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Having electric shock pain in arm. Have bulging and herniated discs in the neck. How to get relief? Trying to conceive. Having unprotected sex. Have mild pcos. Chances of getting pregnant? Have hashimoto thyroiditis and swollen lymph nodes in neck. Should I be worried? Is herpes a contagious disease. Is there any medicine to cure it? Feels like food in windpipe. Not cured by gargling. How to clear the throat? Have tinnitus. Taking gingko biloba. Feeling weak and pressure on head. What is the cause of tinnitus? What is the treatment for oral submucous fibrosis? Having ear infection. Is it safe to travel in flight? Any suggestion? Noticed swollen lymph node on neck. Movable and painful to touch. Could it be lymphoma? Diagnosed with diabetes. Medical test done. What does the reports says? Vision gets blurred. Feeling discomfort in head and headache. Any thoughts? Having lower abdominal cramp while sitting, standing, running or walking. Which specialist should I consult? Suffering from hypo and lactose intolerance. Blood test showed normal serum calcium level. Suggest diet plan C-section done. Started feeling headache and chest tightness. Is this due to epidural? Got c-section on with preeclampsia. Started feeling sleepy, sensitive ear and headache. Is this normal? Suffering from terrible stomach aches and irritable bowel movement. How to get relief? Test showed endometrial thickness at 18mm and multiple fibroids at 25mm. Is this normal? Blood test showed Ldl cholesterol 148 against 130, RBC count 3.76. What does this mean? Have recurring pain and spasm in serratus anterior muscle. I have psoriasis. What could be the disease? Is it safe to drink lactare granules. What should be the dosage? Is there any side effects? Suffering from hair fall. Advised to take BTN fort. Any suggestion on hair fall control? Having stomach-ache. CT scan showed bilaterally cysts on both kidneys. Should I go for surgery? Is it safe to take vyvanse 100mg prior to surgery? Took norethisterone. Started bleeding after periods. Is this a side effect of medicine? Diagnosed with chronic gastritis and hiatal hernia. Not cured by medicine. What cure should be done? Have a burning sensation in lower intestine and infrequent bowel movement. Chances of colon cancer? Trying to lose weight. Looking for diet plans I am taking contraceptive pill. Can I go for TVS test right now? Injected to increase and rupture folicile. Had intercourse. Getting fever and cold. Chances of pregnancy? Had oral sex. Started getting fever. Chances of HIV? Using minoxidil 5% for hair loss. Is nanoxidil better and healthier? 6 month pregnant. Started dry cough and lower abdominal pain. Is there any affects on fetus? Sonography showed fatty liver. How can I lower triglyceride levels? 10 days late for period. Suggest some medicine Have problem with feet and sores on back and neck. Is the achilles tendon inflammation and the sores related. Can O+ male and female give birth to a healthy baby? Is H Pylori contagious even if it has been treated with antibiotics? What is the treatment for blip seen on EKG? Eardrum blocked from wax. Noticed blood after putting drops of mineral oil in ear. What should I do? IVF to be done. Will smoking pot have any affect on it? Suffering from external hemroids. Having irregular bowel movement and soreness in lower back. What could this be? Have had ovarian cancer. Taking wolren. Ca125 increased from 17 to 460. Will it be cured? Noticed ticks in crotch and discoloration of the skin. Is there any problem? Having itchy vagina and noticed bumps. Tested high ph levels. Could it be STD or herpes? On clindamycin for a skin infection. Developed IBS. Feeling fatigued and heaviness in head. Any advise? Diagnosed with PNET-ewings sarcoma. What treatment should be done? Blood test showed salam typhi O-1:240, H-1:240, AH-1:60 and BH-1:120. What is the meaning? Diagnosed with dengue fever. Not cured by medicine. Looking for suggestion 39 weeks pregnant. Started brownish pinky discharge. Is there any risks? Have anxiety and bowel problem. Prescribed ganaton total and paxidep. What should I do? Have fatty liver and started greyish stool. Should I go for medical test? Have had typhoid fever. Planning for a baby. Are there any chances of infection through intercourse? Diagnosed with rosacea. Experiencing burning and swollen nose. On doxy and metrogel. Any relief? Having headache, runny nose and cough. Taking celexa for anxiety. Is this due to wearing ear plugs? 18 years old. Suffering from type 1 diabetes. How to get cured? Suffering from short term memory loss problem. Advise some medical treatment Developed bump on bottom of toe and tender to walk. What cure should be done? Noticed discolouration on scrotum. Cracks appeared after itching. Could it be jock itch fungus infection? 