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Have abdominal pain, mild fever, swollen occipital lymph nodes. Tested positive for RA. Prognosis? Suffering from spinning in head. Diagnosed with vit B12 deficiency. Required treatment? Suffering from irregular period. Missing period. Pregnancy test negative. Medicine to get period? History of C5-6 ACDF. Having numbness and severe pain in neck and arm. What am I suffering from? Got insect bite on thumb. Started itching and hard lump appeared. Any ideas? Getting anxiety and panic attack after taking hydroxycut. How to cure this? Child is having high grade fever. Fever reduce after taking ibuprofen. Safe to take blood test now? Pregnant. Suffering from nausea and vomiting. How to get rid of this? Taking tramadol and pristiq. Will it be safe to take duromine for pain? History of heart attack. Suspected to have early signs of glaucoma. Prescribed Xalatin. Is this safe? Noticed creamy discharge around clitoris and feeling discomfort. What is causing this? Is lichen planus pigmentous curable by plastic surgery? Had costochondritis. Now fell down on ice. Getting feeling of illness and tiredness. Flu symptoms? Have elevated SGOT and SGPT level. How to reduce this? Heavy period after delivery. Took polyp out and burning sensation on layer of uterine. Can I get pregnant? Have severe angina and shortness of breath. Given aspirin. What to do next? Took strong doses of gynera after unprotected sex. Getting fever and shivering. Normal? Noticed dark skin on inner thigh. Easy way to get cure? Have open sore on vagina. What could this be? Have dry cough and blood shot red eye. What am I suffering from? Fell down. Now having chronic back pain. Which medicine should I take for cure? Hip arthogram done. Do I need to exercise? Taking methadone. Can it be detected in urine analysis? Took vitrase. Now having pain in eye and redness on cheek. Looking for cure Had silicone breast implant. Hard lump appeared on nipple. Mamogram clear. Worrisome Best medicine for LDL cholesterol, triglyceride and hdl? Suffering from back pain. How to treat this? Having pain in testicles and lower back when passing bowel movements. Meaning? Found elevated liver enzymes. Started taking HBV shots, seroquel and tegretol. What to do? Gall bladder surgery done. Started facing urinary problem. Cause for concern? Having headaches and chest pain. Easy way to get cure? Suffering from stress and depression. How to overcome this problem? Have oily skin. Which cream should I use as daily skin care? Precaution to be taken? Getting headache in morning and afternoon. How to get relief? Suggest good medicine for acne and spot treatment Have itchy groin area and noticed liquid discharge. Not cured by medicine. Any cure? Dark hyperpigmented lesions over face. Not cured by hydroquinone cream and laser treatment. Remedy? Prescribed minocycline for acne. Got urticaria rash. Is this due to medicine?. Have carpel tunnel syndrome, occasional mild numbness in arm and leg. Any treatment? Have tubes tied. Noticed clear vaginal discharge. What is going on? Suffering from flaky and itchy scalp. Started developing eczema on hand and leg. Permanent solution? Addicted to masturbation. Getting loose erection. Is this curable? History of panic, anxiety disorder. Have cough, sinus issue. Experiencing stabbing pain in ear. Concerned Stopped taking syntroid. On low iodine diet. Found high TSH level. Should I be worried? Overweight. Feeling lazy. Facing concentration and erection problem. Any suggestion? Have several hard lumps on thigh. What could this be? Experiencing sharp pain in back. Suspected for sacral joint problem. X-ray normal. Should I get an MRI? Have bilateral pain in back and migraine headache. Underlying cause and cure? Is phentermine is a controlled substance? Noticed decrease in blood flow during period. Worrisome Facing irregular period problem. How to cure this? Have attention deficit disorder. Taking adderal. Is phentermine is a controlled substance? Suffering from brucellosis viral infection. Blood test, x-ray, ct scan done. Treatment available? Have headache, back pain, abdominal pain, low fever and mild cough. Took crocin. Treatment needed? Having a