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Urinary and Bladder Problems Questions & Answers

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2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Hello, I am 45 year old male. I am facing urge for very frequent urination, stomachache, burping. Have taken Norflox400 as I felt it was uti. A week back, had severe gastro issues and was prescribed Maftal Spas by doctor. Unable to sleep due to frequent urination and stomach pain. What can I do...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Hi, Age 54, Male PSA 3.26, Prostate 46.5 cc, and shows normal echo texture. Pre void 330 cc, PVRU 19 cc. No calcifications are seen. Taking alfusin 10 mg for the past 1 and a half year. When not enough water is taken the stream is weak and dribbling, otherwise fine but after urination sensation...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi, I had a surgery of ureter stone 10 days before. Now I am suffering from irritation and feeling some pain on my penis. Firstly I thought that it may be due to stent. After searching on internet, I had started to clean my penis twice a day for good hygiene. Dr. Please suggest me a particular...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi, i have frequent urination from past 3 days. I have erectile dysfunction for past 3 years . I am 31 years old. I dont have any pain in pelvic, groin or testicle. But urge to urinate is too much. In urine routine test no bacteria is found. Little trace of microscopic blood is present....
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
I had sex recently and I think i overstimulated my clit now when I pee I feel pressure and even after using the bathroom I still feel strong urges to pee. It doesn’t burn but almost feels like an uncomfortable orgasum or like I’ve been holding me pee in for too long
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Renal transplantee, dialysis paitent, diabetes type 1 and hypertension. Having pains in my centre and centre right of my abdomen like a gnawing pain, feeling bloated, uncomfortable, rocking back and forth for a time feeling like i have narrowed it down to stomach ulcer or UTI i cant pee and when...
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
I went to my GP 2days ago as was having problems weeing and paon in my lower back and sides and stomach said it was a UTI but she was worried that it might have spread to my kidneys she gave antibiotics and said if I feel worse to go back to see her or to the hospital I feel so much worse o jus...
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hello, please I got an UTI infection and I tried to treat it and fail but now I feel something moving in my testacles like bacteria and when I go to doctors, they tell me nothing is inside, I did Scan and urinalysis even nothing detected .what could be the cause,?
2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
Hello I m a 39 year old male that s had a kidney removed as a baby ! Also had a urostimy bag until I was 7 years old haven t had any problems to speak of since aside from an a couple of urinary tract infections and one kidney infection in 2016 my question is considering my current symptoms which...
2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
Hi am peter have been having frequent urination, doctor placed me on levofloxacin, I discovered I my urine is kind of foamy, could it be the drug or the natural supliment am on? Though there s improvement, and I feel some stomach troubles slight one though
2 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
I an 19 years old girl having black particles in urine and lower left side itching 6 or 7months ago there were too much particles coming in my pee but the urine report was normal and doctor told us it may be kidney stone But its not going completely please tell me why this is happening
2 1 Mon, 4 Dec 2023
Colour:pale yellow Appearance:MILD TURBID Specific Gravity CHEMICAL EXAMINATION Sugar:Nill Albumin:TRACE Bile Salt& Pigmentation: Negetive MICROSCOPE EXAMINATION Puss Cells:8-10 Epithelial Cell:5-6 R.B.C:OCC/HPF Casts:Nill Crystals:Nill Others:Nill anything problem in the report plz tell me
2 1 Mon, 4 Dec 2023
I drink lotsof water,but still cant go andIfeel very full-tight iactually drank a a real coffee Ikeep telling Dr suresh. my nurse said Ihave chronic kidney problem . I asked the dr. why he wanted me to take less furosemide he ignored me. I am diabetic with all the medicines and the heart problems...
2 1 Mon, 4 Dec 2023
Hie ,i had a test for blood test and urine test and my absolute eosinophil count was 1168,my urine test was few pus cells and bacteria seen ,scanty growth of urethral commensal ,my bp was 130/100.i have some discomforts when or even when not urinating .My doctor said nothing wrong it will all be...
2 1 Fri, 1 Dec 2023
Afternoon I have a problem, lately when I pee every morning the urine smells really bad strong, it aches actually its been days now at first I thought I might be pregnant but once I got my period the smell continued, am taking contraceptives pills its been years and this it the first time this...
2 1 Thu, 2 Nov 2023
Hi, i am 31years old..I am having lower back pain and frequent urinary with flamation..Married with two children..Went to the Doctor and she prescribe me with Diazepam 5mg and Omeprazole 20mg Tablets..Am i having any sorts of cancer???
2 1 Thu, 2 Nov 2023
Hello dr., I am also feeling urge of pee with weird sensation of clitoris, whenever I go for pee, this happens and it stays for a long time, till that time I have to very tightly because it is very uncomfortable, and feels i again want to go for pee, bt pee doesn t come out. What to do?
2 1 Thu, 2 Nov 2023
Hi, For the last 6 days I am suffering from frequent urination (every half an hour). Before that for the last 8 months I was facing the problem of burning sensation in the vagina during urination. The burning sensation thing is not now but this frequent urination has started from the last 6 days....
2 1 Tue, 31 Oct 2023
Hi. I had unprotected sex one day before and two weeks before I had been having UTI but it was treated though not to its satisfaction but as from today I have had frequent urination without emptying the bladder and with sharp sweetness on the G spot and it has been too much that it s now painful
2 1 Thu, 26 Oct 2023
Hi dr i feel sanstion and mild burn near opening urthera (male ) and looks my penis skin dry and when cloth touch then gland tip it feel discomfort and musturbate cause discomfort on gland and urine burning.all Std Nagative (herpes Igm nagtive and IGG reactive 4.77 ) never have breakout .not...