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Suggest medications to remove dead skin in my feet Is it safe to start Pristiq when on Synthroid? What causes itching, slight burning and soreness in vaginal area? When should Nateglinide be taken? Suggest treatment for symptoms of peripheral neuropathy What causes swelling in tongue and itching throughout body after eating? What does my panoramic x-ray test report indicate? Suggest treatment for increased uric acid level along with joint pain What causes light spotting and lower abdominal pulling pain when with Mirena? What causes itchy rashes on breasts, chest and other parts of body? Suggest treatment for severe paranoid delusions and schizophrenia What causes vomiting, fever and burning sensation during urination? What are the side effects of Tamsolusin? Suggest treatment for sores in mouth, pharyngitis and acid reflux Suggest treatment for massive calcification in my coronary arteries and aorta Why does my mouth taste like blood? What causes low BP, chest pain and dizziness? What causes swollen gums along with pus formation after root canal therapy? Suggest treatment for pain on ribs, upper back and chest Suggest treatment to increase endometrial lining thickness What does my Holter monitor report indicate? Is it safe to do cardioversion in a patient with a pacemaker? Suggest treatment for burning sensation on skin of chest, back and armpit What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest medication to manage anxiety and improve sleep Suggest treatment for swollen lymph nodes What are the long term effects of Nexium, Atorvastatin and Aleva? Is it possible to have herpes and not have an outbreak? What causes eczema? What causes double ear infection, viral upper respiratory infection and dizziness? Suggest treatment for lump on the throat Suggest treatment for scars in the brain causing seizures What does the lump at implant site on the fibula indicate? Suggest treatment for throat injury from a ventilator Can chiari surgery change a person's personality? What are the common symptoms for endometriosis? Does normal NT scan indicate low risk of a miscarriage? Suggest treatment for pain on the right side of my head What causes painful brown patch on my left leg? What causes throbbing headache after having sex? Suggest medications for labyrinthitis Suggest diet for a 6 month old child Is it safe to use toothpaste for a 22 months old? Suggest treatment for cold sweats and mild fever What causes difficulty in penetration during intercourse? What does "right upper lobe fibrotic strands" in a X ray report indicate? What are the chances of pregnancy after withdrawal bleeding? Suggest treatment for extreme lethargy Suggest treatment for post disc degenerative disease What is meant by post degenerative disc disease? Suggest remedy for frequent urination during pregnancy Suggest treatment for pain in legs and hips What are the chances of HIV infection after condom broke during intercourse? What precautionary measures should be taken after surgery for sciatic pain? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath, cough and sweats Is it safe to take Lorazepam after alcohol consumption? What causes a pulsating sensationin the ear? Suggest treatment for chronic hepatitis-C What causes reduction in blood flow to penile arteries at the time of erection? What causes racy heartbeats and shortness of breath? How long does Decadron stay in the body system? Suggest treatment for rashes which appears on face,ears and neck in infants What do swollen lymph node on neck and twitching eyes indicate? Suggest ways to manage high blood glucose levels when on Insulin Suggest remedy for trouble in breathing and swallowing What are the withdrawal symptoms of Xanax? Are muscle spasm common for people suffering from accumulative stress? What causes severe fever along with pain in ribs? What causes infection post surgery for a kidney stone? What the symptoms of HIV? Does hypothyroidism cause nipple discharge? What are the symptoms of HIV? What causes pigmentation over the toe nails? Is a HIV 1 RNA qualitative test conclusive at 2 weeks post exposure? Suggest treatment for burning pain in the anal area Suggest treatment for mild perifollicullar fibrosis and chronic inflammation What causes increased creatinine level in condition like diabetes? Suggest treatment for slight pain on the ribs What causes chest congestion and itchy ear while suffering from enlarged adenoid? Suggest treatment for tremors and shaky hands Suggest treatment for dry skin What kind of side effects will occur when getting a partial hysterectomy? What are the effects of long term use of Oxycodone? What causes a foul odour from the anus? Suggest treatment for lymph node enlargement in the groin region Suggest treatment for burning sensation in stomach and belchings Suggest treatment for pulsating sensation in ear along with heaviness in the chest area What are the symptoms of throat cancer? What is the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer Suggest treatment for heavy bleeding from the anal area Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder What are the chances of pregnancy even after taking emergency contraceptive pill? What causes faint light vaginal bleeding with painful urination while suffering from amenorrhea? Suggest remedy for pain and redness on skin after insect bite Suggest diet when suffering from typhoid and high sugar levels Suggest treatment for loose motion in a chronic kidney patient What are the side effects of Clonotril Plus? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain What causes fever after taking antibiotics for a tooth infection? What does the following blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for pain and discomfort while yawning and swallowing Suggest diet when undergoing chemotherapy while suffering from B cell Lymphoma Suggest treatment for pain in back after taking Postinor Suggest treatment for post-operative insomnia Suggest treatment for sensorineural hearing loss Suggest diet and precautions to take for fever in a HIV patient What causes loose motion after having chocolate? What causes sharp lower right abdominal pain after appendectomy? What does the following sinus rhythm reading indicate? Suggest treatment for stomach infection in children Is Colostrum a effective medication to strengthen immune system? Suggest remedy for light vaginal bleeding during urination Suggest treatment for diarrhea in a baby What causes sudden fainting spells and sweating? Suggest the dosage of Mafegest and Cytolog What causes stomach upset and loose stool in infants? Suggest treatment for sepsis and cellulitis in his upper thigh Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain Why do I get this new moles on my face suddenly? Is it safe to take Zoloft and inhalers during pregnancy? Suggest medication for a bipolar patient What causes withdrawal symptoms of Trivora? What causes increased cholesterol level in blood? What causes pain in my ribs after an injury? What causes dark yellow urination? What causes discoloration and pain on my toe? Can Amiodarone and Amlodipine be taken together? Suggest treatment for extreme fatigue and lethargy What causes tenderness in my left breast? Suggest medications for irritation caused by cuts from the shaving blade What causes recurring pain and swelling on shin area along with bruising post injury? Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain What causes painful lump on my spine after hip bone replacement? What causes pain in the chest wall on the right side? What causes dots spots on my penis? What causes sharp pain in my upper abdomen? Suggest treatment for the mild protrusion of the collar bone What causes increasing tiredness while suffering from type 2 diabetes? Suggest treatment for lightheadedness during my period What causes increased haemoglobin levels? What causes elevated liver enzymes? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? What causes constant chest pain? What causes facial flushing after consuming alcohol? What causes redness and pain in my toe? What causes severe rashes, cramps and sore throat while suffering from hepatitis C? What causes vomiting after taking Advil? Suggest treatment for gout in left thumb What causes sharp pain on my left side of my ribs? Suggest treatment for bacterial infection after hair removal procedure Can extension exercises be done when treating sciatica and lower back pain? Suggest treatment for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and EDS Suggest treatment for pain and itching associated with the lesions What causes frequent urination after kneecap surgery? What causes pain on tip of penis and urge to urinate? What causes intermittent nose bleeds? What causes severe pain in my lower back? Suggest treatment for chronic tonsillitis Are morning sickness and breast soreness normal during pregnancy? How to get pregnant? What causes soft lump on my leg near the shin? What causes concussion after an injury on my nose? Suggest treatment for vertigo and inner ear infetion Suggest ways to overcome chemotherapy resistance What causes racy heart after increasing dosage of Amlodipine besylate? What causes dark colour bumps on my labia minora? How to get a safe medical abortion? Suggest treatment for sever heel pain What causes a lump on my left breast? Suggest treatment for nausea after taking Oncotrex Suggest treatment for constant vomiting and fever in children Will Valium be detected in a urine test taken a week later? What causes labia majora swelling? Suggest better medications for PCOS How to control cholesterol levels? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking emergency contraceptive pills? What causes cough followed by vomiting? What causes dark brownish vaginal spotting? Does Lyme's disease get transmitted through sexual intercourse? Does lower abdominal pain after periods indicate pregnancy? What does my brain MRI report of orbit with contrast indicate? Suggest treatment for frontoethmoidal encephalocele and colpocephaly in infant What causes kidney pain along with vomiting and weakness? What does my sonography test report indicate? Suggest a permanent cure for greying of hair Suggest treatment for swollen broken toe Suggest treatment for habitual constipation Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism during pregnancy What causes chronic feverish feeling in a diabetic? What causes vomiting, tremors, headaches, fatigue and muscle pain? Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain and swelling feet Is tingling in face after taking fruit smoothie indicative of allergy? Suggest treatment for pain after fractured wrists Is there drug interaction between Vyvanse, Adderall, Claritin and Zantac? Suggest treatment for general anxiety disorder, high BP and obesity Suggest treatment for itchy irritation in the genitals Suggest treatment for respiratory problem in a baby Are magnesium supplements advised when taking Vyvnase and Adderall? Does the ultrasound report indicate blocked tubes? What does the presence of blood in urine indicate?
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