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Having cuts and bleeding while trying for intercourse. Looking for suggestion 27 years old, want to have breast augmentation surgery. Is there any option? Had tonsilitus and enlarged glands in neck and groin. Chances of chronic fatigue syndrome? Missing periods. Experiencing twitching in lower abdomen. Why am I getting this feeling? 4 month baby diagnosed with a pin hole penis and UTI. What is the cure for pinhole penis? Having stretched breasts and stomach after delivery. Suggest some yoga and diet plan to get cured Noticed purple lump on inner labia. It is painless. What could this be? What is better to detect a stroke a CT scan or an MRI? Possibility of having permanent side effects? Having calf pain and shine numbness. On contraceptive pill. Could it be just muscle strain? Having meralgia parenthetica. Getting tingling and numbness while sleeping, hips feel sore. Any thoughts? Having sarcoidosis disease. What happens when they come into contact with the herpes virus? 10 year child has developed three pimples right in top of the penis. What is the cause? After waking up there is a loud pop and the hearing improves. Looking for suggestion I am overweight and type 2 diabetic.Getting excessive sweating. What treatment should I take? Have dent in lower stomach above pubic hair. Periods started. What could this be? 3 months postpartum. Feeling headache, dizziness and pressure in side of head. Any advice? Having painless lump and swelling on lower leg. X-ray and ultrasound done. How to get relief? Having a lump on the crease in-between leg and groin. Lump getting bigger and smaller. Any suggestions? Noticed bald spots on head. Is it due to allergic to surgical prep chloraprep or prednizone shot? Feeling extremely sleepy and bruising easily. What are the complications? Having loose and light colour bowel movements. Had gall bladder removed. What would you suggest? Had hit on back of ear. Swelling occurred. What cure should I take? Having pressure on head and between eyebrows, difficulty to breathe. CAT scan done. What's going on? Suffering from premature ejaculation. Will it be cured by taking zoloft and paxil? Any advice? Fell down on face. Started vomiting and having headache. What cure should I take? Feeling pain after squeezing tightly. On aleve and mortrin. Could it be due to pulled muscles? Having varying heart rate and weak pulse. Is there any risks? Having movable knot on breast. Is there any serious problem? Is there any side effects of taking obelit capsules to reduce weight? Have had enlarged lymph nodes at neck. Diagnosed with hemangioma. Are they related? Got a nerve sprain on left ankle. Not able to walk. Is it safe to have gabapin ME? Semen colour changed from white to pink brown, pain in groin area. Looking for solution Thyroid test done. What is the normal level and medicine to be taken? Is there any food restriction? Getting paranoid. Is there any problem in wiping a vibrator with lysol? Frozen egg transfer done. Preggnancy test showed negative. Missing periods. Could I be pregnant? Suffering from hair fall. Not cured afte ht surgery. Using minoxidile 10% lotion. What to do? Having black specks in stool. Could it be due to eating several large black olives? Losing weight after doing exercise. Getting smelly urine. What could be the possible reason? Taking lemsip cold and flu. Started pain under rib cage, difficulty to breath and bloating. Looking for cure Test showed cholestrol and ECG abnormal. Suggest some medication and the diet plan? Angioplasty done. Is it safe to walk more or climb the stairs? Family history of heart disease. Worrisome Pregnant. How to find the gender of the baby in home? Having pain in lower back. Pain gets worse after bowel movement. No change in diet. What is causing this? Have had moderate rectal bleeding. On amlodipine 5mg and lamotrigine 100mg. Is this normal? On medication for seronegative sle. Feeling tired, sleepy and sensitivity to sun. Any thoughts? I am a transplanted patient. Taking prednisone 5mg. Started itching all over body. What cure should be taken? On IUD. Missing periods. Experiencing vomiting. HPT negative. What are the chances of pregnancy? Had herpes infection in cornea. Is corneal transplant safe? Chances of appearing herpes in other eye? Had a heel chord lengthened in right leg. Not able to move foot joint. Chances of having arthritis? Have had breast cancer, ovaries removed and on menopause. Having painful sex. Is there anything to get cured? Foreskin started shrinking. Applied