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Persistent back pain. Exercising, taking proper diet, maintaining proper posture. Extra precautions? HIV positive. Taking Lexapro, Depakote. Body itching, bloated stomach, swollen limbs. Taken Benadryl but no relief Redness in areola during periods, warm feeling. Any thoughts? Pain in instep. Taken Neurofen without relief Difficulty speaking, no throat pain. Boils in throat. Is it related to cancer? Taking Pilocarpine for Sjogren's syndrome. Have dry eyes, peripheral neuropathy. Should I get married? Is there a device that can be used to test one's sugar level at home? Have anxiety due to relationship problems. Can I take anti-anxiety drug for short term? Back pain after fall. Tingling feeling, nausea, dizziness, vomiting. Taking Ibuprofen. Do I need to go to ER? History of miscarriage. Cramps, pain in leg and back, headache. Negative pregnancy test. Late period. What is wrong? Have BMI of 17. How to increase weight? Want recommendation on good hearing aid center in Bangalore. How is hearing aid prescribed? Child has rashes on face. Any suggestions? Open wound on face, discharge, bleeding. Have diabetes 2. Any help? Recurring cold, heaviness in head, sore throat, nasal discharge. Any permanent solution? Is it possible to naturally reduce one's height? History of kidney cancer. Have pain in side, back pain, ankle pain. Done blood test. Have fatty liver. Help Had salmonella poisoning. Lower back pain, leg pain, difficulty walking. What action can be taken? Taken Monistat and Vagisil for itching. Lidocaine stopped working. Have painful urination. Help Shoulder fracture. History of fractures from minor accidents. How to prevent such problems? Is bone density bad? Have urticaria. Spots on limbs and groin, clear discharge. No itching. Taken antibiotics. Cause? Blood in urine after running. No pain. CT scan negative. Cystoscopy shows no mass. What should I do? Taking Quetiapine before sleeping. Have weight gain. Can I switch to different medicine? Also taking Ritalin, Efexor Taking Lexapro and Depakote. HIV positive. Body itching, bloated stomach, swollen limbs. Taken Benadryl Had filling in tooth. Feeling sensitivity when eating. Tingling face. What should I do? Scheduled for colonoscopy. Have smoked marijuana. Will it affect anesthetic? History of PE and acute promyelocytic leukemia. Have blood in mouth, coughing blood, headache. Should I go to ER? Numbness in hands, pain in elbows, sore hands, tingling leg. Done 4-level ADCF. Any thoughts? Hard, fluid-filled bump on penis. No pain or itching. Leathery patches on penis. What is it? Late period, spotting, stomach pain and swelling, thick and white discharge. Negative pregnancy test. Pregnant? Purple spot on neck. Had stomach virus and sore throat. Should I be concerned? Have low sperm count. Am I infertile? Is IVF the only way to conceive? Dizziness, breathlessness, shoulder pain. EKG abnormal. Concerned about PR number History of gastro. Have loose stools, anal fissure. No pain or bleeding. Stomach or colon cancer? Pain near heart and neck, tingling arm and shoulder blade. Have high BP. Taking Adderall. Is it heart problem? Red bumps, itchiness after sand flea bite. Taken prednisone. Why is it not improving? Painful lump in palate Taken overdose of Disprin. What to do to prevent side effects? Headache, vomiting, neck pain, dizziness, partial facial paralysis. Should CT scan for blood clot be done? Difficulty breathing, hurts to cough or move, breast and rib soreness, back and arm pain. Pulled muscle? Abdominal sonogram showed cholelithiasis and fatty infiltration of liver. Treatment? Redness and itching in vagina, nausea. Had protected sex and oral sex Joint pain, pressure in throat. Have underfunctioning glandula thyroidea. Taking tenormin mite. Help Fluid in chest, mucus in throat, burning sensation near heart Pink bumps around anus. What could this be? Taken Provera and Clomid. No periods. Negative hpt. Have morning sickness and breast tenderness. What to do? Raised bumps around genital area, legs, stomach. What are they? Have painful periods, throbbing vaginal wall. Have varicose veins. What can be done? History of seizures and