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Suggest treatment for umbilical and incisional hernia What causes pain on left side above breast while sneezing? What causes swelling in the region of wisdom tooth? What causes burning sensation in rib cage? What causes pain radiating from leg to foot? Suggest treatment for cold, mild fever and difficulty in sleeping Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for swelling, soreness and burning feeling during urination What causes episodes of increased heart rate followed by irregular heart rhythms? Suggest treatment for dry eyes Does stress increase blood sugar levels? Suggest treatment for frequent cough and cold in children What causes nosebleed after head injury? What causes a dull ache after removing stent? Suggest treatment for severe gas and bloating What causes tiredness, dizziness and severe headache? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for occasional sore and tickling irritation in throat What causes slow heart rate? Suggest treatment for dark spots in penis area Suggest treatment for gastritis, oesophagitis and residues of acid What causes low grade fever while suffering from cellulitis and sepsis? What causes sharp right-sided abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding? Suggest treatment for black spots on gums Is it advisable to travel and play after treating nasal bone fracture? Suggest treatment for cotton from q-tip stuck in ear What causes tortuous colon? Can a thrush infection cause a missed period? Does quadruple pregnancy affect the fetus? Suggest treatment for urticaria Is it possible to achieve pregnancy with low anti-mullerian hormone? Suggest treatment for severe hair loss What causes repeated vomiting episodes even after taking Gravol? What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for extremely painful white sore under tongue Suggest treatment for recurrent depression What causes periodic stinging pain throughout body? Suggest treatment for acute stomach ulcers, low BP and dizziness Suggest treatment for cough, fever and phlegm stuck in throat What causes loss of focus on task at hand all the time? What causes shortness of breath after quitting smoking? Suggest treatment for marks on face and body What causes foaming from mouth, phlegm from nose when in a non-responsive state? What causes itchy rashes on body? What causes lump at anal verge? Does touching bleach water during pregnancy harm the fetus? What are the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? What causes fever? What causes blood in urine? What does the triple marker test indicate? What causes blood with white flakea in urine? In what time period should contraceptive pills be taken to avoid pregnancy? What does one dark line in pregnancy test indicate? Suggest treatment for vitamin D3 deficiency Suggest treatment for weight gain and depression when having thyroid problems What causes pain in hip and lower back during third trimester? What are the symptoms of anaemia during pregnancy? What causes excessive shedding of endometrium and corresponding bleeding? What causes dehydration while suffering from stomach flu? Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain What determines the sex of a baby? Suggest treatment for genital wart What causes severe abdominal pain after a pelvis fracture? Suggest treatment for recurrent fever, cough and cold every month What causes itching in penis after having oral sex? Suggest treatment for large lump inside elbow What causes erectile dysfunction inspite of being on lot of antidepressants? Suggest treatment for accidental consumption of ear drops by a 2 year old Will chlorine water help dissolve the ear wax? What causes pain in right testicle that radiates to lower back? Suggest treatment for intrusive thoughts related to being homosexual and anxiety What causes fluttering in abdomen? What do my BP test results indicate? What causes penile discharge when sexually aroused? What causes difficulty in exercising post stent replacement? How to get rid of chickenpox scars and pigmentation on face? Suggest treatment for folliculitis What do my HIV test results indicate? Suggest treatment for vertigo and ringing in the ears Suggest treatment for dizziness and pain in the ear Suggest ways to reduce weight of a 11 year old child What are the symptoms of symptoms of endometrial tuberculosis? Suggest treatment for pain around belly button Will Zinatt or Augmentin help to treat chlamydia? What does less height in children with history of hip dysplasia indicate? Suggest treatment for incomplete abortion Suggest treatment for recurrent nasal infections Is it safe to have cocktails while suffering from stage 3 chronic kidney disease? Suggest treatment for recurring bladder cancer Suggest pain medication for chronic back pain Does magnesium lotion help with sleep and anxiety? What causes itching sensation along with sore lump on nipple? What causes red dot at the back of hand? Suggest effective substitute for Metaclopramide for food poisoning What causes excessive salivation after eating? What causes dizziness and weakness after having Divon? What does my breath test report indicate? Suggest remedy for itchy vaginal yeast infection while recovering from bronchial infection Are symptom free periods between AIP attacks normal? Suggest treatment for enlarged adenoids in