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Having pain in head and all over body. Cause and cure? How to get relief from permanent neck, arm and groin pain? Took regestrone for hyperplacia. Again started with irregular and heavy periods. Any thoughts? Is it safe to give dexorange syrup on daily basis to a child? Child has headache, facial pain, swelling around eyes and runny nose. Is this an infection? Home pregnancy test showed positive. Safe to have abortion at home? Gas in chest, itching under eye. Prescribed diflucan. Taking carbamepezine for bipolar mania. Worrisome Using contraceptive implant. Missing period. Feeling bloated, cramps and back pain. Pregnant? Tonsils removed. Noticed white spot in back of throat. Could it be a scar tissue? Stopped taking atenelol, chlorothalidone. Started taking lisinopril. Having anxiety. Safe remedy? Have ITP. Experiencing lightheaded, swelling in fingers, itchy hands and bleeding nose. Any ideas? Took antivirals, aptima few days after exposure, got negative qualitative RNA test. Is this due to medicine? HIV pcr quantitative test showed less than detection limit after unprotected oral sex. Any advice? Have pain, redness and swelling in wrist. Suspected for psoriatic arthritis. Taking humira. Prognosis? Have PCOD, iron deficiency and started spotting. Taking bigoment. Blood smear test done What is the use of colimex -Df drops for a child? Get severe headache and vomiting sensation while skipping meals. Take paracetamol. Any other medicine? Found cyst in kidney. Urine test showed presence of blood and sugar. Should I be concerned? Feeling discomfort, pain and stiffness in hip. Heard popping sound. Any relief? Have had severe IBS, abdominal pain. Not cured by medicine. Do I have narcotic pain syndrome? Having phimosis from birth. Will this cause any problem during intercourse? Can splenda harm spleen and pancreas? Getting stomach ache. Ultrasound, blood test normal. No relief from levsin and clonidine. Prognosis? Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Started getting muscle spasms. How to get relief? Having horrible pain in shoulder joint. What is the reason? How long after a catheter ablation for afib it is safe to have sexual intercourse? Noticed brown string in bowel movements. What could it be? Have high blood pressure and itchy nostril. What is the underlying cause? Diagnosed with antral gastritis and hernia hiatus. Having abdominal pain. Taking lexapro Got normal period after protected sex. Pregnancy test negative. Any chances of pregnancy? Have several small red spots on chest and arm. What is the cause? Suffering from lower back pain. Negative for kidney stone. Test showed degenerating si jiont What are the reasons for pain in arm, shoulder, back and jaw? Feeling headache. What should I do to get relief? Toddler has cough, runny nose and sneezing problem. What cure should be done? Having acid reflux, difficulty in breathing, pain near penis and lower abdomen. Developed rashes Having shoulder pain during workout. How to get relief? Feeling weak and shaky with rapid heart rate. Found high TSH level. How to diagnose symptoms? Undergone a heart surgery related to arch replacement of aorta and CABG. Taking Metolar50. Reason of high BP? Child took bifilec for stomach infection. Got cold and cough. Prescribed moxclav and febrex plus Taking sythroid. Can I take oxy elite pro for weight loss? X-ray showed moderate disc space narrowing and degerative change at C5-6. No evidence of glenohumeral joint Suffering from premature ejaculation. Not cured by zolofit. How to solve this problem? Having pain between the navel and sternum, feeling bloated. Could it be ulcer? Have one testicle lower than other and penis got larger. Should I go for surgery? Found elevated monocytes and eosinophils level. What's going on? Having burning sensation while passing urine. Diagnosed with Non Specific Urethritis. Took doxycycline. Suggest a diet plan and home treatment for mastoid fracture and occipital fracture Diagnosed with Hbsag eclia as reactive. Advised to go for liver biopsy. Any suggestion? Having constant pain in ear. Cause and required treatment? Suffering from peripheral neuropathy. Having constant nagging pain in ear. Effective treatment? Getting some brain imbalance. Did x-ray for cervical spondylosis. Taking Lonazep MD. Advice? Found low T4 level and high TSH level. Prescribed thyroxin. Am I hypothyroid patient? Taking atenolol for borderline HBP. Will it be safe to reduce the dose? Having dizzy spells. Could it be related to neurocardiogenic syncope? C-section done. Having abdominal and back pain. Found fluid and blood in uterus. Any cure? Can anxiety and chronic stress cause symptoms that mimic hypoglycemia? Is it safe to take placebo pills a week earlier to have an early period? Saliva hormone panel test showed high cortisol and DHEA. What does this mean? Pregnant. Started heavy bleeding with no cramps. Found elevated HCG level. What's going on? Can I take growth hormone to gain weight fastly? Baby on antibiotic for ear infection. Noticed inflamed penis head. How to cure this problem? Got muscle pulled just beneath my lower right abdomen rib cage. What can be done? Suffering from wet dream. Not cured by medicine. Is there any treatment? Getting blood during intercourse. Had pap test which found abnormal cells. Cause and cure? Noticed small movable lump on genital region. Should I be worried? Developed white spots on skin after