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What causes back pain after kidney surgery? Suggest treatment for chills, vomiting, diarrhoea and dizziness Does infected tooth cause spikes in blood sugar? Suggest treatment for Norovirus, aka winter vomiting disease Suggest ways to manage withdrawal effects when weaning off inhalants How long does Norco stay in our system? Suggest treatment for sinus tachycardia Suggest treatment for itching on the legs What does high alkaline phosphatase levels in a 5 year old indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in my middle abdomen along with cough What could be causing my constantly sore and tight thigh and back? Suggest treatment for dryness and congestion in throat What causes cold and sneezing problem while suffering from conjunctivitis? Suggest treatment for pain in hands and legs along with high BP levels Suggest treatment for hypogonadism What are the withdrawal symptoms of Oxycodone? Suggest treatment for fecal incontinence and tiredness alongwith IBS What are the chances of survival after presence of blood clots in lungs? Suggest treatment for bowel incontinence What causes delay in menstruation and white vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for high cholesterol Does Lasix help in treating heart disease? How effective is Elimidrol in dealing with withdrawal symptoms? What causes swelling above right testicle? What causes leg pain at night after taking Omeporzole? Suggest treatment for irregular periods and hormonal problems What does my MRI report of right knee indicate? Suggest treatment for pain and muscle weakness What does white vaginal discharge along with cramps indicate? What causes chronic anaemia while suffering from multiple myeloma? Suggest treatment for atrial fibrillation Is smoking is a major cause of hoarseness? What causes high BP after having Midodrine? Suggest treatment for low grade fever along with cough Suggest remedy for flushed face when on Nystatin and Triamcinolone What causes weak and mild pain in joints after intercourse? Suggest treatment for low grade pseydomyxoma perotinie Suggest treatment for high fever and cough in children What causes extreme muscle pain and swollen knee along with deep cough? What causes extreme sweating, inability to walk, and vomiting in elderly? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation What causes bartholin gland cyst? Suggest homeopathic treatment for sore throat,cough and fever What causes plugged ears? What causes severe cough while suffering from rheumatoid arthritis? What causes abdominal swelling while treating flu? Suggest treatment for small cut on the foreskin of my penis What causes a rapid heartbeat? What causes blood in urine? What does black mark on the side of toe indicate? What causes premature ventricular contractions? What causes redness on the head of my penis after having sex? Suggest remedy for swelling on feet and ankles when suffering from kidney failure What causes chronically low blood pressure? What causes pain on underside of left arm along with numbness in my fingers? What causes unexpected menstrual bleeding after taking I pill? Suggest treatment for degenerate disc disease Suggest treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder What are the side effects of Divalproex and Metoprolol? What causes intense, recurring pain just beneath the skin? What causes nausea and loss of appetite while suffering from gastritis? Suggest treatment for frontalis bone swelling and PCOS What causes detached retina? What causes pressure in my chest while suffering from indigestion? Suggest treatment for vomiting and diarrhoea along with enlarged liver and spleen Suggest treatment for depression when suffering from chicken pox Suggest treatment for achy legs and lethargy when on Lexapro and trazodone What causes cough, soar throat and fever in children? What is the next step after a tmt was positive for nducible ischemia? What are chances of HIV after having unprotected sex? What causes withdrawal bleeding after unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for bacterial vaginosis What level of serum ammonia will lead to discontinuation of Depakote? Suggest treatment for fatigue, vertigo and lightheadedness What causes numbness in arms while suffering from stroke? Suggest treatment for blood in urine along with pain Suggest better medications for weight loss Suggest treatment for cold and sinus infection Dose taking Cartigen forte for long time cause any side effect? What are the side effects of Natural Garcinia Cambogia? Suggest treatment for pulsating sensation behind the ear What does the MRI of the head indicate? Does numbness and muscle pain along with muscle spasms indicate autoimmune disease? Suggest remedy for confusion and slurred speech after taking Losartan Is it safe to take Atenolol along with Lisinopril? Suggest remedy for dent in forehead after injury Suggest treatment for fever, head and muscle aches when on Lisinpril What are the withdrawal symptoms of Lorazepam? Suggest treatment for shrivelled intestines and pain during defecation What are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome? What causes difficulty in penetration while having sexual intercourse? Suggest treatment for fatigue and pressure on shoulder What causes white pimple on the inside of my upper eyelid? Suggest treatment for blood in urine Suggest treatment for bumps near the anus Suggest home remedy for smoky smell in the urine Suggest treatment for loose bowel movement and pain Suggest remedy for red lines on face along with headaches and pain Suggest treatment for pain near the vaginal opening Suggest treatment for navel hernia What causes tissue discharge after Mirena placement? Suggest ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy Suggest medications for leg cramps Suggest treatment for ringing and fluid behind the ear Suggest treatment for high fever, diarrhea and vomiting What causes itchy skin on face? Suggest treatment for dry cough, weight loss and breathing difficulty Suggest treatment for pain in upper left shoulder area indicate What causes delay in menstruation despite taking Duphaston? Is it safe to have unprotected intercourse while getting treatment for genital warts? What causes watery vaginal discharge after a radical hysterectomy? What does my fasting glucose level indicate? Suggest treatment for lesion in buttocks and red nodules all over the body Suggest treatment for purple bruising and swelling around pubic area after falling What causes blood in mucus phlegm? What causes weak reflexes on one side of body? What is the difference between Gemer and Istamet? Suggest treatment for high fever and allergy What does my ultrasonography test report indicate? What is the growth duration of follicular cancer? What causes red spots on neck as well as inflamed ganglion behind ear? What causes red blotches on tip of penis? Suggest treatment for growing lump after uterus removal Is pregnancy possible through intercourse on 5th day of menstrual cycle? How are elevated liver enzymes, high glucose levels and vitamin-D deficiency linked? What causes a pea size hard painless lump in my right arm pit? Suggest treatment for pain in the back even after taking pain medicines Suggest treatment for addiction to thumb sucking What causes tingling sensation,swelling on lips along with occasional hives all over body? Suggest treatment for enlarged lymph node behind the ear What are the symptoms of HIV? Suggest remedy for bleeding and pain in the vaginal area Suggest treatment for loss of speech and memory after a paralysis stroke Suggest treatment for swelling in hand after failure in placing stent Dose will Progynova help in giving your embryo a better chance at implantation? What causes increased heart rate at night? Suggest ways to loose weight quickly Is pregnancy possible when contraceptive pill is taken 10 hours after intercourse? Suggest treatment for irregular periods Suggest treatment for fever, cough and cold Suggest treatment for excessive hair loss Is it safe to use a suppository for constipation 5 days after hernia repair surgery? Suggest treatment for mild hypertension Is laser treatment a permanent solution for hair removal on cheeks,chin,forehead and upper lip? What causes left-sided watery eye and itching under eye? Suggest treatment for severe fever, stomach ache and loose motions What causes head ache, throat infection and cough while suffering from sinus infection? Does bulging disc cause sciatica and nerve pain in leg and knee along with painful urination? What are the chances of pregnancy after non penetrative sexual activity? What causes mild white discharge after unprotected sexual intercourse? Suggest treatment for sensorineural hearing loss Can Nurofen tablets be taken for vomiting when having migraine? How effective is the plan B pill in preventing pregnancy? What causes constant urge to urinate? Suggest treatment for chest pain Suggest treatment for chronic kidney disease What causes 3 weeks of bleeding during perimenopause? Suggest treatment for red marks on shaft and dry skin What causes left-sided swelling in vulva during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for tooth pain during pregnancy Suggest treatment for chronic constipation along with abdominal pain Why are the Lorazepam tablets prescribed? Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms of Doxepin What causes trouble in seeing grey or brown colour? What does a decreasing trend of TSH indicate? How long does the dose of Suboxone stay in the system? What causes severe runny nose and sneezing in the morning? Suggest treatment for infertility What do the following lab test reports indicate? What causes stabbing vaginal pain after urination after a vaginal hysterectomy? What causes light spotting along with stabbing pain in my vagina post LAVH? Can Serequal be discontinued if taken at a non-therapeutic dose? What causes mottled skin while lying down? Suggest diet for a 6 month old baby What are the symptoms of stress and anxiety? Suggest treatment for stress and anxiety along with tingling in shoulder Suggest treatment for pain and pressure during urination snd bowel movement What causes pain and difficulty during urination? Suggest treatment for cough during 7th month of pregnancy What are the possible causes to increased AST level? What does my ECG report indicate? What causes pain in the sides of stomach? What causes random pain in the breast while breast feeding? Suggest treatment for soreness and swelling around the nails after after an injury What are the symptoms of herpetic stomatitis? Suggest treatment for oppositional defiant disorder in children What are the side effects of Toprol XL and Supermet XL? Suggest treatment for bump and pimple like boil on labia What causes mild dizziness and headache after a nuclear stress test? What does absence of periods after taking Plan B indicate? What causes delay in menstruation after taking Nordette? What causes soreness on skin along with chills? What causes cold limbs, heaviness in chest, headaches and frequent urination? What causes upper abdominal pain after eating spicy food? What causes pain in legs and numbness in limbs? Is HIV ELISA test done 3 months after possible exposure conclusive? What are the chances of pregnancy despite having withdrawal bleeding post contraceptive intake? Suggest treatment for symptoms of flu and sore throat Suggest treatment for feeling heavy breath How does Doxylamine Succinate affect the prostate?
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