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Are pus filled lump on labia signs of herpes? What does my HSG test report indicate? What causes red and painful bumps in groin area? Is cervical length of 24.4 mm during 8th week of pregnancy normal? What causes symptoms of impetigo reoccur post completion of antibiotics course? Suggest remedies for tinnitus, swelling and hardness in temporal area What causes pain and cluster of small red bumps on whole body? What causes lower leg pain, fever and severe chills? What causes white circles around the head of the penis? What does my lab test results indicate? Suggest remedies for lower leg pain, severe chills and fever What causes spreading pain in lower rib cages, back sides and dark stools? What does my scan test result indicate? What causes sharp abdominal pain, constipation and cold? Suggest remedies to reduce blood pressure Suggest treatment for Parkinson's disease What causes delay in menstruation? What does my TVS test report indicate? What are the repercussions of accidental overdose of Oxycodone? Does intake of Celexa help in curing depression? Can HIV virus survive in dried blood outside the human body? What causes a painful lump on tibia, pain in leg, thigh and foot? Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving What causes delayed menstruation and scanty flow during menstruation? What does my CT scan test report indicate? What causes pelvic pain and increased frequency of urination? What is the average weight for a 2 year old infant? Are vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain post an intercourse signs of pregnancy? What does my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for scratch on eye Suggest treatment for gall bladder stone Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes weakness and heaviness legs? Is alcohol consumption advisable while treating migraine? Is sore and painful joint at right thumb a symptom of arthritis? What are the risks of developing infections when suffering from frequent diarrhea? Can Propranolol and Prednisone be taken together for migraine headache? What causes a cluster of white bumps on left soft palate of mouth? What does my lab test report indicate? What are the risks of developing HIV when exposed to blood with abrasion? Suggest treatment for cluster of white bumps on soft palate of mouth Suggest treatment for gout on toe and foot What causes red and brown colour sperm? Does Aspirin interact with wine? What causes severe anxiety, swollen hands and sugar cravings while on Propranolol? What causes balance issues, weakness and high BP post intake of Dilaudid? Suggest treatment for blister on nose What is the average age for an infant to roll on tummy? Is a small red line on face a symptom of skin cancer? What causes diarrhea, excessive gas and bloating after continuous travelling? What causes rough and dry patches on elbows? Suggest remedies for severe testicle pain post an injury What causes dull pain under right ribs and diarrhea? What causes tiny red spots and tingling sensation in penis post an intercourse? What causes fluctuating blood sugar levels? What causes continuous negative thoughts in a 6 year old child? Suggest treatment for H. pylori infection Is travelling risky for a patient suffering from dry eye condition? What does my lab test results indicate? Does intake of Warfarin help in curing Factor V Leiden? What causes short term memory loss, confusion and forgetting words? What causes persistent pressure, blockage and occasional pain in right ear? What causes fluid leakage from lower legs in a diabetic patient? Is intake of Pepcid advisable for a SJ syndrome patient? What are the side effects of mixing beer with Lexapro and Buspar? What causes xerostomia and stomach upset while on Percocet and Suboxone? What causes burning sensation during urination and lower back pain while treating prostatitis? What does my thyroid test report indicate? What causes sore tongue, fatigue and left-sided chest pain? When is ultrasound advisable for early pregnancy? Is Elisa 3rd generation test done 6 weeks after exposure conclusive? Suggest treatment for MDS Does consumption of Milk thistle help in curing fatty liver? What causes rapid heart rate and oxygen loss while treating COPD? Suggest remedies for terrible bad breath What causes white patches on toenails and feet after walking? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Diclofenac? What causes sharp pain in stomach, constipation and hard stools? What causes severe pain in wrist and fingers after a cat bite? Can Amoxiclav and Sildenafil be taken together? Suggest the ideal dosage for Azithromycin taken for chlamydial infection Is elevated ESR levels during lactation normal? Suggest ways to reduce cholesterol levels Does varicocele cause infertility in males? Suggest remedies doe yellow fever What does my lab test results indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes cold feet? What causes short term memory loss and nightmares when diagnosed with PTSD? Can HIV be contracted through vaginal fluid? Suggest ways to wean of Codeine Does usage of Mintop and Tugain help in treating hair loss? What causes weakness in legs and balance issues while on Sinemet? Does intake of Trazodone and St.John's wort have adverse effect on serotonin levels? Is chest pain while bending down a symptom of anxiety? Suggest remedies for delayed menstruation What causes swelling around the penis in a 9 month old infant? What causes bouts of erection loss during intercourse? Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? Can HIV virus survive outside the human body? Can pain and stiffness in neck and back from an injury cause whiplash? What causes mild pain in mid-right abdomen every morning? What causes pain in neck with sudden exposure to cold? Does consumption of alcohol lead to elevated trygliceride level? What are the health benefits of Probiotics? What does my methylmalonic acid test report indicate? Can skipping medicine and only exercising help in controlling high BP? What does my lab test reports indicate? What are the side effects of prolonged intake of Suboxone? Suggest remedies for swollen leg post an injury When will bleeding resume post intake of Mensovit plus? What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of ointment containing fusidic acid? Suggest ways to reduce blood pressure What does my STD lab test reports indicate? What causes black stool? Suggest remedies for a pus filled lesion on left arm below elbow What causes cold, severe lethargy and fever? Does intake of Prednisone for sore throat lead to pink sputum? What causes diarrhea, stomach cramps and severe fatigue along with leg pain? What causes sudden increase in anxiety and blood pressure while sleeping? Suggest the ideal dosage for SSKI taken for cough Suggest treatment for painful meniscus tear Does Motrin intearct with alcohol? What causes occasional localized stinging feeling in left testicle? Does intake of Trazodone help in curing anxiety? Can Carbamazepine and Ibuprofen be taken together? Can HIV virus survive in dried blood? Suggest treatment for pigmentation marks on cheek Is urinary incontinence in a 69 year old male a cause for concern? Suggest remedies for severe dandruff and hair loss What causes chest tightness while exercising in a patient suffering from severe anxiety? Does usage of Elidel help in curing skin redness? What causes severe bloating, weight gain and headache post a hip replacement surgery? Is irregular heartbeat and pounding sensation in heart a cause for concern? What causes tongue lesion and blurry vision post an intercourse? What does my HIV test reports indicate? What causes recurring tiny red spots on penis? Are cyclic vomiting, depression and food allergy signs of HIV? What does my ultrasound test report indicate? What causes radiating pain in lower abdomen, groin and forehead warmness? What causes recurring episodes of irregular heart rate? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? Suggest remedies for depression and anxiety What are the risks of developing STD post an anal sex? What does my urine test report indicate? What does my blood test report indicate? What does my lab test reports indicate? What causes facial pain, nausea and dizziness with history of head injury? Is a pulse rate of 106 normal? What causes heart palpations and drained feeling in body? Suggest treatment for Candidiasis Suggest remedies for nasal congestion and sinus pressure What type of foods can be given for a 6 months old infant? What causes lung hardening? What causes left-sided back pain, nausea and diarrhea post a gallbladder surgery? How long does iron supplements take to show effect? Suggest medical tests to rule out internal bleeding What causes knee pain while twisting and bending post an injury? What are the repercussions of overdosing Lexapro? What causes sharp pain on back of head? Suggest the ideal dosage for emergency contraceptive pills What causes sharp pain in left calf muscle post intake of Ciprofloxacin? Does intake of Mucinex help in curing severe cough? What causes sickness after eating in a alcoholic person? Suggest treatment for phimosis Is Rh-isoimmunization necessary when the couples have different blood group? Suggest treatment for sharp pain in left calf muscle What causes chicken pox? Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? What causes tingling in hands and feet, brain fog along with high BP? What causes a small pus filled bump on the shaft of penis? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety What causes low body temperature when diagnosed with diverticulitis? How long does recovery take after fractional CO 2 laser treatment? How effective are the sunscreen and skin lightening creams in preventing skin darkening? Does intake of Truvada Prep help in preventing HIV? Does frequently changing Nuva ring have any adverse effect on health? What does my ultrasound scan test reports indicate? Is plastic smell in house after boiling pacis poisonous? Is breast feeding advisable post intake of Albendazole? What causes itching and swelling in mouth, tongue and lips? Is Metoprolol and Metoprolol succinate same? What causes severe weakness when diagnosed with low vitamin D3? When is physiotherapy advisable for a patient post a back surgery? What causes persistent calf muscle pain? What causes severe dizziness and stomach cramps with history of high BP? What causes sudden swelling in gum? What are the repercussions of overdosing Methylprednisolone? What causes a feeling of heaviness in head? What causes severe pain in right shoulder blade? What causes head heaviness? Does intake of Adderall help in curing anxiety? Suggest alternative medication for Diflucan taken for lichen screlosis What causes sharp and stinging pain in arm, inner forearm while stretching the hand? What is the ideal dosage of Cytomis taken for abortion? Is infant Tylenol safe for a 2 months old suffering from fever? How effective is Norethindrone in preventing pregnancy? Suggest treatment for typhoid in a 3 year old child What causes a feeling of bump on right leg above the knee cap? How long do Cipro withdrawal symptoms last?
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