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X-ray report showed hernia where endoscopy could not find. Any idea? Feeling discomfort in esophagus and rib area. Dont have gallbladder. Related to hernia? Endoscopy showed severe bile staining. Having severe acid reflux in throat. Taking dexilant. Any ideas? What are the chances of getting pregnant by fingering with sperm? Have abdominal discomfort with dark stool. Had surgery of gallbladder removal. Done blood test. Normal? Slight headache and feeling one side of forehead bigger then other. Is this serious? Have swelling on lymph node. Taking forecox for TB. Side effect? Got eyebrow injury long back. Used mederma cream. How to remove the mark? Got less period than normal. Have nausea and abdominal pain. reason? Taking medicine for blood pressure and feeling tired. What should I do? Hit my face and got blood from nostril. Sinus infection? CAT scan showed swollen lymph nodes in neck. Family history of cancer. Worrisome Got cut in anus area. No tenderness except little discomfort. Any home remedy? Swallowed hydrocodone and pseuderine cough syrup by mistake. What can happen? Pregnant. Test showed increase in TSH level. Will this cause any harm to baby? Feeling of something stuck in vagina. Noticed mild cystocele. Is it normal after vaginal delivery? Is it normal to have space between upper and lower teeth at resting position? Is it safe to take endone tablet and nurofren tablet together? How long does it take to recover after circumcision? Got first degree burn with no pain or swelling. Using neosporin on it. Any suggestion? Having irregular bowel movement with mild cramps. Worried for colon cancer Child diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia. Should I consult a pulmonologist? Got periods after miscarriage. Ultrasound taken. What are the findings in the report? Got vigamox eye drops to treat conjunctivitis. Is it safe to use the same for a child? Feeling slight chest congestion and urge to burp. Chest x-ray normal. Could it be acid reflux? Frequent urination and yellow watery stool in breastfeed baby. Should I be worried? Diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer stage III. Having back pain and knee pain. Is this normal? Is it safe to take niftran 100mg capsule for a prolonged period? Abdominal ultrasound showed enlarged liver and increase in echogenicity. What are the risks? What are the side effect of duzela 20mg? Unable to sleep due to racing heart rate. Is this a serious problem? Pregnant. No fetal pole and poor gestational sac growth seen in x-ray. Precaution to be taken? Pacemaker fitted due to atrial fibrillation. On warfarin. Feeling tired and difficulty to walk. Any cure? Got piles. Test showed high SGPT level. Are they related? Having recurring chest pain. How to get relief? Blood test showed raised AST and ALT level. What are the complication? Took ipill after unprotected sex. Missing period with abdominal pain and vomiting. Worrisome Using condoms for protected sex. Got swollen vagina. Latex allergy? Have vaginal greenish discharge, lesions present on the external genitalia. Negative for STD. Infection? Safest way to remove hairs from genital parts? Diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Had vertebroplasty done. Why there is a numbness in leg? Have white warts under foreskin. Which specialist should I consult to get cure? Experiencing occasional sharp pain in perineum area. Sexually not active. Any reason? History of cervical dysplasia. Feeling fatigue, getting numb hands and legs. Any treatment? Experiencing horrible panic attacks. Had IBS. Chances of pancreatic cancer? Pregnant, have abdominal cramp with blood in stool. Internal hemmoroid? Itchy nose, nasal discharge, sneezing and blood in back of nostril. Are these signs of rhino sinuitis? Suggest medicine to increase weight for children Treatment for Entamoeba histolytica Diagnosed with pityriasis rosea. Have sore tongue. Took steroid shot. Any suggestion? Took postinor. Got positive HPT. Any effect on baby? Had cold and sinus infection. Cannot smell anything. Acute sinusitis? Cough, body ache, loss of appetite and vomiting with watery stool. What is the disease? 4 years old with fever. Fever not going down by crocin. Other medicine? Hit head, got a bump and having headache. Is this normal? 56 years old. What is causing the swelling on head? Child with dry cough. Worse at night. Had asthma. Taking robitussin. Suggestion? Pregnant. History of upper respiratory infection. Had fever and ear pain. Safe to take antibiotic? Pregnant. Have fluid in eardrum. What can i take instead of benedryl? Child having asthma and cough. Got worse after taking robitussin. Proper treatment? Frequently get mouth ulcers. What medicine should I take? Have hard lump at the top of gluteal cleft with constipation. Treatment? Why am I getting odd sensation in throat? Taking corticosteroids and antihistamine for chronic cough. Side effects of prolonged usage? Treated for throat cancer. Taking solpadol for stomach discomfort. What is causing heartburn? Using emuluments for vericouse ecxma on both legs. Noticed lumps. How will it