neurocysticercosis. Taking Albendazole, Eptoin. CT scan normal now. Stop Eptoin? Recommended amino acids and proteins after workout. How much protein should I take? Have many boils in head. Reason? Permanent cure? Taking Montek for anxiety disorder. Have stomach pain. Endoscopy shows no ulcer. Is it due to Montek? Chest pain, pain under breast, nausea, back pain, tingling arm. What is it? History of melanoma. Have soft mass on back. Cause? Family history of heart disease and cervical cancer No periods after stopping Novelon contraceptive tablet. Reason? Red rash on forehead, cheeks, shoulders. Discomfort in eye. Taken antibiotics. Peeling skin, burning History of hysterectomy. Bloating, pain when passing stools. Blood work shows abnormal glucose. Related to thyroid problems? Blackening on labia, warts in genital area, itching and spreading. What is going on? Taking Levo after thyroid surgery. Blood test shows increased TSH. Reason? Swelling, redness, soreness in big toe. No drainage. Nails seem to have stopped growing Ultrasound of wrists shows carpal tunnel syndrome. Cortisone injection good? Want second opinion Prescribed ambien to get proper sleep. Worried for its side effects. Alternate medicine? Red bruise appeared on the shaft of penis. Should I be worried? Child is passing loose motion. Giving ORS solution, curd and nortem syrup. Any suggestion? Burping, stomach pain, blood in stool, low energy. Worried about colon cancer and colitis History of syncope. Sudden increase in heartbeat, difficulty breathing. Taking Minipress for anxiety. Worried about BP Face inflammation. Angiography shows focal stenosis, dilated azygos and hemiazygos. What to do? 66 year old. Have no hair on arms, legs and torso. What could be causing this? Excision biopsy showed ployriod with high-grade dysplasia. How to prevent it from developing cancer? Have acid reflux, pain and itching under rib cage. Feeling bloated. Hepatic ultrasound done. Cancer? Occult test showed hidden blood. Colonoscopy showed no polyps or abnormalities. What does this mean? Bruising on thighs, acne on face. Taken medication. Something to worry about? Passing blood in urine. Should I consult an urologist? Getting light period followed by spotting and having pelvis cramps. What is wrong? Overweight. Taking medicine for bp, cholesterol and depression. Why do I sweat excessively? Done ABX1 blood test. What do the results mean? Type 1 diabetic. Teeth sensitive to sweets. Using sensodyne toothpaste. Any cure? Does bleaching, veneering and crown placement cause sensitivity? Getting headache when lying down on stomach. Should I be concerned? Have cavities and few teeth removed. Am I unfit to join the army? Dizziness, leg pain, chest tightness, sensitive to light, no weight gain. Due to anxiety? Is it safe to separate infant from parents for few month? Having pain in stomach and shoulder. No relief from antibiotic. Should I consult a doctor? Grinding sensation in mid back, no pain. Dizziness, nausea Have erectile dysfunction. Taking Stablon and Cialis. Can I combine Cialis with Staminol for better results? Have breast cancer. Done chemotherapy. Have vomiting, liver enlargement. Taking Liv-52. Possible to have no lump after treatment? Noticed swelling on hand, lip, chin and cheek. Temporary relief from predisone. What is going on? Elevated BP, flushing feeling. Have cavernous lung lesions. Want to continue taking Adderall and Viibryd MRI showed mildly dilated endometrium, thickened transitional zone with adenomyosis. Meaning? Nose bleed, dizziness, tunnel vision. What is wrong? Child on antibiotic for fever and cold. Red patches appeared on hands and legs. Normal? Suffering from sore throat and blockage in one nose. What am I suffering from? Have nausea, headache and stiff neck. Taking tylenol and advil. Any thoughts? Have zits like bump inside mouth. Meaty stuff comes out after popping. Mouth cancer? Have skin coloured bump close to knee. Skin cancer? Treatment? Diagnosed with chlamydia. Can it be transmitted through oral sex? Painless swollen lymph nodes behind ears. Had unprotected sex. Pain below rib, sore throat. Negative HIV test. Additional tests? Have red itchy bumps on legs, stomach