38.5 years old. Want to do circumcision. What are the risks? How long will it takes to get cured? Do thyroid problem affect the sexual life? Will it cause severe nervous problems? Had hit on chest. Hurts to take deep breath or move. Should I go for treatment? Heard a loud pop in the back of knee while jogging. Started pain. How to get relief from pain? Blood test showed 10% eosinophil. Having frequent cold and cough. Suggest some cure and medicine Suffering from serious hair fall and dandruff problem. Using ketokonozole shampoo. Any advise? Suffering from hypertension and obesity. Is it safe to take herbalife products? Having pain in stomach and food pipe. Getting heartburn and indigestion. What is wrong? Not able to lift leg and walk without pain. Should I go for medical check up? Had tonsils and adenoids out. Started twitching on leg and upper body. What is the cause? Child having pimples on inner thighs and on scrotum. What could this be? Have elevated bun and elevated liver enzymes. What could be the cause? Had tubal ligation and minera removed. Missing periods. Feeling nausea and back ache. Is this normal? Having reoccurring red patches on inner elbow, inner knee and underarm. What could be this? Have microhematuria and hematospermia. Are these related. What treatment should be done? Having frequent bowel movements and urination. Any idea what might be going on? Noticed lump in front of ear lobe and just above jaw line. Any idea what this could be? Had oral sex. What are the effects of semen on adenoids? I am very short temper and not able to control my anger. Which specialist should I consult? What should I do to rectify left axis deviation? Penis not getting straight and have testicle problem. How to get cured? Have pimple like bump on eyebrow. Its extremely sore, swollen and hurts to blink. What should I do? Suffering from severe mouth ulcers. Test showed iron deficiency. Is this related to oral cancer? Have breathing problem and severe cough. Found a small lesion in the lower lobe of the lung. Any advise? Have headache, chest pain and feeling tired. Is this normal? Should I be worried? 30 years old. Suffering from early stage of arthritis. Can I eat ragi flour every day? Woke up with room spinning, BP over 200. Should I go for medical check up? Child having white spots, redness and dry skin on cheeks. Any idea what it could be? Have mild fever, excessive sweating, body pain and dizziness. What is the required treatment? Suffering from acidity problem after eating. Looking for solution Have high BP and hair root problem near genital region. What cure and precaution should be taken? Suffering from staph infection. Getting itchy and red bumps. How to get relief? Diagnosed with a small hiatal Hernia. Getting burning in throat and sternum. Any cure? Getting hive like itchy reddish rashes. Feeling tired and dizziness. What could it be? Had unprotected sex. RT PCR test showed negative. Should I get tested again? Getting high occurrence of bruises on buttock. What is the required treatment? Using neosporin and scarguard for scars on penis. What treatment is required to get rid of the scar? Diagnosed with calcification in shoulder joint. Getting muscle and nerve pain. Is this normal? Hair transplant done. Is Amexidyl an effective hair spray? TSH level increased after having oc pills. Feeling cold and started hair loss. Should I continue oc pill? Child not going through oral phase. Is this normal or is there any developmental delays? Suffering from stomach bloating and uneasiness after eating. Will it be controlled by diet? Suddenly experienced sharp, stabbing, burning pain in breast area. Should I go for medical check up? Having little spasm in the foot and getting nervous. What is causing this? Why am I feeling tensed all the time. Suggest some medicime Have cyst in ovary. Having abdominal pain, pelvic pain and lower back pain. Worrisome I year child having constipation. Is this a serious problem? Difficult to take deep breath and pain in neck and back. What could be causing this? Having painful white bump on nipple. How to get relief? Have severe itching in the groin area. Suggest alternative soap for 2% ketoconazole soap Feeling mild pain and sensation around chest. Is this related to any heart disease? Missed period but light spotting. Pregnancy test negative. What are the chances of pregnancy? Suffering from stress and eye strain. What to do? How to deal with guilt? MRI showed 2 cystic foci in ovary. Experiencing pain. Should I be concerned? Having loss of appetite and feeling nausea after gallbladder removal. Any ideas? 9 month child consumed dettol. What are the risks? Feeling severe pain while passing urine in the clitoris and burning sensation near vagina. What's wrong? Thick watery discharge from nipple when pressed. Any remedy? How to prevent vomiting after intestine surgery? Have swollen, hard and painful bump on testicle. Could it be from the use of steroids? What are the side effects of consuming herbalife products? Are acne on arm and dandruff related? Suggest a cream to get rid of black knees Found brown string in poop. What could be the cause? Baby having soreness on penis and redness under the foreskin. Can I use timodine on penis? Have UTI. How to get rid of squishy poop and bloating? Have bruise on arm and noticed lump underneath. Is this normal? Have psoriasis and mental health issues. Started recurring headache, nausea and vomiting. What is causing this? Swollen glands behind ear and bellow jaw. Which specialist should I consult? 