oil on it. Suggest some alternate oil or treatment to get cured? Diagnosed with bcc under breast. Noticed hard lump on lower rib cage. Should I go for chest x-ray? Does dyhenhodroamine HCL, tylonel PM and Unisom cause any types of cancer? I am hypocondriac. Having light brown stool. What are the chances of intestinal bacteria? Having history of epilipsy and hypothyroidism. Having UTI and infected salivary gland. Should I go for check up? 14 year old having lump in earlobe. Foul smelly puss comes out when pressed. Should I see a doctor? I have a labia fissure. What cure and medicine is required? Pregnant. Having green bowel movement. What could this be? Could it be a sign of labor soon? Having swollen, red and itchy hands and feet. Diagnosed as allergy. Using cortisone. What is the disease? Getting puss filled red closed comedones on skin. Suggest some effective ointment? Suffering from pain in lower back and rib area and constipation. Ultrasound done. Worrisome Pregnant. Having cocaine. What damage will it cause to the baby? On thyroid medicine and cetirizine for body rashes. Not feeling comfortable in public. Suggest some cure Having PCOS and hair fall. Is there any yoga for getting glow in face and healthy hair? What is the best post cycle therapy to keep me safe and keep my gains after cycle? I am tensed and depressed. Suggest some allopathic medicine to increase height? Pregnant. Taking 20 mg of pravastatin. What are the chances that I have harmed the baby? Diagnosed with adenomyosis. Key hole operation and ultrasound done. Is there any specific treatment? Got pigmentation on forehead while pregnent. Gets worse when exposed to sun. Is there any permanent solution? On atenolol 50 mg. Prescribed spironolactone 50mg for hair loss. Should I continue the medicine? Prescribed antibiotics for ruptured ear drum. Feeling pressure, discomfort in ear and eye pain. What can it be? Went for laser hair removal. Is there any thing to make beauty mark darker or stop it from disappearing? Treated and controlled hypertension. Have anxiety disorder. Feeling light headed and nausea. What to do? Having abdominal and ovarian pain, frequent bowel movements. Is it stomach virus or appendicitis? Feeling numbness in ear and hearing loss. Is this a viral problem or chronic otitis media glue ear? I am meth smoker. Having back and shoulder pain, started nose bleeding. What is causing this? Having tight skin on penis. Will it create any problem in personal life. Suggest some diet plan Trying to conceive. Take duphaston 10 mg. Which is the right day to take this pill? Trying for baby. Hormone tested normal. Ultrasound done. What does no enlarged follicle means? Chances of pregnancy? Having back and abdominal pain. Feeling bloated and nausea. On medication. Looking for suggestion Does over dosage of BP drugs cause low pulse rate? How to control the pulse rate? How serious is low blood pressure? Is it safe to take flonase and verapamil? Having pain between teeth. Not cured by paracetamol. Diagnosed with inflammation of gums. Any suggestion? Lab test done for TSH. Prescribed levothyroxine. Is this the right pills for this condition? Had intercourse. Getting burning sensation when urinating. What are the chances of having UTI? Have herniate disc L3, dengenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia. On medicine. Looking for suggestion Started spotting after intercourse. Ultrasound and hormonal test done. Why am I getting this? MRI done. Having pain in back and shoulder. Will the herniated disk correct itself in time? Had treatment for wisdom tooth. On medicine. Experiencing night sweats. Is this normal? Have small bump under foot. Hurts to touch. Is there any damage in nerve? Family history of heart disease. Having nausea, discomfort in breast and pain below sternum. How to get cured? Suffering from pain near right testicles, feeling uncomfortable. What to do? Experiencing fatigue, dizziness, headache and pain in legs and arms. Could it be fibromyalgia? Developed thrombosis in legs. Operated through iliac arteries. Started swelling and pain in foot. What should be done? Gall bladder scan and blood test showed negative for celiac disease. Feeling uncomfortable. Any ideas? Is having creamy orange discharge normal when pregnant? What is the cause? Had kidney transplant done. On medicine. Started constipation and diarrhoea. How to get rid of this? Having polymyalgia rheumatica. How long does it take to get cured? What is the average time of ejaculation and what is the perfect penis size? Had unprotected sex. Should