and arms. Temporary relief from triamcinolone acetonide cream Bump on skull and kneecap, painful. Have ulcer and fever due to stress. Is this serious? Have ITP. Low platelet count. Prescribed Wysolone and antacid. Permanent cure? Taken HSG 5000 injections yet egg not ruptured. Is IUI timing correct? Have had cold. Started feeling congested and having stomach pain. What could this be? Took abortion pill. No bleeding. What should I do next? Is there any problem if I am having continuous erection without intercourse? Child has excess hair growth all over body. What should be done? How to gain hair and control hair loss? Have eye strain. Stinging sensation, tension headache, migraine, nausea. Due to scar below eye getting worse? Passing kidney stone. Have lower back pain, tingling sensation in limbs, weakness, thigh pain. Normal? Have hereditary spastic paraparesis. Stiff joints, tendon pain. Taking Celebrex for arthritis. How to reduce pain? Diabetic. Taking insulin injection and on diabetic diet. Suggest a proper diet plan Having headache and dizziness. Spots and cloudy area seen on MRI. Should I be worried? Taking thyronorm for thyroid problem. Can I plan for a child? Which specialist should I consult? Took duoluton for pcod. Missing period. Pregnancy test negative. Any complication? Is it safe to give colimex drops regularly to an infant? Treated for chlamydia. Facing difficulty to pass urine and having testicle pain. Any idea? Eye clinching and rolling, unwanted memories, urge to shake violently. What is going on? Fast heart rate while playing hockey. Required treatment? Have burning foot syndrome, vit B 12 and Vit D deficiency. Facing pain in shoulder, pain and neck Have red itchy rashes on lower extremities, arms and back. Any suggestion? Mirena expelled by itself. Spotting after sex. Negative for pregnancy. What is going on? Have white spots around vagina and passing white vaginal discharge. Looking for solution Swollen glands below ear, fever, headache, body ache. Is it mumps? Brown mucus after passing stools, abdominal cramps. Recent childbirth. Could it be worms? Heard popping sound from head. Started sweating and getting headache. Is this serious? Prescribed antibiotic for UTI. Having tingling sensation around kidney and uterus pain. Solution? Child has fatigue. Blood work for thyroid levels done. Have genetic mutation. Is Hashimoto's disease possible? Took plan B after unprotected sex. Experiencing dark bleeding. Pregnancy test negative. Worrisome Developed red stinging rash on the bottom of legs. How to control this? Have xanthomas below eyelid. How to get rid of this? Have blood lump under eye due to trauma, painful. Applied ice. Should I take Advil? Have acne and pseudofolliculitis on neck. Redness, burning, itching on neck. Applied hydrocortisone. Help What will be the effect of taking overdose of Codeine, Diazepam, Tramadol and Oxynorm? Vertigo when laying on back, dizziness. What should I do? Complete fontan operation done for tricuspid atresia. Taking warfarin. Am I able to smoke organic weed? Have peptic ulcer and feeling uncomfortable. Related? MRI shows slipped disc. Have leg and back pain. Alternative to surgery? Have dandruff, thinning hair, reduced growth of hair. Suggest treatment Sprained foot and swelling appeared. Is it safe to take Hifenac-P? Taking altace and thiazide for bp. Red swelling appeared on hand with numbness and tingling sensation Have rash in genital area, spots. What is this? Need medicine Have lesion on penile skin. No pain. What is this? Suggest medicine Back and abdominal pain after lifting heavy object. Taking Panadol and Rafen. How long will this last? Burning, itching, clear discharge from anus, penis and testicles. What can I do? Endoscopy showed diffuse erosive gastritis. Removed gastric polyp. Have pain. Worried about stomach cancer Pregnant. Red lump inside vaginal lip. Not itching or sore. Concerned History of alcoholic toxicity. Taking PAN 40, Finolip for pancreatitis. Involuntary jerking, foul smelling stools, loss of sexual desire Sore lump under armpit Blood in urine, discharge. Pregnant. Should I be worried? Pain in neck and back, headache. Low hum in ears. Need to get rid of