recurring pain in feet, swelling on toe. Unable to lift weight. Blood test done. Prognosis? Having protected sex. Stated getting scanty period. Reason for irregular and missed period? Have swelling in lower leg. Worried for elephantiasis. Looking for diagnosis, treatment and cure Noticed purple colour on penis head while masturbating. Reason? Diagnosed with a deep sinus infection. Experiencing pressure in ear and eye. Are they related? Child is having chesty cough, runny nose and low grade fever. Looking for cure Abdominal ultrasound done. Found lump below centre of ribcage. Should I be worried? Suffering from arthritis. Not getting relief. Any effective treatment? What should I do increase breast milk? Can I give any other supplement? Have fever, constipation, felt small movable lump above collarbone. Prognosis? Having nausea and strong hunger pain. Taking acetaminophen for muscle pain. Cause and cure? Getting suicidal thoughts. How to overcome this? Having drug allergies, bruise in legs without itching.Had blood test, diagnosed with lupus. On Dexamethasone Thyroid removal operation done. Feeling exhausted, have muscle pains, cramps and stiffness. Reason? Suffering from shoulder pain, unable to raise arm above head. Looking for cure Stopped smoking. Took ECP after intercourse. Missing period. HPT negative. Reason? Having stomach ache and getting bitter taste in mouth. Blood test, CT scan normal. Can I take normoxin? Had unprotected sex. Getting nausea, soreness on breast. HPT negative. Could I be pregnant? Highly addictive to computer game, feeling restless. Not willing to take s-celepra. What should be done? Have low pulse rate. Taking crestor, losarton and atenolol. Is this due to medicine? Used common toilet in a hotel room. Chances of getting HIV infection? Where should I go for non-surgical liposuction? Is this procedure safe? Bleeding after wisdom teeth removed. Taking percocet. Noticed swelling on cheeks. Safe medicine? Have never cleaned penis below foreskin after masturbation. Will this affect sexual life? Have toxoplasma igg and igm positive. Took rovamicin. Can I plan for pregnancy now? Missed periods. Noticed lumpy skin on belly button and have water retension. What is wrong? Toddler is having fever. Given crocin drop. Started crying and has bloated stomach. Any suggestion? I am unable to control the urge to urinate. How to cure this? Planning to take mifeprin for abortion. Is this safe and effective? Developed sickness and diarrhea. Took norflox TZ, got fever. Safe to take paracetamol? Trying to conceive. Noticed light bleeding after unprotected sex. Having back pain, constipation. Pregnant? Using ciprodex for ear problem. Why have I lost hearing in my ear after major sinus surgery? Getting burning sensation on cheek, below eye. Diagnosed with dermatitis. Taking benadryl. Fungal infection? Rhinoplasty surgery done. Experiencing shortness of breath, swallowing difficulty. GERD related? Have small white lesions on lower front gum. How to remove this? Taking venlor and rivotril for chronic panic disorder. Can I use herbalife products? What is the cause of mouth or lower jaw to tremor in older people? Suffering through headaches and SLE. Had acupuncture. Developed painful lump. Prescribed with anitryptilin Taking verapamil for cluster headache. Blockage seen on ECG. Should I stop increasing medicine dose? Have rapid heart rate. EKG, chest x-ray and ct scan normal. Any medicine to get normal heart rate? Smoker. Getting night sweats, poor sleep, numbness, fatigue and have high blood pressure. Concerned Toddler has started vomiting, passing foul greyish yellow runny stools. Should I consult a doctor? Had unprotected oral sex. Chances of chalymadia, gonorhea, syphilous and CMV? Found red blotches on arm. Started spreading. Am I allergic to something? Pimple appeared on forehead after delivery. Having burning and tingling sensation. Any thoughts? Got injury. Experiencing leg and back pain. MRI done. Given steroid injections. Surgery needed? Child is having labial adhesions. Temporary relief from steroid cream. How to remove this? Knee replacement done. Experiencing severe leg and foot pain. Cause and cure? Had protected sex after abortion. Getting