I be worried about contracting something? Have red irritated ring around penis shaft and rash between scrotum and legs. Any treatment? Having dry patches and itching on penis. Is it yeast or fungal infection or something else? MRI showed abnormal narrowing of the elementary canal. What treatment is required? Having painful lump behind knee. No bruise appeared. What should be done? Test done for bun, gfr and creatinine. What does the value signify? Treated for pneumonia. Having joint pain, feeling fatigued. Tested negative for mono. How to get relief? Having purple coloured ring mole. What could it be? Operated for broken back bone. Paralysed below waist. MRI done. Is it possible to recover completely? 7 year child having loose skin on scrotum. Corrective surgery done or penile adhesions. What are the risks? Having spots under toe. Painful to walk. How to heal this and get cured? I shot up meth. Have burning sensation in chest. Feeling light headed and dizzy. Any ideas? Pregnant. Planning to abort. Is there any side effects of taking mafigest and cytolog? What does LEU +++ 500 WBC/ul mean? Got stomach injury. Started weight gain, vomiting and abdominal pain. Could this be related to asthma? Took mifepristone and misoprostol. Started diarrhoea and bleeding for a day. Why has bleeding stopped? Having red, itchy and stinging rash on neck. What cure should be done? Trying to conceive. Have ovarian cyst. Never had contraceptive pills. What are the complications? Have hypothyroidism. Had ligament tear of leg in an accident. Can i use herbalife to reduce weight? Not sleeping properly, heart pounding and numb hand. Increased dosage of colozapem. Any complications? Blood test done. What does the value signify? Should I be concerned? Having stomach ache, slight fever, body pain and constipation. What cure and treatment should be done? Getting continuous periods. Prescribed trapic 500 mg and texakind 500 mg. Suggest good gynaecologist Diagnosed with anxiety. Feeling numbness and heaviness. Diagnosed with spondylitis. Any cure? Is fucidin H cream safe for ear infection during 3rd trimester of pregnancy? Blood test done. What does the value signify and the chances of Hepatitis B? Have swelling near saliva glands. Feeling discomfort in throat. What should be done? Had laproscopic surgery to remove endometriosis and ovarian cysts. Missing periods. Should I consult gynecologist? Hit hard on ankle bone. Bruise appeared and vein in visible. painful to touch. Suggest some cure? Had wrist fracture and swelling under thumb. What is the possible to have tendon or ligament damage? Took morning after pill. Missing periods. What are the chances of pregnancy? Feeling weakness after virus attack. Started sweating, sore gums and headache. Blood test done. Any ideas? Having pain in kidney, vomiting, uneasiness in stomach. blood test done. Suggest some effective medicine? Planning to conceive. Stopped taking femodene. Feeling tired, dizzy and nauseous. What is causing this? Chances of HIV while penis was not erect? Having phobia and getting nervous due to IBS and gastritis. Suggest some effective advice to get cured? Having uneven skin tone on face and oily skin. How to get rid of this? Suffering from TB. Experiencing loss of balance along with vertigo. What is causing this and the cure? Diabetic. Having strong body odour. How to get rid from this problem? Planning to go on steroids cycle. What is the best post cycle therapy? 8 years old child is under weight. What could be the reason? Is this hereditary? Any suggestion Having painful lump behind ear. Having headache and blood in stool, feeling lethargic. Worrisome Getting gastric, back pain and chest pain due to tension. Blood test and ECG done. How to prevent this? 72 years old having diabetes. High creatinin level. Is Ayurvedic treatment safe and effective? Having tired and painful neck, red blood like spots on it and pain in bones. What's wrong? Have emphasema and COPD. Having dark veins in armpits. What could cause this? Having recurrent low grade fever. Taking zifi 200. Blood test showed high ESR. Looking for cure Suffering from severe hair loss. Trichoscan done. What does the value signify? Operated for removal of stone from bile duct. Looks like infection or blood clot. What could be this? 57 years old on opiates. Started to urinate all the place. What to do and what is going on? Found lump inside the opening of anus. Hurts while bowel movement. Is there a way to cure it at home? Smoking marijuana frequently. Experience cognitive, memory and breathing problems. What