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What is the treatment for stiffness and pain in hands with arthritis in right hip and herniated discs? Why do I feel strange sensation in my upper left stomach area,like something is moving or vibrating? Why does my BP soar when I get reccuring 3 auras? What is the treatment for huge bump in buttock? Is an MRI brain and EEG,both required for Micturition syncope? What are the chances of getting HIV after touching genital parts with finger cut? What causes isolated swelling of the hands during the day? How do you know if you have a panic attack?. Is it safe to keep computer in the bedroom? What is the treatment for spinning sensation when suffering from Vertigo and meniere's diesease? Should I visit a doctor for blood from ear after using Q-tip and how long will it take to heal? How can I increase my height? What are the findings from the blood test and how serious is my renal failure? How can I increase my weight? What is the cause and remedy for red pimples on penis? Is flatulence and gas caused due to rectal cancer? What is the remedy for night cough with mucus and choked throat? Can loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea be indications of leukemia? Does dambur goli cause any adverse effects in children? Is it safe to take klaricid after an IVF cycle? Can red spots and patches on penis head be indications of HIV or STD? Suggest treatment to control hairfall What causes painless bruising around the navel? Is sleep numbness in finger tips related to enlarged ascending aorta? What causes hot sensation while passing urine? What causes bleeding during sex? What is the reason for episodes of sudden memory loss after severe stomach flu due to food poisoning? Can I take ayurvedic medicine for stroke while taking chemotherapy treatment for cancer? Why am I experiencing muscle spasms in head post laser therapy for scalp psoriasis? What is the treatment for painful wrist despite taking IBU and wearing a split? What are the findings from the blood test and why am I having itching sensation and feeling lightheaded? No relief with ms contin extended release tablets for chronic pain after colectomy, what to do? How is abnormality in gastrointestinal tract found by colonoscopy and endoscopy? What are the findings from the stool test? Can a rash area on inner thigh be a jock itch? What is the cause for experiencing tingling sensation in hands and legs? What are the home remedies for curing discoloration in penis foreskin? What causes hiccups only during night? What is the best treatment option for getting back my cheeks to normal size? What should be done for accidental intake of Lipitor and Zetia during pregnancy? Does Rozawel, nebicard, Hopace and Clopiwas affect sexual activities? Should I take blood transfusion or injections for experiencing extreme fatigue and breathlessness with low hemoglobin levels? Can I take terrimycin for bacterial infection on scalp along with griseofulvinmicro? Is dark stool an indication for blood in stool? What is the treatment for cold,chest congestipn,wheezing and cough in a child? What causes premature ejaculation and can circumcision help? What is the treatment for itchy rashes on body? Is frequent use of coliacid for infantile colic safe for baby and are there any side effects? How can I get rid of red bugs in hair? What kind of diet should I give for my father taking lasix for congestive heart failure? What should be done for sudden rise in blood sugar and diarrhea in a type tow diabetic? Give details regarding laser treatment of anal fissures What is the cause for hair loss while taking hormone medication for IVF? Having irritation in throat and hoarse voice after swallowing liquid melatonin in wrong pipe. Will this problem subside? How can I treat a chipped bone in my knee?. Can I have IV nutrition at home for loss of weight and energy? What are the findings from the SGPT and SGOT levels? What is the treatment for pain in neck,arms and hip after a head injury? Does long term usage of momate cream for skin allergy cause any problems? Is continuous use of Vietrin safe for persisting tinnitus and are there any side effects? What medicine can I give for my baby having skin rashes on chest? What is the treatment for fungal infection in the groin and why is antibiotics necessary? What could be the reason for having tissue like thing in urine after protected intercourse? What causes headaches? Why am I experiencing electric shock like feeling in left breast area? Does mastrubation affect the brain,memory and sperm count? What can cause fluttering sensation in upper stomach? What is the treatment for severe stomach ache with diarrhea? No improvement with elecon and demelan for lesions on face, neck and upper chest. What to do? Should I continue taking nifedical even after having watery stools and digestive problems? Why do I feel a pull in the ear drum when I breathe with less hearing in one ear? What is the treatment for chronic anal fissure? What is the cure for itching and slight burning sensation around genital area? What causes late period with a negative HPT? Can I take painkillers with Allegra 180mg? What causes elevated liver enzymes? What should be done for finger prick caused by infected mouse trap? What could the dirt like substance coming from vagina be? Should I go to the emergency room for leaking breast implant with sharp pain in breast? Is premature ejaculation curable? How to overcome unknown fear? What can I do for lower stomach pressure? What is the treatment for groin pain due to UTI? Does the bilirubin level indicate any abnormality? Can cow milk cause abdominal pain for a child after giving rotarix vaccine? What is the treatment for ADHD and anxiety? What is the treatment for loss of apetite due to severe constipation? What is the treatment for swollen joint after knocking my knuckle? What causes anxiety, facial flashes, cystic acne, joint pain with a positive AAA blood test? What can cause intermittent sharp pain in chest? What is the reason for dull pain on my left rib below my left breast and what should be done? Why am I straining my throat and experiencing soreness after vomiting? What is the cause for chapped lips? What is the treatment for chronic constipation? Will accidental ingestion of clotri-denk 100 cause harm to the baby in pregnancy? Why is my child suffering from persistent cough even after taking Diethyl carbamamazine with high eosinophil count? Can ciprofloxacin cause a false positive for methamphatamine? What causes severe sharp pain in left kidney and blood in urine after removal of stent in ureter? Can ciprofloxacin and orhydrocodon acetaminophn cause false positive results? What can I do for mild pain in stomach after an abdominal hysterectomy? Will lemon juice and honey in lukewarm water help me reduce my weight? What is the