pregnancy symptoms and started spotting. Implantation bleeding? Nursing mother. Noticed a vein popping out of nipple. Is this normal? Looking a diet plan for weight loss Athlete, skipped beat sensation. Holter monitor showed second degree mobitz type 2. Should I consult cardiologists? Getting metallic taste, pins and needles sensation in feet and lightheaded when having increased heart rate. Reason? Had quad bypass done. Getting nerve pain in shoulder, hiccups and pain under diaphragm. Worrisome Type 2 diabetic. Suffering from candida infection on penis. How to treat this? Facing problem with bowel movement. Taking metamucil. How to cure this? Have thyroid problem and feeling tired. Taking eltroxine. How to lower the TSH level? Suffering from depression. Connection between the sins and state of unbalance? Have red rashes on arms and legs. Taking benadryl. Any suggestion? Why am I having dark skin on ankle compare to rest part of body? What are the reasons for pain in the hand and finger joints? Noticed swollen veins and bruise in hands. Hurts to touch. What could be this? Child is on amoxicillin after adenoidectomy. Accidentally given overdose. Is there any risk? Easy and natural way to terminate pregnancy? Prescribed MCBM tablets. Will it be safe to take this medicine? Have painful and pus filled boils on armpit. Can I take novamox cv? Child started teething, passing loose stool with stomach irritation. Given darolac and neopeptin. Any suggestion? Got hit on toe. Noticed blood clot, pus discharge from nail. Took antibiotic. Should I consult a surgeon? Suggest a good cream for tanned skin Having abdominal pain, discomfort in stomach and diarrhea. Suggest some effective medicine Had hypoglycemic episodes. Started drinking heavily. Taking nurofen for headache. Vomited blood. Concerned Premature baby diagnosed with mild spasticity. What treatment should be done? Took tetanus injection and rabies injection after dog bite. Got fever. Any risk? PUJ surgery for kidney condition and laporascopic surgery to be done. How long it takes to cure? Penis getting small when passing stool and urine. Is this related to nerve damage problem? Pregnant. How to increase haemoglobin level? Pregnant. Having chest tightness, headache and bleeding nose. Any complication? Had knee injury. Getting pain on thigh. MRI shows full thickness chondral fissuring. Meaning? Child is having squinting eyes. How to treat this? Have lump attached to upper part of testicle. Should I be worried for cancer? Experiencing pain in chest and around breast bone after lifting weight. What is wrong? Have white head like eruptions all over arm and thigh. How to remove this? Pregnant. Taking thyroid medicine. Will it be safe to increase the medicine dose? Have weight gain, sore joints. Found elevated electrolytes in blood. What does this mean? Trying to conceive. Having irregular period. Suggested to take glucophage. Will this help in getting pregnant? X-ray showed upper lobe opacity with surrounding fibrosis. Is this a serious case? Safe to take kalms while on lansoprazole and lisinopril? Feeling sick. Suffering from hot and cold sweats. What could this be? Have twitching eye, pain in eye and head. Are these related to anxiety? Toddler undergone throat swab test. Found occasional epithelial cells, gram positive cocci. Serious? Taking treatment for typhoid. Getting fever and muscle pain again. Widal test negative. Any advice? Overweight. Started workout on the treadmill. Noticed red spot on feet and getting pain. Any solution? Child on thyroxine for congenital hypothyroidism and has delayed puberty. Should I be concerned? Experiencing pain in back of palm, nerve looks swollen. Cause and cure? Child is suffering from cold and cough. Given montair. Is this a childhood asthma? Treatment for seasonal allergies, hay fever, headache, neck pain and shoulder stiffness? Taking orgamed to postpone period. Had unprotected sex. Will this work as contraceptive pill? 19 years old. Have lack of facial hair. What treatment should be done? Have fever, pain in bones and burping problem. Taking paracetamol and colifac. Stool test normal. Suggestion Have sore throat, swollen tonsil, noticed white lines on back of