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Is it normal to get urine like liquid discharge after masturbation? Suggest treatment for diaper rash and skin allergy Suggest treatment for ED and pattern hair loss while on Finax Suggest treatment for body pain and tiredness Suggest treatment for neck weakness Can Fleet enema be taken when on Amiodarone to regulate heartbeat? Suggest treatment for throat pain Suggest treatment for stomach pain and fever Suggest treatment for neck weakness and thyroid disease Suggest remedy for high blood sugar levels Suggest remedy for change in menstrual flow and duration Suggest treatment for blisters on tonsils Suggest treatment for rash on cheeks that worsens after shaving What causes blisters on tonsils and drainage in throat? Suggest treatment for complicated childhood psychological trauma What causes swollen area on the left side of head? Does degenerative disc disease cause thunderclap headache? What causes feelings like a spider crawling up on back? Suggest treatment for painful burning raised rash on forehead Suggest remedy for dry face and stretchy skin after using Melawash and Melalite XL Suggest treatment for dry cough and headaches Suggest treatment for low hemoglobin levels What causes vomiting after having Zithromax for cough and sore throat? What causes burning sensation during urination? What causes rash on groin area spreading to arms and ankles? What causes stomach discomfort and vomiting after having food in a restaurant? Suggest treatment for lice and dandruff in scalp of a 6 year old What causes pain and swelling on right side of teeth post dental filling? Are abdominal pain and vomiting after having food symptoms of fatty liver? Is it safe to have protected sex while being treated for chlamydia? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for recurrent kidney stones and slightly enlarged parathyroids What causes foul smelling anal discharge after having anal intercourse? Suggest treatment for blisters in genital area Suggest treatment for severe dandruff along with hair fall What causes burning sensation on tongue? What are the chances of HIV transmission through contaminated water entering eyes? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node in groin area, nausea and tiredness What causes pain in upper leg post bilateral hernia surgery? Suggest treatment for severe coughing in a 3 year old Suggest treatment for severe buttock pain after accidental fall Is it safe to plan for pregnancy while suffering from high BP? Suggest treatment for headache, fever and body pain Is safe to switch from Quitanx to Escitalopram for depression? Suggest treatment for low grade fever and headache What causes swelling on clitoris post unprotected sex? What causes low sodium levels with normal blood work? What causes dry mouth in a BP patient? What causes dull pain at the same area of osteochondritis descanse surgery on right knee? Suggest treatment for UTI that is not responding to Ciprofloxacin What does excessive crying in a 7 month old baby indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy bumps on the vagina Suggest treatment for passing of gas and stomach pain after having food How long does vaginal bleeding take to start after having Mifepristone? Suggest tests to diagnose any issues with liver Suggest treatment for passing of worms in stool Suggest life style modifications to be made for erectile dysfunction What are the symptoms when one experiences an adrenaline rush and a panic attack? What causes delayed period inspite of having I pill within 24 hours f unprotected sex? What causes eye infection following the use of contact lenses? Suggest treatment for constipation Suggest treatment for severe anxiety, depression and insomnia What causes painful mouth sores? Suggest treatment for pressure in genital area and UTI When is the best time to take a shower after exercising? Suggest treatment for anxiety and panic attacks What causes mild headache above left eye? What are the long term side effects of Cipar La? What causes blood in stool? When is the best time to take magnesium supplements while suffering from thyroid disorder? What causes drooling in adults? What causes persistent mouth ulcers in a person with hypothyroidism? What causes pain in navel area, bloating and pelvic pain? What causes fixed drug eruption on penis? What are the side effects of Diovan HCT, Toprol and Tekturna? What causes swollen inflamed skin on penis? What causes painful lumpy area between urethra and vagina? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? What do the following test reports indicate? What causes persistent pimple on chin? Suggest treatment for prepuce of penis along with circumferential cuts and itching What causes redness on eyeball of right eye? What causes red spots on penis? Suggest remedy for excessive sweating and dry mouth What causes frequent urination and memory weakness after taking Depakote and Zyprexa? Suggest treatment for Rubella infection Suggest treatment for bouts of vomiting and dry heaves Can anti-depressants Like Nexito,Carbamezapine and Clonazepam cause side effects? Suggest remedy for cold and fever Suggest dosage of Sinethicone for a child Suggest treatment for stomach pain and delayed periods Suggest treatment for sensitive sensation in the teeth Suggest ways to increase weight of a baby Suggest dosage of Vaxirab after exposure to the virus What causes sudden onset of colic pain? What does the following blood test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for liver decompensation Suggest treatment for fever along with vomiting What causes a clamp like sensation on chest? What are the