treatment for yeast infection when suffering from fibromyalgia? Can I give T-Minic or cetrizine syrup to my child for running nose? Is it ok to take metrogyl and iblex for no bowel movement after ruptured appendix surgery? Does the WBC count indicate any abnormality and why am I suffering from panic attacks and anxiety? What is the treatment for athlete's foot? What causes tender and painful nipples with yelloish discharge? Can I have a sinus infection without any nasal drainage? Does androanagen, tugain and hair4u solution for hair fall problem cause any side effects like impotency? Is it safe to take saw palmetto instead of finestride for hair loss problem? What is the cure for pain in tailbone area after having strained side muscles in a snowmobile accident? What could a lump over the submandibular gland be? What is the cause and treatment for lose penis,fast ejaculation and tingling sensation? What should be the range of normal blood pressure? Is it safe to take candid CL vaginal medicine every month for vaginal infection? What causes severe lower abdominal pain just above the pelvic bone? Can a red rash on the penis be a indication of STD? Why is my penis bending and slipping during sexual encounter? Is taking Dacaris the right treatment for Alopecia Areata? Can I take Festal N, Decolic for GERD during pregnancy? What could be the interpretation of my HIV test report? Can I get pregnant after unprotected sex post two months of delivery? What cause weight gain with bloating while on allergy pills? Is it normal to have reoccurring small cuts under glans penis with my partner having cheese like discharge? What could be done for itch on buttock even after using tolnaftate? Should I go to the ER for redness and tenderness with scabbing in outer ear? Suffering from Cellulitis and having immense pain and inflammation even after taking antibiotics. Need second opinion What causes ear and eye pain after a brain surgery? Can vitiligo show repigmentation in three weeks are there chances of transmission of vitiligo from a grandparent? Can Atrovastatin decrease symptoms of spondylosis? Is black Motiyabind curable in sugar patients? What causes exhaustion,headache,neck and back pain along with nausea? What are the underlying causes for having pain in right leg? How long does it take for the clarithromycin to work? How long does it take for the clarithromycin to stop swelling and pain? Can I take Beneflex while taking Lisinopril?. Is tetanus injection necessary for a finger cut in a child despite having given all vaccinations? What are the findings from the brain MRI? What is the potential exposure to HIV after sex without intercourse? Is it safe to keep omega-3 softgels in a freezer? What is the treatment to get diabetes under control? What is the treatment for hair fall? Is enlarged lymph nodes along trachea in chest X ray caused due to bronchitis? What causes pain in upper extreme left of the abdomen? What is the appropriate treatment for anxiety when on bystolic for tachycardia? What is the cure for bipolar and eating disorder while taking lamactil for epilepsy? What is safe dosage for insulin intake? What is the cause for pain and stiffness in shoulders and knees? What is the recommended treatment for hypothyroidism when suffering from Hashimoto's syndrome? What is the treatment for unexplained bruising on both sides of my upper back and wheezing in chest? What can cause grey phlegm while coughing and blood in left nostril? What is Osteoponia and how can I overcome this problem? What is the treatment for nerve compression due to mild annular bulge at L1-L2? What is the treatment for dandruff on beard region? What is the cause for strange line from scrotum and painful bumps on penis? Can I take bronchial support containing fenugreek, marshmallow and mullein with a history of ischemic heart disease? Can knee replacement surgery be done for both knees together? What can cause increased heart rate while climbing stairs? Suggest cure for severe muscle pain What is the cure for heel spurs in feet and is uterine fibroid contributing to acid reflex? Why do I get Pain and burning in the clitoris/urinary area and lower abdominal pain? Is it safe to take laser treatment on face and what are the precautions to be taken before laser treatment? How can I lighten dark area around the private parts? What does a lump inside vagina and vaginal bleeding indicate? What causes occasional dull headache? What is the treatment for hyperresponsive airway disease and is budecort inhaler safe? Can I take imol plus for toothache while breast feeding? Why is my child suffering from pain in anus even after taking Augumetin and applying Pcool cream? What can cause hurting in tongue, sore throat and itching in right ear? What combination of medicines should I take for anxiety and major depression? What does MRI report taken after lower limb pain suggest? Is it safe to take Foricet for headache? What is the treatment for acute pancreatitis? What medicine should I take for headache? What do body lesions on arms and lower back indicate? What is the cause and treatment for red rashes on body and could it be due to platelet issue? Which surgeon should I consult for torn ligaments? Is it normal to have leakage through left nostril and swollen eye post nasal endoscopy? What causes minor changes in an EKG? Why am I experiencing hip pain at night? Why does it pain in the stomach after I swollow food? What are the underlying causes for aching sensation in throat? Can Barrett's esophagus, sore throat and hoarse voice be indications for cancer? What causes sore throat and hoarse voice when suffering from Barrett's esophagus and could it be cancer symptom? What can cause elevated SGPT levels while on thyronorm medication? What is the remedy for hard penetration and how to maintain erection? With reference to the blood sugar reports should I start any medication? What is the proper TSH after thyroid removal and what does low insulin on blood work mean? What is the cause for pain and discomfort in back side of head? What does "heterogeneous appearance of the bone marrow,probably reflects normal variation or red marrow" mean? Does taking ipill after unprotected intercourse cause spotting and blood in urine? Suggest treatment for neurological problems in both Legs,foot and fingers? Is small lump under the mole a sign of melanoma? What causes continued fatigue and lethargy with numbness in hands and tingling in feet? What happens when narcotic medication is discontinued after a long period? Can Hashimoto's cause slurred speech when I take xanax? Will mother's diet have an impact on baby's bilirubin count? Is keeping pregnancy a good idea when overweight? Should I go for abortion or concentrate on losing weight? What is the cause for swelling and discomfort in my eye?
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