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Can I cut off a growth under my tongue? Can Coumadin, Toprol and Atacand affect sperm health? No energy, not depressed. B12 or nutritional supplement helpful? Can edema be the reason for a lump in the head? Blood hcg test not pregnant, sore breast, bleeding, back pain. Miscarriage? What would cause blood blisters on my soft palette? Why do I choke on my own saliva when awake? What first aid should I take for itching under the feet? At which time of the ovulation period should the contraceptive pills be taken? Do I have stomach pain due to fungal infection? Numbness, CT scan ok, affected by posture. Pinched nerve problem? How is achilles tendon pull treated ? Diabetic, urine infection, taken Macpod 200. Should I take Levoday? What should be the dose of contraceptive pills to be taken during the midcycle for protection? Will the past skull fracture affect in future? What can be taken for infertility after having a child? Throat bleeding, no neck or throat pain, heaviness in throat and nose Have i not got my period due to chicken pox or am i pregnant? Am I pregnant if my back pains and I feel tired? Type 2 diabetes, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, headache, low temperature, taking antibiotics Can taking levothyroxin for hypothyroidism cause seborrheic dermititis? Should sodium be used during vitiligo treatment? Are the raised spots on my penis genital warts or fordyce spots? What is the reason for vomitting, light green urine and fatigue after menopause? Could I be pregnant if my periods are delayed? How is low hemoglobin levels treated in men ? Brown discharge from toenails after cutting Can HIV be transmitted after washing hands with soap? How can the seven week abortion be done by medications? Can recurring canker sores cause high esr level? HIV transmission via infected blood in food during cooking? What should I do if I have sharp back pain? Overweight,stress.Treatment for fat removal? Is Paxidep addictive? What is the remedy for erectile dysfunction? What can I do to treat fibromyalgia? Should I worry about heart attack if I have chest pain? Why do i have pain in my right testicle and sperm tube? How long after the implant removal can pregnancy occur? What is the dosage for propecia to prevent hairfall ? Why do i have throbbing,stinging pain in the vaginal/uterus region? Can strep throat get converted to pneumonia ? Can i take mirtazapine and viagra at the same time? What does pharyngeal tonsils mean? Has pain in my legs stopped due to acyclovir 800mg taken for sty treatment? Can small inner ear bone cause dizziness and numbness in the hands and legs while driving? How can swollen lymph nodes in the neck be treated? Will my irregular periods affect pregnancy? Obese, past menopause, anxiety, hot flashes, sweating, shivering. Causes ? Excessive primolut n,change in facial or cranial bones,vision disturbance IVF,poor quality embryo,tuberculosis,laproscopy Burning in abdomen, enlarged liver, homogeneous mass lesion. Treatment ? What is the vaccination schedule for a baby born to HBsAG positive mother? What is the issue if my groin is burning and itching? Fibromyalgia, infection, sharp pain in chest, acid reflux, heart burn. Treatment ? Creatinine level 2.21, tests normal, not sick or on medication. Controlling high levels ? How are pulled abdominal muscles treated ? Is breast fibroadenoma curable with homeopathy? Is Tifa scan safe for a baby and why is it done? Why do i feel overwhelming stress and heavy weight in my chest? How is polyhydroamnios treated ? Blood clot in brain, aspirin. Curable? Green discharge from eye, red eye, unable to open eyelid. Causes ? Very distressed, chest pains, heart disease, stroke, calcified nodules, foam in mouth, edema. Treatment? Can nexito plus cause weight gain? Dialysis of kidney, blood cleaning process, hospitalization. Kidney transplant required ? Will pregnancy occur after intercourse and Pouch of Douglas fluid formation? What are the side effects of using meth ? How is tumor removed for a person with pancreatic cancer ? How are numbness in fingers and feet treated ? What causes lack of periods after tubectomy ? Xanax,anxiety,mental disturbance Oral sex, swollen clitoris, vaginal soreness, pain on urinating. Treatment ? Pancreatic cancer, 5FU chemo treatments, radiation. Tumor removal possible ? Can cellulitis surgery be performed for diabetics ? Is the presence of water bubble normal after circumcision? Chronic cough, no fever, running nose, chest congestion. Treatment ? Water with urine, splashed on anus post flushing, no blood. Hepatitis B contractible ? How is hematoma or soft tissue swelling treated ? What medications are used to prepone periods ? Can overdose of alzheimer medication be fatal? Scar on finger, swelling, work on computers, due to cyst removal on nerve. Treatment ? What is a good diet for high BP patient ? How are acne scars treated ? How is liver cirrhosis treated ? How is rotator cuff tendonitis treated ? What can be the red spots on the legs after being hit hard with a baseball? Birth control pills, frequent periods, heavy bleeding with clots. Treatment ? Irregular menses, heavy bleeding, endometrial hypertrophy, thickness. Treatment ? Severe depression, no weight on shoulders, chest, arms, excess on lower body. Treatment ? How is tear in the knee treated ? Erectile dysfunction, hair loss and menopause. Treatment ? Could the nausea and mettalic taste be the reason for pregnancy after taking fertility supplements? Penis foreskin wrinkly, skin folding, excess skin, coarse texture. Treatment ? Depo injection, bleeding, metallic taste in mouth, diarrhea, lower back pain. Treatment ? What is the procedure to treat uterine fibroids ? How are black spots on teeth treated ? Is it normally difficult to conceive after a miscarriage? Is there a conncetion between a C dif infection and atrial fibrillation? How can the foreskin cracks and itching be treated in a diabetic patient? How is high fever and high pulse treated ? 