side effects of accidental dosage of Ibuprofin in child? What causes deep venous thrombosis after intravenous line insertion? What causes severe pain in eye and head, depression, dizziness and imbalance? What causes visible veins on scrotum and varicose veins his legs? What causes a spontaneous bleed from the scrotum after taking Iburprofen ? Can Ciprotab, Doxycycline and Metronidazole be taken together? Suggest treatment for high BP and nerve block What does the brain MRI report indicate? Is it normal to have anxiety after root canal procedure? Is it normal to experience incontinence after lamonectomy? Suggest treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome Suggest treatment for constipation and bleeding from anus Suggest treatment for hives over legs and nausea after using Macrobid Suggest treatment for lower leg swelling and rash Suggest remedy for lump on head and blurred vision after injury to head How to improve vision? Suggest remedy for blurred vision after head injury What causes dark blue discoloration of toes? What causes cough and sore throat after choking on some food? What causes electric jolts of pain in the arm? Suggest treatment for restless legs when on Merapex and Coreg Suggest treatment for chronic spine pain Suggest treatment for tooth infection and swelling on face How to handle the withdrawal symptoms of Oxycontin? Is it safe to continue use of Coumadin along with Prevagan? Suggest treatment for contact of contaminated blood or saliva with open wound What causes recurrent miscarriage? Suggest treatment for painful intercourse Suggest treatment for male orgasmic disorder What causes heart palpitations, nausea and dizziness post Benzodiazepine withdrawal? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? Can Postinor 2 help in aborting 2 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe sore throat after wisdom teeth removal Suggest treatment for oral submucosal fibrosis Suggest treatment for burning sensation in the rectal area What does the following blood test report indicate? What causes change in color of stool in a heavy drinker? Suggest treatment for distended abdomen and GERD Suggest treatment for tear in labrum and ligaments What causes delay in period along with negative UPT? Suggest treatment for swollen legs and water blisters Is a penis size of 5 inches ideal for intercourse? What causes enlargement of cervical and axillary lymph nodes? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes red colored skin rash on arms? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar levels and inducible ischaemia What causes extreme paranoid behavior of a person? What causes lump on right side of jaw below ear? What does this lab report in a person with Sjogren's syndrome? Suggest treatment for uterine fibroids What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? What causes pores on penis? Suggest treatment for hypoproteinemia How long do the withdrawal symptoms of Oxycontin last? What does my chest x-ray test report indicate? Suggest treatment for flu like symptoms, tiredness and painful patches on body Does Metronidazole gel cause irritation and leave marks on skin? What causes distal muscle weakness? What causes dry mouth after having Amoxicillin and Azithromycin? What causes increasing thickness of uterine wall? How to check the efficacy of Plavix? What causes chest in-drawing in young adults? What does this abdominal ultrasound report indicate? Is it safe to start Glucosamine tablets for osteoarthritis? Is it safe to start Levothyroxine for thyroid disorder during pregnancy? What do non-shadowing echogenic structures within the gallbladder indicate? What are the chances of HIV transmission through protected intercourse? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? What causes stabbing pain in lower pelvic area? How does Progynova help in getting pregnant post embryo transfer? Suggest remedy for hard spots on the heels What does the blood report after chemotherapy indicate? What causes lots of nosebleeds? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and thin penis Can Viagra be taken when diagnosed with diabetes? Suggest treatment for atrial fib and hypertension What causes fever, chills tremors and cold after walking? Suggest treatment for primary infertility when trying to conceive Suggest treatment for fever and infection in child Suggest treatment for purple looking blood blisters on vagina Is pregnancy possible through unprotected sex on 4th day of menstruation? Suggest treatment and precautions while suffering from jaundice Suggest treatment for anovulation and problem during conception What causes food coming up to esophagus while treating acid reflux? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? What are the symptoms of anxiety? Suggest ways to wean off Methadone and heroin What causes unexplained swollen lips? Suggest treatment for severe joints pain and swelling on the legs How long does a beta blocker stay in the system? What causes pain behind the knee and trouble in straightening legs? Suggest treatment for epididymo-orchitis Is developmental assessment necessary when child is unable to work alone? What causes a painful sebaceous cyst on penis? Suggest treatment for negative pregnancy test and delayed periods Suggest treatment for acne spot under chin and big red lump in skin What causes a sudden onset of muscle weakness and burning sensation in the arm? Suggest treatment for sore and itchy penis Suggest treatment for lump on the side of clitoris How long does Metoprolol remain in the body? Suggest treatment for breathing problem and pain in ribs
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