it How to prevent pimples and get flawless skin? Blood test shows low testosterone. Cause? Had cough and cold earlier. Now have pain below breast, tender to touch. Reason? Difficulty climbing stairs as leg not responding. Done prostate operation. Taking Amlopres for BP. Suggestion? Taking Ciprotab for recurrent urinary tract infections Have anxiety. Shoulder pain, sweating, tinnitus. Taken Klonopin. Need help Aggressive hairfall. Reason? Which treatment is better? Sore jaw, shoulder pain. Blood work, EKG, stress echo normal. History of anxiety. Further testing required? Smoker. Have severe sleep apnea, tightness in chest, restless arms and legs. Any relief? Had unprotected sex. Delayed periods. Taken MTProst kit. White discharge, bleeding. Is medicine working? Treatment and medicine for genital wart? Took unwanted 72 during fertility period. Is there any probability of pregnancy? Having pelvic pain and noticed hematoma around it. Is it dangerous? Used more miliamperes when doing electrotherapy to kill the herpes virus. Any effect on ovary? Having pain in gracilis, sartorius lateral and femoral. How to get relief? Noticed a raised brown spot around penis base after intercourse. What could it be? Why do I have headache and spasm after having bakery food? Suffering from sinusitis. Taking corticoid and azithromycin. Is there any permanent cure? Experiencing tingling sensation on lower back and noticed bumps on thigh. Any cure? Having dizziness, chest pain and throat tightness. Do I have anxiety or psychosomatic disorder? Had ITP and knee arthritis. Have urinary incontinence and coughing up red sputum. Treatment? Getting red blemish on labia minora during period. Temporary relief from viaderm and antibiotic. Hormone related? Having thyroid disease and diabetes. Reason for itchy and burning shoulder blade with no rashes? Have scratchy throat and swollen taste buds in back of mouth. Given prilosec for acid reflux Feeling lightheaded, sleepy, heaviness in chest, pulsating feeling around neck and mouth. Solution? Have low grade fever, back pain, swelling and tightness in abdomen. Safe remedy? Child has pain on knee, unable to straighten leg. No relief from motrin and tylenol. Concerned Child had seizure attack, started getting headache and tired. Required cure and treatment? Getting stressed and noticed blood oozing from the belly button. Underlying cause? Child has white raised bump on knee. Suggest effective medication EKG found slight inferior depolarization disturbance consider ischemia LV overload. Meaning? History of stomach pain, epididymitis. Now have abdominal pain, abnormal stools, gas, tiredness. What do you think? Why am I getting heart palpitation and dizziness when waking up? Taking lorazepam for anxiety and got addicted to imovane. How to stop taking imovane? I drank alcohol few days before liver function test. Should I be worried? Child is having cold, abdominal pain, headaches and loss of appetite. Medical cure? Feeling pain and discomfort around testicle. What could be causing this? Found septated cyst in kidney. Is this the cause of concern? Prescribed omnocortil for skin problem. Accidentally given double dose. Any problem? Treated for UTI with levaquin. Missing period, passing white discharge. HPT negative. Pregnant? Child is having mild fever, cough and passing loose motion. How to overcome this? How to recover from diffuse disc bulges, thecal sac and mild narrowing of neural foramina? Having diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, loss of appetite, weight loss and joint pain. Prognosis? Suspected to have ADD. How to diagnose the disease? Getting stinging sensation when passing stools and noticed blood in it. Any advice? Have myasthenia gravis. Undergone thymectomy and plasmapheresis. Taking azoran. Developed diplopia Having shortness of breath. Echo showed diastolic heart failure. What medication should be done? Suffering from diabetes and hypokalemia. Which should be treated first? Can total thyroidectomy affect the result of blood alcohol level? What does poor r wave progression in ecg mean? Suffering from premature ejaculation. How to cure this?
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