3 past miscarriages, taking over the counter medications. Cause of multiple miscarriages ? What dosage of levothyroxine should I take ? Implant surgery, good healing, low grade pain, inflammation in gums. Treatment ? How can the prolonged menstrunal flow caused with birthcontrol pill be stopped? Stomach cancer, ulcers, gastric mucosal abnormality, H Pylori. Medication ? Pain above rib cage, just below breast, gas problems, causes. Treatment ? Loss of appetite,stomach pain,CD4,AIDS.Cure? How is xerostomia treated ? What is the reason for fever and rash on the body after chickenpox and MMR vaccine? Stung by yellow jackets, anaphalactic shock, tiredness, feeling faint, chest heaviness. Treatment ? What is the dosage for dilantin for sleep seizures ? What is a substitute for metformin ? Warfarin, blood clots, periods, heavy bleeding, light bleeds post sex, causes. Treatment ? What is the recommended treatment and cause for blood,skin and liver infection? How are open sores on the foreskin treated ? How is eustachian tube dysfunction treated ? How can I quit taking tobacco ? What are the side effects of injecting Vitamin E in the face ? Sinusitis, chronic, prostatitis, inflammation, gout, hypertension. Treatment ? What are all the side effects of oxylite pro ? How is sciatica and low RBC treated ? How are hyperthyroid symptoms treated ? Why has no bleeding occured after inserting nuvaring ? How is urethra bleeding treated ? What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism ? Elevated BP, anxiety, pulmonary rehab. Atenolol to treat this condition ? How is a Sinus infection treated ? Rash on scrotum, skin peeling on inner thigh, red in color. Treatment ? Cervical and lumbar fusions, decompressions, disc protrusions, cord deformation. Cause of lower back pain ? What are the side effects of hypothyroidism on pregnancy ? How are bleeding haemorrhoids treated ? How is accidental trauma to the ears treated ? Anxiety, panic disorder, jumping sensation in abdomen, bloated, belching of air, causes. Treatment ? What causes chest pain while trying to sit up ? Difficulty breathing, shivering, chills. Precautions while travelling by flight ? Lump near hip bone, cough, vomiting, tender stomach. Treatment ? How is spine pain and back pain treated ? How is chronic nasal bleeding treated ? White bump on clitoris, post intercourse, scratched on vagina. Treatment ? Serology test, HBsAg positive, transmission through blood, risks to life. Curable disease ? Cardiogram shows heart attack, stress tests, no energy, shortness of breath. Treatment ? Pain under ribs, in the center, chronic pain. Treatment ? What causes itchy rectal opening ? How is nasal congestion treated ? What are the causes for chronic upper abdominal pain ? Birth control pill yaz, taken everyday, sexual intercourse, back up pill taken. Chances of pregnancy ? Normal cycle, 11 days delayed periods, negative pregnancy tests. Kidney infection or pregnancy ? What are the side effects of narcotic pain medications ? How are eye infections treated after viral infection ? How is nevus on the face removed ? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking unwanted 72 BCP ? Meizitang botanical slimming gel, breast cancer, chemo, radiation. Safe to take this ? Can periods be delayed due to hormonal imbalance ? How are polyps in the colon treated ? How is benign positional paroxysmal vertigo treated ? How are cervicitis, endometritis and vaginitis treated ? How is retrograde ejaculation prevented ? What are the home remedies available to treat sore throat ? What are the causes for painful lumps in the groin ? How is dry cough and mucus in the throat treated ? How is tightness in the vagina during intercourse prevented ? What causes soreness in the testicles and lower back ? Chest pain, difficulty breathing, sinus, allergies, feeling of something stuck in throat. Treatment ? Colchicine medication, peyronies disease. Medication cause of hair fall ? What are the causes for frequent urination in children ? Pain in shoulders, elbows, arm numbness, disc fused, upper back pain. Treatment ? What are the side effects of drinking from an old bottle of Taxim-o Dry Syrup ? Sharp pain in the back of the neck, radiating pain, aspirin, causes. Treatment ? Second open heart surgery, valve repair, dialysis. Induced coma or brain dead ? What causes mild pain during urination ? What are the causes for constant pelvic pain and frequent urination ? What medications are used to treat paraphimosis ? How are noriday tablets used to delay periods ? Is the redness and itching on my lower back due to the skin grafts i had there? Tachycardia, verapamil, heat sensation, shingles, peripheral neuropathy, celebrex, normal brain scan, basal ganglia, Parkinson's disease, nebivolol How is post antibiotic diarrhea prevented ? Diabetes,chest pain,acid reflux,GERD,normal chest X-ray What are the side effects of bronchitis infection ? How are mouth ulcers cured ? How is atrophic vaginitis treated ? How is umbilical hernia treated ? Ear,throat and chest infection,green mucous,klaricid,amoxicillin Can MS cause erectile dysfunction ? How are irregurailties in the bladder treated ? Does taking dilantin and warfarin cause infertility ? What are the causes of pain in the lower back and groin area ? Knee pain,yoga,ct-scan,x-ray,normal ultrasound,lubrication injection How is bulging forehead due to acromegaly treated ? How can I increase my penis size and improve my sex life ? How are intestinal worm infestations treated in children ? What are the symptoms of pregnancy ? How is jaundice treated ? How are stress fractures treated ? How is ringworm infection on vagina treated ? How is cervical dystonia treated ? How are hand tremors prevented ? How is chronic non-allergic rhinitis treated ? High blood pressure.High sodium diet? How are high antibody titer and enlarged thyroid gland treated ?
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