should I do? Having edema in legs. Having headache, swollen jaw and tender lymphs. What is causing this and cure? Noticed pain in joint of ankle. Not able to walk. Swelling and redness appeared on knees. Is this gout? Diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer. Had bilateral mastectomy. How to get cured? I have degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia and MS. What should be used to relieve from pain? Have stinging nerve like pain in upper chest and abdomen. Family history of heart disease. Worrisome Have tiny spots of thicker skin on face. Prickly feeling when sweating and stressed. Concerned Vision shifted to left while playing computer games. Feeling nausea and numb hand. What's going on? Having bumps on dick. Diagnosed as herpes. Got bumps on face. Is it infectious? What to do? Having mild pain in left testicle. Will this pain in testicle cause infertility issues? Have kidney stones. Having frequent urination. Ultrasound done. What does the values signify? On Citalopram 30mg. Planning for baby. Does this medicine have any effect on sperm count? Could you explain how NCV's assist in diagnosing Bell's Palsy? On Citalopram 30mg. Looking for advice to reduce the side effects by weaning off them correctly? Had missed abortion. Pregnant. Having itching. Blood test done. Is there any risk for the baby? Vyvance has increased anxiety and affected the sleep. Taking lexapro for depression and anxiety. Any suggestion? Having reappearing boil like lump on groin area. Puss leaks from it. What is this? My premolor tooth is affected by cavaty,should i undergo rootcanaling? Awoke gasping for air after inhaling wax vapour. On steroids. Family history of sleep difficulty. Worrisome Left breast areola swollen, painful to touch. What is the reason and remedy? Having pain on thigh near groin area, vomiting and nausea. Ultrasound done. Is it femoral hernia? Having pain in back below shoulder blades. How to get rid of this feeling? Having itchy and dandruff. Not cured by using different oils and shampoo. Is there any effective cure? Undergoing periodontal cleaning. Started pain, low grade fever and fatigued. Is it due to bacterial infection? Quadruple bypass surgery done. Having pain in breast and around the incision. When will the pain go? Having red bumps on trunk and spreading all over, fluid comes out of it and muscle pain. Looking for cure Having reappearing small red painful bumps on sides of fingers and elbows. Any treatment? Swallowed kerosene and drank water. Feeling normal and breathing fine. Should I be worried? Noticed bruise on forehead in morning. What is causing this and how to avoid in future? MRI showed small joint effusion. What does the report suggest? Had intercourse. Started spotting. Pregnancy test negative. What are the chances of pregnancy? Had hit on eye and swelling appeared. Used ice on it. Is the head cold damaging something in eye? Having gas and bloating. Ultrasound done. What does the report suggest and the problem? Underwent rewarming process due to heart attack. Having fever. What are the risks? 2 year child having mild fever, bad breath and gum started bleeding while brushing. Any ideas? Got bitten by something on foot. White and itchy patches appeared on swollen and numb toe. What to do? My AST level is 41. Should I be concerned? Have hashimoto's thyroiditis and taking thyroxine. Have yellowish skin on eyelids. Worrisome Had hit on thumb. Bruise developed under nail. Using ice on it. What else should be done? Will gnc women's ultra mega active dietary supplement affect birth control pills? Trying to conceive. Is it safe to take this trip considering she might get pregnant? Had a sinus infection. Empty head feeling. Why am I getting this feeling? Having breast cancer. Abdominal hysterctomy and bilat salpingo-opherectomy to be done. Any thoughts? Developed sharp pain in the right calf muscle while walking. What are the chances of blood clot? Suffering from dengue. Treatment and test done. Suggest what should I do? Can hydrogen peroxide get rid of pearly penile papules and fordyce spots on penis? Feeling bladder full, dehydrated and mild sore throat. On thyroxine and probiotic. Any suggestion? Had unprotected sex. Tested negative after 3 month. How reliable is 3 month test? Suggest some required treatment? 9 year child stung by bee on arm. Skin gets red and hard. What cure should be done? Diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Not feeling good after treatment. Should I be worried?
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