taking injection 29 years old, medical history of cyst. How long can I delay the family planning? Is it safe to take prednisolone in pregnancy? Child has fever, fast heart rate and feeling nausea. Should I consult a doctor? Itchy red stretch marks appeared after pregnancy. How to remove this? having intact hymen and depression. Want to conceive. Any treatment? Have dry skin with red and white raised bumps on legs. Easy way to get cure? Pregnant. Looking for abortion pills What happens after strangulation at the level of neck with obstruction of blood vessel? Had a traumatic pregnancy and birth with lots of complications. Having vaginal discharge and irregular period Lipid profile test done. Belly started coming out. Diet, cure and precaution to be taken? Experiencing swelling and bruise on foot. Feeling discomfort. Cause? Taking vertin for giddiness. Have spondylitis and pain in temple. Reason? Noticed mouth sores after smoking meth. How to treat this? Trying to naturally regulate androgen and progesterone levels. Had hepatitis. Can I take birth control? Baby has fever. No relief from motrin and tylenol. What treatment should be done? Suffering from constant calf muscles pain. Is this due to lack of adequate vitamins consumption? Taking prozac fro long time. Should I increase the dose? Why am I feeling something moving up and down in throat? What can cause recurrent thrush? Taking amilodipine and lisinopril for bp. Getting headache, dizziness and nausea. Side effect? How much stronger is oxycodone as compared to norco? Had surgery for cadaver bone Child has loose motion and vomiting problem. Prescribed ondansetron and sorbitol solution. Safe? Toddler started sweating and has low temperature. What should I do? Have had sever chest pain on the right side. On steroids. Ct scan showed kidney stone. Any connection? Had back surgery done. Started getting pain and stiffness in back, hip joint and knee. Related? Had unprotected sex. Having white discharge with foul smell from vagina. Got small blister on the labia Does same blood group affect pregnancy? Have itchy rashes on ankles, calves and legs. Blood test done. Cause and cure? Having tingling, burning pain on thigh. Had foot surgery. Underwent physical therapy. Any idea? Feeling dizzy and fluttering sensation in stomach and chest. Medical test normal. Worrisome Pregnant. Took duvadilan for stomach ache. Itchy rashes appeared. Any advice? Got tissue in vomit after having alcohol. What could be this? Took accidentally 2 extra strength Reactine pills. What kind of problems may I have? Child on meftal for low temperature. Not getting cured. Should I go to hospital? Had past infection of semen with enterococcus. Took amoxicillin. Got E.coli with UTI. Reason of bad odor? Removed irreparable tendon. Bone grafting done. Having no sensation in foot and feeling unbalanced Chronic lower back pain with huge muscle knots. Should I go for surgery? Not getting hard erection. Is this related to nervous system? Pregnant. Experiencing tenderness and burning sensation on lower rib cage. Reason? Have red and painful toe, no itching. What is causing this? Have tiny birthmark on head and had headache on the same spot. Could it be related? Having chest pain. ECG normal. Started abdominal pain with burning sensation. What's wrong? 82 years old. Facing gas problem. How to get relief? Found painful bumps on face. Concerned for swollen lymph node What is the normal blood pressure for a healthy person? Having a foreign body sensation in throat while swallowing. Done CT scan. Had a full thyroidectomy. Reason for pain? Experiencing thick light vaginal discharge. Underlying cause? Having burning sensation near penis after bowel movement. Safe remedy? Child has painful ruptured eardrum. Using azthromycin drops. Got fever. Is this normal? What is the dosage of azogen for UTI? Having shortness of breath and a racing heartbeat after pregnancy. Prognosis? Having terrible headache. Is it nerve ending damage or melanoma? Do all postmenopausal women have strong vaginal odor? Not getting satisfaction during intercourse. Cause and cure? Having pain while urination, abdominal pain, nausea, body ache. Had sex. Is it the reason? Have complete block of LAD and occlusion of ostium. Should I go for bypass surgery? Have a burning sensation while passing stool. Stool test came normal. Reason? Having insomnia. Had several episodes of hearing a loud noise. History of migraines, HTN, and fibromyalgia. Tingling in feet. Family history of diabetes and also breast cancer. Have digestion problems. Taking AleeveD Diabetic. Have high tsh and t4 level. Suffering from anxiety and sweating at night. Medical cure? Having headache in both occipital and temporal regions. Taking Amlodepine, Telma. TMJ or sinus? Having abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. On antitubercular treatment. How long it takes to cure? Have erectile dysfunction. Taking Leo capsules and serta 25. Not cured. What to do? Why am I getting periodic symptoms few days after period? Baby started teething. Diet plan to increase weight? Suffering from high uric acid, cholesterol, gastritis, piles. What could be the main problem? Had flu. Getting pain on face, pimple like bump on eyelid. Taking antibiotic for sinus infection. Suggestion Had gall bladder removed. Scan showed bile duct slightly dilated. Have reflux. Need of endoscopy? Does cipralex affect on sperm? Have moderate sinusitis, rhinitis and enlarged