down the leg? What causes excessive sweating? What causes burning sensation on body with rashes in the genital area? What does glucose 113mg/dl,glycosylated hemoglobin 6.70% and vitamin B12 177pg/ml indicate? Suggest treatment for dry mouth caused by Censpram taken for anxiety tratment What causes sore and stiff big toe? What does "few patchy opacities in LLZ and Left perihilar region" mean? Suggest treatment for syphilis How is genital herpes transmitted? What causes palms of hands to turn purple during exercise? Is double dose of Vicodin intake dangerous? Is drinking beer safe when on Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin? What causes chest discomfort while taking levothyroxine? What causes chest tightness and breathing problem? What causes drop in blood sugar? What causes sore throat with bodyaches? How to reduce breastfeeding time? What causes foot cramps late at night? What causes pain during intercourse? Does hair loss after taking Depakote cease after with stopping the medicine? What causes severe headach and stomach pain? What causes swelling between the buttocks? How to remove sutures on knee? Suggest treatment for essential tremors What does vitiligo patch look like? Suggest treatment for colon cancer Suggest treatment for chronic insomnia What causes low white cell count with recurrent bronchitis? Suggest treatment for constipation due to extra long colon Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for chills and night sweats caused after stomach flu Does PFO closure stop from being considered for cardioversion? Suggest treatment for depression How to identify a generic of Adderall? What causes heaviness in head while bending down? What causes poor sexual drive? What causes sharp pain between the breasts? Can Gabapentin be taken for shingles? Suggest treatment for cold and blocked ears What causes fatigue and muscle spasm in spine? What causes stomach pain radiating to back?
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