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Weight & Lifestyle Questions & Answers

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2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
My concern is I am already 19 y/o but my weight does not fit too well with my height. My weight was 40kg and my height was 4 10. I have tried weight gain supplements but they didn t work is there anything I can do to gain weight?
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Is it safe to take hydroxycut elite (muscletech) on empty stomach? i am doing intermittent fasting and keto diet and doing well on my weight loss progress already and i dont want to consume high dosages of caffeine as written on bottle so i prefer taking 1-2 capsules before my workout is it safe...
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
I had un protected sex, but didn t took any ipill later I had check urine test it was negative but i took mp forte for safety only four tablet I found it in comfortable, so I stop after that I didn t got my periods for 15 days I took homepathy medicine for periods that work ed in 7 days I got my...
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hello. I take 75mg levothyroxine daily. No problems with that. But I get very bloated all the time. I have given up all dairy exact kefir thick yoghurt that I make myself. I only also eat homemade sourdough bread. I exercise for an HR in the gym daily, and I am not a big eater, as I just get...
2 1 Fri, 29 Sep 2023
Please is there any remedy or drug or cream or solution for skinny legs. If yes, please is there any after effects, if no, please recommend, I am open to ur advise please. For this has been an issue and has kept one uncomfortable. Thanks in anticipation
2 1 Wed, 12 Jun 2019
I am 54 yrs old and all of the sudden this spring I started gaining weight in my stomach and thighs, I had been working out 5 days a week and eating fairly well, but now I have gained 10-12lbs fairly quickly and can t lose any lbs at all, I have tried everything but don t understand why I picked...
2 1 Mon, 10 Jun 2019
I am gaining weight extremely fast and I have no idea why I am gaining it all in my belly it started in the beginning of june at that time I weighed 210lbs witch was what I weighed for at least 20 years now I am 340lbs and my belly has become unbearably big I don t know why this is happening or...
2 1 Fri, 1 Mar 2019
Any physical activity results in tightness in head, feeling of hyperactive hormones and minor pain in chest. These symptoms only occur following the exercize hours later or the next day. I have had numerous cardio tests which has ruled out any cardio problems. Any thoughts?
5 1 Mon, 25 Feb 2019
Hi, since i can remember by body secrete more sweat than any normal person. A 10 min walk could result in me drenching my cloths with sweats. Right now i m over weight but this symptoms was there ever since i can remember. I do have unusually more hair on my entire body, though not dense but...
2 1 Wed, 20 Feb 2019
I think I m dying. I m gaining weight at a rapid pace. 40+lbs. In 3 months. My legs and feet are swelling up and is extremely painful. No energy, depressed and in pain constantly in my legs, feet, back, neck.
2 1 Wed, 23 Jan 2019
I started gaining weight after a blood transffusion and abdominal surgery very fast. I went 3 sizes up. That was 9 months ago and its not changing..I feel like its not my body.I have been skinny all my life and I was able to eat anythingin any amount. Why did i start gaining weight after the...
2 1 Sat, 29 Dec 2018
Hi, I dont know about that i am suffering from thyroid or not however i have double chin, i generally do some excercises for face or face double chin but its not deacresing, as i am pissed off from my fluffy face, so could you please suggest me that what can i do to get rid of my face fat...
2 1 Wed, 26 Dec 2018
Hello. I’ve noticed that my stomach on the left side hangs lower than on my right side. I’m obese but I’m working towards losing wait. I’m not in any pain but the left side seems a little more heavier than the right side. Any help or thoughts you can provide?
3 2 Wed, 19 Dec 2018
I’m underweight by 6-7 pounds , I have difficulty eating I just can’t seem to enjoy food as I use too. I’m getting tired of the taste. What can I do to fix this issue ? I sometimes force myself to eat but then I feel like vomiting but I don’t want to lose any more weight.
2 1 Fri, 5 Oct 2018
i am on the metobolic diet i just started 3 days ago, they put me on a restricted diet and gave me supplements corti trim, vit c is the first ingredient, and the other is glucose formula which contains vit d 3, either one addresses weight loss, plus i m taking a protein drink in the am. do u know...
2 1 Mon, 17 Sep 2018
I have horrible breathe a it started after I decided to take carbs out of my diet. I supposed it time I did a body cleans to get rid of parasites, since I pooped out a large white one. I started with one meal a day: no sugar, bread, coffee. I felt great the very first day but later felt strange...
2 1 Tue, 11 Sep 2018
I have been gaining weight over the past 3 -5 months, due to the fact i have several severe back problems that wont let me exercise to lose weight! What brand medecine would be most helpful in losing weight so that i can be more active and have energy to burn calories please, Signed NEED HELP!!!!!
2 1 Fri, 24 Aug 2018
i m overweight, 50 years old but I do feel good mostly. I feel quite hot frequently, I like the air conditioning on while my coworkers are quite comfortable. Im also quite sleepy during most of the day. Often thought if I lose some weight both of these symptoms would go away. Any correlation?...
3 1 Fri, 10 Aug 2018
I am a 63 year old female. In 2015 and beginning 2016, I lost 25 pounds very quickly and also experienced severe pain in my stomach or pancreas area. The doctors thought I might have pancreatic cancer or problems with my intestines. I had blood tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy, CT scans, ultra...
4 2 Thu, 9 Aug 2018
Yes good night I am a male teen and I m very skinny and I was wondering if I can take peritol I searched the net but it says it s for butt thighs and hips but I don t want all that I just want size can I still take it and can u explain how it works plz
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