turbinates. Getting headaches in the forehead. Good to use saline? Have itching all over my body. Applied hydraquortizon cream. Not cured. What to do? Have occasionally very high blood pressure measurements. On medicine. Reason? Have a hard string like thing under the skin on the top of penis. Feels liked a clotted vein. What is this? Taking Thyronorm for Hypothyroid. Got high TSH. Reason? Taking SN-15 for bad throat. Having speaking difficulty. Prescribed azax, no relief. Any advice? Took rabipur vaccination. Stray dog licked on finger. Started taking rabipur vaccination. Worrisome Had pneumonia after broken hip. Got treatment. How to improve heart rate? Child with frequent urination. Urinalysis repoot showed high lecocytes and protein. Ultrasound came normal Scheduled to have a colposcopy done for thickening of the uterine wall. Want sedation. Possible? MRI showed posterocentral disc protrusion indenting the thecal sac. Required treatment? Taking aspirin and ativan while going for plane ride. How to avoid getting dvt on flight? Why am I having burning sensation in vagina during intercourse? Pregnant. Found low position of the gestational sac. Looking for suggestion Diagnosed with PCOD, on birth control. Trying for baby. Should I stop the medicine? Using candibiotic drops for ear infection. Having mild hearing loss. What is causing this? On mirena. Have PCOS, slight spotting, sore and sensitive nipple. Should I be concerned? Child have vomiting after having rice cereal. Due to mucus or some allergy? Blood test showed hypochromia. Suggested for thyronormalcy treatment. Required medication? Can ayurvedic medicine help me to quit drinking, smoking or any other drug addiction? Have PCOS. Started with diet plan and exercise. Taking bigomet. From when it will be effective? Diagonosed with PCOD. Taking metben tablets. Got positive pregnancy test. Should I continue the medicine? Have been experiencing pseudo type seizures. Connected with vagus nerve? Using triben b for itching between thighs and scrotum. Noticed pink opening on scrotum. Suggestion Got a crack on lip from an accident. Can I use neosporin? What diet should I take for weight loss? Is it normal to have abdominal pain in pregnancy? Got mucus and blood in stool. Medical history of diarrhea and anxiety. IBS? Have hcv. Planning to go for HCG diet to loose some weight. Is this effective? Stool test came positive for Clostridium difficile. Prescribed with Flagyl. Got blood in stool. Dangerous? Have bacterial tonsillitis infection and severe pain. Taking paracetamol. How to use dispersible aspirin? Scan said uterus is anteverted and contains indistinct fluid area. Meaning? Overweight. Treated for ear infection. Have high heart rate and mild fever. Viral pneumonia? Prescribed antibiotics and steroids for chest infection. Coughing with dark brown sputum, feel very irritable Had ingenial hernia surgery. How long it will take to go down the swelling? Which specialist should I contact for wernicke-korsakoff syndrome? Had unprotected sex. Chances of having HIV? Have cancer sore on labia, cold sore on mouth. Using hydrocortizone. Is this contagious? Stool test came positive for Clostridium difficile. Prescribed with Flagyl. Blood in stool Diagnosed with antral gastritis and hiatus hernia with no phlori. Having digesting problem, severe pain, nausea. On nexium Getting headache since morning. Looking for relief Had unprotected sex. Noticed red bumps on penis, have sore throat. Using decocort for fungal infection Taking medical hair removal laser treatment. Skin around my eyes has burnt and peeled. Having headache Having neck pain. Taking antibiotic for swollen lymph node. Noticed red, itchy and swollen eyebrow. X-ray showed moderate disc space narrowing and degerative change at C5-6. Is it curable? Suffering from anxiety and depression. On zoloft and lamictal. Testosterone level low. Any cure? Had surgery done for ruptured ACL. Recently got knee injury. Have I ruptured the ACL again? Facing IBS. Done with endoscopy, blood, urine ,BMFT and stool tests. Getting leg pain and frequent urination Diagnosed with a posterior temporal lobe cavernous malformation. What should I do? Noticed a light black spot that appeared on toe. Not raised, no pain. What could be this? Recovering from flu infection. Having muscle pain and feeling tired. Is this normal? Taking synthroid for hypothyroidism. Getting headache. Should I consult endocrinologist? Child got blood in bowel movement. What could be this? Found pea size hard lump under eye lid. Underlying cause? Suffering from piles. Have bleeding and itchy lump on rectum. What should be done? Took antibiotic for neumonia. EKG normal. Having dry cough, mild fever and night sweats. Took tylenol Surgery done for perianal abscess. Found small lump on buttock. Should I be worried? Have ibs and sleep apnoea. What is the best way to get rid of cymbalta? Have multiple recurring cysts in the underarms. How to remove this? Suffering from pudendal nerve entrapment. Taking diazapam, oxicontin. How to get relief from pain? Diabetic. Taking glimisave M1. On balanced diet and exercise. Should I continue this medicine? Having tummy pain with blood in stool. What is the reason and treatment? Having mild hepatomegaly with fatty liver. Treatments and diet? EKG done after fainting episode. Found normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific st abnormality. Advice?
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