go? Have moderate growth of candida. Permanent cure? Can condom prevent infection of stds? Getting headache with extreme pressure. Could it be anxiety, sleep apnea or tumor? Getting hot flashes and have clammy skin. Should I be concerned? Got period after implanon removal. Had sex. Headache with bleeding gums. Is this normal? MRI showed moderate diffuse cerebral atrophy and small vessel disease. Any suggestion? What causes tremors in a diabetic ESRD and CAPD patient? Feeling weak, having pain in arm and back after eating. What is causing this? Met with an accident. Fluid filled bruise appeared on hip. How to cure it? Taking siphene for PCOD problem. Getting pregnancy symptoms. HPT negative. What's wrong? Started having pain between breast. Taking medicine for acid reflux. Cause and cure? Getting smelly watery vaginal discharge. What could be the cause of this? Have itchy red spots on penis. What is this and how to get rid of it? Chest tightness and abdominal bloating. Not cured by medicine. Is there any complication? Child having colorless, painless bumps on torso. Any idea what it could be? What is causing red blotches on chest? How to increase penis strength and erection quality? Semen analysis done. What does it indicate? Is there any complication? Feeling shadow in eye. Could it be from sunburn? Have edema of the gut. Facing difficulty to breathe and pain in lower intestinal area. Any cure? Is it safe to use mtp kit for abortion purpose? Taking finax after hair transplant and got abnormal lipid profile. Is this due to finax? Abdominal scar from an exploratory surgery. Getting stinging and burning sensation. Cause? Taking amoxicillan for itchy hands and feet. Any suggestion? Anemic, frequent loose stool with blood in it. Should I be concerned about colon cancer? Having headache, vomiting, nausea. with little high temperature. Had tumor in colon. Any idea? Severe headache after IUD insertion. Is it safe to take meftal spas? Have burning stomach and facing difficulty in swallowing. What am I suffering from? Having burning stomach with swallowing difficulty for specific food. What could be the reason? Have sore throat, swollen papillae at the back of tongue. Not cured by antibiotics. Treatment? Using canesten for red and inflamed labia minora. What is the required treatment? Can any online doctor suggest me on my ultrasound report? Taking medicine for depression. Have IBS. Any permanent cure? Getting recurring otitis externa. Is there any permanent treatment? Suffering from acid reflux with burning headache. Negative for sinusitis and gout. Any other problem? Getting headache with severe itching and burning in neck after head injury. What's wrong? Why am I having pain in feet after prolonged standing and working? Any chances of contracting HIV through anal sex? Infant gets red spot after having egg. Is it due to allergy? Have headache and started passing foul smelling gas. What is going on? Waiting to have thyroid surgery. Taking levo. Any relation between TSH and the surgery? Have down syndrome. Using stieprox shampoo for alopecia. Alternative for graying hair? Having brown discharge after a miscarriage. Safe time to have intercourse? Why is VDM kit used for? Swollen scrotum after a hit from a ball. Any treatment should i take? Have bad cough, feeling tired and fever. Had Bronchitis and Costochondritis. Recommendation? Suffering from fever. Feeling difficulty to stand for a long. Any solution? Blood test showed normal T3 and T4 level with high TSH level. Should I be concerned? Fever, abdominal pain with metallic taste. Test showed high liver enzymes and globulin. Surgery needed? Having chest and arm pain. Normal EKG and chest X-ray. Any idea? Sore vagina after tummy tuck surgery. Tested positive for HPV2. What should I do? Have bleeding after having ECP. Can a doctor make out that I had the pill? Irritation on penis after having sex. Negative for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Genital herpes? Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, chest tightness and breathing difficulty while in shower. What's going on? Having fullness in the kidney, frequent infections, dry mouth, constipation. Had surgery for PUJ obstruction. Normal? Purple lump on lingual frenulum after oral sex. Applied hydrogen peroxide. What are the risk? Have PCOS, thyroid and cyst in ovary. Need a diet chart to reduce weight Sore throat, black tongue and blood with mucus. What is causing this? Took ibuprofen, sudafed, nyquil for cold. Got itchy rashes. Side effect? What treatment should be done for erectile dysfunction problem? Have sharp pain in left shoulder. What could be the reason? Having stomach problems. Had jaundice. Suggest any liver tonic Had jaundice. Having stomach ache and digestion problem. Any cure? Have swollen penis. Using bacitricin. Proper treatment? Have type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Test showed high ALT and AST level. What to do? Trying to get baby. Semen analysis done. All reports are normal. What could be the reason? The white portion of eye turned in red. Taking atenolo, fluoxetine. Is the treatment correct? Headache and