children What causes intense nerve sensation after a spinal fusion L 3/4? Are bifocal glasses required after a cataract surgery? What causes two lumps on either side of back of neck in children? What causes two lumps on either side of back of neck in children? What causes elevated leukocyte count? Suggest treatment for lump under the skin and behind the ear What does positive ANA test indicate? What causes Sjogren's syndrome? What causes urgent loose stools, vomiting and sleeplessness? What causes upper abdominal hernia, lower back pain, mild fever and chills? Suggest treatment for optic migraine and weak left eye Can a tooth fractured during an automobile accident cause tooth infection? Suggest remedy for painful insect bite on the thighs What are the withdrawal symptoms with Celexa? What are the chances of HIV transmission through protected oral sex? What causes splenomegaly? What do my HIV test results indicate? Suggest treatment for slightly deranged liver function test results Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression Suggest treatment for ringworm infection What causes deep constant pain below the rib cage? How long do vertigo symptoms last? How long does I pill show its efficacy if taken within 72 hours of intercourse? What causes pain in lower abdomen and lower back? Suggest treatment for high BP and diabetes What causes fainting feeling after smoking? Suggest treatment for spraying of urinary stream along with erection problem What are the foods to be avoided while suffering from Crohn's disease? Suggest medication for panic attacks during pregnancy Suggest treatment for diarrhea, fever and stomach ache What causes elevated TSH levels? What causes thinning of penile skin? Is it possible to get pregnant despite taking I pill within 72 hours of intercourse? What causes pain in foot and heel after an injury? What causes severe persistent headache? Suggest treatment for flu in a person with diverticulitis Suggest treatment for bleeding scab on the ear lobe What causes lymph node enlargement? What is kidney sludge? What are the chances of HIV infection after sexual activity? What causes foamy urine? What are the significance of increased serum GGTP levels? What causes blood to come out of mouth at death? Suggest treatment for piercing abdominal pain and infection in gall bladder Suggest dosage for Misoprostol and Mifepristone Suggest treatment for small painless lump above ankle Suggest treatment for elevated leukocyte count Is it safe to have Acamprosate calcium along with Baclofen and Amitriptyline? What causes feeling of lump under rib cage on left side? What causes blood semen? Suggest remedy for blood in semen Suggest treatment for heavy growth of enterococcus faecalis What are the chances of HIV after unprotected receptive anal sex? What causes recurring fever in a 2 year old? What causes insomnia, flushing sensation in face and upper body? What causes tremors while writing or signing documents? What causes bumps on knuckles of fingers? What causes blood and mucus in stool? What causes prolonged psychotic episodes? What causes irregular periods along with breast tenderness? Suggest treatment for hair loss What causes persistent vomiting with normal endoscopy? Suggest treatment for poor vision caused due to diabetic retinopathy What causes pain in groin area with history of prostate removal? What causes headache along with red spots on cheek of a 4 year old? Is pregnancy possible through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for dry cough Suggest safe abortion methods What causes welts on leg? What are the chances of HIV transmission through unprotected intercourse? What does a radiating pain in the foot and bulging lump indicate? What causes intermittent calf pain? What causes sensing of burnt metal smell inspite of being on Aleve-D for flu? What causes elevated ALP levels? What causes infection post colorectal surgery for hernia repair? What causes pain in lower legs and severe lethargy? Can Primolut N tablet be used to delay the periods? Suggest treatment for chronic sinusitis and post nasal drip Does thrush medication delay the menstrual cycle? Do MRSA strains producing PSM toxin cause septic shock in people with weak immune system? What are the chances of pregnancy after unprotected sex? Is it safe have unprotected sex while suffering from syphilis? What causes delay in menstruation after taking I-pill? Suggest treatment for soreness on penis and sore throat Suggest treatment for high uric acid levels Suggest treatment for rashes on feet What are the chances of recurrence of TB infection? Suggest treatment for trouble in having bowel movements What causes delay in menstruation after treating thrush? What does the presence of pus and epithelial cells in urine test report indicate? Can Clamp Kid Forte be given to child for cough? Suggest treatment for IBS, gas and diarrhea Will taking two Postinor-2 pills together terminate pregnancy? Suggest treatment for h-pylori infection, hiatus hernia, weight loss and indigestion Suggest treatment for kidney stone Suggest treatment for osteopenia What do my blood test reports indicate? What does the following X ray report indicate? Suggest remedy for vomiting, lethargy and loss of conciousness after using a natural herb Suggest treatment for a perianal abscess
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