25 years old. Addicted to adderall. What should I do? Had protected sex. Noticed red dots in thighs an burning sensation in legs and hand. Chances of HIV? Suffering from BP. Got a gout attack in toe. Taking gluformin xl500 with controlled diet. Need some advice Have frequent urination. Could blackish discolouration on face be due to liver expansion? Is there any treatment for congenital hydrocephalus? Child suffering from headache, burning ears and stuffy nose with blood. What treatment should be done? Diabetic. Ultrasound showed collapsed gallbladder and mild fatty liver. Is it curable? What is knee resurfacing surgery? Can a person lead a normal life? Have small black mole inside of lower lip. Could it be cancer related? Kidney test done. What does these values suggest? 14 years old, diagnosed with gyneomastia. Is this common in this age? Baby banged top of head. Didn't lose consciousness. Should I be worried? Taking 50 mg toprol xl for HBP. Started heart palpitations. Is this normal? Had breast cancer. Smear test done. Should I go for hysterectomy? Diagnosed with strep throat. Have stuffy nose, mild cough and sore throat. Any ideas? Rashes on butt cheeks not cured by applying hyderm. How to get rid of these rashes? Can I use dynapar tablet as pain killer for teeth? I am having a very scanty flow. Pregnancy test negative. What are the complications? Had cataract surgery. Experiencing motion type sickness. How to get cured? Suffering from headache, dizziness, upset stomach and eye pain. What should I do? Child started vomiting. Diagnosed with virus and lactose intolerance. Suggest some cure History of migraine. Felt like crossed eye and dizziness. Any treatment? Have had heartburn and acid reflux. Having pain under ribs. Diagnosed with GERD. What should I do? Felt numbness on tongue. What is the cure and precaution to be taken? Noticed bumps and lots of veins in throat. Feeling tired and shaky. How to get relief? My BP is 127/68. Is this normal? Can I have protected sex while taking doxycycline hyclate for chlamydia? Found white yellowish string like thing in stool. Could it be a threadworm? Vagina started itching and rectum started hurting after vaginal herniation. What treatment should be done? Feeling fever and chills. Urine test showed abnormal rbcs and pus cells. Should I be worried? Having chest pain and dry cough. Is this related to heart problem? Had unprotected sex. What are the risks of having HIV? Have innocent heart murmur, sinus tachycardia. Started experiencing heart palpitation. Cause and cure? Having burning sensation in bladder and urethra. Noticed yellowish discharge while passing urine. Worrisome Getting burning sensation in eye. How to get relief? Heard a loud pop and pain behind the knee and down outside of calf. Which specialist should I consult? Why do I feel something in my chest when I eat something fatty. Should I visit a cardiologist? Suffering with back pain. What should I do to get cure? Have a rubbery, smooth, round lump below collar bone and armpit. Any thoughts? Have CPOD. I have lost my voice after medication. Should I be worried? Can Loestrin 24 Fe be used as emergency contraception? Pelvic ultrasound showed thickened endometrial echo complex. Is this serious? Had unprotected sex. Bump on vagina started bleeding. Am I at risk of HIV? Had unprotected sex after periods. Missed taking levlen ed. Started bleeding. Chances of pregnancy? Type 2 diabetic. Have red rashes on arms. What is causing this? Suffering from irritable bowel movement. Any permanent solution to get proper motion? Having bulky uterus and heavy bleeding with clots. Getting back ache. Is it safe to insert mirena coil? Is it dangerous to have low platelet counts around 85? What medicine should be given? Child having cold, cough and fever. Not cured by medicine. What to do? 12 months baby having typhoid. Will it be cured completely? Suggest diet plans Having irregular periods. Started backache, nausea, dizziness and bloated. Could I be pregnant? Started suffering from trembling and lack of sleep after taking sibelium. What to do? Advise the dosage of mifegest and misoprost to terminate the pregnancy Which specialist should I consult for hunchback? 80 years old diagnosed with twisted intestine. Started feeling depressed after operation. What to do? Having pain at the back of the knee cap after the submandibular gland surgery. Is it serious? 10 years old having small penis. What treatment should be done? Have sarcodosis in lungs. Test showed creatinine-47L and anion gap-17H. What does these mean? 40 weeks pregnant. Started severe vomiting, diarrhoea and back pain. Any complication? Have blotchy marks on upper arms. What is causing this? Why do I feel like nerve on thigh after masturbating? Diagnosed with fatty liver. What does the reports suggest? Feeling pressure on head. Noticed red scars on cheeks, chin and forehead. Is this an allergic reaction? Formula fed baby having dark stool. What should be done? Having acne on face and hand. How to get cured? Experiencing on and off pain behind ear after drinking alcohol. Concerned Mole on head started hurting. Should I be concerned? Having continuous pain in hand. How to get relief from pain? Diagnosed with clival chordoma. Cyberknife radiation treatment done. Started headache and ear pain. Any advise? Is this safe to take nano-leo for less sensitive penis? Have HPV. Diagnosed with vulvar vestibulitis. Noticed soreness between butt and vagina. Chances of syphilis? Have swollen and blocked nostril. What treatment should be done? 60 years old. Having pain in shoulder joint and feeling difficulty to walk. Looking for treatment?
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