stuffy nose with mild weakness. Flu or allergy symptoms? Child with high fever, cough and chest congestion. Best medicine and treatment? Have had 3 cervical fusions. Having chronic severe pain. How to get cure? Have lower back pain and see strange images everywhere. Any mental problem? Treatment for repeated sinus, dizziness, fuzzy head, vomiting and sickness? Have infected earlobe with fluid discharge. What medication should be done? Have itchy swollen earlobes. Should I consult a doctor? Have sore throat, sore gums and sore teeth. Noticed bump in mouth. What could it be? Dry and itchy penis head. Should I get treated for yeast infection? Diagnosed with PCOS. Taking modus 10mg. Will I get pregnant normally? Is it safe to use faceclin gel for pimples on face? Had unprotected sex just after periods. What are the chances of getting pregnant? Got hit on leg. Lump and bruise appeared. Should I be worried? Itchy arms and legs. Using synalar c cream for prurigo nodularis. What could have caused this? Getting yellow stringy substance in stool. Could it be mucus or bile? Concerned for recurring periods and milky white secretion from breast Severe pain around chest, shoulder and temple area. Taking prednisone. How to get relief? Have sore anus and noticed blood in stool. What treatment should be done? Frequent urination even after turp operation. Taking omeprazole. Cause and cure? Having headache with extreme pressure. Could this be from anxiety or sleep apnea? Noticed hard, painless lump on clavicle. What could this be? Having pain in kidney. Urine test done. What are the findings in the report? Lump on urethral meatus. No pain or discharge. How to get rid of this? Have cold and getting constant odor of cereal or yeast. How to get relief? 68 years old. Slight twitching on upper lip. Should I consult a doctor? Applied antiseptic ointment and bandage after dog bite. Red ring appeared. Should I be concerned? Slight pain in lower abdomen and testicle. Noticed blood in urine. Bladder cancer? Cold, cough, fever, sore throat and runny nose. Taking omnicef. What is the disease? Does anal sex cause hemorrhoid cancer? Having pain in head and behind ear. What is the disease? Any effective medicine to cure rash between buttcheeks? Peeling penis head after intercourse. Tested negative for STD. Is there any medicine to cure? Dry, itchy, swollen and burning vagina. Using monistat. Should I consult a gynecologist? Sensitive, small and dark penis skin. Is it due to excess masturbation? Infant having tongue tie. Is there any complication? Treatment for confusion, headache, tiredness, lethargy and chills? What are the treatment available for anxiety disorder? What are the causes for swollen and inflamed taste buds? Why am I having pain under rib cage and inflamed muscle in stomach? Diabetic. Suffering from indigestion. Will it be safe to take panlipase? Had partial thyroidectomy. Experiencing joint pain, weight gain and allergy symptoms. Am I at risk? Suddenly lost breath and felt sick in the stomach while playing. What could be causing this? Child with choking cough, runny nose and congestion. What treatment should be done? Started spotting after taking emergency contraceptive pill. Is this normal? Took unwanted kit for abortion. Getting stomach ache. What should be done to get relief? Pregnant. Taking citrakala and levofloxacin 500 for UTI. Any harm to fetus? Sudden increase in weight. Suggest a way to reduce the weight Diabetic. Applied ointments for torn foreskin. Not cured. Advice some effective treatment? Child having cough. No breathing trouble or fever. Given bicarex expectorant. Any suggestion? Have dry skin with swelling and irritation around mouth. Diagnosed with lip dermatitis. Any advice? Sudden development of abnormal behavior with stiff and shivering body. Required treatment? Breastfeeding premature baby and weight loss. Diet plan to increase weight? Feeling dizzy, lightheaded and tingling all over body with metallic taste. Sleep apnea or seizures? History of vitiligo on penis. Noticed spots on penis. Chances of getting herpes from hand job? What does my follicular study indicate? Itchy boils on face with burning sensation. How to get rid of this? Child has large lymph node on neck. Blood test done. What does the value indicate? Suggest some steps to reduce weight Pain in urethra and semen leakage. What should I do? Child having pain in chest muscle. Could this be due to the growth plate developing? Have small multiples follicles in both ovaries. How to get pregnant? 53 years old with itchy vagina. Tested negative for yeast and bacterial infection. What's wrong? How to control diabetes and blood pressure? Precaution to be taken? Taking torleva 1gm and sodium valproate 600mg for irregular myoclonic seizure. Is this treatment safe? Taking cialis 10mg for erectile dysfunction. Getting burning sensation in eye. Side effect? Suddenly felt heavy headed, pressure behind eyes and blurred vision. Migraine? Experiencing pain and burning sensation while having sex. Any medicine to get relief? Proper treatment for froelich's syndrome?
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