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Menstruation and Miscarriage Questions & Answers

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2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
I had misscarage for the first age is 30 and my husband 38yrs.I took from 3days to 7days of lectrozole 2.5 medicine. this is my second cycle of medicine.first month i took lectrozole 2.5 and 16th day to 25 days i took duphaston 10mg medicine then my period come day 29. nows second cycle i...
7 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
I am 41 years old. I had my tubes tied in 1994 during a c-section. Around 2008 I had surgery because I bled for a about 5 weeks and I had a cyst on my right ovarie. I was fixing to get remarried and was looking into having my tubes fixed so of course I didn t want a partial or whole hysterectomy...
7 1 Mon, 3 Jun 2024
Hi Doctor. I am 33 years old and have Thyroid and PCOD. I have been on and off Tarana and Diane 35 many times... Since 1 year i am not taking any medicine but now since 2 months i am again having irregular periods.So irregular tht i had to take medicine to get them.Plz advice if i should go back...
13 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hello I am confused. I had protected sex 6 days before ovulation but that was based on an app so I am not even sure. He did not ejaculate inside, he did not even ejaculate at all. I know there is precum but the condom never broke either. Now, two days before I am suppose to get my period I have...
11 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi, I have a problem with my period, after one day from stopping its starting again and so heavy with clotting. This is been happing for long time. I diagnosed with fibroid (3 cm). Do you think this is the reason why it stopped and start again. My period is regular but the problem its take long...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
I had an ultrasound scan after a miscarriage, could you please help translate the results? Some echo-free fluid is collected in the pouch of Douglas Adnexae are free relatively A few particles, suggestive of retained product is seen within the endometrial cavity No fibroid seen Thank you.
7 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi,I am 23 years old, 167cm tall and weigh 84kg.I was on the pill for a year and stopped taking it 3 1/2 months ago because I was gaining weight from it. I had one irregular period since being off it but the rest were normal (30 day cycle). Now it has been 5 weeks and 1 day since the beginning of...
11 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hello iam Lil worryed atm as i had my period 3 days ago i had sex the day after i stop bleeding but nw iam bleeding a brown with red but not heaps i have had one kid nd want to try for another but need to no if that s normal iam not in any pain but i do stress out easy nd iam abit under weight...
7 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
I am 56 years old and have no signs of menapause such as heavy sweating or anything that goes along with menapause. I have not had a period in 3 years. but recently i have been experiencing a light pink spot when i urinate. I have noticed it twice within the last couple of months. nothing runny...
12 1 Mon, 1 Apr 2024
I m 35, no serious medical issues, generally very healthy, 5ft 7 inches and a little bit overweight. For the last 2 years I have very sharp painful instance in my rectum when I m on my menstral cycle only. It hurts to sit sometimes and severely hurts when removing a tampon. My cycles are very...
7 1 Mon, 1 Apr 2024
Hi there! I m just a little worried about my girlfriend right now. The situation: she s gone over 2 months without having her period and we re worried she s pregnant. During that time, the only times we had sex were in the beginning of that period, but always with a condom and never ejaculating...
12 1 Mon, 1 Apr 2024
Hi doctor, I took clomid for 5 days starting from the CD2 to help me ovulate because i want to get pregnant. My menses started on the 26th august and its still on till date making it 7days of continous flow (not heavy flow). I usually have 4-5days flow and worried that this time it is running...
13 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
Hi, I have been advise to take Proglyluton for 3 months in a way to adjust my menstrual cycle to become regular. However, after 3 months I taken the pills I felt very pain on my below abdomen during my period. So I stopped taking the pills now, and I gain weight 4 kg in 1 month. What I am...
11 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
4 months back i had a miscarriage on the 5th week of my pregnancy. later my doctor prescribed me tab MHR bio and susten 300 to be used vaginally from the 17th day onwards but every night i insert the tab the next day also the tab does melt so, i prefer to take it it ok pls.............. help
8 1 Fri, 1 Mar 2024
I am 26yrs of age... I have had my period for appx 7 days it completely stopped by the 9th day. It s 4 days later and I m bleeding again bright red.. Is something wrong? I haven t had sex over a month unlike most of these (women) post.... Is it that I m stressed?
9 1 Fri, 1 Mar 2024
I have been taking 0.5 mg of Clonazepam for anxiety for about three nights now. I just started my menstral cycle today and it has only been 14 days since the begining.of my last cycle. 7 days since the end if my last cycle. Could this irregular menstrual cycle be from this medication?
12 1 Fri, 1 Mar 2024
My period is late for 2 weeks now. Tested 3 times all negative. I have back pain, bloated, pressure in the abdominal area, light headache and light dizziness, no breast changes, usual bathroom breaks. Just wondering to get blood test. My period is irregular either -/+ 4 days when I start. Never...
7 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
i got my last period on 19 july next period is supposed to come on 20 aug 2014 but till now i dint get my period....i dint had any sex from 2 months....i had sex with my bf last on 26 june 2014...i am tensed dat d delay in my period is due to any pregnancy but i dint has any...
57 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
hi im irregular menstruation . i dnt know when wil i hav menstrutaion...because sometimes it wil come after 2 months or after 3 months. Im already 27 years old. am worried i might have problem soon on pregnacy. Ive heard my friend who is also irregular was prescribed by her doctor to take ALTHEA....
8 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
elaine | Last updated 08 Sep 2014 22:04 Share on facebook Share on email 1 person has this question Me too! I am breastfeeding my 9 month baby girl. I have being mestruating for the last 5 months normally. This last time 1st day being the 25th of August last day the 28th. My period stopped. That...