it. What is the problem? Nursing mother. Having back pain, headache and loss of appetite. Worried for pregnancy? Taking medicine for shortness of breath. Facing erectile dysfunction, heaviness in chest. Any ideas? Having anxiety, stomach pains, aching legs, night sweats. Had diarrhoea and high blood pressure. Reason for anxiety? Had inguinal hernia repair done. Feeling heaviness on right side. Worried for another hernia Have Fibromyalgia, ESR and CRP high, heart pounding. Have Lupus and Ulcerative Colitis in the family. Advice? Getting strange thoughts while sleeping. What could be this? Sudden sharp knee pain, felt swollen lump. Took benadryl and ibuprofen. How to cure this? Pain in outer labia when walking. No redness, bump or discharge. Underlying cause? Having stomach ache, bloating, enlarged uterus and breast. In menopause, thick endometrial lining. Is it ovarian cysts? Accidentally inhaled a mixture of organic compounds. Now sore throat, dizziness, loss of sensitivity Took plan B after protected sex. Chances of pregnancy? Red dots appeared on penis head after protected sex. Should I be worried for STD? Started spotting after period. Have tender skin on lower back and breast. What is going on? Having severe abdominal pain. Sonography done. Found kidney stone. How to treat this? Noticed painful cuts and water blisters on penis foreskin. Tested negative for STD. Underlying cause? Unable to detect blood pressure. Have low heart rate. Should I be worried? Have red and brown spots on arm. Used cortizone. How to remove this completely? Had mastitis, pain in breast and fever. Started sweating at night. Took echinacea. Noticed drop in temerature Have pcos. Took ginette and metformin. Took ipill after protected sex. Could I be pregnant? Upper implantation, bone graft done. Have moved my sinus. Experiencing pain in eye and teeth. Normal? Does taking amoxicillin decrease the effectiveness of nuvaring? Have vaginal itching. Increased after using v-wash. Any home remedy? Diabetic, having weakness, mucus in bronchial tubes, disc bulge. Done with spine and RBS test. Treatment? Child is feeling week and tired. Test done for wbc, monocytes level. Are the findings normal? Lump under rigth arm, no masses and calcification in breasts. Had ultrasound and mammogram test. Is it breast cancer? Feeling sick. Vomited and noticed blood in it. Should I be worried? Have large pores on face. Facing hair falls with white bulb in the root. Is this diet related problem? CBC test done. Worried for low absolute lymphocyte Taking medicine for hypothyroid. Have swelling and redness on eyelid. How to overcome this? Have mild burning during urination, fatigue and joint pain. Urine analysis done. Prognosis? Have abscess above anus. Prescribed cephalexin and bactrim. Looking for second opinion Took steroid injection for pain in coccyx. Now having crunching and popping sensation. Concerned Had unprotected sex. Found spot on inner labia, started itching. Genital warts or herpes? Is omega 3 safe to take in high dose for anxiety disorder, chronic eye strain, chest pain and panic? Taking duromine for depression. How long it stays in the system? Have headache with neck and jaw pain. MRI done. What are the findings in the report? Child has fever, sore throat. Rapid stress test negative. Red rashes appeared around anus and penis Getting brown discharge, bloating after having unprotected sex. Pregnant or implantation bleeding? Chest infection with burning pain, coughing bouts. Taking amoxicillin. Have I damaged something with coughing? Done with the semen analysis test. WBC count is normal. Is it healthy? Experiencing extreme starvation. Done with Thyroid test. Medicated with antithyrox. Are the dosage correct? Felt lump in scrotum sack. Should I be concerned? Having sleeping difficulty, hot flashes. Getting urge to urinate, tingling sensation on vagina. Menopause? Child having asthma symptoms, heart pain, breathing difficulty. Giving budacort mixed with budasel. Curable? Raised white scar on hand. Not sore or infected.Is it normal? Weight loss, fatigue and slight chest congestion.Prescribed with doxcef and sersolate. Any ayurvedic substitute?
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